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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
§ 1-05 Regulated Uses.
Violation of any paragraph or subparagraph of this section shall subject the violator to a civil penalty, as specified in the Department's penalty schedule. See 56 RCNY § 1-07. In addition, except as otherwise provided below, such violation shall also constitute an offense (classified as a "violation" under the Penal Law), which can be punished by imprisonment of up to one day or a fine of not more than $200. As specified in this section, certain violations of specified paragraphs or subparagraphs of this section are classified by the Administrative Code as misdemeanors. Except as otherwise provided in this section, a misdemeanor can be punished by imprisonment of up to 20 days or a fine of not more than $1,000. Note that other laws, including but not limited to the Penal Law, may also apply to the conduct described below.
   (a)   Assemblies, meetings, exhibitions.
      (1)   No person shall hold or sponsor any event that significantly interferes with ordinary park use without a permit issued by the Department. Significant interference with ordinary park use includes but is not limited to: harming landscaping, planting, or structures in the park; preventing operations in a specialized area such as a zoo, swimming pool, or skating rink; precluding other events that have a valid permit; unreasonably interfering with enjoyment of the park by other uses. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
      (2)   No person shall hold or sponsor any special event or demonstration without a permit issued by the Department.
      (3)   No person shall erect any structure, stand, booth, platform, or exhibit in connection with any event without a permit issued by the Department. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
   (b)   Unlawful vending.
      (1)   No person in or on any property under the jurisdiction of the Department shall sell, offer for sale, hire, lease or let anything whatsoever, including, but not limited to goods, services, or entertainment, or provide or offer to provide services, items, or entertainment in exchange for a donation (hereinafter "vend"), except under and within the terms of a permit, or except as otherwise provided by law. For the purposes of this entire section, persons who vend as defined herein may be referred to as "vendor" or "vendors."
      (2)   Persons may vend expressive matter, as defined in 56 RCNY § 1-02, on property under jurisdiction of the Department without a permit, but must comply with all applicable provisions of these rules. However, in the specific locations enumerated in paragraph (3) expressive matter vendors may only vend expressive matter at the specifically designated spots identified by the Commissioner in the accompanying maps and as marked by a Department decal, medallion, or other form of marking, on the specific location of the approved vending spot, unless they are only vending expressive matter without using a cart, display stand, or other device and without occupying a specific location for longer than necessary to conduct a transaction and are otherwise in compliance with Department rules. These spots shall be allocated upon a first come, first served basis except as otherwise provided by law and any expressive matter vendor may only vend expressive matter centered directly behind the Department decal, medallion, or other form of marking. Only one expressive matter vendor is authorized to vend directly behind the Department decal, medallion, or other form of marking. If multiple expressive matter vendors attempt to vend expressive matter at any one Department decal, medallion, or other form of marking and it cannot be determined which expressive matter vendor arrived first, then all such expressive matter vendors at such spot will be in violation of this section and may be directed to leave the area of that Department decal, medallion, or other form of marking immediately. Any such expressive matter vendor failing to leave the area of the Department decal, medallion, or other form of marking immediately upon direction will be in violation of these rules. Expressive matter vendors can only occupy the designated spots for the purpose of vending expressive matter and only during posted times, which will be consistent with the hours of operation for the park where such designated spots are located in or adjacent to. The designated spots may deviate from the restrictions enumerated in subparagraphs (i), (iv), (v), or (vi) of paragraph 5, if such spots are determined to be appropriate by the Commissioner given the specific features of the park.
      (3)   Expressive matter vendors may not vend in the following general areas unless they vend at the specifically designated spots for such vending on the accompanying maps and in compliance with all other applicable Department rules:
         (i)   Central Park at the following locations: (A) the perimeter of the park between East 85th Street and East 60th Street, including all sidewalks and plazas (B) the perimeter of the park between West 86th Street and West 60th Street, including all sidewalks and plazas (C) all of Central Park South, including all sidewalks and plazas (D) Wien Walk and Wallach Walk, (E) pedestrian pathways parallel to East Drive between Grand Army Plaza and the Center Drive, (F) Grand Army Plaza, (G) Pulitzer Plaza, and (H) Columbus Circle.
         (ii)   Battery Park, including all perimeter sidewalks.
         (iii)   Union Square Park, including all perimeter sidewalks.
         (iv)   Elevated portions of High Line Park.
      (4)   (i)   No vendor in or on any property under the jurisdiction of the Department shall allow any item or items used or offered in conjunction with vending to touch, lean against or be affixed permanently or temporarily to any street or park furniture installed on public property or any rock formation, tree, shrub or other planting.
         (ii)   No vendor shall block any person from using any street or park furniture installed on public property by way of the vending activity.
         (iii)   No vendor shall vend anything in such a manner that would damage or otherwise injure Department property, including, but not limited to lawns, plants, animals or buildings.
         (iv)   No vendor shall vend anything that is placed immediately on a sidewalk or park path, or on a blanket or board placed immediately upon such surface or on the top of a trash receptacle or cardboard box.
         (v)   No vendor shall vend anything over any ventilation grill, cellar door, manhole, transformer vault or subway access grating.
         (vi)   No vendor shall vend anything directly from any parked or double parked motor vehicle except for food vendors with appropriate Department and New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene permits.
         (vii)   No vendor shall vend anything in an unsuitable location because the location is a specialized area including, but not limited to, a zoo, swimming pool, playground, athletic field or court, or skating rink;
      (5)   No vendor shall vend anything whatsoever using a display stand that:
         (i)   provides less than a twelve (12) foot wide clear pedestrian path measured from the display on the sidewalk or park path to the opposite edge of the sidewalk or park path, except that when there is street or park furniture on the pedestrian path the measurement must be taken from the display to two feet from the street or park furniture in order to determine whether there is less than a twelve (12) foot wide clear pedestrian path;
         (ii)   is placed on any other part of a sidewalk under the Department's jurisdiction other than that which abuts the curb, unless otherwise authorized;
         (iii)   is within any bus stop, carriage horse stand, pedicab stand, or taxi stand, or is within ten (10) feet of any subway entrance or exit;
         (iv)   is within five (5) feet from any street or park furniture, public telephone, disabled access ramp, tree, or from individuals or entities authorized by permit or license by the Commissioner to operate at a specific location;
         (v)   is within ten (10) feet from any crosswalk on any path or on any sidewalk under the jurisdiction of the Department;
         (vi)   is placed within fifty (50) feet from any monument or other public art installation, including, but not limited to ornamental fountains;
         (vii)   occupies more than eight (8) linear feet of public space parallel to the curb or park path;
         (viii)   occupies more than three (3) linear feet in depth;
         (ix)   is more than five (5) feet high or less than twenty-four (24) inches above the sidewalk or park path where the display surface is parallel to the sidewalk or park path, and may not be less than twelve (12) inches above the sidewalk or park path where the display surface is vertical;
         (x)   where a rack or other display structure is placed on the top or above a table or other base, the size of the base is not less than the size of any rack or display structure placed thereon. Nothing shall be placed on the base so as to exceed the size limitations contained in this section;
         (xi)   uses any areas other than that area immediately beneath the surface of the display stand for the storage of items for sale, unless permitted by Department license or permit for the use of a fixed location to store items for sale; or
         (xii)   fails to use an opaque covering to shield any items stored beneath the surface of the display stand.
      (6)   For the purposes of this section a display stand shall mean a movable, portable or collapsible structure, framework, device, container or other contrivance used by a vendor in any property under the jurisdiction of the Department for the purpose of displaying, keeping or storing any goods, wares, merchandise, foodstuffs or expressive matter.
      (7)   For the purposes of this section, street or park furniture shall mean any City-installed, maintained or approved structure, including but not limited to, benches, newspaper boxes, tree guards, fire hydrants, trash receptacles, telephone kiosks, newsstands, bus shelters, barricades, bollards, traffic signs, traffic lights, walls, water fountains, or fences located in any property under the jurisdiction of the Department.
      (8)   Where exigent circumstances exist and a Department employee or police officer gives notice to a vendor to move temporarily from any location such vendor shall not vend from such location. For the purposes of this section, exigent circumstances shall include, but not be limited to, unusually heavy pedestrian or vehicular traffic, the existence of any obstruction in the park, an accident, fire, or other emergency situation, a parade, special event, demonstration, construction project, maintenance operations, or other such event at or near such location, including periods of set up and take down for such exigent circumstances.
      (9)   Violation of any paragraph of this subdivision constitutes a misdemeanor.
   (c)   Unlawful posting of notices or signs.
      (1)   No person shall post, display, affix, construct or carry any placard, flag, banner, sign or model or display any such item by means of aircraft, kite, balloon or other aerial device, in, on, or above the surface of any park for any purpose whatsoever without a permit issued by the Commissioner. Each separate item placed in violation of this section shall constitute a separate violation.
      (2)   Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subdivision (c), any person may carry any item described in paragraph (1) of this subdivision (c), without the aid of any aircraft, kite, balloon or other aerial device, where the space on which the message of such item is contained has a height no greater than two feet and a length no longer than three feet, and that such item takes up a total area of no more than six square feet.
      (3)   Any person who posts or displays a sign upon park property, including the perimeters of any park, whether or not pursuant to a permit issued under this subdivision (c), shall be responsible for removal of such sign pursuant to the conditions in such permit, or immediately if no such permit has been issued. Failure to remove any sign that is posted or displayed on such property, or that remains on such property, other than in compliance with such permit, shall constitute a violation of these rules and regulations.
      (4)   In the event that a notice or sign is, in violation of this subdivision (c), posted or displayed on any property, including the perimeters of any park, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that any person whose name, telephone number, or other identifying information appears on such notice or sign has violated this subdivision by either (i) pasting, posting, painting, printing or nailing such notice or sign, or (ii) directing, suffering or permitting a servant, agent, employee or other individual under such person's control to engage in such activity; provided, however, that such rebuttable presumption shall not apply with respect to criminal prosecutions brought pursuant to this paragraph (4).
   (d)   Noise; sound reproduction devices; musical instruments. 
      (1)   No person shall make, or cause or allow to be made, unreasonable noise in any park so as to cause public inconvenience, annoyance or harm. Unreasonable noise means any excessive or unusually loud sound that disturbs the peace, comfort or repose of a reasonable person of normal sensitivity or injures or endangers the health or safety of a reasonable person of normal sensitivity, or which causes injury to plant or animal life, or damage to property or business.
      (2)   No person shall play or operate any sound reproduction device, as defined in 56 RCNY § 1-02, in any park without a permit from the Department and any other City agency or agencies with pertinent jurisdiction. This paragraph (2) shall not apply to the regular and customary use of sound reproduction devices operated in full accordance with these rules so as not unreasonably to disturb other persons in their permitted uses of the park. In areas designated by the Commissioner as "quiet zones," such regular and customary use of sound reproduction devices shall be prohibited. Signs shall be posted in all quiet zones advising the public of such prohibition. Use of radios and other sound reproduction devices listened to solely by headphones or earphones, and inaudible to others, is permitted in all areas of the parks. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
      (3)   No person shall play or operate any musical instrument or drum, radio, tape recorder or other device for producing sound in any park between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. except under the express terms of a permit issued by the Department. The Department may vary the hours specified in this paragraph in a particular park or area by posting signs advising the public of the restricted hours applicable to such park or area. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
      (4)   No person shall play or operate any musical instrument or drum or cause any noise for advertising or commercial purposes except as authorized 56 RCNY § 1-05(b)(2) or under the express terms of a permit a issued by the Department. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
   (e)   (1)   Unauthorized commercial cinematic production. No person shall engage in filming or photography subject to the permit requirements of the Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment ("MOME") or any successor agency except under the express terms of a permit issued by that office. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
      (2)   Filming or photography not requiring a permit. Any person or entity engaging in filming or photography in a park, where such activity does not require a permit under the permit requirement rules of MOME, may engage in such activity without obtaining a permit from MOME. In addition, any person or entity engaging in filming or photography involving only the use of handheld devices (as defined in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of 43 RCNY § 9-02) that takes place in an area under the Department's jurisdiction that is not a sidewalk, pathway, street, or walkway of a bridge need not obtain a MOME permit. Nothing herein shall be deemed to relieve such person or entity of the obligation to obtain a permit from the Department if such activity involves conduct otherwise requiring a permit, pursuant to any other rule of the Department.
   (f)   Alcoholic beverages.
      (1)   Except where specifically permitted by the Commissioner, no person shall consume any alcoholic beverage in any park, playground, beach, swimming pool or other park property or facility, nor shall any person possess any alcoholic beverage with intent to consume or facilitate consumption by others of same in any park, playground, beach, swimming pool, or other park property or facility.
      (2)   It shall be a violation of these rules for any person to appear in any park under the influence of alcohol, to the degree that he may endanger himself or herself, other persons or property, or unreasonably annoy persons in his or her vicinity.
   (g)   Beaches, boardwalks and pools.
      (1)   Bathing in waters adjacent to property under the jurisdiction of the Department shall be permitted only at authorized bathing beaches and only during the bathing season designated by the Commissioner. The Commissioner may limit or expand the extent of bathing beaches or shorten or extend the bathing season with due regard for weather conditions and the safety of the public. It shall be a violation of these rules to bathe at any time in unauthorized areas.
      (2)   Except where permitted by the Commissioner, no person shall bring into or use in any pool under the jurisdiction of the Department, artificial floats, masks, spears, fins, snorkels, air or gas tanks, or other apparatus used for skin or scuba diving. No person shall bring into or use in any other Parks waters, artificial floats, spears, fins, snorkels, air or gas tanks, or other apparatus used for scuba diving. Body boards, as defined in 56 RCNY § 1-02, are permitted at authorized bathing beaches at times when bathing is permitted. However, Department personnel may restrict the use of body boards based on site conditions, including but not limited to, rough water, overcrowding, and the nature of the location.
      (3)   Except in locations designated for such purpose, no person shall engage in any athletic game or conduct himself in such a way upon a bathing beach or in the water as to jeopardize the safety of himself or others. Surfboards are allowed only at areas expressly designated for such use.
      (4)   No person having, or apparently having any infectious disease shall be admitted to a bathing beach or bath house, or shall be permitted in the water.
      (5)   No person shall change clothes except in bath houses or other authorized places. No person shall be nude at any bathing area, beach or pool under the jurisdiction of the Department.
      (6)   No person shall disobey the reasonable direction of a lifeguard, nor shall any person carry on unnecessary conversation with a lifeguard, or falsely call for help or assistance, or stand, sit upon, or cling to lifeguard perches, or cling to or go into a lifeguard boat except in an emergency.
      (7)   Persons using swimming pools under the jurisdiction of the Department may only do so if dressed in bathing suits, and only after showering at the park immediately prior to entering such pools.
      (8)   Bathing and swimming in park swimming pools shall be allowed only when a lifeguard is on duty and on such days and at such times as are designated by the Commissioner and posted at each facility.
      (9)   No person shall dive into water under the jurisdiction of the department except where specifically authorized by posted signs.
   (h)   Fishing.
      (1)   Fishing shall be permitted from locations under the jurisdiction of the Department, except in open swimming areas or where specifically prohibited. Any person who engages in fishing shall obey all posted guidelines, and comply with all applicable City, State and Federal laws and regulations, including Title 6 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law.
      (2)   The use of lead fishing weights in waters under the jurisdiction of the Department shall be a violation of these rules.
      (3)   Failure to remove fishing line fragments and hooks from land and waters under the jurisdiction of the Department shall be a violation of these rules.
      (4)   All fish caught in fresh water areas shall be immediately released. The use of barbed hooks in such areas shall be a violation of these rules.
      (5)   The use of traps to catch fish and/or crustaceans in areas under the jurisdiction of the Department shall be prohibited.
   (i)   Bicycling and operating pedicabs. 
      (1)   Any person bringing a bicycle or a pedicab into any park shall obey all park signs pertaining to the use of such bicycles or pedicabs. Only pedicabs that carry a registration plate as required by § 20-255 of the New York City Administrative Code and are operated by, or are authorized to be operated by, a pedicab business that possesses a valid pedicab business license, as defined by § 20-249 of the New York City Administrative Code, may be operated within property under the jurisdiction of the Department. Only a pedicab driver as defined by § 20-249 of the New York City Administrative Code who has a valid pedicab driver's license as defined by § 20-249 of the New York City Administrative Code may operate a pedicab within property under the jurisdiction of the Department.
      (2)   No bicycle or pedicab shall be ridden or otherwise operated in vegetated areas or on any bridle path, pedestrian way, park path, sitting or play area, playground, or in any other area so designated. Bicycles may be ridden and operated on park roads, bikepaths, and other areas specifically designated by the Commissioner. Pedicabs may only be operated on park roads designated by the Commissioner and may not be operated or stopped in (i) any recreation lane designated by the Commissioner for use by pedestrians or bicyclists; or (ii) any bikepath designated by the Commissioner.
      (3)   No person shall operate a bicycle or a pedicab in a reckless manner. Any person operating a bicycle or pedicab shall operate it in the direction of traffic and obey all traffic lights and road signs. Persons operating pedicabs may not ride adjacent to another pedicab, bicycle or vehicle, except when using the left lane to pass another pedicab, bicycle or motor vehicle.
      (4)   No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped, except children may be carried in seats securely attached to a bicycle. No person riding a bicycle shall attach himself or herself or his/her bicycle to the outside of any vehicle being operated upon a roadway.
      (5)   Any person operating a bicycle shall yield the right of way to pedestrians, in-line skaters, and horse drawn carriages. Any person operating a pedicab shall yield the right of way to pedestrians, bicyclists, in-line skaters, and horse drawn carriages.
      (6)   On the park roads in Central Park, all pedicabs shall remain in the far right lane, except when passing another pedicab, bicycle, or vehicle, in which case the pedicab may use the next lane to the left to pass.
      (7)   No person shall operate a pedicab adorned with commercial advertising in any park, or at any other location under the jurisdiction of the Department, unless the pedicab is on a park road during a time when private motor vehicles are allowed to operate on such park road.
      (8)   No person operating a pedicab in any park, or at any other location under the jurisdiction of the Department, shall solicit, pick up or release passengers except at areas specifically designated by the Commissioner, subject to any limitation imposed by the Commissioner as to the number of pedicabs that may solicit, pick up or release passengers in such designated areas at any given time. Signs shall be posted informing the public of the designation of such areas for solicitation, pick up or release of pedicab passengers.
      (9)   No person operating a pedicab shall occupy an area reserved solely for buses, taxicabs, horse drawn carriages or other vehicles or motor vehicles.
      (10)   In addition to complying with the provisions of this subdivision (i) of 56 RCNY § 1-05, pedicab drivers shall operate pedicabs in compliance with the provisions of § 20-259 of the New York City Administrative Code.
      (11)   If there are exceptional circumstances, the Commissioner, in consultation with the Commissioners of the Police, Transportation and Consumer Affairs Departments, shall be authorized, upon notice, to restrict or prohibit any pedicab driver, as defined by § 20-249 of the New York City Administrative Code, from operating his or her pedicab on any park road otherwise designated for pedicab use, for a consecutive period of time, not to exceed fourteen days, or on one or more particular days. For purposes of this paragraph, exceptional circumstances shall include, but not be limited to, unusually heavy pedestrian or bicycle traffic, existence of any obstructions on Department property, a parade, demonstration, special event, or other such similar event or occurrence at or near such location. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this paragraph, the Commissioner may restrict or prohibit the operation of pedicabs within property under the jurisdiction of the Department for periods of time in excess of fourteen days when such restrictions apply to bicycles or other types of vehicles.
   (j)   Boating. 
      (1)   No owner or operator of a boat, vessel or dinghy shall violate rules of the Department regulating the operation, docking, storage, maintenance or removal of such boat, vessel or dinghy, or the use or alteration of facilities connected with such activities, including, but not limited to, the provisions of Chapters 3 and 4 of these rules. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
      (2)   No person shall land a boat of any kind other than a human-powered boat, such as a kayak, canoe, rowboat or pedal boat, on any park shore except at designated landing areas or in case of an emergency. No person shall operate a boat of any kind, including jet-skis, upon any Parks waters in a reckless manner so as to endanger the life, limb or reasonable comfort of his or her passengers or other persons. Boating in any authorized bathing area is prohibited. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
   (k)   Unlawful ice activity.
      (1)   Ice skating is permitted at rinks maintained by the Department for such use, at such times, and subject to the rules and regulations prescribed and posted at each facility.
      (2)   No person shall go upon the ice of any lake or pond in any park except at such places and at such times as may be designated by the Commissioner. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
   (l)   Planting. No tree, plant, flower, shrubbery or other vegetation shall be planted in any area under the jurisdiction of the Department without the Department's written approval and any necessary approval from the Department of Transportation. Trees planted, pursuant to the Department's approval shall become the property of the City after a guarantee period of one year has been satisfactorily completed.
   (m)   Unlawful fires.
      (1)   No person shall kindle, build, maintain, or use a fire in any place, portable receptacle, or grill except in places provided by the Department and so designated by sign or by special permit. In no event shall open or ground camp fires be allowed in any park. Any fire authorized by this subdivision (m) shall be contained in a portable receptacle grill or other similar device, and continuously under the care and direction of a competent person over 18 years of age, from the time it is kindled until it is extinguished. No fire shall be within ten feet of any building, tree, or underbrush or beneath the branches of any tree. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
      (2)   No person shall leave, throw away, drop, or toss any lighted match, cigar, or cigarette, hot coals, or other flammable material within, on, near, or against any tree, building, structure, boat, vehicle or enclosure, or in any open area. This paragraph shall not apply to extinguishing a cigar or cigarette on a paved surface. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
   (n)   Unlawful operation and parking of motor vehicles.
      (1)   Motor vehicles may not be brought into or operated in any area of a park except on park roads or designated parking areas. Park roads may be closed to motor vehicles at such times and in such places designated by the Commissioner.
      (2)   A person shall not park any motor vehicle in any park except in areas designated by the Commissioner for parking, and only during the hours of operation of such park.
      (3)   No person shall use any area of a park, including designated parking areas, for the purpose of performing non-emergency automotive work, including, but not limited to, vehicle maintenance, repairs, or cleaning.
   (o)   Unauthorized construction on park property. No person shall perform or cause to be performed construction work of any kind or any work incidental thereto, including, but not limited to, construction staging, except, pursuant to a permit issued by the Department. Violation of this subdivision constitutes a misdemeanor.
   (p)   Unauthorized excavations. No person shall perform, cause, suffer, or allow to be performed any excavations or similar activity that significantly disrupts park property within or adjacent to any park property without a permit issued by the Department. Violation of this subdivision constitutes a misdemeanor.
   (q)   Horse riding.
      (1)   No person may ride a horse in any park, except on bridle paths designated by the Department.
      (2)   It shall be a violation of these rules to ride a horse into or within a park in a reckless manner; to allow the horse to be left unbridled or unattended; or to allow the horse to cause any damage to any tree, plant, flower, shrubbery or other vegetation under the jurisdiction of the Department.
   (r)   Area use restrictions. 
      (1)   No person shall throw, catch, kick or strike any baseball, football, basketball, soccer, golf or tennis ball, or similar object, nor shall any person engage in any sport or other athletic competition except in areas designated and maintained therefore. No such use will be allowed without a permit if the desired area has been allotted by permit issued, pursuant to the provisions of these rules.
      (2)   No person shall engage in any toy or model aviation, model boating, model automobiling, or activity involving other similar devices except at such times and at such places designated or maintained for such purposes. Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
      (3)   (i)   No person shall roller skate, ski, skateboard, sled or coast, or ride on any similar device outside areas designated and maintained for such use in a manner that endangers any other person or property. Violation of this subparagraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
         (ii)   No person shall roller skate, ski, skateboard, sled or coast or ride on any similar device outside areas designated and maintained for such use.
   (s)   Exclusive areas. Areas within the parks designated by the Commissioner for exclusive use by means of posting signs shall include:
      (1)   Exclusive children playgrounds: Adults allowed in playground areas only when accompanied by a child under the age of twelve (12). Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.
      (2)   Exclusive senior citizens areas: Certain areas of any park may be set aside for citizens aged 65 and older, for their quiet enjoyment and safety.
      (3)   Dog Runs: Certain fenced park areas may be designated by the Commissioner as dog runs, and persons owning or possessing dogs that are wearing a license tag and vaccinated against rabies, pursuant to the laws of the State of New York and City of New York are permitted to allow such animals to remain unleashed in these areas. Users of dog runs shall obey posted rules. Users of such dog runs shall provide proof of current vaccination against rabies and proof of current licensing upon the request of any Police Officer, Urban Park Ranger, Parks Enforcement Patrol Officer or other Department employee or employee of the DOHMH, the refusal of which shall constitute a violation of 56 RCNY § 1-03(c) and of this paragraph.
   (t)   Unlawful distribution of products and materials. No person shall engage in the non-commercial distribution of products and/or material (other than printed or similarly expressive material) without a permit issued by the Commissioner. A permit shall be issued only upon the Commissioner's determination that said distribution will be conducted in a manner consistent with the public's use and enjoyment of the park or facility in question. In making this determination, the Commissioner will consider the nature of the product or material, whether the product or material is compatible with customary park uses, whether the product or material is intended to be used in the park or facility, the age of the targeted audience for the product or material, and whether the area in the park or facility where the distribution will take place is appropriate for such distribution, considering, e.g., its proximity to areas designed for children, quiet zones or other areas designed for activities not compatible with such distribution. In connection with the foregoing, the Commissioner may consult with parental groups which are involved with the park or facility where a permit for distribution is requested. The Commissioner may also impose conditions upon the distribution of products and materials consistent with the concerns reflected by the factors listed above. Products and/or materials may be distributed only upon an indication of interest by the recipient, and only from a fixed location specified in the permit.
   (u)   In-line skates. No person shall use in-line skates in any park except for park drives or areas designated for such use by the Department, and at times designated for such use. No person shall use in-line skates in a reckless manner, or so as to endanger persons or property.
(Amended City Record 5/12/2015, eff. 6/11/2015; amended City Record 6/13/2017, eff. 6/13/2017)