In addition to 24 RCNY Health Code Article 81, all other applicable provisions of this Code, 24 RCNY Chapter 6, and Subpart 14-4 of Part 14 of the State Sanitary Code (10 NYCRR Chapter 1), or successor regulations, the provisions of this article shall apply to all mobile food vending operations, including, but not limited to, the sale of foods, and foods distributed without charge, from mobile food vending units on or in public, private and restricted spaces, both indoors and outdoors, including mobile food vendors and units that are regulated by the Administrative Code.
When used in this article:
(a) Charitable organization shall mean any charitable organization required to register with the State Attorney General that distributes food free of charge.
(b) Decal shall mean the identifying plate, insignia, seal or other identifying device that is placed on a mobile food vending unit by the Department, after the unit has been approved and inspected by the Department and authorizing use of the unit for mobile food vending.
(c) Food shall have the same meaning as in 24 RCNY Health Code Article 71.
(d) License shall mean the paper or other license document and photo identification badge issued to a mobile food vendor authorizing such person to sell food from a mobile food vending unit that has been issued a permit by the Commissioner.
(e) Material alteration shall mean an alteration that changes or results in a change in the size of the unit, or the replacement of any part of the body structure or equipment in a mobile food vending unit including, but not limited to, any food contact surface or non-food contact surface, and plumbing equipment such as sinks, potable and waste water tanks. A tire change or repair, replacement of the axle, or straightening a dent in a panel shall not be considered a material alteration.
(f) Mobile food commissary shall mean a food service establishment or a non-retail food service establishment, as those terms are defined in 24 RCNY Health Code Article 81, or other facility approved by the Department that complies with 24 RCNY Chapter 6, which provides any of the following services to one or more mobile food vending units:
(1) Storage of the unit when the unit is not being used for vending;
(2) Cleaning and sanitizing of the unit;
(3) Cleaning and sanitizing of the equipment and utensils used on a unit;
(4) Disposing of liquid and solid wastes and refuse generated by the operation of a unit; or
(5) Supplying of potable water and food, whether pre-packaged by the manufacturer, or prepared at the commissary, and furnishing of non-food supplies.
(g) Mobile food vending shall mean setting up to sell, and preparing, storing, holding and selling food, or distributing food free of charge, to the public from a mobile food vending unit.
(h) Mobile food vending unit shall mean a food service establishment as defined in 24 RCNY Health Code Article 81 located in a pushcart or vehicle, self or otherwise propelled, used to store, prepare, display, serve or sell food, or distribute food free of charge to the public, for consumption in a place other than in or on the unit. Any such pushcart or vehicle shall be deemed a mobile food vending unit whether operated indoors or outdoors, on public, private or restricted space. A mobile food vending unit shall not mean a stand or a booth.
(i) Mobile food vendor shall mean a person who sells or offers for sale food, or distributes food free of charge, from a mobile food vending unit in any public, private or restricted space.
(j) Operate or operation of a mobile food vending unit shall mean setting up, preparing, storing, holding and selling food, or distributing food free of charge, from a mobile food vending unit.
(k) Permit shall mean the paper or other permit document authorizing the use of a specific mobile food vending unit to sell or distribute food, and the decal affixed to the unit by the Department after such unit has passed a pre-permit inspection.
(l) Potentially hazardous foods shall have the same meaning as provided in 24 RCNY Health Code Article 81.
(m) Private space shall mean all privately owned or leased property where use of the property for commercial purposes, including mobile food vending, is restricted to persons who have the written permission of the owner or lessee of the property.
(n) Public space shall mean all publicly owned property between the property lines on a street as such property lines are shown on City records including, but not limited to, a park, plaza, roadway, shoulder, tree space, sidewalk or parking space between such property lines.
(o) Pushcart shall mean a wheeled device, not required to be licensed as a vehicle, that is equipped in accordance with this Article and that is approved by the Department for use as a mobile food vending unit. Pushcart shall not mean a stand or booth.
(p) Restricted space shall mean publicly owned property where the owner or the lessee has the right to restrict or limit commercial activity, including mobile food vending.
(q) Service, servicing or providing services to a mobile food vending unit shall mean providing the services listed under subdivision (f) of this section, at a mobile food commissary, or other facility approved by the Department in accordance with 24 RCNY Chapter 6.
(r) Temporary mobile food vending permit shall mean a seasonal permit issued for operating a mobile food vending unit from April 1 to October 31 in a calendar year.
(s) Vehicle shall mean a motor vehicle or trailer, as defined in the Vehicle and Traffic Law, equipped in accordance with this Article and 24 RCNY Chapter 6.
(t) Volunteers shall mean persons who provide services free of charge to charitable organizations that operate mobile food vending units distributing food free of charge.
(a) Mobile food vending units. No person, including a charitable organization, shall operate a mobile food vending unit in any public, private or restricted space without a permit issued by the Commissioner and a decal issued and placed on the unit by the Department after inspection by the Department.
(1) No mobile food vending unit permit or decal shall be issued until the Department determines, upon inspection, that the unit is of sanitary construction and design, and equipped with sanitary facilities for mobile food vending in accordance with 24 RCNY Chapter 6.
(2) The permittee shall provide proof satisfactory to the Department that the mobile food vending unit is supplied and serviced at a mobile food commissary permitted by the Commissioner, or other facility approved by the Department in accordance with 24 RCNY Chapter 6.
(3) Only a currently licensed mobile food vendor may apply for or hold a mobile food vending unit permit.
(b) Permit and decal. After a mobile food vending unit passes a pre-permit inspection by the Department, as defined in 24 RCNY Chapter 6, and a decal is affixed by the inspector conducting the inspection, the Commissioner shall issue a permit document to the permittee provided that the applicant has satisfied all other applicable requirements.
(c) Material alterations prohibited. A mobile food vending unit shall not be materially altered after it has been inspected by the Department and the Department has attached a permit decal. Any material alteration of a mobile food vending unit after it has been inspected by the Department shall automatically void the permit issued to that unit. When an employee of the Department determines that a unit has been materially altered, such employee shall remove the decal and seize the vendor's permit and the Department may revoke or suspend such permit in accordance with 24 RCNY Health Code § 89.33.
(d) Ice cream trucks. No decal shall be issued for any vehicle to be used to vend ice cream and other frozen desserts unless such vehicle is equipped with fully operational warning beepers and signage arms required by the State Vehicle and Traffic law and the rules promulgated thereunder.
(e) Mobile food commissaries. No person shall maintain or operate a mobile food commissary that services City mobile food vending units unless such commissary holds a current permit issued by the Commissioner, the Department of Agriculture and Markets, or the permit issuing official of a jurisdiction outside New York State in which the commissary is located.
(a) License required. No person shall operate a mobile food vending unit in any public, private or restricted space without having first obtained a license issued by the Commissioner. A new or renewal license shall be issued when a complete application and all documentation required by this Code and other applicable law have been submitted, and the Commissioner has determined that the applicant is eligible to hold such license.
(b) Food protection course. No mobile food vendor license shall be issued to any person unless such person submits proof satisfactory to the Department that he or she has successfully completed a food protection course in accordance with 24 RCNY Health Code Article 81.
(c) Charitable organization volunteers. Volunteers for charitable organizations operating mobile food vending units that distribute food free of charge shall not be required to hold a mobile food vendor license, but shall be required to present proof prior to vending, of satisfactory completion of a food protection course approved by the Department.
(d) Documentation required. No person shall operate any mobile food vending unit unless the badge issued to such person by the Department is conspicuously displayed on his or her outer clothing, and is carrying both the original food vendor license issued to such person and the original mobile food vending unit permit documents. Such license and permit shall be exhibited upon demand to any police officer, Department employee or agent, or other authorized officer, employee or agent of the City. Until the permit document is received by the permittee, the operator of the mobile food vending unit shall have in his or her possession the original pre-permit inspection report of the Department, indicating that a permit has been approved for issuance to the permittee.
(a) Two year terms. Mobile food vending unit permits, and mobile food vendor licenses shall be valid for two years unless suspended or revoked by the Commissioner.
(b) Temporary permits. Seasonal mobile food vending unit permits shall be issued annually for operation from April 1 through October 31 of each calendar year, unless suspended or revoked by the Commissioner.
(c) Commissary permits. Mobile food commissary permits shall be valid for one year unless sooner suspended or revoked by the Commissioner.
(d) Restricted or private space permits. Mobile food vending units operating exclusively in restricted or private spaces shall have the same term as the term of the written agreement between the permittee and the owner or lessee of the premises, but shall not exceed the terms specified in subdivision (a) or (b) of this section.
(a) Fees. All applications for a license or permit to vend in a public space shall be accompanied by payment of the fees prescribed in § 17-308 of the Administrative Code, or successor law, or, if the mobile food vending unit will operate in a private or restricted space, the fee prescribed by 24 RCNY Health Code Article 5.
(b) Applications. All applications shall be submitted in a form and contain all information and documentation required by the Department, and shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
(1) The name, home and business address of the applicant;
(2) The name, home address and license number of every food vendor who will be authorized by the permittee to operate the mobile food vending unit;
(3) A description of the food to be vended and a description of the type of mobile food vending unit to be operated pursuant to the permit;
(4) At least one piece of current valid photo identification issued by a government agency of any jurisdiction;
(5) If the application is for a mobile food vending permit, proof that the applicant has obtained a certificate of authority to collect sales taxes pursuant to § 1134 of the Tax Law from the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance;
(6) If the applicant is a partnership, limited liability company or other business entity, the name, and address of each partner, member, officer or manager, as may be applicable, of such entity; if a corporation, the names and addresses of the corporation, the names, home and business addresses of the principal stockholders, officers, directors and shareholders;
(7) Proof that the applicant has obtained clearance from the Environmental Control Board showing the payment of all penalties and fines pursuant to 24 RCNY Chapter 6; and
(8) An application for a permit for a mobile food vending unit to operate in a private or restricted space shall include a copy of a written agreement with the owner of the private or restricted space indicating that the applicant has the right to operate in such space.
(c) Renewals. An application for renewal of a license or permit shall be received by the Department, with the fee required by 24 RCNY Health Code Article 5 or the Administrative Code, at least thirty days prior to the expiration date of the existing license or permit. Such application shall be accompanied by proof that all penalties and fines for sustained or defaulted notices of violation issued to the mobile food vendor licensee or permittee for violations of Title 17 of the Administrative Code, the Health Code, the Sanitary Code, and 24 RCNY Chapter 6 have been paid in full in accordance with such chapter.
(d) Duplicates. Applications for duplicate license and permit documents, decals and badges shall be accompanied by documentation acceptable to the Department demonstrating that the original documents, decals or badges have been lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Such documentation shall include, but not be limited to a sworn notarized statement by the applicant attesting to the circumstances of the loss, theft or damage of the document, decal or badge and, in cases of theft, a police report for the stolen document, decal or badge
(e) Representatives. An application for a new or renewal license or permit that is prepared or submitted by an authorized representative of the applicant shall contain a sworn statement indicating that the representative provided the applicant with a complete application packet provided by the Department, including a copy of all laws and regulations applicable to vending, and that all applicable laws and regulations were explained to the applicant.
(f) Signed by applicant. Applications for new, renewal or duplicate documents shall be signed by the applicant, and not by a representative.
(g) Affirmation. Every applicant for a new or renewal or duplicate license or permit shall affirm or swear as to whether such applicant has or has not previously had a license or permit suspended or revoked by the Commissioner.
(Amended City Record 10/8/2024, eff. 11/7/2024)
(a) Inspections. Permittees and licensees shall permit inspections by the Department of any mobile food vending unit subject to this Article, and any premises in which food is stored, prepared, processed distributed or served. Permittees and licensees shall present mobile food vending units for inspection at such place and time as may be designated by the Department.
(b) Commissary used. Permittees and licensees shall provide to the Department upon request the names and home and business addresses of the owners of the mobile food commissaries, or other approved facility from which the permittee or licensee receives her or his food and supplies, and the address at which the food supplies are stored, where his or her mobile food vending unit is serviced and where the unit is stored when not in operation.
(c) Documented food source. Permittees and licensees shall have in their possession and make available for inspection documentation satisfactory to the Department identifying the source of all foods being held, stored, offered for sale, sold or distributed free of charge from the mobile food vending unit.
(d) Authorized foods. Permittees and licensees shall not use or allow others to use a mobile food vending unit to vend any foods other than those foods authorized in writing by the Commissioner to be vended by the permittee or licensee.
(e) Expired or suspended or revoked permits and licenses. Permittees and licensees shall not operate a mobile food vending unit after expiration or revocation of a permit or license or during any period when a permit or license is suspended.
(f) Surrender of licenses and permits. Licenses, permits, badges and decals shall be surrendered promptly to the Commissioner upon revocation, suspension, termination or expiration.
(g) Unlicensed vendors prohibited. Permittees and licensees shall not allow a person who does not hold a currently valid mobile food vending license issued by the Commissioner to operate such permittees' or licensees' mobile food vending unit.
(h) Notice to the Department. Permittees and licensees shall notify the Department within ten business days of any change in the information provided on an application for a license or a permit, including, but not limited to, the address and contact information for the licensee or permittee, and the names and license numbers of persons authorized to operate a permittee's mobile food vending unit. Failure to timely notify the Department of a change in address by a licensee or permittee shall result in the declaration of a default if the Department commences a proceeding for the licensee or vendor to show cause why the Commissioner should not revoke or suspend the license or permit and mails the petition and notice of hearing to the licensee's or permittee's last known address as maintained in Department records.
(i) Damaged and repaired mobile food vending units. Any mobile food vending unit that has been damaged and repaired or materially altered, as defined in this Article, shall be re-inspected by the Department prior to its re-use as a mobile food vending unit. No decal shall be transferred from any mobile food vending unit to another mobile food vending unit, except by the Department. The Department may impose a reasonable fee to cover the costs of all such inspections.
(j) Restricted or private area permit limitations. Any person who operates a mobile food vending unit with a private or restricted area permit in any area other than the area specified on the permit shall be deemed to be operating without a permit.
(k) Permittees liable for mobile food vending unit operation. Permittees shall be jointly and severally liable for violations of this Code, and other applicable law, that occur in the course of operating mobile food vending units. A person operating a mobile food vending unit who is not the permittee shall be deemed an agent of the permittee, and the mobile food vending unit being operated by such person shall be deemed the place of business of the permittee, for the purpose of service of any Department notice of violation, order, or petition and notice of hearing issued to the permittee. A licensee served with any notice of violation, order, or petition and notice of hearing directed to the permittee shall deliver such notice of violation, order or petition to the permittee within two business days of delivery of such document to the licensee, and the Department shall mail such notice of violation, order, or petition and notice of hearing to the permittee by any method authorized in 24 RCNY Health Code Article 3.