A physician who attends a case, carrier or suspect case shall inform the case, carrier or suspect case and the case, carrier or suspect case's contacts of the applicable requirements of isolation, exclusion, quarantine, screening, treatment or prophylactic measures and other precautions necessary to prevent the spread of disease.
(a) Any individual required to be isolated pursuant to provisions of this Article, and certain individuals infected with or carrying, suspected to be infected with or carrying, or having contact with people infected with or carrying certain organisms that cause disease, as indicated in this subdivision, shall be excluded by the operator, employer or person in charge of the applicable institution, facility or place as set forth in this subdivision.
(1) An individual infected with or carrying an organism that causes any of the following diseases who is a food handler shall be excluded until the individual no longer has symptoms and, as determined by the Department, no longer has an illness that is a risk to others. For the exclusion to be terminated, the excluded individual must provide the Department with clinical evidence of the absence of disease, which, as determined by the Department, may include two negative stool samples, taken not less than 24 hours apart and no less than 48 hours after resolution of symptoms, provided that, if the individual has received antimicrobial therapy, the first stool sample shall be taken no less than 48 hours after the last dose:
E. coli O15:H7 and other Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) infections
Salmonellosis (other than typhoid)
(2) An individual infected with or carrying an organism that causes any of the following diseases who is an enrollee or attendee under the age of five or staff member who has contact with children under the age of five in a school, day care facility, camp or other congregate care setting with children under the age of five; or a health care practitioner in a hospital or medical facility who provides oral care shall be excluded until the individual no longer has symptoms and, as determined by the Department, no longer has an illness that is a risk to others. For the exclusion to be terminated, the excluded individual must provide the Department with clinical evidence of the absence of disease, which, as determined by the Department, may include two negative stool samples, taken not less than 24 hours apart and no less than 48 hours after resolution of symptoms, provided that, if the individual has received antimicrobial therapy, the first stool sample shall be taken no less than 48 hours after the last dose:
E. coli O15:H7 and other Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) infections
(3) An individual infected with or carrying an organism that causes any of the following diseases who is an enrollee or attendee under the age of five or staff member who has contact with children under the age of five in a school, day care facility, camp or other congregate care setting with children under the age of five; or a health care practitioner who provides oral care, shall be excluded until the individual no longer has symptoms, unless the Department determines that there is a continuing risk to others:
Salmonellosis (other than typhoid)
(4) An individual infected with or carrying an organism that causes any of the diseases listed in this paragraph who is a food handler; an enrollee or attendee under the age of five or staff member who has contact with children under the age of five in a school, day care facility, camp or other congregate care setting with children under the age of five; or a health care practitioner in a hospital or medical facility who provides oral care, shall be excluded until the individual no longer has symptoms and, as determined by the Department, no longer has an illness that is a risk to others. For the exclusion to be terminated, the excluded individual must provide the Department with clinical evidence of the absence of disease, which, as determined by the Department, may include three negative stool samples, taken not less than 24 hours apart and no less than 48 hours after resolution of symptoms, provided that, if the individual has received antimicrobial therapy, the first stool sample shall be taken no less than 48 hours after the last dose:
(5) An individual, or a household contact of an individual, with Hepatitis A who is a food handler; an enrollee or attendee under the age of five or staff member who has contact with children under the age of five in a school, day care facility, camp or other congregate care setting with children under the age of five; or a health care practitioner in a hospital or medical facility who provides oral care, shall be excluded until determined by the Department to no longer have an illness that is a risk to others.
(b) An owner or person in charge of a work place, school, day care, camp or other congregate setting with children under the age of five, shelter or other congregate residential setting, or any other institution, facility or place specified in this section or this article, shall not knowingly or negligently permit a case, suspect case, contact or carrier to work in or attend such place when required by this article to be isolated or excluded.
(c) The Department may, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (k) of 24 RCNY Health Code § 11.23, order any case, contact, or carrier, or suspected case contact or carrier of a contagious disease to be excluded from any setting when necessary for the protection of public health.
(Amended City Record 10/15/2019, eff. 11/14/2019)
(a) It shall be the duty of an attending physician, or a person in charge of a hospital, clinic, nursing home or other medical facility to isolate a case, carrier, suspect case, or suspect carrier of diphtheria, rubella (German measles), influenza with pandemic potential, invasive meningococcal disease, measles, monkeypox, mumps, pertussis, poliomyelitis, pneumonic form of plague, severe or novel coronavirus, vancomycin intermediate or resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VISA/VRSA), smallpox, tuberculosis (active), vaccinia disease, viral hemorrhagic fever, primary varicella (chickenpox) and disseminated zoster, or any other contagious disease that in the opinion of the Commissioner may pose an imminent and significant threat to the public health, in a manner consistent with recognized infection control principles and isolation procedures in accordance with State Department of Health regulations or guidelines pending further action by the Commissioner or designee.
(b) Whenever the person in charge of a shelter, group residence, correctional facility, or other place providing medical care on site is not capable of implementing appropriate isolation precautions for the specific disease, upon discovering a case, carrier, suspect case or suspect carrier of a contagious disease of the kind as set forth in subdivision (a), such person in charge shall mask such individual, if indicated, and shall isolate the individual by placing him or her in a single room as instructed by the Department until such time as the individual can be transported to an appropriate healthcare facility that is capable of implementing appropriate isolation precautions for the specific disease.
(c) The person in charge of a school, day care facility, camp or other congregate care setting with children under the age of six, homeless shelter, correctional facility, group residence or other congregate residential setting providing care or shelter shall, upon discovering a case, carrier, suspect case or suspect carrier of a contagious disease set forth in subdivision (a) shall mask such person, if indicated, and isolate the individual by placing him or her in a single room as instructed by the Department until the person can be safely transferred to an appropriate medical facility for evaluation.
(d) A case, contact, carrier or suspect case, contact or carrier of a contagious disease set forth in subdivision (a) who is not hospitalized may, in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (k) of 24 RCNY Health Code § 11.23, be ordered by the Department to remain in isolation or quarantine at home or other residence of his or her choosing that is acceptable to the Department, under such conditions and for such duration as the Department may specify to prevent transmission of the disease to others.
(Amended City Record 12/13/2016, eff. 1/12/2017)
(a) A case of typhoid or paratyphoid fever who is a food handler; an enrollee or attendee under the age of five or staff member who has contact with children under the age of five in a school, day care facility, camp or other congregate care setting with children under the age of five; a health care practitioner in a hospital or medical facility who provides oral care; a resident of a congregate homeless facility or shelter or any other congregate residential setting; or any other person who in the opinion of the Department represents a risk to the health of the public, shall be excluded until the end of the febrile period and until four stool specimens are submitted to the Department, found to be free of typhoid and paratyphoid bacteria, and until released from exclusion by the Department. Stool specimens shall be submitted as specified herein. The initial two specimens shall be taken no less than 48 hours after the cessation of antibiotic therapy and 24 hours apart. A second set of two specimens shall be taken thirty (30) days later, and no less than 24 hours apart. The case shall be instructed not to prepare food for other members of the household or others, nurse the sick, or care for children until it is determined that the patient is non-infectious and a non-carrier as per subdivision (c) of this section. Members of the household shall be advised by the physician in attendance of precautions to be taken to prevent further spread of the disease and shall be informed as to the appropriate specific preventive measures.
(b) A household contact who is a food handler; an enrollee or attendee under the age of five or staff member of a school, day care facility or other congregate care setting with children under the age of five; a health care practitioner in a hospital or medical facility who provides oral care; or any other person who in the opinion of the Department represents a risk to the health of the public, shall be excluded until two successive stool specimens, taken no less than 24 hours apart are examined by the Department and found free of typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli.
(c) If the initial four stool specimens obtained pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section are negative for typhoid and paratyphoid bacteria, no further stool specimens shall be required, and the case shall be released from exclusion. If any of the four stool specimens obtained pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section are positive for typhoid or paratyphoid bacteria, then the case shall be recommended for further treatment which may include a longer course of an antibiotic to which the bacterial isolate is sensitive or surgery to remove the nidus of infection (e.g., the gallbladder). After completion of this treatment, such a case of typhoid or paratyphoid fever shall continue to submit to the Department two stool specimens taken no less than 48 hours after repeat antibiotic treatment or gallbladder removal and then one specimen taken no less than 30 days apart for three successive months. If all five stools are free of typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli, he or she shall be considered non-infectious and a non-carrier. If any of the stool specimens submitted contains typhoid or paratyphoid bacilli, he or she shall be considered to be a typhoid or paratyphoid carrier and, the convalescent typhoid or paratyphoid carrier shall comply with paragraphs (d)(1) through (6) of this section.
(d) A chronic typhoid or paratyphoid carrier is a person who has not shown clinical evidence of typhoid or paratyphoid fever within a period of 12 months, or who has never shown clinical evidence of typhoid or paratyphoid fever, but who continues to harbor typhoid bacilli, as determined by examination by the Department pursuant to subdivision (c) of this section. A household contact who tests positive for typhoid or paratyphoid bacilli, however, shall not be considered a chronic typhoid or paratyphoid carrier if the household contact no longer lives in the same household as the case or carrier and if, after two months of ceasing to live in the same household, the contact tests negative for typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli on two successive stool specimens taken no less than 48 hours after completion of an appropriate course of therapy with an antibiotic to which the bacterial isolate was sensitive and no less than 24 hours apart. A chronic typhoid carrier shall:
(1) Submit specimens of his or her stool or urine whenever the Department requires;
(2) Report his or her address, occupation and place of employment, in person or in writing, whenever the Department requires;
(3) Promptly notify the Department of any temporary or permanent change of address or place of employment;
(4) Refrain from cooking or handling any food, drink or eating utensils to be eaten or used by others, and refrain from nursing the sick or from caring for children;
(5) Clean toilet seats used by him or her immediately after use; and
(6) Thoroughly wash his or her hands with soap and water after using the toilet.
(e) Supervision by the Department of a chronic typhoid or paratyphoid carrier shall end:
(1) In the instance of a chronic carrier who underwent surgery to remove a nidus of typhoid or paratyphoid infection, or who has completed an appropriate course of therapy to eradicate the carrier state with an antibiotic to which the bacterial isolate was sensitive, when two successive stool specimens, taken no less than 48 hours after surgery or completion of antibiotic treatment, followed by three successive stool specimens taken no less than 30 days apart, are examined by the Department and found free of typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli; or
(2) In the instance of a chronic carrier who has not undergone surgery to remove a nidus of typhoid or paratyphoid infection, or who has not completed an appropriate course of therapy to eradicate the carrier state with an antibiotic to which the bacterial isolate was sensitive, when six successive stool specimens, taken no less than 30 days apart, are examined by the Department and found free of typhoid and paratyphoid bacilli; or
(3) In the instance of a carrier other than the fecal type, when evidence is furnished which satisfies the Department that he or she is no longer a carrier.
(a) Reports; treatment plan review; approval of hospital discharges; and contact examination.
(1) Reports. A physician who attends a case of active tuberculosis, or the person in charge of a hospital, dispensary or clinic giving out-patient treatment to such a case, shall report to the Department at such times that the Department requires. The report shall state whether the case is still under treatment, the address of the case, the telephone contact number(s) of the case, the stage, the clinical status and treatment of the disease and the dates and results of sputum and X-ray examinations and any other information required by the Department.
(2) Submission of treatment plans for review. The physician who attends a person for whom treatment for newly diagnosed active tuberculosis is being initiated, or the person in charge of a hospital or other health care facility where such newly diagnosed case is or will be receiving treatment for active tuberculosis, shall submit to the Department for review the treatment plan proposed for such case within one month of initiation of treatment. The plan shall be submitted in writing on a form provided or approved by the Department and shall include the name of the medical provider who has assumed responsibility for treatment of the patient, names and duration of prescribed anti-tuberculosis drugs, anticipated date of treatment completion, and a plan for promoting adherence to the prescribed treatment.
(3) Report required when treatment ceases. The physician who attends the case or the person in charge of a hospital, dispensary or clinic giving out-patient care to such a case shall report promptly to the Department when the case ceases to receive treatment and the reason for the cessation of treatment.
(4) Department approval of hospital discharge of infectious cases. The physician who attends a case of infectious tuberculosis in a hospital or the person in charge of a hospital or other health care facility where such case has been admitted shall notify the Department in writing on a form provided or approved by the Department and shall consult with the Department at least 72 hours before planned discharge of such case from in-patient care, and shall discharge such patients only after the Department has determined that discharge of such person will not endanger the public health. The Department shall make its discharge determination and respond to the attending physician or the person in charge of a hospital or other health care facility within one business day from the date of the consultation.
(5) Reports for children less than five years of age. When a child less than five years of age has a positive test for tuberculosis infection, the physician who attends the child, or the person in charge of a hospital, dispensary or clinic giving treatment to the child, must submit to the Department reports of all qualitative and quantitative diagnostic tests for tuberculosis infection for such child, including reports of all blood-based tests and tuberculin skin tests (TST) administered using the Mantoux method (including induration where a TST is performed); all radiological examinations (including chest x-rays, computerized tomography scans, and magnetic resonance imaging scans); and initiation of treatment for latent tuberculosis infection, in a manner prescribed by the Department.
(b) Contacts. A physician who attends a case of active tuberculosis shall examine or cause all household contacts to be examined or shall refer them to the Department for examination. The physician shall promptly notify the Department of such referral. When required by the Department, non-household contacts and household contacts not examined by a physician shall submit to examination by the Department. An examination required by this section shall include such tests as may be necessary to diagnose the presence of tuberculosis, including but not limited to tuberculin tests, serologic tests for tuberculosis infection, and where indicated, laboratory examinations, and x-rays. If any suspicious abnormality is found, steps satisfactory to the Department shall be taken to refer the person promptly to a physician or appropriate medical facility for further investigation and, if necessary, treatment. Contacts shall be re-examined at such times and in such manner as the Department may require. When requested by the Department, a physician shall report the results of any examination of a contact.
(c) Exclusion. A person with active tuberculosis that is infectious shall be excluded from attendance at the workplace or a school. Such person may also be excluded from such other premises or facilities as the Department determines cannot be operated or maintained in a manner adequate to protect others against spread of the disease.
(d) Where the Commissioner determines that the public health or the health of any other person is endangered by a case of tuberculosis or a suspect case of tuberculosis, the Commissioner may issue any orders he or she deems necessary to protect the public health or the health of any other person, and may make application to a court for enforcement of such orders. In any court proceeding for enforcement, the Commissioner shall demonstrate the particularized circumstances constituting the necessity for an order. Such orders may include, but shall not be limited to:
(1) An order authorizing the removal to and/or detention in a hospital or other treatment facility for appropriate examination for tuberculosis of a person who has active tuberculosis or who is suspected of having active tuberculosis and who is unable or unwilling voluntarily to submit to such examination by a physician or by the Department;
(2) An order requiring a person who has active tuberculosis to complete an appropriate prescribed course of medication for tuberculosis and, if necessary, to follow required contagion precautions for tuberculosis;
(3) An order requiring a person who has active tuberculosis and who is unable or unwilling otherwise to complete an appropriate prescribed course of medication for tuberculosis to follow a course of directly observed therapy;
(4) An order for the removal to and/or detention in a hospital or other treatment facility of a person
(i) who has active tuberculosis that is infectious or who presents a substantial likelihood of having active tuberculosis that is infectious, based upon epidemiologic evidence, clinical evidence, x-ray readings or laboratory test results; and
(ii) where the Department finds, based on recognized infection control principles, that there is a substantial likelihood such person may transmit to others tuberculosis because of his or her inadequate separation from others; and
(5) An order for the removal to and/or detention in a hospital or other treatment facility of a person
(i) who has active tuberculosis, or who has been reported to the Department as having active tuberculosis with no subsequent report to the Department of the completion of an appropriate prescribed course of medication for tuberculosis; and
(ii) where there is a substantial likelihood, based on such person's past or present behavior, that he or she can not be relied upon to participate in and/or to complete an appropriate prescribed course of medication for tuberculosis and/or, if necessary, to follow required contagion precautions for tuberculosis. Such behavior may include, but is not limited to, refusal or failure to take medication for tuberculosis, or refusal or failure to keep appointments for treatment of tuberculosis, or refusal or failure to complete treatment for tuberculosis, or disregard for contagion precautions for tuberculosis.
(e) The Commissioner may remove to or detain in a hospital or other place for examination or treatment a person who is the subject of an order of removal or detention issued pursuant to subdivision (d) of this section without prior court order; provided however that when a person detained pursuant to subdivision (d) of this section has requested release, the Commissioner shall make an application for a court order authorizing such detention within three (3) business days after such request by the end of the first business day following such Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, which application shall include a request for an expedited hearing. After any such request for release, detention shall not continue for more than five (5) business days in the absence of a court order authorizing detention. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, in no event shall any person be detained for more than sixty (60) days without a court order authorizing such detention. The Commissioner shall seek further court review of such detention within ninety (90) days following the initial court order authorizing detention and thereafter within ninety (90) days of each subsequent court review. In any court proceeding to enforce a Commissioner's order for the removal or detention of a person issued pursuant to this subsection or for review of the continued detention of a person, the Commissioner shall prove the particularized circumstances constituting the necessity for such detention by clear and convincing evidence. Any person who is subject to a detention order shall have the right to be represented by counsel and upon the request of such person, counsel shall be provided.
(f) 1) An order of the Commissioner issued pursuant to subdivision (d) of this section shall set forth:
(i) the legal authority pursuant to which the order is issued, including the particular sections of this Article or other law or regulation;
(ii) an individualized assessment of the person's circumstances and/or behavior constituting the basis for the issuance of such orders; and
(iii) the less restrictive treatment alternatives that were attempted and were unsuccessful and/or the less restrictive treatment alternatives that were considered and rejected, and the reasons such alternatives were rejected.
(2) In addition, an order for the removal and detention of a person shall:
(i) include the purpose of the detention;
(ii) advise the person being detained that he or she has the right to request release from detention by contacting a person designated on the Commissioner's order at a telephone number stated on such order, and that the detention shall not continued for more than five (5) business days after such request in the absence of a court order authorizing such detention;
(iii) advise the person being detained that, whether or not he or she requests release from detention, the Commissioner must obtain a court order authorizing detention within sixty (60) days following the commencement of detention and thereafter must further seek court review of the detention within ninety (90) days of such court order and within ninety (90) days of each subsequent court review;
(iv) advise the person being detained that he or she has the right to arrange to be represented by counsel or to have counsel provided, and that if he or she chooses to have counsel provided, that such counsel will be notified that the person has requested legal representation;
(v) be accompanied by a separate notice which shall include but not be limited to the following additional information: (A) that the person being detained has the right to request release from detention by contacting a person designated on the Commissioner's order at a telephone number stated on such order, and that the detention shall not continue for more than five (5) business days after such request in the absence of a court order authorizing such detention; (B) that he or she has the right to arrange to be advised and represented by counsel or to have counsel provided, and that if he or she chooses to have counsel provided, that such counsel will be notified that the person has requested legal representation; and (C) that he or she may supply the addresses and/or telephone numbers of friends and/or relatives to receive notification of the person's detention, and that the Department shall, at the patient's request, provide notice to a reasonable number of such people that the person is being detained.
(g) Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this section:
(1) A person who is detained solely pursuant to paragraph one of subdivision (d) of this section shall not continue to be detained beyond the minimum period of time required, with the exercise of all due diligence, to make a medical determination of whether a person who is suspected of having tuberculosis has active tuberculosis or whether a person who has active tuberculosis is infectious. Further detention of such person shall be authorized only upon the issuance of a Commissioner's order pursuant to paragraph four or paragraph five of subdivision (d) of this section.
(2) A person who is detained pursuant to this section solely for the reasons described in paragraph four of subdivision (d) of this section shall not continue to be detained after he or she ceases to be infectious or after the Department ascertains that changed circumstances exist that permit him or her to be adequately separated from others so as to prevent transmission of tuberculosis after his or her release from such place of detention as designated by the Commissioner pursuant to this section.
(3) A person who is detained pursuant to this section for the reasons described in paragraph five of subdivision (d) of this section shall not continue to be detained after he or she has completed an appropriate prescribed course of medication.
(h) Where necessary, language interpreters and person skilled in communicating with vision and hearing impaired individuals shall be provided in accordance with applicable law.
(i) The provisions of this section shall not be construed to permit or require the forcible administration of any medication without a prior court order.
(j) For the purposes of this section, a person has active tuberculosis when (A) a sputum smear or culture taken from a pulmonary or laryngeal source has tested positive for tuberculosis and the person has not completed an appropriate prescribed course of medication for tuberculosis, or (B) a smear or culture from an extra-pulmonary source has tested positive for tuberculosis and there is clinical evidence or clinical suspicion of pulmonary tuberculosis disease and the person has not completed an appropriate prescribed course of medication for tuberculosis. A person also has active tuberculosis when, in those cases where sputum smears or cultures are unobtainable, the radiographic evidence, in addition to current clinical evidence and/or laboratory tests, is sufficient to establish a medical diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis for which treatment is indicated. A person who has active tuberculosis shall be considered infectious until three consecutive sputum smears from a pulmonary or laryngeal source collected on separate days at medically appropriate intervals have tested negative for tuberculosis and the clinical symptoms of tuberculosis have resolved or significantly improved.
(Amended City Record 12/13/2016, eff. 1/12/2017; amended City Record 10/15/2019, eff. 11/14/2019)