(a) Attending Department classes or taking an on-line course. In accordance with 24 RCNY Health Code § 81.15, or successor provision, the Department's food protection course provides training and instruction to supervisors of food service operations in food service establishments in subject matter and principles deemed necessary by the Department to promote compliance with the requirements of the Health Code, the State Sanitary Code and other applicable law. Persons taking the course may attend the course in person, or may take the course on-line.
(1) The fee payable to the Department by persons attending the course in person, including the costs of issuance of a food protection certificate, shall be one hundred fourteen dollars ($114.00).
(2) The fee payable to the Department by persons taking the course on line, including the examination and costs of issuance of a food protection certificate, shall be twenty- four dollars ($24.00).
(b) Certificates for other approved food protection courses and fee.
(1) In accordance with 24 RCNY Health Code § 81.15(c), or successor rule, persons completing Department-approved food protection courses offered at other institutions shall attend a class and receive training in requirements of the Health Code, State Sanitary Code, and other applicable law, and shall take the examination required by the Department prior to issuance of a Department food protection certificate.
(2) The fee payable to the Department for the costs of administering such examination and issuance of a food protection certificate, shall be thirty-four dollars ($34.00).
(c) Quality improvement food protection course and fee.
(1) To train food service establishment supervisors in applying active managerial approaches to food safety, through development of quality improvement plans, implementing Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plans, employee training, self-inspection, and food safety record keeping, with the objective of improving sanitary conditions and eliminating practices and procedures contributing to food-borne illnesses. Persons fulfilling course requirements shall receive a certificate of successful completion.
(2) The fee payable to the Department by persons taking the course, including the costs of issuing a certificate of completion shall be ninety-eight dollars ($98.00).
(d) Mobile food vendor food protection course and fee.
(1) In accordance with 24 RCNY Health Code §§ 81.15(a)(1) and 89.07(b), or successor provisions, all persons applying for a new mobile food vending license shall submit proof of successful completion of the Department's, or a Department approved equivalent, mobile food vendor food protection course, providing basic information on food safety deemed essential for compliance with requirements of the Health Code, State Sanitary Code and other applicable law.
(2) The fee payable to the Department for this course, including the costs of issuance of a mobile food vendor food protection certificate, shall be fifty-three dollars ($53.00).
(a) In accordance with 24 RCNY Health Code § 161.09(h) and (k), or successor rule, the Department's animal care and handling techniques course shall provide instruction/training deemed essential by the Department to promote compliance with the Health Code, and other applicable law.
(b) The fee payable to the Department for the animal care and handling techniques course shall be thirty-nine dollars ($39.00).