Fire Resistance and Firestopping
1438.01   Safeguards to reduce fire or explosion hazards.
1438.02   Construction of fire-retardant ceilings.
1438.03   Wood shingles.
1438.04   Cooling towers.
1438.05   Cornices.
1438.06   Inspection of firestopping.
1438.07   Firestopping of joists.
1438.08   Prevention of fire spread in attic spaces.
1438.09   Construction of fire partitions.
1438.10   Fire partitions in buildings of Type 3 construction.
1438.11   Openings in fire partitions.
1438.12   Cellar ceilings.
1438.99   Penalty.
   Fire and Emergency Medical Services Division - see CHTR. § 5.05D.; ADM. Ch. Ch. 242
   Driving over fire hose - see TRAF. 432.28
   Fire hydrants in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1236.12
   Fire extinguishers - see B. & H. 1425.25
   Fire alarms and fire-extinguishing equipment - see B. & H. Ch. Ch. 1436
   Obstruction of fire hydrants - see B. & H. 1452.14
   Access to fire-extinguishing equipment - see B. & H. 1452.26
   Maintenance of fire escapes - see B. & H. 1496.03(d)
   Fire Prevention Code - see F.P. Ch. Ch. 1610 et seq.
   Fire hazards - see F.P. Ch. 1620.06 et seq.