The provisions of this subchapter shall not apply to the maintenance, operation or conduct of a garage or parking lot:
a. by the city or any agency thereof;
b. in conjunction with a business for the exclusive accommodation of patrons of such business or the employees of such business; or
c. by the owner or lessee of a multiple dwelling for the exclusive accommodation of the tenants or residents of such multiple dwelling.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1995/044.
a. Every applicant for a license to maintain, conduct or operate a parking lot or garage shall file with the commissioner a schedule of rates showing the prices charged daily, weekly, and monthly for parking or storage of motor vehicles.
b. Each such licensee shall post conspicuously at the public entrance to the garage or parking lot a sign composed of letters and figures of such size, height, width, spacing, color and description as shall be prescribed by the rules and regulations of the commissioner. Such sign shall set forth the schedule of rates charged, the hours during which such garage or parking lot will remain open for business, and the maximum capacity of such garage or parking lot. Where more than one rate is charged for the parking or storage of a motor vehicle, the letters and figures designating each such rate shall be of the same size and dimensions.
c. No licensee shall make any charge for parking or storing in a garage or parking lot in excess of the rates set forth in the schedule filed with the commissioner, unless and until at least sixty days prior to the effective date of such changed rates, such licensee has filed with the commissioner, in writing, such change in rates and has posted such changed rates on signs which conform with the requirements of subdivision b hereof.
No license issued under the provisions of this subchapter shall be transferred or assigned to any person or used by any person, other than the licensee to whom it was issued, nor shall such license be used at any location other than the location stated in such license.
Every licensee, at the time of accepting a motor vehicle for parking or storage, shall furnish to the driver of such vehicle a distinctive claim check acknowledging the receipt of the vehicle and showing the date of such acceptance. Every such claim check shall contain the name of the licensee and his or her license number. Such licensee shall not be required to issue a claim check for any vehicle which is parked or stored on a weekly or monthly basis, nor for any vehicle parked in a parking lot where the patrons are permitted to park and lock their own cars.
a. No motor vehicle shall be accepted by a licensee for parking, or storage, in excess of the capacity of the garage or parking lot, as shown in the license. Whenever the maximum capacity of a garage or parking lot has been reached, the licensee shall post, at the public entrance thereof, a sign, composed of letters of such size, height, width, spacing, color and description as shall be prescribed by the rules and regulations of the commissioner, stating that such maximum capacity has been reached.
b. Vehicles shall be stored or parked on the licensed premises in such manner as shall be prescribed by the rules and regulations of the commissioner, for the purpose of safeguarding persons and property and permitting adequate inspection of the premises.