The department shall instruct and conduct public education on the consumer protection provisions of this subchapter, and the necessary licenses and permits that home improvement contractors must obtain to perform certain types of home improvement work, including but not limited to plumbing work, electrical work and the raising, lifting, elevating or moving of a home or building. Such instruction and public education shall be provided to home improvement contractors, homeowners and members of the public at least semiannually.
Subchapter 23: Process Servers
a. Process server license. It shall be unlawful for any person to do business as, be employed as or perform the services of a process server without a license therefor.
b. Process serving agency license. It shall be unlawful for any process serving agency to assign or distribute process to individual process servers for actual service in the city of New York without a license therefore.
a. A process server is a person engaged in the business of serving or one who purports to serve or one who serves personally or by substituted service upon any person, corporation, governmental or political subdivision or agency, a summons, subpoena, notice, citation or other process, directing an appearance or response to a legal action, legal proceeding or administrative proceedings.
b. A process serving agency is any person, firm, partnership, association or corporation, other than an attorney or law firm located in this state, or city marshal, who maintains an office, bureau or agency, the purpose of which is to assign or distribute process to individual process servers for actual service in the city of New York.
c. For the purposes of this subchapter the service of five or more process in any one year shall be deemed to constitute doing business as a process server.