This chapter applies to the sale and installation of carpet and carpet cushion in the City of New York and should be read in conjunction with Chapter 14 of Title 17 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York.
Labels and documentation must be maintained by carpet businesses.
(a) Documentation required. Carpet businesses must obtain documentation from the manufacturer of any carpet or carpet cushion sold, offered for sale, or installed in New York City showing that it complies with the volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions limits in Administrative Code § 17-1404 or has Green Label or Green Label Plus certification. The documentation must also include: (i) the name and address of the manufacturer; (ii) the brand name; (iii) style name or number; and (iv) the model name or number for the carpet or carpet cushion, as well as product information provided by the manufacturer in any form to show compliance. Green Label or Green Label Plus product information may consist of, but not be limited to, labels from rolls of carpet cushion and carpet products; roll bags or wrappers, sample bags or boards, displays, brochures, product literature, bulletins, specification sheets, corporate website printouts, print ads, stationery. Information for products with no Green Label or Green Label Plus certification must include results of testing samples using ASTM standard D 5116-10 showing compliance with Tables 1 and 2 of Chapter 14 of Title 17 of the Administrative Code.
(b) Documentation to be kept for six months. A carpet business must keep the manufacturer's documentation required in subdivision (a) above for at least six months after sale or installation of carpet or carpet cushion.
(c) Documentation to be provided on request. A carpet business must provide the manufacturer's documentation required in subdivision (a) above for any carpet or carpet cushion to the consumer or to a representative of the Department or the Department of Consumer Affairs within three business days of receiving a request.
(d) Consumer receipts. The consumer must be given a receipt at the time of purchase which includes the (i) date of purchase, (ii) the name of the manufacturer, (iii) brand name, (iv) style name or number, and (v) model name or number of the carpet or carpet cushion purchased.
(a) Form of notice.
(1) New York City sales. In New York City, the notice required by Administrative Code § 17-1407 must be posted conspicuously at the point of sale where carpet or carpet cushion is sold or offered for sale. When posted at the point of sale, the sign must be at least 8 1/2" by 14" in size with letters at least one-half inch high.
(2) Sales outside New York City. If carpet or carpet cushion is purchased outside New York City for installation in New York City, instead of posting, a paper copy of the notice must be given to the consumer by the installer prior to installation.
(3) Internet sales. The notice must also be provided electronically if a carpet business sells carpet or carpet cushion on a website and the carpet or carpet cushion will be installed in New York City.
(b) Text of notice. The notice must read as follows:
After July 1, 2013, carpet sellers may only sell carpet or carpet cushion that complies with New York City laws for volatile organic compound ("VOC") emission limits. Carpet installers and building owners and occupants may only install VOC-compliant carpet or carpet cushion in any building. A carpet business must provide documentation showing VOC compliance upon customer request. Call 311 if the carpet seller or installer does not give you this information. Keep your receipt to help track product information.