a. There is hereby established a street vendor review panel consisting of four members. Such panel shall include the commissioner of the department of small business services, the director of the department of city planning and the commissioner of the department of transportation, or their respective designees. Such panel shall also include a member appointed by the mayor upon nomination by the speaker of the council. The commissioner of the department of small business services or his or her designee shall serve as chairperson. The departments of small business services, city planning and transportation shall provide such assistance as the street vendor review panel deems necessary and appropriate to enable such panel to carry out its responsibilities. In the same manner as provided in section 1043 of the city charter, the street vendor review panel shall promulgate, and may from time to time amend, rules prohibiting the operation of any general vending business or food vending business, as defined in chapter three of title seventeen of this code, or both, on any street, at any time, after making a determination that such vending business would constitute a serious and immediate threat to the health, safety and well-being of the public on the ground that such street at such time is regularly too congested by pedestrian or vehicular traffic to permit the operation of such business. No general vendor or food vendor, as defined in chapter three of title seventeen of the code, shall vend on any such streets at any such times.
b. Requests for the adoption or amendment of rules prohibiting the operation of any general vending business or food vending business, as defined in chapter three of title seventeen of this code, or both, on any street, at any time, may be submitted to the commissioner of the department of small business services or his or her designee. Within sixty days after the submission of such request, the street vendor review panel shall convene to determine either to deny such request in writing, stating the reasons for denial, or to state its intention to initiate rulemaking, by a specified date, concerning the subject of such request. In initiating a rulemaking, the panel shall not be bound by the streets or times requested, and may modify such streets and such times at its discretion. If the panel has stated the intention to initiate rulemaking, it shall publish such proposed rule for comment and public hearing in the same manner as provided in subdivisions b and d of section 1043 of the city charter. After consideration of the relevant comments presented, the panel may adopt a final rule relating to such streets and such times pursuant to subdivisions d and e of section 1043 of the city charter.
c. Copies of any rules promulgated pursuant to this section shall be mailed to each licensed general vendor or licensed food vendor, by the department or the department of health and mental hygiene, respectively, by regular mail at the last home address provided by the vendor to the department or the department of health and mental hygiene and shall be annexed to each license or renewal issued to any general vendor or food vendor.
d. Nothing herein contained shall exempt any general vendor from the provisions of subdivision g of section 20-465 of this subchapter.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1995/014.
a. There is hereby established a street vendor advisory board consisting of the commissioner of consumer and worker protection, the commissioner of health and mental hygiene, the commissioner of small business services, the commissioner of transportation, and the police commissioner, or the designee of any such commissioner, six members appointed by the speaker, two of whom represent street vendors, one of whom represent the small business community, one of whom represents organizations representing workers at retail food stores, one of whom represents property owners and one of whom who represents a community organization, and four members appointed by the mayor, two of whom represent street vendors and two of whom represent the small business community.
b. In addition to its other duties, the street vendor advisory board shall, prior to June 1 of each year from 2023 through 2030, issue to the speaker of the council a recommendation on whether the department of health and mental hygiene's authority to issue any or all of the supervisory licenses authorized to be issued by such department should be restricted, expanded, or otherwise altered based on an analysis of the results of the increased number of food vendor permits issued pursuant to the local law that added this section.
(L.L. 2021/018, 2/28/2021, eff. 5/29/2021)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2021/018.
It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, give or otherwise transfer any goods or merchandise to an unlicensed general vendor for resale in a public space or to rent or otherwise knowingly transfer any vehicle, stand or pushcart for use by an unlicensed general vendor in a vending business in a public space.
Any license issued pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter may be suspended or revoked by the commissioner upon notice and hearing for any of the following causes:
a. Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statements contained in the application for the license;
b. Violation of chapter one or subchapter one of chapter five of this title of this code or the regulations promulgated thereto; provided, however, that in the event of a conflict between the provisions of such chapter and subchapter and the provisions of this subchapter, the provisions of this subchapter shall prevail; c. Fraud, misrepresentation, or false statements made in connection with the selling or leasing of any goods or services;
d. Four or more violations of any provision of this subchapter or the regulations promulgated thereto in a two-year period;
e. Failure to answer a summons or notice of violation, appear for a hearing, or pay a fine or civil penalty imposed pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter or the regulations promulgated hereunder;
f. Conviction of possessing or selling stolen property pursuant to section 165.40, 165.45 or 165.50 of the penal law.
a. Authorized officers and employees of the department and members of the police department shall have the power to enforce all laws, rules and regulations relating to general vendors. This provision shall in no way restrict any other power granted by law to an officer or employee of any city agency.
b. If a general vendor does not move his or her goods, vehicle, pushcart or stand when directed to do so by a police officer or other authorized officer or employee of the city in compliance with the provisions of subdivision k of section 20-465 such officer or employee is authorized to provide for the removal of such goods, vehicle, pushcart or stand to any garage, automobile pound or other place of safety, and the owner or other person lawfully entitled to the possession of such vehicle, pushcart, stand or goods may be charged with reasonable costs for removal and storage payable prior to the release of such goods, vehicle, pushcart or stand.
c. Any police officer may seize any vehicle, pushcart or stand or other such device used by an unlicensed general vendor in violation of section 20-453 including a vehicle, pushcart or other such device used to transport goods sold, given or otherwise transferred to an unlicensed general vendor in violation of section 20-466 of this subchapter and may seize any goods which are being sold by an unlicensed general vendor in violation of section 20-453 and such vehicle, pushcart, stand or goods or other device shall be subject to forfeiture upon notice and judicial determination. If a forfeiture proceeding is not commenced, the owner or other person lawfully entitled to the possession of such goods, vehicle, pushcart, or stand or other device may be charged with the reasonable cost for removal and storage payable prior to the release of such goods, vehicle, pushcart, or stand or other device, unless the charge of unlicensed vending has been dismissed.
d. If a general vendor operates any general vending business in violation of the provisions of section 20-465.1 of this subchapter and any rules promulgated pursuant thereto on any such street and at any such time as the street vendor review panel has determined to be regularly too congested by pedestrian or vehicular traffic to permit the operation of any general vending business thereat without there being a serious and immediate threat to the health, safety and well-being of the public, or if a general vendor operates any such business in the area designated in paragraph two of subdivision g of section 20-465 of this subchapter, any authorized officer or employee of the department or member of the police department is authorized to provide for the removal of such general vendor's goods, vehicle, pushcart or stand to any garage, automobile pound or other place of safety, and such goods, vehicle, pushcart or stand may be subject to forfeiture upon notice and judicial determination. If a forfeiture hearing is not commenced, the owner or other person lawfully entitled to the possession of such vehicle, pushcart, stand or goods may be charged with reasonable costs for removal and storage payable prior to the release of such goods, vehicle, pushcart or stand.
e. Any police officer may seize any vehicle, pushcart, stand or goods of a vendor operating any general vending business in violation of the following subdivisions of section 20-465: subdivisions b, e, i, or the provisions of subdivision m relating to obstruction of ventilation grilles. The owner or other person lawfully entitled to the possession of such vehicle, pushcart, stand, or goods may be charged with reasonable costs for removal and storage payable prior to the release of such vehicle, pushcart, stand or goods, unless the violation has been dismissed.
f. If a general vendor who exclusively vends written matter conducts such business with the use of a vehicle, pushcart or stand, or using the surface of the sidewalk, or a blanket or board placed immediately on the sidewalk or on top of a trash receptacle or cardboard boxes to display merchandise, on any street and at any time where both (i) general vending is prohibited pursuant to section 20-465.1 of this subchapter and any rules promulgated thereunder or paragraph two of subdivision g of section 20-465 of this subchapter; and (ii) food vending is prohibited pursuant to section 20-465.1 of this subchapter and any rules promulgated thereunder or pursuant to subdivision k or 1 of section 17-315 of this code, any authorized officer or employee of the department or member of the police department is authorized to provide for the removal of such general vendor's goods, vehicle, pushcart or stand to any garage, automobile pound or other place of safety.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1988/040, L.L. 1990/064, L.L. 1993/045 and L.L. 1995/014.
a. Notice of the institution of the forfeiture proceeding shall be in accordance with the provisions of the civil practice law and rules.
b. The police department having custody of the seized property, after judicial determination of forfeiture shall, upon a public notice of at least five days, sell such forfeited property at public sale. The net proceeds of such sale shall be paid into the general fund of the city. In the alternative, any such property may be used or converted to use for the purpose of any city, state or federal agency, or for charitable purposes, upon consultation with the human resources administration and other appropriate city agencies, and the police commissioner shall report annually to the city council on the distribution of such property.
In the event that any seizure made pursuant to this subchapter shall include any perishable items or food products which cannot be retained in custody without such items or food products becoming unwholesome, putrid, decomposed or unfit in any way, they may be delivered to the commissioner of health for disposition pursuant to the provisions of section 17-323 of this code.