A signed written consent shall be obtained for each tattoo customer listing such customer's name, age, date of birth, address, telephone number, the date tattooed and body site tattooed. Consents shall be maintained by the licensee for a period of two years after the date of tattoo application and be available for inspection by the Department upon request.
The licensee shall provide the customer with written instructions regarding care of the tattooed area to prevent infection. Sample instructions shall be included in the licensees' informational publication issued by the Department pursuant to Subchapter 7 of Chapter 3 of Title 17 of the New York City Administrative Code.
Used tattoo needles and other sharp objects shall be disposed of in sharps containers approved for disposal of medical waste sharps. Dyes or pigments shall be disposed of in a manner that complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations regarding disposal of such materials.