a. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
1. "Alteration" and "improvement": a physical change in an existing dwelling other than painting, ordinary repairs, normal replacement of maintenance items, provided, however, that ordinary repairs and normal replacement of maintenance items, as defined by rules adopted by the department of housing preservation and development pursuant to subdivision m of this section, shall be eligible for tax exemption and tax abatement under this section provided that repairs and maintenance items:
(1) were started and completed within a twelve-month period,
(2) were made to any common area of the dwelling premises concurrently with a major capital improvement thereto, as defined by rules adopted by the department of housing preservation and development pursuant to subdivision m of this section, and
(3) require the issuance of a permit for at least one item thereof by any city agency, and
(4) the amount of money expended thereon shall not exceed two times the amount expended on the major capital improvement performed concurrently therewith. "Alteration" and "improvement" shall also mean "an abatement" of lead-based paint hazards, as defined in 40 CFR part 745 or any successor regulations in any existing dwelling including any common areas, and shall include an "inspection" and "risk assessment" for lead-based paint hazards, as defined in such part, in a dwelling unit whether such unit is vacant or occupied but shall not include any work performed to comply with a notice of violation issued for a violation of article fourteen of subchapter two of chapter two of title 27 of the administrative code. For purposes of this paragraph, the term, "targeted area" shall mean the geographical area of New York city that is determined by the department of health and mental hygiene to have high rates of children with environmental intervention blood lead levels. The department of housing preservation and development shall establish two schedules of certified reasonable costs for items that are included in an abatement of lead-based paint hazards, one covering such abatement that is performed in an eligible dwelling unit or common area located in the targeted area, and one covering such abatement that is performed in an eligible dwelling unit or common area that is not located in the targeted area. The first such schedules shall be promulgated by the department of housing preservation and development within 180 days of the effective date of this local law and shall be used for any such abatements that are commenced on or after August 2, 2004. Such schedules shall be reviewed by such department biennially following their effective dates and amended as necessary. Notwithstanding any other provision of law or rule, an owner who performs an abatement of lead-based paint hazards pursuant to this paragraph shall not be required to comply with subdivision (y) of this section which provides for filing of a notice of intent form prior to the commencement of work, and no additional fee or penalty shall be due and owing the department at the time of issuance of a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost for failure to file such notice of intent.
2. "Existing dwelling": except as hereinafter provided in subdivision d of this section, a class A multiple dwelling or a building consisting of one or two dwelling units over space used for commercial occupancy in existence prior to the commencement of alterations for which tax exemption and abatement is claimed under the terms of this section and for which a valuation appears on the annual record of assessed valuation of the city for the fiscal year immediately preceding the commencement of such alterations and improvements.
3. "Start" an alteration or improvement: begin any physical operation undertaken for the purpose of making alterations or improvements to an existing dwelling.
4. "Complete" an alteration or improvement: conclude or terminate any physical operation such as is referred to in the preceding paragraph, to an extent or degree which renders such building capable of use for the purpose for which the improvements or alterations were intended.
5. "Multiple dwelling": multiple dwellings as that term is defined in section four of the multiple dwelling law.
6. "Moderate rehabilitation": shall mean a scope of work which
(a) includes a building-wide replacement of a major component of one of the following systems:
(1) Elevator
(2) Heating
(3) Plumbing
(4) Wiring
(5) Window; and
(b) has a certified reasonable cost of not less than twenty-five hundred dollars, exclusive of any certified reasonable cost for ordinary repairs, for each dwelling unit in existence at the commencement of the rehabilitation; except that the department of housing preservation and development may establish a minimum certified reasonable cost to be greater than twenty-five hundred dollars per dwelling unit pursuant to subdivision m of this section.
7. "Substantially occupied": shall mean an occupancy of not less than sixty percent of all dwelling units immediately prior and during rehabilitation, except that the department of housing preservation and development may establish higher percentages of occupancy pursuant to subdivision m of this section.
8. "Private dwelling" shall mean any building or structure designed and occupied for residential purposes by not more than two families. Private dwellings shall also be deemed to include a series of one-family or two-family dwelling units each of which faces or is accessible to a legal street or public thoroughfare, if each such dwelling unit is equipped as a separate dwelling unit with all essential services, and if each such unit is arranged so that it may be approved as a legal one-family or two-family dwelling.
b. Subject to the limitations provided in subdivision d of this section and the restrictions in this section on conversion of buildings used in whole or in part for single room occupancy, any increase in the assessed valuation of real property shall be exempt from taxation for local purposes to the extent such increase results from the reasonable cost of: (1) the conversion of a class B multiple dwelling to a class A multiple dwelling except insofar as the gross cubic content of such building is increased thereby; or (2) the conversion of any nonresidential building or structure situated in the county of New York to a class A multiple dwelling except insofar as the gross cubic content of such building is increased; or (3) the conversion of any nonresidential building or structure situated in the counties of Bronx, Kings, Queens or Richmond to a class A multiple dwelling except insofar as the gross cubic content of such building or structure is increased thereby; or (4) alterations or improvements to the exterior of an otherwise eligible building or structure visible from a public street pursuant to a permit issued by the landmarks commission with respect to a designated historic or landmark site or structure; or (5) alterations or improvements constituting a moderate rehabilitation of a substantially occupied class A multiple dwelling except insofar as the gross cubic content of such building or structure is increased thereby; or (6) alterations or improvements to an otherwise eligible building or structure commenced after January first, nineteen hundred eighty designed to conserve the use of fuel, electricity or other energy sources or to reduce demand for electricity, including the installation of meters for purposes of measuring the amount of electricity consumed for each dwelling unit, and conversions of direct metering to a system that includes a master meter and submeters in any cooperative, condominium, or housing development fund company organized under article eleven of the private housing finance law; or (7) alterations or improvements to existing dwellings to eliminate existing unhealthy or dangerous conditions in any such existing dwelling or replace inadequate and obsolete sanitary facilities in any such existing dwelling, any of which represents fire or health hazards, including as improvements asbestos abatement to the extent such asbestos abatement is required by federal, state or local law, except insofar as the gross cubic content of such existing dwelling is increased thereby; or (8) conversion of residential units qualified for the protection of article seven-C of the multiple dwelling law in buildings or portions thereof registered with the New York city loft board as interim multiple dwellings pursuant to such article to units which are in compliance with the standards of safety and fire protection set forth in article seven-B of the multiple dwelling law or to units which have a certificate of occupancy as class A multiple dwellings; or (9) alterations or improvements commenced on or after September first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven constituting a substantial rehabilitation of a class A multiple dwelling, or a conversion of a building or structure into a class A multiple dwelling, as part of a program to provide housing for low and moderate income households as defined by the department of housing preservation and development pursuant to the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to subdivision m of this section, provided that such alterations or improvements or conversions shall be aided by a grant, loan or subsidy from any federal, state or local agency or instrumentality, including, in the discretion of the department of housing preservation and development, a subsidy in the form of a below market sale from the city of New York; or (10) alterations or improvements to any private dwelling or conversion of any private dwelling to a multiple dwelling or conversion of any multiple dwelling to a private dwelling, provided that such alterations, improvements or conversions are part of a project that has applied for or is receiving benefits pursuant to this section and shall be aided by a grant, loan or subsidy from any federal, state or local agency or instrumentality. Such conversions, alterations or improvements shall be completed within thirty months after the date on which same shall be started except that such thirty month limitation shall not apply to conversions of residential units which are registered with the loft board in accordance with article seven-C of the multiple dwelling law pursuant to paragraph eight of this subdivision. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a sixty-month period for completion shall be available for alterations or improvements undertaken by a housing development fund company organized pursuant to article eleven of the private housing finance law, which are carried out with the substantial assistance of grants, loans or subsidies from any federal, state or local governmental agency or instrumentality or which are carried out in a property transferred from the city of New York if alterations and improvements are completed within seven years after the date of transfer. In addition, the department of housing preservation and development may grant an extension of the period of completion for any project carried out with the substantial assistance of grants, loans or subsidies from any federal, state or local governmental agency or instrumentality, if such alterations, improvements or conversions are completed within sixty months from commencement of construction. Provided, further, that such conversions, alterations or improvements shall in any event be completed prior to June thirtieth, two thousand twenty-two. Exemption for conversions, alterations or improvements pursuant to paragraph one, two, three, four, six, seven, eight or ten of this subdivision shall continue for a period not to exceed fourteen years and begin no sooner than the first tax period immediately following the completion of such conversions, alterations or improvements. Exemption for alterations or improvements pursuant to paragraph five or nine of this subdivision shall continue for a period not to exceed thirty-four years and shall begin no sooner than the first tax period immediately following the completion of such alterations or improvements. Such exemption shall be equal to the increase in the valuation, which is subject to exemption in full or proportionally under this subdivision for ten or thirty years, whichever is applicable. After such period of time, the amount of such exempted assessed valuation of such improvements shall be reduced by twenty percent in each succeeding year until the assessed value of the improvements is fully taxable. Provided, however, exemption for any conversions, alterations or improvements, which are aided by a loan or grant under article eight, eight-A, eleven, twelve, fifteen, or twenty-two of the private housing finance law, section six hundred ninety-six-a or section ninety-nine-h of the general municipal law, or section three hundred twelve of the housing act of nineteen hundred sixty-four (42 U.S.C. § 1452b), or the Cranston-Gonzalez national affordable housing act, (42 U.S.C. § 12701, et seq.), or started after July first, nineteen hundred eighty-three by a housing development fund company organized pursuant to article eleven of the private housing finance law which are carried out with the substantial assistance of grants, loans or subsidies from any federal, state or local governmental agency or instrumentality or which are carried out in a property transferred from the city of New York and where alterations and improvements are completed within seven years after the date of transfer may commence at the beginning of any tax period subsequent to the start of such conversions, alterations or improvements and prior to the completion of such conversions, alterations or improvements. The assessed valuation of the land occupied by such dwelling and any increase in assessed valuation resulting from conversions, alterations, or improvements other than those made pursuant to this section shall not be affected by the provisions of this section.
b-1. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision b of this section, alterations, improvements or conversions of any building or structure that are eligible for benefits pursuant to subdivision b of this section except insofar as the gross cubic content of such building or structure is increased thereby shall be eligible for such benefits insofar as the gross cubic content of such building or structure is increased thereby provided that:
(1) for all tax lots now existing or hereafter created, at least fifty percent of the floor area of the completed building or structure consists of the pre-existing building or structure that was converted, altered or improved in accordance with subdivision b of this section, and
(2) for tax lots now existing or hereafter created within the following area in the borough of Manhattan, such conversions, alterations or improvements are aided by a grant, loan or subsidy from any federal, state or local agency or instrumentality: beginning at the intersection of the United States pierhead line in the Hudson river and the center line of Chambers street extended, thence easterly to the center line of Chambers street and continuing along the center line of Chambers street to the center line of Centre street, thence southerly along the center line of Centre street to the center line of the Brooklyn Bridge to the intersection of the Brooklyn Bridge and the United States pierhead line in the East river, thence northerly along the United States pierhead line in the East river to the intersection of the United States pierhead line in the East river and the center line of one hundred tenth street extended, thence westerly to the center line of one hundred tenth street and continuing along the center line of one hundred tenth street to its westerly terminus, thence westerly to the intersection of the center line of one hundred tenth street extended and the United States pierhead line in the Hudson river, thence southerly along the United States pierhead line in the Hudson river to the point of beginning.
(3) For purposes of this subdivision, "floor area" shall mean the horizontal areas of the several floors or any portion thereof of a dwelling or dwellings and accessory structures on a lot measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the center line of party walls.
(4) Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to provide tax abatement benefits pursuant to subdivision c of this section for the costs attributable to the increased cubic content in any such building or structure.
c. (1) Except as provided in paragraphs two, three and four of this subdivision, the taxes upon any real property, including the land, may be abated each year for a period of not more than twenty years by an amount no greater than eight and one-third per centum of the reasonable cost of eligible conversions, alterations or improvements provided in paragraphs one through eight and paragraph ten of subdivision b of this section provided that the abatement in taxes in any consecutive twelve-month period shall in no event exceed the amount of taxes payable in such twelve-month period; and provided further that alterations or improvements pursuant to paragraph four of subdivision b of this section shall only receive the benefits of this section if construction commenced after January first, nineteen hundred seventy-eight and that in no event shall the aggregate abatement exceed ninety per centum of the reasonable cost of conversions, alterations or improvements provided in paragraphs one, three, four, six, seven, and ten of subdivision b of this section, or exceed fifty per centum of the reasonable cost of conversions pursuant to paragraph one of subdivision b of this section if construction commenced after January first, nineteen hundred eight-two and if such conversions are situated on any tax lots bordering on, or south of, ninety-sixth street in the county of New York to the extent such abatement is not otherwise restricted herein, or exceed fifty per centum of the reasonable cost of conversions pursuant to paragraphs two and eight of subdivision b of this section, or exceed one hundred per centum of the reasonable cost of alterations or improvements pursuant to paragraph five of subdivision b of this section provided that where alterations or improvements pursuant to paragraphs four and six of subdivision b of this section are done in conjunction with a conversion pursuant to paragraph two of subdivision b of this section, the aggregate abatement shall not exceed fifty per centum of the reasonable cost. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the taxes upon real property, including the land may be abated for a period of not more than twenty years at eight and one-third per centum of the reasonable cost of conversion pursuant to paragraph two of subdivision b of this section where construction actually commenced in good faith prior to July first, nineteen hundred eighty pursuant to an alteration permit issued by the department of buildings prior to July first, nineteen hundred eighty provided that the aggregate abatement shall not exceed ninety per centum of the reasonable cost thereof and provided further that in no event shall the abatement in taxes in any twelve-month period exceed the amount of taxes payable in such twelve-month period. In no event, however, shall the aggregate abatement for conversions, alterations or improvements pursuant to subdivision b of this section exceed such dollar limit per existing class A dwelling unit or additional unit created by conversion to a class A multiple dwelling as may be established pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated by the department of housing preservation and development pursuant to subdivision m of this section. Only those items of work set forth in the itemized cost breakdown schedule contained in rules and regulations promulgated by the department of housing preservation and development pursuant to subdivision m of this section shall be eligible for tax abatement. Such abatement shall commence on the later of July first, nineteen hundred seventy-eight or the first day of the first tax quarter following the completion of such construction and the filing for benefits as provided in subdivision h of this section except that such period of abatement may commence on the later of the first day of the first tax quarter following commencement of any conversion, alteration or improvement or (i) July first, nineteen hundred seventy-six, if aided by a loan pursuant to article eight of the private housing finance law and completed after December thirty-first, nineteen hundred seventy-five; or (ii) July first, nineteen hundred seventy-seven, if aided by a loan pursuant to article fifteen of the private housing finance law; or (iii) July first, nineteen hundred eighty, if aided by a loan pursuant to article eight-A of the private housing finance law; or (iv) July first, nineteen hundred eighty, if aided by a loan pursuant to section three hundred twelve of the housing act of nineteen hundred sixty-four (42 U.S.C. § 1452b); or (v) July first, nineteen hundred ninety-two, if started after such date and aided by a loan or grant under article eleven, twelve, or twenty-two of the private housing finance law, section six hundred ninety-six-a or section ninety-nine-h of the general municipal law, or the Cranston-Gonzalez national affordable housing act (42 U.S.C. § 12701, et seq.); or (vi) July first, nineteen hundred eighty-eight, if started after such date by or on behalf of a company not qualified under any of the above provisions, which is a not-for-profit corporation qualified pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code and which has entered into a regulatory agreement with the local housing agency requiring operation of the property as housing for low and moderate income persons and families.
(2) In the case of alterations or improvements pursuant to paragraph five of subdivision b of this section which are carried out with the substantial assistance of grants, loans or subsidies from any federal, state or local agency or instrumentality or any not-for-profit philanthropic organization one of whose primary purposes is providing low or moderate income housing or financed with mortgage insurance by the New York city residential mortgage insurance corporation or the state of New York mortgage agency or pursuant to a program established by the federal housing administration for rehabilitation of existing multiple dwellings in a neighborhood strategy area as defined by the United States department of housing and urban development, the abatement of taxes on such property, including the land, shall not exceed the lesser of the actual cost of the alterations or improvements or one hundred fifty per centum of the certified reasonable cost of the alterations or improvements, as determined under regulations of the department of housing preservation and development, and the annual abatement of taxes shall not exceed twelve and one-half per centum of such certified reasonable cost, provided that such abatement shall not be effective for more than twenty years and the annual abatement of taxes in any consecutive twelve-month period shall in no event exceed the amount of taxes payable in such twelve-month period.
(3) In the case of alterations or improvements carried out with the substantial assistance of grants, loans or subsidies from any federal, state or local agency or instrumentality or any not-for-profit philanthropic organization one of whose primary purposes is providing low or moderate income housing, or financed with mortgage insurance by the New York city residential mortgage insurance corporation or the state of New York mortgage agency or pursuant to a program established by the federal housing administration for rehabilitation of existing multiple dwellings in a neighborhood strategy area as defined by the United States department of housing and urban development where such alterations or improvements are done on property located in census tracts in which seventy-five percent or more of the population live in households which earn fifty percent or less of the median household income of the city, the abatement of taxes on such property, including the land, shall not exceed the lesser of the actual cost of the alterations or improvements or one hundred fifty per centum of the certified reasonable cost of the alterations or improvements, as determined under regulations of the department of housing preservation and development, and the annual abatement of taxes shall not exceed twelve and one-half per centum of such certified reasonable cost, provided that such abatement shall not be effective for more than twenty years and the annual abatement of taxes in any consecutive twelve-month period shall in no event exceed the amount of taxes payable in such twelve month period.
(4) In the case of alterations, improvements or conversions pursuant to paragraph nine of subdivision b of this section, the abatement of taxes on such property, including the land, shall not exceed the lesser of the actual cost of the alterations or improvements or one hundred fifty per centum of the certified reasonable cost of the alterations or improvements, as determined under regulations of the department of housing preservation and development, and the annual abatement of taxes shall not exceed twelve and one-half per centum of such certified reasonable cost, provided that such abatement shall not be effective for more than twenty years and the annual abatement of taxes in any consecutive twelve-month period shall in no event exceed the amount of taxes payable in such twelve-month period.
d. The benefits of this section shall apply:
(1) to any multiple dwelling which is altered, improved or increased in valuation with aid of a loan provided by the city of New York, the New York city housing development corporation or the United States department of housing and urban development for the elimination of conditions dangerous to human life or detrimental to health, including nuisances as defined in section three hundred nine of the multiple dwelling law, or other rehabilitation or improvement whether or not all of the units thereof were in existence prior to rehabilitation pursuant to the provisions of: (i) article two, eight or eight-A of the private housing finance law provided that such dwelling is made available solely to persons or families of low income as defined in said articles, (ii) article twelve of the private housing finance law, (iii) article fifteen of the private housing finance law or (iv) any federal law where the multiple dwelling is supervised or regulated by the United States department of housing and urban development.
(2) except as hereinafter provided, to any building or structure which is converted to a class A multiple dwelling or to any existing dwelling which is substantially rehabilitated, and further provided that the rents subsequent to conversion or substantial rehabilitation shall not exceed such amount as may be fixed: (i) by the United States department of housing and urban development, (ii) pursuant to the private housing finance law of the state of New York, or (iii) pursuant to chapter three or chapter four of title twenty-six of the code, provided that the initial legal regulated rent for the dwelling units shall be the rent charged and paid by the initial tenant and registered with the New York state division of housing and community renewal. Buildings or structures which are converted to class A multiple dwellings and existing dwellings which are substantially rehabilitated shall contain bedrooms in a number equal to at least fifty percent of the apartments created where an alteration permit has been issued by the department of buildings prior to April first, nineteen hundred eighty and seventy-five percent of the apartments created where an alteration permit has been issued by the department of buildings on or after April first, nineteen hundred eighty provided, however, that if a building or structure is converted from a non-residential use to a class A multiple dwelling and the units therein contain an average floor area of one thousand square feet, such requirement as to the number of bedrooms shall not be applicable and if an existing dwelling is substantially rehabilitated, the seventy-five percent bedroom requirement shall be reduced to the extent its application would necessitate a reduction in the number of units which are contained in the existing dwelling prior to commencement of substantial rehabilitation.
(3) to any multiple dwelling, building or structure otherwise eligible for any of the benefits of this section which:
(i) is operated exclusively for the benefit of persons or families who are or will be entitled to occupancy by reason of ownership of stock or membership in the corporate owner, or for the benefit of such persons or families and other persons or families entitled to occupancy under applicable provisions of law without ownership of stock or membership in the corporate owner, or
(ii) is owned as a condominium and is occupied as the residence or home of three or more families living independently of each other; provided, however, that, in addition to all other conditions of eligibility for the benefits of this section, except for multiple dwellings in which units have been newly created by substantial rehabilitation of vacant buildings or conversions of non-residential buildings, the availability of benefits under this section for such multiple dwellings, buildings or structures shall be conditioned on the following:
(a) alterations or improvements to at least one building-wide system are part of the application for benefits, and
(b) (i) the assessed valuation of such multiple dwelling, building, or structure, including land, shall not exceed an average of thirty thousand dollars per dwelling unit at the time of the commencement of the alterations or improvements, and
(ii) during the three years immediately preceding the commencement of the alterations or improvements the average per room sale price of the dwelling units or the stock allocated to such dwelling units shall have been no greater than thirty-five percent of the maximum mortgage amount for a single family home eligible for purchase by the Federal National Mortgage Association; provided that if less than ten percent of the dwelling units or an amount of stock less than the amount allocable to ten percent of such dwelling units was not transferred during such preceding three year period, eligibility for benefits shall be conditioned upon the multiple dwelling, building, or structure having an assessed valuation per dwelling unit of no more than twenty-five thousand dollars at the time of the commencement of the alterations or improvements. Provided, further, that such benefits shall be available only for alterations or improvements commenced on or after June first, nineteen hundred eighty-six. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the benefits of this section shall be available for any alterations or improvements commenced after August seventh, nineteen hundred ninety-two for such multiple dwellings, buildings or structures and shall be conditioned on the following:
(1) the application for benefits may include any item of work designated in the rules adopted by the department of housing preservation and development as a major capital improvement or asbestos abatement to the extent such asbestos abatement is required by federal, state and local law; and
(2) (i) the assessed valuation of such multiple dwelling, building or structure, including land, shall not exceed an average of forty thousand dollars per dwelling unit at the time of the commencement of the alterations or improvements; and
(ii) the average per room sale price of the dwelling units or the stock allocated to such dwelling units shall have been no greater than thirty-five percent of the maximum mortgage amount for a single family home eligible for purchase by the Federal National Mortgage Association during the three years immediately preceding the commencement of the alterations or improvements; provided that if less than ten percent of the dwelling units or an amount of stock less than the amount allocable to ten percent of such dwelling units was not transferred during such preceding three year period, eligibility for benefits shall be conditioned upon the multiple dwelling, building, or structure having an assessed valuation per dwelling unit of no more than forty thousand dollars at the time of the commencement of the alteration or improvement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, benefits shall also be available under this section for work completed in any such multiple dwelling, building or structure within the first three years of its conversion to cooperative or condominium ownership, as evidenced by the date on which the first closing in a condominium to a bona fide purchaser occurs or in the case of a cooperative, the date on which the shares allocable to a unit are conveyed to a bona fide purchaser, provided, however, that the availability of such benefits for conversions, alterations or improvements commenced prior to June first, nineteen hundred eighty-six, except with respect to governmentally assisted projects as defined in regulations issued by the department of housing preservation and development, shall be conditioned upon the completion of such conversions, alterations or improvements within three years after acceptance for filing of the prospectus to establish such cooperative or condominium entity by the attorney general of the state of New York. The maximum amount of tax abatement which may be received in any tax period under this section by any such multiple dwelling, building or structure for any alterations and improvements commenced three or more years after its initial conversion to cooperative or condominium ownership shall be limited to an amount not in excess of two thousand five hundred dollars per dwelling unit of the certified reasonable cost of the alterations or improvements as determined under regulations of the department of housing preservation and development.
(3-a) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of paragraph three of this subdivision, the availability of any benefits under this section to any multiple dwelling, building or structure owned and operated by a limited-profit housing company established pursuant to article two of the private housing finance law shall not be conditioned upon the assessed valuation of such multiple dwelling, building or structure, including land, as calculated as an average dollar amount per dwelling unit, at the time of the commencement of the alterations or improvements; provided, however, that such limited-profit housing company (i) is organized and operating as a mutual company, (ii) continues to be organized and operating as a mutual company and to own and operate the multiple dwelling, building or structure receiving such benefits, and (iii) has entered into a binding and irrevocable agreement with the commissioner of housing of the state of New York, the supervising agency, the New York city housing development corporation, or the New York state housing finance agency prohibiting the dissolution or reconstitution of such limited-profit housing company pursuant to section thirty-five of the private housing finance law for not less than fifteen years from the commencement of such benefits. For the purposes of this paragraph, the terms "mutual company" and "supervising agency" shall have the same meanings as set forth in section two of the private housing finance law.
(3-b) Notwithstanding any contrary provision of paragraph three of this subdivision, the availability of any benefits under this section to any multiple dwelling, building or structure owned and operated by a redevelopment company established pursuant to article five of the public housing finance law shall not be conditioned upon the assessed valuation of such multiple dwelling, building or structure, including land, as calculated as an average dollar amount per dwelling unit, at the time of the commencement of the alterations or improvements; provided, however, that such redevelopment company (i) is organized and operating as a mutual redevelopment company, (ii) continues to be organized and operating as a mutual redevelopment company and to own and operate the multiple dwelling, building or structure receiving such benefits, and (iii) has entered into a binding and irrevocable agreement with the commissioner of housing and community renewal of the state of New York, the supervising agency, the New York city housing development corporation, or the New York state housing finance agency prohibiting the dissolution or reconstitution of such redevelopment company pursuant to section one hundred twenty-three of the private housing finance law until the earlier to occur of (i) fifteen years from the commencement of such benefits, or (ii) the expiration of any tax exemption granted to such redevelopment company pursuant to section one hundred twenty-five of the private housing finance law. For the purposes of this paragraph, the terms "mutual" and "supervising agency" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section one hundred two of the private housing finance law.
(4) provided that, in the case of any building or structure:
(i) in which conversion, alteration or improvement commences on or after January first, nineteen hundred eighty-two, and
(ii) which is located in the county of New York within an area designated herein as a minimum tax zone, the benefits of this section shall not be applied to abate or reduce the taxes upon the land portion of such real property, which shall continue to be taxed based upon the assessed valuation of the land and the applicable tax rate at the time such taxes are levied; provided, however, that the foregoing limitation with respect to abatement of taxes shall not apply:
(A) to any multiple dwelling which is eligible for benefits based upon moderate rehabilitation pursuant to paragraph five of subdivision b of this section, or
(B) to any multiple dwelling which is governmentally assisted as such term is defined in regulations to be promulgated by the department of housing preservation and development pursuant to subdivision m of this section.
(5) provided that in the case of any building or structure:
(i) in which conversion, alteration or improvement commences on or after January first, nineteen hundred eighty-two, and
(ii) which is located in the county of New York within an area designated herein as a tax abatement exclusion zone, the benefits of this section shall not be applied to abate or reduce the taxes upon such real property, which shall continue to be taxed based upon the assessed valuation of the land and the improvements and the applicable tax rate at the time such taxes are levied; provided, however, that the foregoing limitation shall not deprive such real property of any benefits of exemption from taxation of an increase in assessed valuation to which it is entitled pursuant to this section; provided, however, that the foregoing limitation with respect to abatement of taxes shall not apply:
(A) to any alteration or improvement designated as a major capital improvement, by the regulations promulgated by the department of housing preservation and development pursuant to subdivision m of this section, provided that the maximum amount of tax abatement which may be received in any tax period under this section by any such multiple dwelling, building or structure for any alterations and improvements shall be limited to an amount not in excess of twenty-five hundred dollars per dwelling unit of the certified reasonable cost of the alterations and improvements as determined under regulations of the department of housing preservation and development, or
(B) to any multiple dwelling which is governmentally assisted as such term is defined by said regulations.
(6) For purposes of this subdivision, the minimum tax zone in the county of New York shall be as follows: all tax lots now existing or hereafter created within the following designated area or adjacent to either side of any street forming the boundary of such designated area, which area is bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at Central Park West and 86th Street; thence easterly along 86th Street to the East River; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of New York county to 23rd Street; thence westerly along 23rd Street to Third Avenue; thence southerly along Third Avenue to 14th Street; thence westerly along 14th Street to Broadway; thence southerly along Broadway to Houston Street; thence westerly along Houston Street to West Street; thence northerly along West Street to 14th Street; thence easterly along 14th Street to 9th Avenue; thence northerly along Ninth Avenue to 57th Street; thence westerly along 57th Street to the Hudson River; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of New York county to 72nd Street; thence easterly along 72nd Street to Central Park West; thence northerly along Central Park West to 86th Street and Central Park West, which is the place of beginning.
(7) For purposes of this subdivision, the tax abatement exclusion zone in the county of New York shall be as follows: all tax lots within the following designated area or adjacent to either side of any street forming the boundary of such designated area or adjacent to either side of any street designated as included in such area, which area is bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of 96th Street and Central Park West; thence easterly to Park Avenue; thence southerly along Park Avenue to the intersection of Park Avenue and 72nd Street; thence easterly along 72nd Street to York Avenue; thence northerly along York Avenue to the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Drive; thence north-westerly along the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Drive to as far as 96th Street; thence easterly to the easterly border of New York county; thence southerly along such border to 34th Street; thence westerly along 34th Street to 8th Avenue; thence northerly, along 8th Avenue and Central Park West as far as 96th Street, which is the place of beginning. Additionally, the following North/South and East/West thoroughfares shall be included in the tax abatement exclusion zone: 96th Street between Central Park West and the East River; 86th Street between Central Park West and the East River; 79th Street between West End Avenue and the East River; 72nd Street between West End Avenue and the East River; West End Avenue from 72nd Street to 86th Street; and Riverside Drive from 72nd Street to 96th Street.
(8) Limitation on benefits.
(a) The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to all conversions, alterations and improvements except the following:
(i) alterations or improvements under paragraphs four, six and seven of subdivision b of this section, where carried out:
(A) with the substantial assistance of grants, loans or subsidies from any federal, state or local agency or instrumentality, or any not-for-profit philanthropic organization one of whose primary purposes is providing low or moderate incoming housing; or
(B) with mortgage insurance by the New York city residential mortgage insurance corporation or the state of New York mortgage agency; or
(C) in the areas bounded and described as follows:
MOTT HAVEN – The area bounded by East 159th Street; Third Avenue; East 161st Street; Prospect Avenue; East 149th Street; Jackson Avenue; Bruckner Expressway; Major Deegan Expressway; Morris Avenue; East 149th Street and Park Avenue.
ALDUS GREEN – The area bounded by East 169th Street; East 167th Street; Westchester Avenue; Sheridan Expressway; Longfellow Avenue; Randall Avenue; Tiffany Street; Longwood Avenue; Bruckner Expressway; East 149th Street; and, Prospect Avenue.
MORRISANIA – The area bounded by Cross Bronx Expressway; Park Avenue; East 174th Street; Washington Avenue; Cross Bronx Expressway; Arthur Avenue; Crotona Park North; Waterloo Place; East 175th Street; Southern Boulevard; Cross Bronx Expressway; Sheridan Expressway; East 167th Street; East 169th Street; Prospect Avenue; East 161st Street; Third Avenue; East 159th Street; Park Avenue; and, Webster Avenue.
HIGHBRIDGE-CONCOURSE – The area bounded by Washington Bridge-Cross Bronx Expressway; Webster Avenue; Park Avenue; East 149th Street; and, the Harlem River.
WEST TREMONT – The area bounded by West Fordham Road; East Fordham Road; Webster Avenue; Cross Bronx Expressway; George Washington Bridge; and, the Harlem River.
BELMONT-BRONX PARK SOUTH – The area bounded by Southern Boulevard; Bronx Park South; Boston Road; East 180th Street; Bronx River Parkway; Cross Bronx Expressway; Crotona Parkway; East 175th Street; Waterloo Place; Crotona Park North; Arthur Avenue; Cross Bronx Expressway; Washington Avenue; East 174th Street; Park Avenue; Cross Bronx Expressway; and, Webster Avenue.
KINGSBRIDGE – The area bounded by Van Cortlandt Park South; West Gun Hill Road; Jerome Avenue; Bainbridge Avenue; East 211th Street and its prolongation; Conrail right of way; Bedford Park Boulevard; Webster Avenue; East Fordham Road; West Fordham Road; the Harlem River; Marble Hill Avenue; West 230th Street; Riverdale Avenue; Greystone Avenue; Waldo Avenue; Manhattan College Parkway; and, Broadway.
SOUND VIEW – The area bounded by the Cross Bronx Expressway; Bronx River Parkway; East Tremont Avenue; White Plains Road; Randall Avenue; Olmstead Avenue; Lacombe Avenue; Westchester Creek; East River; Bronx River; Westchester Avenue; and, Sheridan Expressway.
PELHAM PARKWAY – The area bounded by Adee Avenue; Mathews Avenue; Williamsbridge Road; Pelham Parkway South; Yates Avenue; Lydig Avenue; Williamsbridge Road; Neil Avenue; Bogart Avenue; East Tremont Avenue; Bronx River Parkway; and, Bronx Park East.
MOTT HAVEN – The area bounded by East 159th Street; Third Avenue; East 161st Street; Prospect Avenue; East 149th Street; Jackson Avenue; Bruckner Expressway; Major Deegan Expressway; Morris Avenue; East 149th Street and Park Avenue.
ALDUS GREEN – The area bounded by East 169th Street; East 167th Street; Westchester Avenue; Sheridan Expressway; Longfellow Avenue; Randall Avenue; Tiffany Street; Longwood Avenue; Bruckner Expressway; East 149th Street; and, Prospect Avenue.
MORRISANIA – The area bounded by Cross Bronx Expressway; Park Avenue; East 174th Street; Washington Avenue; Cross Bronx Expressway; Arthur Avenue; Crotona Park North; Waterloo Place; East 175th Street; Southern Boulevard; Cross Bronx Expressway; Sheridan Expressway; East 167th Street; East 169th Street; Prospect Avenue; East 161st Street; Third Avenue; East 159th Street; Park Avenue; and, Webster Avenue.
HIGHBRIDGE-CONCOURSE – The area bounded by Washington Bridge-Cross Bronx Expressway; Webster Avenue; Park Avenue; East 149th Street; and, the Harlem River.
WEST TREMONT – The area bounded by West Fordham Road; East Fordham Road; Webster Avenue; Cross Bronx Expressway; George Washington Bridge; and, the Harlem River.
BELMONT-BRONX PARK SOUTH – The area bounded by Southern Boulevard; Bronx Park South; Boston Road; East 180th Street; Bronx River Parkway; Cross Bronx Expressway; Crotona Parkway; East 175th Street; Waterloo Place; Crotona Park North; Arthur Avenue; Cross Bronx Expressway; Washington Avenue; East 174th Street; Park Avenue; Cross Bronx Expressway; and, Webster Avenue.
KINGSBRIDGE – The area bounded by Van Cortlandt Park South; West Gun Hill Road; Jerome Avenue; Bainbridge Avenue; East 211th Street and its prolongation; Conrail right of way; Bedford Park Boulevard; Webster Avenue; East Fordham Road; West Fordham Road; the Harlem River; Marble Hill Avenue; West 230th Street; Riverdale Avenue; Greystone Avenue; Waldo Avenue; Manhattan College Parkway; and, Broadway.
SOUND VIEW – The area bounded by the Cross Bronx Expressway; Bronx River Parkway; East Tremont Avenue; White Plains Road; Randall Avenue; Olmstead Avenue; Lacombe Avenue; Westchester Creek; East River; Bronx River; Westchester Avenue; and, Sheridan Expressway.
PELHAM PARKWAY – The area bounded by Adee Avenue; Mathews Avenue; Williamsbridge Road; Pelham Parkway South; Yates Avenue; Lydig Avenue; Williamsbridge Road; Neil Avenue; Bogart Avenue; East Tremont Avenue; Bronx River Parkway; and, Bronx Park East.
WILLIAMSBURG – The area bounded by Metropolitan Avenue; Union Avenue; Conselyea Street; Wood Point Road; Frost Street; Morgan Avenue; Meserole Street; Bushwick Avenue; Flushing Avenue; Union Avenue; Division Avenue; and, the East River.
BEDFORD-STUYVESANT – The area bounded by Myrtle Avenue; Broadway; Ralph Avenue; Atlantic Avenue; and, Nostrand Avenue.
BUSHWICK – The area bounded by Flushing Avenue; Cypress Avenue; Menahan Street; St. Nicholas Avenue; Gates Avenue; Wycoff Avenue; Eldert Street; Irving Avenue; Chauncey Street; Central Avenue; property line of the Cemetery of the Evergreens; Conway Street; and, Broadway.
EAST-NEW YORK – The area bounded by Jamaica Avenue; Elderts Lane; Atlantic Avenue; Fountain Avenue; New Lots Avenue; and Sheffield Avenue.
SOUTH BROOKLYN (A) – The area bounded by The Buttermilk Channel; Congress Street; Hicks Street; Hamilton-Gowanus Parkway; the Gowanus Canal; and, the Gowanus Bay.
SOUTH BROOKLYN (B) – The area bounded by Fourth Avenue; Pacific Street; Flatbush Avenue; Sixth Avenue; and, 15th Street.
SUNSET PARK – The area bounded by the Upper New York Bay; the Gowanus Bay; 15th Street; Prospect Park S.W.; Coney Island Avenue; Caton Avenue; Fort Hamilton Parkway; 37th Street; Eighth Avenue; Long Island Railroad right of way; Gowanus Expressway; 64th Street; Shore Parkway; and, the Long Island Railroad right of way.
CROWN HEIGHTS – The area bounded by Pacific Street; Vanderbilt Avenue; Atlantic Avenue; Ralph Avenue; East New York Avenue; Utica Avenue; Winthrop Street; Flatbush Avenue; Parkside Avenue; Ocean Avenue; Empire Boulevard; Washington Avenue; Eastern Parkway; Grand Army Plaza; and, Flatbush Avenue.
CONEY ISLAND – The area bounded by the Coney Island Creek; Stillwell Avenue; the Boardwalk West; and, West 37th Street.
FLATBUSH – The area bounded by Parkside Avenue; Flatbush Avenue; Winthrop Street; New York Avenue; Clarendon Road; East 31st Street; Newkirk Avenue; Nostrand Avenue; Foster Avenue; New York Avenue; Avenue H; Flatbush Avenue; Avenue K; and, Coney Island Avenue.
EAST FLATBUSH – The area bounded by Clarkson Avenue; Utica Avenue; East New York Avenue; East 98th Street; Church Avenue; Ralph Avenue; Clarendon Road; and, New York Avenue.
BROWNSVILLE – The area bounded by Broadway; Rockaway Avenue; Atlantic Avenue; East New York Avenue; Christopher Avenue; Glenmore Avenue; Powell Street; Sutter Avenue; Van Sinderen Avenue; Dumont Avenue; Junius Street; Livonia Avenue; Stone Avenue; Linden Boulevard; Rockaway Avenue; Hegeman Avenue; Hopkinson Avenue; Riverdale Avenue; East 98th Street; East New York Avenue; Ralph Avenue; Atlantic Avenue; and, Saratoga Avenue.
WILLIAMSBURG – The area bounded by Metropolitan Avenue; Union Avenue; Conselyea Street; Wood Point Road; Frost Street; Morgan Avenue; Meserole Street; Bushwick Avenue; Flushing Avenue; Union Avenue; Division Avenue; and, the East River.
BEDFORD-STUYVESANT – The area bounded by Myrtle Avenue; Broadway; Ralph Avenue; Atlantic Avenue; and, Nostrand Avenue.
BUSHWICK – The area bounded by Flushing Avenue; Cypress Avenue; Menahan Street; St. Nicholas Avenue; Gates Avenue; Wycoff Avenue; Eldert Street; Irving Avenue; Chauncey Street; Central Avenue; property line of the Cemetery of the Evergreens; Conway Street; and, Broadway.
EAST-NEW YORK – The area bounded by Jamaica Avenue; Elderts Lane; Atlantic Avenue; Fountain Avenue; New Lots Avenue; and Sheffield Avenue.
SOUTH BROOKLYN (A) – The area bounded by The Buttermilk Channel; Congress Street; Hicks Street; Hamilton-Gowanus Parkway; the Gowanus Canal; and, the Gowanus Bay.
SOUTH BROOKLYN (B) – The area bounded by Fourth Avenue; Pacific Street; Flatbush Avenue; Sixth Avenue; and, 15th Street.
SUNSET PARK – The area bounded by the Upper New York Bay; the Gowanus Bay; 15th Street; Prospect Park S.W.; Coney Island Avenue; Caton Avenue; Fort Hamilton Parkway; 37th Street; Eighth Avenue; Long Island Railroad right of way; Gowanus Expressway; 64th Street; Shore Parkway; and, the Long Island Railroad right of way.
CROWN HEIGHTS – The area bounded by Pacific Street; Vanderbilt Avenue; Atlantic Avenue; Ralph Avenue; East New York Avenue; Utica Avenue; Winthrop Street; Flatbush Avenue; Parkside Avenue; Ocean Avenue; Empire Boulevard; Washington Avenue; Eastern Parkway; Grand Army Plaza; and, Flatbush Avenue.
CONEY ISLAND – The area bounded by the Coney Island Creek; Stillwell Avenue; the Boardwalk West; and, West 37th Street.
FLATBUSH – The area bounded by Parkside Avenue; Flatbush Avenue; Winthrop Street; New York Avenue; Clarendon Road; East 31st Street; Newkirk Avenue; Nostrand Avenue; Foster Avenue; New York Avenue; Avenue H; Flatbush Avenue; Avenue K; and, Coney Island Avenue.
EAST FLATBUSH – The area bounded by Clarkson Avenue; Utica Avenue; East New York Avenue; East 98th Street; Church Avenue; Ralph Avenue; Clarendon Road; and, New York Avenue.
BROWNSVILLE – The area bounded by Broadway; Rockaway Avenue; Atlantic Avenue; East New York Avenue; Christopher Avenue; Glenmore Avenue; Powell Street; Sutter Avenue; Van Sinderen Avenue; Dumont Avenue; Junius Street; Livonia Avenue; Stone Avenue; Linden Boulevard; Rockaway Avenue; Hegeman Avenue; Hopkinson Avenue; Riverdale Avenue; East 98th Street; East New York Avenue; Ralph Avenue; Atlantic Avenue; and, Saratoga Avenue.
LOWER EAST SIDE – The area bounded by East 14th Street; the East River; Delancey Street; Chrystie Street; East Houston Street; and, Avenue A.
MANHATTAN VALLEY – The area bounded by Cathedral Parkway (West 110th Street); Central Park West; West 100th Street; and, Broadway.
EAST HARLEM – The area bounded by East 142nd Street; the Harlem River; East 96th Street; and, Fifth Avenue.
CENTRAL HARLEM – The area bounded by West 145th Street; the Harlem River; Fifth Avenue; Cathedral Parkway (West 110th Street); Morningside Avenue; West 123rd Street; St. Nicholas Avenue; West 141st Street; and, Bradhurst Avenue.
HAMILTON HEIGHTS – The area bounded by West 155th Street; Bradhurst Avenue; West 141st Street; Convent Avenue; West 140th Street; Amsterdam Avenue; West 133rd Street; and, Riverside Drive.
WASHINGTON HEIGHTS – The area bounded by the Harlem River; Teunissen Place; West 230th Street; Marble Hill Lane; the Harlem River; West 155th Street; and, the Hudson River.
LOWER EAST SIDE – The area bounded by East 14th Street; the East River; Delancey Street; Chrystie Street; East Houston Street; and, Avenue A.
MANHATTAN VALLEY – The area bounded by Cathedral Parkway (West 110th Street); Central Park West; West 100th Street; and, Broadway.
EAST HARLEM – The area bounded by East 142nd Street; the Harlem River; East 96th Street; and, Fifth Avenue.
CENTRAL HARLEM – The area bounded by West 145th Street; the Harlem River; Fifth Avenue; Cathedral Parkway (West 110th Street); Morningside Avenue; West 123rd Street; St. Nicholas Avenue; West 141st Street; and, Bradhurst Avenue.
HAMILTON HEIGHTS – The area bounded by West 155th Street; Bradhurst Avenue; West 141st Street; Convent Avenue; West 140th Street; Amsterdam Avenue; West 133rd Street; and, Riverside Drive.
WASHINGTON HEIGHTS – The area bounded by the Harlem River; Teunissen Place; West 230th Street; Marble Hill Lane; the Harlem River; West 155th Street; and, the Hudson River.
HALLETS POINTS – The area bounded by the East River-East Channel, Hallets Cove and Pot Cove; Hoyt Avenue South; 21st Street; 31st Avenue; Vernon Boulevard; and, 35th Avenue.
JACKSON HEIGHTS-CORONA-EAST ELMHURST – The area bounded by Grand Central Parkway; Long Island Railroad right of way; 110th Street; Corona Avenue; Long Island Expressway; Junction Boulevard; Roosevelt Avenue; and, Brooklyn-Queens Expressway East.
RIDGEWOOD – The area bounded by Grand Avenue; Rust Street; 59th Drive; 60th Street; Bleecker Street; Forest Avenue; Myrtle Avenue; the Long Island Railroad right of way; and, Queens-Brooklyn boundary line.
JAMAICA SOUTH – The area bounded by the Long Island Railroad right of way; New York Boulevard; Southern Parkway (Sunrise Highway) and, Van Wyck Expressway.
FAR ROCKAWAY – The area bounded by the Jamaica Bay-Mott Basin; Queens-Nassau boundary line; Far Rockway* Beach; Beach 32nd Street; and, Norton Drive.
HALLETS POINTS – The area bounded by the East River-East Channel, Hallets Cove and Pot Cove; Hoyt Avenue South; 21st Street; 31st Avenue; Vernon Boulevard; and, 35th Avenue.
JACKSON HEIGHTS-CORONA-EAST ELMHURST – The area bounded by Grand Central Parkway; Long Island Railroad right of way; 110th Street; Corona Avenue; Long Island Expressway; Junction Boulevard; Roosevelt Avenue; and, Brooklyn-Queens Expressway East.
RIDGEWOOD – The area bounded by Grand Avenue; Rust Street; 59th Drive; 60th Street; Bleecker Street; Forest Avenue; Myrtle Avenue; the Long Island Railroad right of way; and, Queens-Brooklyn boundary line.
JAMAICA SOUTH – The area bounded by the Long Island Railroad right of way; New York Boulevard; Southern Parkway (Sunrise Highway) and, Van Wyck Expressway.
FAR ROCKAWAY – The area bounded by the Jamaica Bay-Mott Basin; Queens-Nassau boundary line; Far Rockway* Beach; Beach 32nd Street; and, Norton Drive.
PORT RICHMOND – The area bounded by the Kill Van Kull; Jewett Avenue and its prolongation; Forest Avenue; and, the Willow Brook Expressway.
NEW BRIGHTON – The area bounded by the Kill Van Kull; Westervelt Avenue; Brook Street; Castleton Avenue; and, North Randall Avenue and its prolongation.
STAPLETON – The area bounded by Victory Boulevard; the Upper New York Bay; Vanderbilt Avenue; Van Duzer Street; Cebra Avenue; and, St. Pauls Avenue.
FOX HILLS – The area bounded by Vanderbilt Avenue; the Upper New York Bay; the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway right of way; and, the Staten Island Expressway.
PORT RICHMOND – The area bounded by the Kill Van Kull; Jewett Avenue and its prolongation; Forest Avenue; and, the Willow Brook Expressway.
NEW BRIGHTON – The area bounded by the Kill Van Kull; Westervelt Avenue; Brook Street; Castleton Avenue; and, North Randall Avenue and its prolongation.
STAPLETON – The area bounded by Victory Boulevard; the Upper New York Bay; Vanderbilt Avenue; Van Duzer Street; Cebra Avenue; and, St. Pauls Avenue.
FOX HILLS – The area bounded by Vanderbilt Avenue; the Upper New York Bay; the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railway right of way; and, the Staten Island Expressway.
(D) pursuant to a program established by the federal housing administration, federal national mortgage association, federal home loan mortgage corporation or government national mortgage association for the rehabilitation of existing multiple dwellings for persons of low or moderate income, or a program of mortgage insurance for the rehabilitation of existing multiple dwellings pursuant to section two hundred twenty-three-f of the national housing act as amended, or a program of mortgage insurance established by the federal housing administration for the rehabilitation of existing multiple dwellings for persons of low or moderate income; provided that properties receiving benefits under such programs are located in a neighborhood strategy area, as defined, by the United States department of housing and urban development, or in one of the areas listed in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph.
(ii) alterations or improvements under paragraph five of subdivision b of this section; and
(iii) conversion of residential units qualified for the protection of article seven-C of the multiple dwelling law under paragraph eight of subdivision b of this section.
(b) Abatement limitations.
(i) The amount of abatement under subdivision c of this section shall not exceed the certified reasonable cost of the conversion, alteration or improvement, as determined under regulations of the department of housing preservation and development, provided that the amount of certified reasonable cost eligible for abatement under this section shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars for a dwelling unit of three and one-half rooms, as determined under the applicable zoning resolution, and a comparable amount for dwelling units of other sizes, determined under regulations of the department of housing preservation and development, and further provided that the amount of certified reasonable cost eligible for abatement under this section may exceed fifteen thousand dollars or such comparable amount per dwelling unit, but not more than twenty-five percent above such amount, upon application of the property owner and a determination by the department of housing preservation and development that:
(A) in the case of a conversion under paragraph one, two or three of subdivision b of this section, the increased cost is necessary to comply with applicable law; or
(B) in the case of an alteration or improvement under paragraph seven of subdivision b of this section, the increased cost is necessary to eliminate the unhealthy or dangerous conditions or replace the inadequate and obsolete facilities in a satisfactory manner, or
(C) in the case of an alteration or improvement under paragraph six of subdivision b of this section, the increased cost is necessary to conserve energy in a satisfactory manner; or
(D) in the case of an alteration or improvement under paragraph four of subdivision b of this section, the increased cost, to the extent such cost is not offset by any and all tax credits received as a result of the alteration or improvement, is necessary to comply with any provision of law regulating historic or landmark buildings or structures.
(ii) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this subparagraph, and in addition to all other conditions of eligibility for the benefits of this section, the availability of abatements pursuant to subdivision c of this section for any multiple dwellings, buildings or structures not owned as a condominium or cooperative, except for multiple dwellings in which units have been newly created by substantial rehabilitation of vacant buildings or conversions of non-residential buildings, shall be conditioned on the assessed valuation of such multiple dwelling, building or structure, including land, not exceeding an average of thirty thousand dollars per dwelling unit at the time of commencement of the alterations or improvements, provided, however, that such average shall not exceed $40,000 per dwelling unit at the time of commencement of the alteration or improvement for alterations or improvements commenced after the effective date of this local law, which added this amendment.
(c) Exemption limitations.
(i) The increase in assessed valuation of the real property resulting from the conversion, alteration or improvement under subdivision b of this section, shall be exempt from taxation as provided in this section, only to the extent provided in this subparagraph, provided that this subparagraph shall not apply to any conversions, alterations or improvements commenced on or after June first, nineteen hundred eighty-six, unless such conversions, alterations or improvements are carried out in buildings or structures located in the borough of Manhattan south of or adjacent to the south side of one hundred tenth street. The amount of the increased assessed valuation that is exempt from taxation shall depend on the amount of the total assessed value per dwelling unit calculated by dividing the amount of the total assessed valuation of the property, as determined under the real property tax law, by the number of dwelling units in the building after completion of the conversion, alteration or improvement. The amount of increased assessed valuation that will be exempt from taxation for buildings with total assessed valuation per dwelling unit of less than thirty-eight thousand dollars shall be calculated pursuant to the following formula:
(A) any portion of total assessed valuation of the property attributable to the first eighteen thousand dollars of total assessed valuation per dwelling unit, to the extent it represents increased assessed valuation, shall be one hundred percent exempt;
(B) any portion of total assessed valuation attributable to the next four thousand dollars of total assessed valuation per dwelling unit, to the extent it represents increased assessed valuation, shall be seventy-five percent exempt;
(C) any portion of total assessed valuation attributable to the next four thousand dollars of total assessed valuation per dwelling unit, to the extent it represents increased assessed valuation, shall be fifty percent exempt;
(D) any portion of total assessed valuation attributable to the next four thousand dollars of total assessed valuation per dwelling unit, to the extent it represents increased assessed valuation, shall be twenty-five percent exempt;
(E) any portion of total assessed valuation attributable to the next eight thousand dollars of total assessed valuation per dwelling unit, to the extent it represents increased assessed valuation per dwelling unit, shall be fully taxable. Property with a total assessed valuation per dwelling unit of thirty-eight thousand dollars or more shall not be eligible for a tax exemption under this section.
(ii) In calculating the amount of increased assessed valuation that will be exempt from taxation pursuant to the formula in clause (i) of this subparagraph, the full amount of total assessed valuation that does not represent increased assessed valuation shall be applied in such formula prior to the inclusion of any amount of increased assessed valuation.
(iii) Where the real property is occupied in part for residential purposes and in part for non-residential purposes, the assessed valuation of the property shall be appropriately allocated between the residential and non-residential portions. In computing the total assessed valuation per dwelling unit under this subparagraph, only the amount of valuation so allocated to the residential portion shall be considered.
(iv) Commencing with the assessment roll for the year nineteen hundred eighty-four, where there has been a change in the level of assessment from the assessment roll of the prior year of properties receiving exemptions under this section, the department of finance may petition the state board to certify the percentage of such change for the purposes of this section. In such petition, the department of finance shall submit such information as the state board shall require in order to certify the percentage of such change. The state board may also make such a certification on its own motion. Upon receipt of such certification from the state board, the department of housing preservation and development may modify the dollar values of total assessed valuation per dwelling unit in clause (i) of this subparagraph to reflect the percentage change in the level of assessment as shown in such certification. As used in this subparagraph, the term "change in the level of assessment" means the net increase or decrease in the assessed valuation of properties in the assessing unit that received exemptions under this section in the current year as compared to those that received exemptions under this section in the prior year as a result of assessing such properties at a higher or lower ratio of full value.
(v) (A) Notwithstanding the provisions of clause (i) of this subparagraph, the department of housing preservation and development may reduce or remove the limitations on the exemption from taxation provided in such clause with respect to a particular property undergoing alteration or improvement, upon application of the property owner and a determination by such department that the increased benefit will increase the number of dwelling units that will be affordable to persons of low and moderate income, and the increased benefit is necessary to make economically viable units or improvement in the quality of dwelling units that will be affordable to persons of low or moderate income.
(B) As used in this subparagraph, the term "persons of low or moderate income" shall mean persons who would qualify for housing subsidies pursuant to section two hundred thirty-five of the national housing act, as amended, at one hundred thirty-five percent of the income limitations provided therein.
(C) Upon receiving an application under this subparagraph in proper form, the department of housing preservation and development shall immediately submit it to the community board for the area in which the project is located, which may, within forty-five days of receiving it and after a public hearing, make recommendations to the department as to the application. The department shall act on the application within sixty days of receiving it from the property owner in proper form, but not before expiration of the time for the community board to make its recommendations, unless the board has acted sooner.
(d) The department of housing preservation and development may set forth preliminarily the terms of a determination under subparagraph (b) or (c) of this paragraph prior to the commencement of the conversion, alteration or improvement. Any such determination shall take effect after completion of the work in accordance with the terms of the application made by the property owner.
(e) Any determination of the department of housing preservation and development to increase an abatement under subparagraph (b) of this paragraph, or to reduce or remove the exemption limitations under subparagraph (c) of this paragraph shall state the basis for the determination and the data on which the determination was based. Such determination shall be published in the City Record for five consecutive days after the determination is rendered.
d-1. (1) A group of multiple dwellings which was developed as a planned community and which is owned as two separate condominiums containing a total of ten thousand or more dwelling units shall be eligible for tax exemption and abatement as provided in this subdivision.
(2) any increase in assessed valuation resulting from alterations or improvements financed with substantial governmental assistance to one or more multiple dwellings in a planned community described in paragraph one of this subdivision shall be exempt from taxation for local purposes. Such exemption shall be equal to the increase in the valuation which is subject to exemption under this paragraph for thirty years. After such period of time, the amount of such exempted assessed value shall be reduced by twenty percent in each succeeding year until the assessed value of the alterations or improvements is fully taxable. Such exemption may commence at the beginning of any tax quarter subsequent to the start of such alterations or improvements. In no event shall such alterations or improvements directly or indirectly result in an equalization increase in the assessed valuation of any multiple dwelling forming part of the planned community where such alterations or improvements are performed.
(3) the taxes on a planned community described in paragraph one of this subdivision, including the land, may be abated by an amount not to exceed the greater of (i) one hundred fifty per centum of the certified reasonable cost of the alterations or improvements, as determined under the rules of the department of housing preservation and development, and (ii) the construction cost of the alterations or improvements identified in such rules. Such abatement shall not be effective for more than twenty years and the annual abatement of taxes in any consecutive twelve-month period shall not be greater than ten per centum of the total abatement granted and shall not exceed the amount of taxes payable in such consecutive twelve-month period. Such abatement shall begin no sooner than the first quarterly tax bill immediately following the completion of such alterations or improvements. The limitations set forth in the second paragraph of paragraph three of subdivision d of this section for multiple dwellings, buildings and structures owned as condominiums shall be inapplicable to benefits granted pursuant to this subdivision. Abatement benefits granted pursuant to this subdivision shall be apportioned among all of the condominium tax lots within the condominium in which the alterations or improvements are made, although such alterations or improvements may have been made to one or fewer than all of the multiple dwellings therein.
(4) in the event that multiple alterations or improvements are undertaken in a planned community described in paragraph one of this subdivision and separate applications for benefits therefor are made, all requirements concerning physical condition of and compliance with law by the multiple dwellings in such planned community shall apply only upon completion of all such alterations or improvements, provided that all such alterations or improvements are completed within six years.
(5) except as provided in this subdivision, all of the requirements imposed by this section on projects described in subdivision b of this section shall be applicable to alterations or improvements granted benefits pursuant to this subdivision.
(6) this subdivision shall be applicable only to alterations or improvements completed prior to December thirty-first, two thousand five.
(7) Alterations and improvements receiving tax benefits under this subdivision shall not be used as the basis of an application for a major capital improvement rent increase under state laws governing rent control and rent stabilization, provided, however, that such alterations and improvements may be eligible for a major capital improvement increase in an amount not to exceed the amount of the decrease in rents that occurs as a result of the installation of individual electrical metering for the residential units. Such major capital improvement increase shall be implemented on a per unit basis.
e. Notwithstanding any provision of this section or any other section of the code to the contrary, where such dwelling is in an area where a plan of redevelopment, program of neighborhood improvement, housing maintenance, demonstration rehabilitation or concentrated code enforcement is being carried out, the rents subsequent to conversion, alteration or improvement may exceed the maximum amount allowable pursuant to chapter four of title twenty-six of the code where necessity for the adjustment of such rents is certified by the department of housing preservation and development.
f. Subject to the provisions of subdivision d of this section, the department of housing preservation and development shall determine and certify the reasonable cost of any such conversions, alterations or improvements and eligibility for the benefits of this section and for that purpose may adopt rules and regulations, administer oaths to and take the testimony of any person, including but not limited to the owner of such property, may issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of such persons and the production of such bills, books, papers or other documents as it shall deem necessary, may make preliminary estimates of the maximum reasonable cost of such conversions, alterations or improvements, may establish maximum allowable costs of specified units, fixtures or work in such conversions, alterations or improvements, and may require the submission of plans and specifications of such conversions, alterations or improvements, and may require the submission of plans and specifications of such conversions, alterations or improvements before the start thereof. Applications for certification shall include all bills and other documents showing the cost of construction or such other evidence of such cost as shall be satisfactory to the department of housing preservation and development, including, without limitation, certification of cost by a certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Applications for certification for a building eligible for benefits pursuant to paragraph three of subdivision d of this section, for alterations or improvements completed more than three years after its conversion to cooperative or condominium ownership, shall include such documentation of the sale price of dwelling units or stock allocated to such dwelling units as may be required by the department of housing preservation and development, including but not limited to certification of sales price by a certified public accountant. In addition, such applications shall contain the consent of the applicant to allow the department of housing preservation and development access to records, including but not limited to other tax records, as the department may deem appropriate to enforce such conditions of eligibility. Applications for certification filed for conversions, alterations or improvements completed after December thirty-first, two thousand eleven pursuant to paragraphs one through seven and paragraph nine of subdivision b of this section shall be made after completion and within thirty-six months following the start of construction of the conversion, alteration or improvement, except that applications for certification for alterations or improvements undertaken by a housing development fund company organized pursuant to article eleven of the private housing finance law, which are carried out with the substantial assistance of grants, loans or subsidies from any federal, state or local governmental agency or instrumentality or which are carried out in a property transferred from the city of New York shall be made after completion and within seventy-two months following the start of the construction of the alteration or improvement. Provided, however, the department of housing preservation and development is empowered to grant an extension of the period for application for any project carried out with the substantial assistance of loans, grants or subsidies from any federal, state or local governmental agency or instrumentality, if such application is made within seventy-two months from commencement of construction. Applications for certification pursuant to paragraph eight of subdivision b of this section shall be filed within twelve months of the date of completion as provided by such subdivision.
g. To the end that conversions, alterations or improvements in such property shall interfere as little as practicable with the clearance, rehabilitation or rebuilding of sub-standard and insanitary areas and shall be confined to buildings and structures which are structurally sound and comply with applicable provisions of law, eligibility for the benefits of this section shall be restricted to such buildings and structures which the department of housing preservation and development shall certify:
(1) to be structurally sound and to comply with applicable provisions of law, as determined by the department of buildings, which certification shall be evidenced by a certificate describing the property involved; and
(2) if in an area for which a final plan of clearance, replanning, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or redevelopment has been approved pursuant to article fifteen of the general municipal law, or if in an area for which an urban renewal plan or tests, studies or demonstrations have been approved pursuant to article fifteen of the general municipal law, to be improved in conformity with such replanning, reconstruction, rehabilitation, redevelopment, tests, studies, demonstrations or plan; and
(3) if in an area where a program of local neighborhood improvement or housing maintenance is being carried out, to be in conformity with such program.
h. Application forms for the benefits of this section shall be filed with the department of finance within the time periods to be established by rules and regulations promulgated by the department of housing preservation and development pursuant to subdivision m of this section. The department of finance shall certify the amount of taxes to be abated, pursuant to the certification of the department of housing preservation and development as herein provided. No such application shall be accepted unless accompanied by a copy of the certificate of the department of housing preservation and development both as to reasonable cost and as to eligibility as provided in subdivision f of this section.
i. The benefits of this section shall not apply:
(1) except as provided in subdivision d of this section, to any existing dwelling which is not subject to the provisions of the emergency housing rent control law or to the city rent and rehabilitation law or to the city rent stabilization law or to the private housing finance law or to any federal law providing for supervision or regulation by the United States department of housing and urban development;
(2) to any private dwelling, notwithstanding any other provision of this section, unless it is in an area where a plan of redevelopment or program of neighborhood improvement, housing maintenance, demonstration rehabilitation or concentrated code enforcement is being carried out and the department of housing preservation and development finds that the conversion, alteration or improvement is in conformity with such plan of redevelopment, or program of neighborhood improvement, housing maintenance, demonstration rehabilitation or concentrated code enforcement; provided that, notwithstanding the foregoing, for the purposes of this section, a class A multiple dwelling may be deemed to include any garden-type maisonette dwelling project consisting of a series of dwelling units which together and in their aggregate were arranged or designed to provide three or more apartments and are provided as a group collectively with all essential services such as, but not limited to, water supply, house sewers and heat, and which are in existence and operated as a unit under single ownership on the date upon which an application for the benefits of this section is received by the department of housing preservation and development, even though certificates of occupancy were issued for portions thereof as private dwellings;
(3) to any property receiving tax exemption or abatement concurrently for rehabilitation or new construction under any other provision of New York state or New York city law with the exception of any alteration or improvement to property receiving such tax exemption or abatement under the provisions of the private housing finance law, provided, however, that the benefits of this section shall not apply to any alterations or improvements done in connection with the refinancing, pursuant to section 223f of the national housing act, as amended, of a housing project organized pursuant to article two and article four of the private housing finance law;
(4) to any multiple dwelling for ordinary repairs and normal replacement of maintenance items, as provided in paragraph one of subdivision a, hereof in the event that the dwelling thereof is receiving the benefits of this section for other ordinary repairs and normal replacement of maintenance items as of the December thirty-first preceding the date of application;
(5) to the conversion of any building or structure, or portion thereof:
(i) (a) which is located within any district in the county of New York where a floor area ratio, as that term is defined in the zoning resolution of the city of New York, of fifteen or greater is permitted by said resolution, or
(b) located in the city of New York where residential conversion as of right is not permitted by the zoning resolution, provided, however, that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this subparagraph, the benefits of this section shall apply to any building or structure or portion thereof which was purchased from the city of New York on or after January first, nineteen hundred and eighty and prior to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and eighty-four and which was granted a variance for conversion to residential use by the board of standards and appeals prior to nineteen hundred and eighty-four which variance has expired, and which has been granted a variance for a conversion to residential use by the board of standards and appeals on or after January first, nineteen hundred and ninety-four and prior to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ninety-five, and
(ii) where such benefits are eliminated by regulations to be promulgated by the department of housing preservation and development pursuant to subdivision m of this section, unless, in the case of a building or structure in the county of New York, construction actually commenced prior to January first, nineteen hundred eighty-two, pursuant to an alteration permit, or, in the case of a building or structure in the counties of Bronx, Kings, Queens and Richmond, construction actually commenced prior to October first, nineteen hundred eighty-three, pursuant to an alteration permit. A copy of any proposed regulation pursuant to this paragraph shall be transmitted to the city council not less than sixty days prior to its publication in the City Record, pursuant to section eleven hundred five of the charter, and
(iii) provided that the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to conversions pursuant to paragraph eight of subdivision b of this section.
(6) to any conversion of or alteration or improvement, commenced on or after July first, nineteen hundred eighty-two, to any class B multiple dwelling or class A multiple dwelling used in whole or in part for single room occupancy, regardless of the status or use of the building after the conversion, alteration or improvement unless such conversion, alteration or improvement is carried out with the substantial assistance of grants, loans or subsidies from any federal, state or local agency or instrumentality.
(7) to any conversion of or alteration or improvement, commenced on or after the effective date of this paragraph, to any property classified under the zoning resolution as a non-profit institution with sleeping accommodations, regardless of the status or use of the building after the conversion, alteration or improvement unless such conversion, alteration or improvement is carried out with the substantial assistance of grants, loans or subsidies from any federal, state or local agency or instrumentality.
i-1. (a) For purposes of this subdivision, "substantial governmental assistance" shall mean:
(i) grants, loans or subsidies from any federal, state or local agency or instrumentality in furtherance of a program for the development of affordable housing approved by the department of housing preservation and development, including, without limitation, financing or insurance provided by the state of New York mortgage agency or the New York city residential mortgage insurance corporation; or
(ii) a written agreement between a housing development fund corporation and the department of housing preservation and development limiting the incomes of persons entitled to purchase shares or rent housing accommodations therein.
(b) With respect to conversions, alterations or improvements completed on or after December thirty-first, two thousand eleven:
(i) except as otherwise provided in this section with respect to multiple dwellings, buildings and structures owned and operated either by limited-profit housing companies established pursuant to article two of the private housing finance law or redevelopment companies established pursuant to article five of the private housing finance law, or with respect to a group of multiple dwellings that was developed as a planned community and that is owned as two separate condominiums containing a total of ten thousand or more dwelling units, any multiple dwelling, building or structure that is owned as a cooperative or a condominium that has an average assessed value per dwelling unit that exceeds the assessed valuation limitation as provided in paragraph (e) of this subdivision shall only be eligible for such benefits if the alterations or improvements for which such multiple dwelling, building or structure has applied for the benefits pursuant to this section were carried out with substantial governmental assistance, and
(ii) no benefits pursuant to this section shall be granted for the conversion of any non-residential building or structure into a class A multiple dwelling unless such conversion was carried out with substantial governmental assistance.
(c) If the conversions, alterations or improvements for which such multiple dwelling, building or structure has applied for benefits pursuant to this section are not completed on the date upon which such department of housing preservation and development inspects the items of work claimed in such application, the department of housing preservation and development shall require the applicant to pay two times the actual cost for any additional inspections needed to verify the completion of such conversion, alteration or improvement.
(d) The revocation of benefits granted to any multiple dwelling, building or structure pursuant to this section shall not exempt any dwelling unit therein from continued compliance with the requirements of this section or of any local law or ordinance providing for benefits pursuant to this section.
(e) Assessed value limitation.
(i) For final assessment rolls to be completed prior to two thousand seventeen, the assessed value limitation shall be thirty thousand dollars.
(ii) For the final assessment roll to be completed in two thousand seventeen, the assessed value limitation shall be thirty-two thousand dollars increased by the cost-of-living adjustment percentage of two thousand seventeen. For the purposes of this computation, the cost-of-living adjustment percentage of two thousand seventeen shall be equal to the "applicable increase percentage" used by the United States commissioner of social security to determine the monthly social security benefits payable in two thousand seventeen to individuals, as provided by subsection (i) of section four hundred fifteen of title forty-two of the United States code.
(iii) For final assessment rolls to be completed in each ensuing year, the applicable assessed value limitation, cost-of-living adjustment percentage and applicable increase percentage shall all be advanced by one year, and the assessed valuation limitation shall be the previously applicable assessed value limitation increased by the new cost-of-living adjustment percentage. If there should be a year for which there is no applicable increase percentage due to a general benefit increase as defined by subdivision three of subsection (i) of section four hundred fifteen of title forty-two of the United States code, the applicable increase percentage for purposes of this computation shall be deemed to be the percentage which would have yielded that general benefit increase.
(iv) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the assessed value limitation shall not at any time exceed forty thousand dollars.
i-2. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special or local law providing for benefits pursuant to this section, applications for exemption and/or abatement under this section shall be filed electronically if the department of housing preservation and development makes electronic filing available.
j. Notwithstanding the provisions of the multiple dwelling law, or any local law, ordinance, provisions of this code, rule or regulation, any dwelling to which alterations and improvements are made pursuant to this section and which did not require a certificate of occupancy on April second, nineteen hundred forty-five, may be occupied lawfully after such date upon the completion of such alterations and improvements without such a certificate being obtained, provided, however, that such alterations and improvements shall have been made in conformity with law and the applicable provisions for fire protection required by articles six and seven of the multiple dwelling law.
k. No owner of a dwelling to which the benefits of this section shall be applied, nor any agent, employee, manager or officer of such owner shall directly or indirectly deny to any person because of race, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, age, religion, alienage or citizenship status, or the use of, participation in, or being eligible for a governmentally funded housing assistance program, including, but not limited to, the section 8 housing voucher program and the section 8 housing certificate program, 42 U.S.C. § 1437, et seq., or the senior citizen rent increase exemption program, pursuant to either chapter seven of title twenty-six of this code or section 26-509 of such code, any of the dwelling accommodations in such property or any of the privileges or services incident to occupancy therein. The term "disability" as used in this subdivision shall have the meaning set forth in section 8-102 of the code. Nothing in this subdivision shall restrict such consideration in the development of housing accommodations for the purpose of providing for the special needs of a particular group.
l. Any person who shall knowingly and willfully make any false statement as to any material matter in any application for the benefits of this section shall be guilty of an offense punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or imprisonment for not more than ninety days, or both. The commissioner of the department of housing preservation and development may reduce or revoke past and future exemption or tax abatement authorized pursuant to this section if the application for tax exemption or tax abatement contains a false statement or false information as to a material matter or omits a material matter.
m. Each agency or department to which functions are assigned by this section may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the effectuation of the purpose of this section.
n. The department of housing preservation and development may require a filing fee in an amount as provided by the rules and regulations promulgated by the department of housing preservation and development pursuant to subdivision m of this section.
o. Any tax abatement granted for a period of nine years to a multiple dwelling aided by a loan provided by the city of New York prior to January first, nineteen hundred seventy-one, shall upon application therefor be adjusted to extend for a period of up to twenty years, provided that the total abatement before and after such adjustment shall not exceed the total abatement to which such property was initially entitled under this section.
p. This section is enacted pursuant to the provisions of section four hundred eighty-nine of the real property tax law and subdivision two of section four hundred five of the private housing finance law.
q. No application for the benefits of this section shall be accepted by the department of finance if there are outstanding real estate taxes or water and sewer charges or payments in lieu of taxes which were due and owing as of the last day of the tax period preceding the date of such filing with the department of finance, provided that an applicant aided by article eight or article fifteen of the private housing finance law shall have such application accepted by the department of finance if there are no outstanding real estate taxes or water and sewer charges due and owing as of the last day of the tax period preceding commencement of construction.
r. In the event that any building or structure receiving the benefits of this section shall become operated exclusively for commercial, hotel or transient hotel use, the tax commission shall withdraw benefits granted herein prospectively.
s. The benefits of this section shall not apply to alterations or improvements to existing dwellings in existence on December thirty-first, nineteen hundred seventy-five where (i) such alterations or improvements were completed on or before December thirty-first, nineteen hundred seventy-five, and (ii) no dwelling units thereof on December thirty-first, nineteen hundred seventy-five had rentals which were subject to control by the city rent agency pursuant to chapter four of title twenty-six of the code. This subdivision shall not apply to alterations or improvements to any building or structure which is benefitted by mortgage insurance pursuant to section two hundred thirteen of the national housing act for applications filed prior to January first, nineteen hundred seventy-nine.
t. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the owner of any building or structure eligible for any of the benefits of this section which is converted to a class A multiple dwelling, completed, or substantially rehabilitated on or after January one, nineteen hundred seventy-four, shall register the initial rent for each dwelling unit in such building or structure with the New York state division of housing and community renewal. After such registration, the rents of such dwelling units shall be fully subject to regulations under chapter four of title twenty-six of the code so long as the benefits of this section are in effect or for such longer period as may be provided by law.
u. Any tax exemption or tax abatement authorized pursuant to this section may be revoked retroactively by the commissioner of department of housing preservation and development or the department of finance of the city of New York at any time during the authorized term of such tax exemption or tax abatement if real estate taxes or water and sewer charges due to the city of New York remain unpaid for one year after the same are due and payable. In no event shall revocation be effective prior to the date such taxes or charges were first due and payable.
v. Where alterations, improvements, or conversions include or benefit that part of a building which is not occupied for dwelling purposes but is occupied by stores or otherwise used for commercial purposes or community facilities, the increase in assessed valuation and the cost of the alteration shall be apportioned so that the benefits of this title shall not be provided for alterations, improvements or conversions made for other than dwelling purposes.
w. If any provision of this section or its application to any person shall be held invalid, the remainder of this section and the applicability of its provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
x. Notwithstanding any provision of this section, no benefit pursuant to paragraph five of subdivision b of this section shall be granted for work commenced after January first, nineteen hundred eighty, unless the applicant establishes that the department of housing preservation and development and tenants of such class A multiple dwelling were given notice of (i) the proposed work prior to commencement of such work, (ii) the identity of the owner's representative, and (iii) the tenants' rights under applicable law with respect to such work, provided that, in the case of a loan program supervised by such department, notice to the department shall be unnecessary, and further provided that the department may itself provide the required notice to the tenants.
y. Applicants for benefits under the provisions of this section shall file with the department of finance a form supplied by said department which (i) states an intention to file for benefits under the provisions of this section, (ii) describes the work for which tax benefits will be claimed and (iii) estimates the cost of such work which will be eligible for benefits. Such form shall be filed prior to the commencement of such work. If the scope of such work or the estimated cost thereof changes materially, applicant shall file a revised statement. Applicants who fail to comply with the requirements of this subdivision shall be subject to a penalty not to exceed one hundred percent of the filing fee otherwise payable pursuant to subdivision n of this section.
z. A former tenant or former subtenant of premises in a nonresidential building which is the subject of an application for an alteration permit for conversion to a class A multiple dwelling, prior to the application for any tax exemption or abatement benefits for such building pursuant to this section, and as a condition to the grant thereof, shall be entitled to a relocation award under the terms and conditions set forth below:
(1) As used in this subdivision, the term "eligible tenant" shall mean any former tenant or former subtenant who:
(i) leased and used the vacated premises to conduct a manufacturing, warehousing, or wholesaling business for not less than two consecutive years immediately prior to vacating;
(ii) vacated such premises on or after April first, nineteen hundred eighty-one for any reason other than eviction for non-payment of rent;
(iii) vacated such premises (a) no earlier than twenty-four months prior to the filing date of an application for such alteration permit and (b) no later than the completion of the conversion as evidenced by the issuance of a permanent certificate of occupancy for a class A multiple dwelling;
(iv) either purchased or leased for a term of not less than eighteen months other premises within the city of New York with a floor area not less than one-third of the floor area of the vacated premises;
(v) relocated their business to such other premises within one year of vacating the vacated premises; and
(vi) paid all commercial rent or occupancy tax for the vacated premises. A subtenant shall be eligible to receive a relocation award notwithstanding any lack of eligibility of its prime tenant;
(2) the relocation award shall not exceed the greater of (i) the aggregate base rent which accrued and was paid by the eligible tenant during the final twenty-four months of its occupancy of the vacated premises or (ii) four dollars for each square foot that the eligible tenant occupied in the vacated premises during the final twenty-four months of its occupancy of the vacated premises. As used in this subdivision, base rent shall be calculated in the same manner as base rent is calculated for purposes of commercial rent or occupancy tax in the city of New York. However, the aggregate award payable to a prime tenant and/or any subtenants of such prime tenant shall not exceed the amount which would have been payable to the prime tenant had the prime tenant been eligible for an award based on the entire floor area it leased from the owner; and if such limitation applies, the awards shall be prorated based upon the total floor area used and occupied by each eligible tenant;
(3) the relocation award shall become due and payable to an eligible tenant at the time the eligible tenant (i) either purchases or leases other premises in accordance with paragraph one of this subdivision, and (ii) certifies eligibility to, and demands payment of, the award from the owner of the vacated building. If the relocation award is not paid within thirty days of such certification and demand, interest shall accrue on the relocation award from the date of the certification and demand at the rate of twenty-four percent per annum;
(4) at any time after such certification and demand and prior to the date of the filing of an application for tax exemption or abatement for the vacated building pursuant to this section, an eligible tenant who has not received a relocation award shall have a right to file a notice of claim. Such notice of claim shall be filed with the county clerk of the county in which the vacated building is located and shall verify the claimant's name, its compliance with eligibility requirements, the address of the vacated premises, the floor area it occupied, the name of the prime tenant if the claimant is a subtenant, and all the base rent that accrued and was paid by the claimant during the final twenty-four months of its occupancy;
(5) a notice of claim, filed in accordance with paragraph four of this subdivision, may be discharged by the filing of an undertaking with the clerk of the county in which the premises are located in an amount equal to the amount claimed and in accordance with the procedures set forth in subdivision four of section nineteen of the lien law, or by the payment into court of such amount in accordance with the procedures set forth in section fifty-five of such law;
(6) no tax exemption or abatement shall be granted pursuant to this section unless the department of housing preservation and development receives an affidavit from the applicant for benefits of this section which verifies that:
(i) the applicant has caused to be published a notice in a newspaper of general circulation within the city of New York, no later than sixty days prior to filing of an application for tax exemption or abatement pursuant to this section, which advises former tenants and subtenants of their rights pursuant to this subdivision; and
(ii) no notice of claim has been filed or all claims have been released by the claimants, or secured in accordance with the provisions of paragraph five of this subdivision, or discharged as an improper claim by court order;
(7) the affidavit required pursuant to the provisions of paragraph six of this subdivision shall be considered part of the application for benefits pursuant to this section;
(8) if an eligible tenant has duly filed a notice of claim pursuant to paragraph four of this subdivision and did not receive a relocation award as provided herein, it may commence an action against any applicant who filed a false affidavit pursuant to paragraph six of this subdivision or any security posted by such applicant pursuant to paragraph five of this subdivision, within three years of such filing. In any action to enforce a claim pursuant to this subdivision, if the court finds that the claimant has wilfully exaggerated the amount of the claim, the claimant may be held liable in damages for an amount not to exceed the proper relocation award. An eligible tenant in whose favor a judgment is entered shall be entitled to costs and reasonable legal fees and disbursements provided that such judgment is in excess of the amount which the applicant or owner offered to pay the eligible tenant;
(9) any lease or other rental agreement provision exempting, waiving, releasing or discharging the obligation to pay a relocation award pursuant to this subdivision shall be void as against public policy and wholly unenforceable;
(10) the provisions of this subdivision shall not apply south of fifty-ninth street in the county of New York if the zoning resolution of the city of New York expressly provides for relocation loans and/or grants in lieu of the benefits of this subdivision.
aa. Harassment.
(1) The provisions of this subdivision apply to and are additional requirements for claiming or receiving:
(a) any tax exemption under this section; or
(b) any tax abatement under this section where the certified reasonable cost per dwelling unit of the conversion, alteration or improvement (including the cost of any conversion, alteration or improvement for which an abatement was approved within four years prior to commencement of the conversion, alteration or improvement) exceeds seven thousand five hundred dollars.
(2) The owner of the property shall file with the department of housing preservation and development, not less than thirty days before the commencement of the conversion, alteration or improvement (hereinafter referred to as the "cut-off date"), an affidavit, or, where any information referred to in paragraph one of this subdivision changes prior to applying for or claiming any benefit under this section, an amending affidavit, setting forth the following information:
(a) every owner of record and owner of a substantial interest in the property or entity owning the property or sponsoring the conversion, alteration or improvement;
(b) a statement that none of such persons had, within the five years prior to the cut-off date, been found to have harassed or unlawfully evicted tenants by judgment or determination of a court or agency (including a non-governmental agency having appropriate legal jurisdiction) under the penal law, any state or local law regulating rents or any state or local law relating to harassment of tenants or unlawful eviction; and
(c) any change in the information required to be set forth.
(3) No conversion, alteration or improvement subject to this subdivision shall be eligible for tax exemption or tax abatement under this section where:
(a) any affidavit required under this subdivision has not been filed; or
(b) any such affidavit contains a willful misrepresentation or omission of any material fact; or
(c) any person referred to in subparagraph (a) of paragraph two of this subdivision has been found to have harassed or unlawfully evicted tenants as described in that paragraph, until and unless the finding is reversed on appeal, provided that any such finding after the cut-off date shall not apply to or affect any tax abatement or exemption for the conversion, alteration or improvement covered by the affidavit.
(4) The department of housing preservation and development and the department of finance shall maintain a list of affidavits as described in paragraph two of this subdivision. Each agency shall review that list with respect to each application or claim for benefits subject to this subdivision.
(5) "Substantial interest" as used in subparagraph (a) of paragraph two of this subdivision shall mean ownership of an interest of ten per centum or more in the property or entity owning the property or sponsoring the conversion, alteration or improvement.
(6) Where the conversion, alteration or improvement is commenced before August first, nineteen hundred eighty-three, the cut-off date shall be as set forth in this subdivision, but no affidavit shall be required to be filed until thirty days after the effective date of this subdivision.
bb. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of the private housing finance law, the benefits of this section shall apply to any limited profit housing company as provided in this section. Such multiple dwelling, building or structure shall be eligible for benefits where at least one building-wide improvement or alteration is part of the application for benefits. Furthermore, to the extent that such alterations or improvements are financed with grants, loans or subsidies from any federal, state, or local agency or instrumentality, such multiple dwelling, building or structure shall be eligible for benefits only if the limited profit housing company has entered into a binding and irrevocable agreement with the commissioner of housing of the state of New York, the supervising agency, as such term is defined in section two of the private housing finance law, the New York city housing development corporation, or the New York state housing finance agency prohibiting the dissolution or reconstitution of such limited profit housing company pursuant to section thirty-five of the private housing finance law for not less than fifteen years from the commencement of benefits. The abatement of taxes on such property, including the land, shall not be an amount greater than ninety per centum of the certified reasonable cost of such alterations or improvements, as determined under regulations of the department of housing preservation and development, nor greater than eight and one-third percent of such certified reasonable cost in any twelve month period, nor be effective for more than twenty years. The annual abatement of taxes in any twelve month period shall in no event exceed fifty percent of the amount of taxes payable in such twelve month period pursuant to the applicable exemption granted pursuant to article two of the private housing finance law or other applicable laws or fifty percent of payments required to be made in lieu of taxes in such twelve month period. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the annual abatement of taxes for alterations or improvements commenced prior to June first, nineteen hundred eighty-six may not be applied to reduce the amount of taxes payable or the amount of payments required to be made in lieu of taxes in any twelve month period to an amount less than the minimum amount of taxes required to be paid pursuant to section thirty-three of the private housing finance law.
cc. The commissioner of the department of housing preservation and development and the commissioner of the department of finance shall prepare an annual report which shall be submitted to the Mayor and the council on or before the first day of July next succeeding the year to which the report pertains, regarding the exemptions and abatements granted pursuant to this section and shall include, but not be limited to the following information: (i) the amount of real property tax that would have been paid in the aggregate by the owners of real property granted an exemption or abatement if the property were fully taxable and the amount of tax actually paid in the aggregate by such owners, (ii) the geographic distribution of exemptions and abatements granted pursuant to this section, and (iii) a distribution by type of eligible categories as delineated in paragraphs one through nine of subdivision b of this section.
dd. Partial waiver of rent adjustments attributable to major capital improvements.
(1) The provisions of this subdivision apply to and are additional requirements for claiming or receiving any tax abatement under this section, except as provided in paragraphs three and four of this subdivision.
(2) The owner of the property shall file with the department of housing preservation and development, on the date any application for benefits is made, a declaration stating that in consideration of any tax abatement benefits which may be received pursuant to such application for alterations or improvements constituting a major capital improvement, such owner agrees to waive the collection of a portion of the total annual amount of any rent adjustment attributable to such major capital improvement which may be granted by the New York state division of housing and community renewal pursuant to the rent stabilization code equal to one-half of the total annual amount of the tax abatement benefits which the property receives pursuant to such application with respect to such alterations or improvements. Such waiver shall commence on the date of the first collection of such rent adjustment, provided that, in the event that such tax abatement benefits were received prior to such first collection, the amount waived shall be increased to account for such tax abatement benefits so received. Following the expiration of a tax abatement for alterations or improvements constituting a major capital improvement for which a rent adjustment has been granted by such division, the owner may collect the full amount of annual rent permitted pursuant to such rent adjustment. A copy of such declaration shall be filed simultaneously with the New York state division of housing and community renewal. Such declaration shall be binding upon such owner, and his or her successors and assigns.
(3) The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to substantial rehabilitation of buildings vacant when alterations or improvements are commenced or to buildings rehabilitated with the substantial assistance of city, state or federal subsidies.
(4) The provisions of this subdivision shall apply only to alterations and improvements commenced after its effective date.
ee. The department of housing preservation and development shall make information relating to the provisions of this section available on the department's website, and shall provide a contact phone number allowing tenants to determine benefits available pursuant to this section. The department shall convene a task force that shall examine and report on methods to improve the transparency of the program established pursuant to this section.
(Am. L.L. 2016/060, 5/10/2016, eff. 5/10/2016; Am. L.L. 2018/052, 1/11/2018, retro. eff. 9/29/2016; Am. L.L. 2020/023, 1/19/2020, eff. 1/19/2020; Am. L.L. 2022/053, 1/15/2022, eff. 1/15/2022)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2001/044, L.L. 2004/001 and L.L. 2013/048.
1. Generally. Notwithstanding any provision of any general, special or local law to the contrary, for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand fourteen, the commissioner of finance shall grant a partial abatement of real property taxes in the amount provided in this section to eligible real property as defined in subdivision three of this section on the first of July, two thousand fourteen. If legal title to eligible real property is held by one or more trustees, the beneficial owner or owners shall be deemed to own the property for purposes of this section. Notwithstanding any provision of article four of the real property tax law to the contrary, a property that is receiving benefits pursuant to any other section of article four of the real property tax law shall not be prohibited from receiving a partial abatement pursuant to this section if such property is otherwise eligible to receive such abatement.
2. Definitions. As used in this section:
a. "Actual assessed valuation" means the assessed valuation of real property prior to the calculation of any transitional assessed valuation pursuant to subdivision three of section eighteen hundred five of the real property tax law, and which is not reduced by any exemption from real property taxes.
b. "Annual tax" means the amount of real property tax that is imposed on a property for a fiscal year, determined after reduction for any amount from which the property is exempt, or which is abated, pursuant to applicable law.
c. "Annual tax attributable to improvements" means the amount of real property tax that is imposed on a property for a fiscal year, determined after reduction for any amount from which the property is exempt, or which is abated, pursuant to applicable law, multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is equal to the assessed valuation of the property for such fiscal year that is attributable to the improvements on the property, and the denominator of which is the total assessed valuation of the property for such fiscal year.
d. "Assessed valuation" means the assessed valuation of real property that was used to determine the annual tax as defined in paragraph b of this subdivision, and which is not reduced by any exemption from real property taxes. For real property classified as class two or class four real property as defined in subdivision one of section eighteen hundred two of the real property tax law to which subdivision three of section eighteen hundred five of the real property tax law applies, unless otherwise provided, the assessed valuation is the lower of the actual assessed valuation as defined in paragraph a of this subdivision and transitional assessed valuation as defined in paragraph j of this subdivision.
e. "Assessed valuation attributable to improvements" means that portion of the assessed valuation of real property that was used to determine the annual tax attributable to improvements as defined in paragraph c of this subdivision, and which is not reduced by any exemption from real property taxes.
f. "Commissioner of finance" means the commissioner of finance of the city of New York, or his or her designee.
g. "Department of finance" means the department of finance of the city of New York.
h. "Improvements" means buildings and other articles and structures, substructures and superstructures erected upon, under or above the land, or affixed thereto, including bridges and wharves and piers and the value of the right to collect wharfage, cranage or dockage thereon.
i. "Total square footage of the improvements on the property" means, with respect to a fiscal year, the square footage used by the department of finance in determining the assessed valuation attributable to improvements on the property for such fiscal year.
j. "Transitional assessed valuation" is the assessed valuation calculated pursuant to subdivision three of section eighteen hundred five of the real property tax law, and which is not reduced by any exemption from real property taxes.
3. Eligible real property. For purposes of this section, "eligible real property" means any tax lot that contained, on the applicable taxable status date, class one, class two or class four real property as such class of real property is defined in subdivision one of section eighteen hundred two of the real property tax law, as to which:
a. the department of finance reduced the assessed valuation attributable to improvements on the property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand thirteen from the assessed valuation attributable to improvements on the property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand twelve as a result of damage caused by the severe storm that occurred on the twenty-ninth and thirtieth of October, two thousand twelve;
b. the department of finance increased the assessed valuation attributable to improvements on the property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand fourteen from the assessed valuation attributable to improvements on the property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand thirteen; and
c. the assessed valuation attributable to improvements on the property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand fourteen exceeds the assessed valuation attributable to improvements on the property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand twelve.
4. Amount of partial abatement.
a. Except as provided in paragraph c of this subdivision, eligible real property shall receive a partial abatement of the real property taxes due on such property equal to the amount by which (1) the annual tax on the property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand fourteen exceeds (2) the annual tax on the property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand twelve.
b. Notwithstanding paragraph a of this subdivision and except as provided in paragraph c of this subdivision, the amount of the partial abatement of the real property taxes due on eligible real property classified as class two or class four real property as defined in subdivision one of section eighteen hundred two of this chapter to which subdivision three of section eighteen hundred five of this chapter applies shall be equal to the amount of (1) the increase in the actual assessed valuation attributable to an addition to or improvement of the property as provided in subdivision five of section eighteen hundred five of the real property tax law for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand fourteen, (2) reduced by the increase in the actual assessed valuation attributable to an addition to or improvement of the property as provided in subdivision five of section eighteen hundred five of the real property tax law for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand fourteen, multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the transitional assessed valuation for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand thirteen, and the denominator of which is the actual assessed valuation for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand thirteen, (3) multiplied by the real property tax rate that is applicable to the property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand fourteen. Eligible real property shall not be eligible for an abatement under this section if the fraction calculated in subparagraph two of this paragraph is equal to or greater than one.
c. In the event that the total square footage of the improvements on the property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand fourteen exceeds the total square footage of the improvements on the property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand twelve, the amount of the partial abatement shall be the amount computed by multiplying the amount calculated under paragraph a or b of this subdivision by a fraction, the numerator of which is equal to the amount of the total square footage of the improvements on the property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand twelve, and the denominator of which is equal to the amount of the total square footage of the improvements on the property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand fourteen.
d. For property held in the cooperative form of ownership, the abatement shall be credited to each unit therein in an amount equal to that proportion of the amount calculated under this subdivision that is attributable to such unit, as determined by the proportional relationship of the owner's share or shares of stock in the cooperative corporation that owns such real property to the total outstanding stock of the cooperative corporation.
e. Eligible real property shall not be eligible for an abatement under this section if the amount of the abatement calculated pursuant to this subdivision exceeds the annual tax on the property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand fourteen.
5. Recovery of erroneous abatement.
a. For purposes of this section, an "erroneous abatement" means that:
(1) an abatement was granted to a property that was not entitled to an abatement under this section, or
(2) an abatement was applied or calculated in error under this section. In such event, the amount of the erroneous abatement shall be equal to the difference between the amount of the abatement originally received and the amount to which the property was entitled.
b. If the commissioner of finance determines that a property received an erroneous abatement, he or she shall recover such erroneous abatement by deducting the amount of the erroneous abatement from any refund or rebate otherwise payable to the owner, and any balance of the amount of the erroneous abatement remaining unpaid shall constitute a tax lien on the real property, as of the due and payable date provided on the next tax bill mailed by the commissioner of finance containing such amount. If such amount is not paid by such due and payable date, interest at the rate applicable to delinquent real property taxes on such property shall be charged and collected on such amount from the due and payable date provided on such notice to the date of payment. Such tax lien shall be enforceable in accordance with the provisions of law relating to the enforcement of tax liens in any such city.
6. Reduction of assessed value. If the taxable assessed value of a property for the fiscal year beginning on the first of July, two thousand fourteen is reduced after the assessment roll applicable to such fiscal year becomes final, any abatement already granted pursuant to this section shall be adjusted accordingly. The difference between the original abatement and the adjusted abatement shall be deducted from any credit otherwise due.
7. Rulemaking. The commissioner of finance shall be authorized to promulgate rules necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section.
a. Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
Area median income. The term “area median income” means the income limits as defined annually by the United States department of housing and urban development for the New York city area.
Certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost. The term “certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost” means a document issued by the department of housing preservation and development that establishes that a property is eligible for rehabilitation program benefits and sets forth the certified reasonable cost of the eligible construction for which such benefits shall be received.
Certified reasonable cost schedule. The term “certified reasonable cost schedule” means a table providing maximum dollar limits for specified alterations and improvements, established, and updated regularly as necessary, by the department of housing preservation and development.
Checklist. The term “checklist” means a document that the department of housing preservation and development issues requesting additional information or documentation that is necessary for further assessment of an application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost where such application contained all information and documentation required at the initial filing.
Commencement date. The term “commencement date” means, with respect to eligible construction, the date on which any physical operation undertaken for the purpose of performing such eligible construction lawfully begins.
Completion date. The term “completion date” means, with respect to eligible construction, the date on which:
1. Every physical operation undertaken for the purpose of all eligible construction has concluded; and
2. All such eligible construction has been completed to a reasonable and customary standard that renders such eligible construction capable of use for the purpose for which such eligible construction was intended.
Dwelling unit. The term “dwelling unit” means any residential accommodation in a class A multiple dwelling that:
1. Is arranged, designed, used, or intended for use by 1 or more persons living together and maintaining a common household;
2. Contains at least 1 room; and
3. Contains within such accommodation lawful sanitary and kitchen facilities reserved for its occupants.
Dwelling unit floor area. The term “dwelling unit floor area” means the gross square footage within the dwelling unit measured from the interior faces of the demising partitions or party walls.
Eligible building. The term “eligible building” means an eligible rental building, an eligible homeownership building, or an eligible regulated homeownership building, provided that such building contains 3 or more dwelling units.
Eligible construction. The term “eligible construction” means alterations or improvements to an eligible building that:
1. Are specifically identified on the certified reasonable cost schedule;
2. Meet the minimum scope of work threshold;
3. Have a completion date that is after June 29, 2022 and prior to June 30, 2026 and that is not more than 30 months after the commencement date; and
4. Are not attributable to any increased cubic content in such eligible building.
Eligible homeownership building. The term “eligible homeownership building” means an existing building that:
1. Is a class A multiple dwelling operated as condominium or cooperative housing;
2. Is not operating in whole or in part as a hotel; and
3. Has an average assessed valuation, including the valuation of the land, that as of the commencement date does not exceed the homeownership average assessed valuation limitation.
Eligible regulated homeownership building. The term “eligible regulated homeownership building” means an existing building that is a class A multiple dwelling owned and operated by either:
1. A mutual company that continues to be organized and operated as a mutual company and that has entered into and recorded a mutual company regulatory agreement; or
2. A mutual redevelopment company that continues to be organized and operated as a mutual redevelopment company and that has entered into and recorded a mutual redevelopment company regulatory agreement.
Eligible rental building. The term “eligible rental building” means an existing building that:
1. Is a class A multiple dwelling in which all of the dwelling units are operated as rental housing;
2. Is not operating in whole or in part as a hotel; and
3. Satisfies 1 of the following conditions:
(a) Not less than 50 percent of the dwelling units in such building are qualifying rental units;
(b) Such building is owned and operated by a limited-profit housing company; or
(c) Such building is the recipient of substantial governmental assistance.
Existing building. The term “existing building” means an enclosed structure which:
1. Is permanently affixed to the land;
2. Has 1 or more floors and a roof;
3. Is bounded by walls;
4. Has at least 1 principal entrance utilized for day-to-day pedestrian ingress and egress;
5. Has a certificate of occupancy or equivalent document that is in effect prior to the commencement date; and
6. Exclusive of the land, has an assessed valuation of more than $1,000 for the fiscal year immediately preceding the commencement date.
Homeownership average assessed valuation limitation. The term “homeownership average assessed valuation limitation” means an average assessed valuation of $45,000 per dwelling unit.
Limited-profit housing company. The term “limited-profit housing company” has the same meaning as “company” set forth in section 12 of the private housing finance law.
Market rental unit. The term “market rental unit” means a dwelling unit in an eligible rental building other than a qualifying rental unit.
Marketing band. The term “marketing band” means maximum rent amounts ranging from 20 percent of 80 percent of the area median income, adjusted for family size, to 30 percent of 80 percent of the area median income, adjusted for family size.
Minimum scope of work threshold. The term “minimum scope of work threshold” means a total amount of certified reasonable cost established by rules and regulations of the department of housing preservation and development, provided that such amount shall be no less than $1,500 for each dwelling unit in existence on the completion date.
Multiple dwelling. The term “multiple dwelling” has the same meaning as set forth in section 4 of the multiple dwelling law.
Mutual company. The term “mutual company” has the same meaning as set forth in section 12 of the private housing finance law.
Mutual company regulatory agreement. The term “mutual company regulatory agreement” means a binding and irrevocable agreement between a mutual company and the commissioner of housing of the state of New York, the mutual company supervising agency, the New York city housing development corporation, or the New York state housing finance agency, prohibiting the dissolution or reconstitution of such mutual company pursuant to section 35 of the private housing finance law for not less than 15 years from the commencement of rehabilitation program benefits for the existing building owned and operated by such mutual company.
Mutual company supervising agency. The term “mutual company supervising agency” has the same meaning, with respect to any mutual company, as “supervising agency” set forth in section 2 of the private housing finance law.
Mutual redevelopment company. The term “mutual redevelopment company” has the same meaning as “mutual” when applied to a redevelopment company as set forth in section 102 of the private housing finance law.
Mutual redevelopment company regulatory agreement. The term “mutual redevelopment company regulatory agreement” means a binding and irrevocable agreement between a mutual redevelopment company and the commissioner of housing of the state of New York, the redevelopment company supervising agency, the New York city housing development corporation, or the New York state housing finance agency prohibiting the dissolution or reconstitution of such mutual redevelopment company pursuant to section 123 of the private housing finance law until the earlier of: (i) 15 years from the commencement of rehabilitation program benefits for the existing building owned and operated by such mutual redevelopment company; or (ii) the expiration of any tax exemption granted to such mutual redevelopment company pursuant to section 125 of the private housing finance law.
Qualifying rent. The term “qualifying rent” means the maximum rent within the marketing band that is allowed for a qualifying rental unit as such rent is established by the department of housing preservation and development.
Qualifying rental unit. The term “qualifying rental unit” means a dwelling unit in an eligible rental building that, as of the filing of an application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost, has a rent at or below the qualifying rent.
Redevelopment company. The term “redevelopment company” has the same meaning as set forth in section 102 of the private housing finance law.
Redevelopment company supervising agency. The term “redevelopment company supervising agency” has the same meaning, with respect to any redevelopment company, as “supervising agency” set forth in section 102 of the private housing finance law.
Rehabilitation program benefits. The term “rehabilitation program benefits” means the abatement of real property taxes pursuant to this section.
Rent regulation. The term “rent regulation” means, collectively, the emergency housing rent control law, any local law enacted pursuant to the local emergency housing rent control act, the rent stabilization law of 1969, the rent stabilization code, and the emergency tenant protection act of 1974, all as in effect as of October 23, 2023, or as any such statute is amended thereafter, together with any successor statutes or regulations addressing substantially the same subject matter.
Restriction period. The term “restriction period” means, notwithstanding any termination or revocation of rehabilitation program benefits prior to such period, 15 years from the initial receipt of rehabilitation program benefits, or such additional period of time as may be imposed pursuant to paragraph 7 of subdivision d of this section.
Substantial government assistance. The term “substantial governmental assistance” means grants, loans, or subsidies from any federal, state, or local governmental agency or instrumentality in furtherance of a program for the development of affordable housing approved by the department of housing preservation and development, provided that such grants, loans, or subsidies are provided in accordance with a regulatory agreement entered into with such agency or instrumentality that is in effect for no less than 15 more years as of the filing date of the application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost.
Substantial interest. The term “substantial interest” means an ownership interest of 10 percent or more.
b. Abatement. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 11-243 or of any general, special, or local law to the contrary, real property taxes on an eligible building in which eligible construction has been completed may be abated by an aggregate amount that shall not exceed 70 percent of the total certified reasonable cost of such eligible construction, as determined under rules and regulations of the department of housing preservation and development, provided that:
1. Such abatement shall not be effective for a period of more than 20 years;
2. The annual abatement of real property taxes on such eligible building shall not be greater than eight and one-third percent of the total certified reasonable cost of such eligible construction;
3. The annual abatement of real property taxes on such eligible building in any consecutive 12 month period shall in no event exceed the amount of real property taxes payable in such 12 month period for such building, provided, however, that such abatement shall not exceed 50 percent of the amount of real property taxes payable in such 12 month period for any of the following:
(a) An eligible rental building owned by a limited-profit housing company or a redevelopment company;
(b) An eligible homeownership building; or
(c) An eligible regulated homeownership building;
4. Such abatement shall become effective beginning with the first quarterly tax bill immediately following the date of issuance of the certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost;
5. Such abatement shall not be applied to abate or reduce the taxes upon the land portion of real property, which shall continue to be taxed based upon the assessed valuation of the land and the applicable tax rate at the time such taxes are levied;
6. Such abatement shall not be allowed for any eligible building receiving a tax exemption or abatement concurrently for rehabilitation or new construction under any other provision of state or local law with the exception of any eligible construction to an eligible building receiving a tax exemption or abatement under the provisions of the private housing finance law;
7. Such abatement shall not be allowed for any item of eligible construction in an eligible building if such eligible building is receiving a tax exemption or abatement for the same or a similar item of eligible construction as of the last December 31 preceding the date of application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost for such abatement; and
8. Where the eligible construction includes or benefits a portion of an eligible building that is not occupied for dwelling purposes, the assessed valuation of such eligible building and the cost of the eligible construction shall be apportioned so that such abatement shall not be provided for eligible construction made for other than dwelling purposes.
c. Application.
1. An application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost shall be made after the completion date and no later than on or before the later of:
(a) Four months from the effective date of this local law; or
(b) Four months from such completion date.
2. Such application shall include evidence of eligibility for rehabilitation program benefits and evidence of reasonable cost as shall be satisfactory to the department of housing preservation and development including, but not limited to, evidence showing the cost of eligible construction.
3. The department of housing preservation and development shall require a non-refundable filing fee that shall be paid by a certified check or cashier’s check upon the filing of an application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost. Such fee shall be $1,000, plus $75 for each dwelling unit in excess of 6 dwelling units in the eligible building that is the subject of such application.
4. Any application that is filed pursuant to this subdivision that is missing any of the information and documentation required at initial filing by this section and the rules and regulations of the department of housing preservation and development promulgated pursuant to this section shall be denied, provided that a new application for the same eligible construction, together with a new non-refundable filing fee, may be filed within 15 days of the date of issuance of such denial. If such second application is also missing any such required information and documentation, it shall be denied and no further applications for the same eligible construction shall be permitted.
5. The failure of an applicant to respond to any checklist within 30 days of the date of its issuance by the department of housing preservation and development shall result in denial of the application for which such checklist was issued, and no further applications for the same eligible construction shall be permitted. The department of housing preservation and development shall issue not more than 3 checklists per application. An application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost shall be denied when the department of housing preservation and development does not have a sufficient basis to issue a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost after the timely response of an applicant to the third checklist concerning such application. After the department of housing preservation and development has denied an application for such reason, the department of housing preservation and development shall permit no further applications for the same eligible construction.
6. An application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost shall also include an affidavit of no harassment.
(a) Such affidavit shall set forth the following information:
(1) The name of every owner of record, owner of a substantial interest in the eligible building, and entity owning the eligible building or sponsoring the eligible construction; and
(2) A statement that no owner of record, owner of a substantial interest in the eligible building, or entity owning the eligible building or sponsoring the eligible construction, within the 5 years prior to the completion date, had been found to have harassed or unlawfully evicted tenants by judgment or determination of a court or agency, including a non-governmental agency, having appropriate legal jurisdiction under the penal law, any state or local law regulating rents, or any state or local law relating to harassment of tenants or unlawful eviction.
(b) No eligible building shall be eligible for rehabilitation program benefits where:
(1) Any affidavit required under this paragraph has not been filed;
(2) Any such affidavit contains a willful misrepresentation or omission of any material fact; or
(3) Any owner of record, owner of a substantial interest in the eligible building, or entity owning the eligible building or sponsoring the eligible construction, within the 5 years prior to the completion date, had been found to have harassed or unlawfully evicted tenants by judgment or determination of a court or agency, including a non-governmental agency, having appropriate legal jurisdiction under the penal law, any state or local law regulating rents, or any state or local law relating to harassment of tenants or unlawful eviction, until and unless the finding is reversed on appeal.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special, or local law to the contrary, the corporation counsel or other legal representative of the city of New York or the district attorney of any county within the city of New York, may institute an action or proceeding in any court of competent jurisdiction that may be appropriate or necessary to determine whether any owner of record, owner of a substantial interest in the eligible building, or entity owning the eligible building or sponsoring the eligible construction has harassed or unlawfully evicted tenants.
7. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special, or local law to the contrary, applications for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost shall be filed electronically if the department of housing preservation and development makes electronic filing available and requires electronic filing by rules and regulations.
d. Additional requirements for an eligible rental building other than one owned and operated by a limited-profit housing company. In addition to all other conditions of eligibility for rehabilitation program benefits, an eligible rental building, other than one owned and operated by a limited-profit housing company, must also comply with all provisions of this subdivision. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an eligible rental building that is the recipient of substantial governmental assistance shall not be required to comply with the provisions of paragraph 2 of this subdivision.
1. Notwithstanding any provision of rent regulation to the contrary, any market rental unit within such eligible rental building subject to rent regulation as of the filing date of the application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost and any qualifying rental unit within such eligible rental building shall be subject to rent regulation until such unit first becomes vacant after the expiration of the restriction period, at which time such unit, unless it would be subject to rent regulation for reasons other than the provisions of this section, shall be deregulated, provided, however, that during the restriction period, no exemption or exclusion from any requirement of rent regulation shall apply to such dwelling units.
2. Additional requirements for an eligible rental building that is not a recipient of substantial governmental assistance.
(a) Not less than 50 percent of the dwelling units in such eligible rental building shall be designated as qualifying rental units.
(b) The owner of such eligible rental building shall ensure that no qualifying rental unit is held off the market for a period that is longer than reasonably necessary.
(c) The department of housing preservation and development may establish by rules and regulations such requirements as it deems necessary or appropriate for designating qualifying rental units, including, but not limited to, designating the unit mix and distribution requirements of such qualifying rental units in an eligible rental building.
3. The owner of such eligible rental building shall waive the collection of any major capital improvement rent increase granted by the New York state division of housing and community renewal pursuant to rent regulation that is attributable to eligible construction for which such eligible rental building receives rehabilitation program benefits, and shall file a declaration with the New York state division of housing and community renewal providing such waiver.
4. The owner of such eligible rental building shall not engage in or cause any harassment of the tenants of such eligible rental building or unlawfully evict any such tenants during the restriction period.
5. No dwelling units within such eligible rental building shall be converted to cooperative or condominium ownership during the restriction period.
6. No dwelling unit in such eligible rental building shall be rented on a temporary, transient, or short-term basis. Each such dwelling unit must be leased for permanent residential purposes for a term of not less than 1 year during the restriction period. Every lease and renewal thereof for each such dwelling unit shall be for a term of 1 or 2 years, at the option of the tenant, and shall include a notice in at least 12 point type informing such tenant of their rights pursuant to this section, including an explanation of the restrictions, if any, on rent increases that may be imposed on such dwelling unit.
7. Any noncompliance of an eligible rental building with the provisions of this subdivision shall permit the department of housing preservation and development to take the following action:
(a) Extend the restriction period of such eligible rental building;
(b) Increase the number of qualifying rental units in such eligible rental building;
(c) Impose a penalty of not more than the product of $1,000 per instance of noncompliance and the number of dwelling units contained in such eligible rental building; and
(d) Terminate or revoke any rehabilitation program benefits of such eligible rental building in accordance with subdivision p of this section.
e. Compliance with applicable law. Rehabilitation program benefits shall not be allowed for any eligible building unless and until such eligible building complies with all applicable provisions of law. Rehabilitation program benefits shall not be allowed if the department of housing preservation and development determines that eligible construction was not carried out in conformity with all applicable provisions of law.
f. Bedroom count. If eligible construction results in a change in the number of dwelling units in an eligible building, then, upon the completion date, the number of bedrooms in such eligible building shall be equal to no less than 75 percent of the total number of dwelling units, provided, however, that if the average dwelling unit floor area in such eligible building is 1,000 square feet or more, the requirement that the number of bedrooms be equal to no less than 75 percent of the total number of dwelling units shall not be applicable and, provided further, that such requirement shall be reduced to the extent the application of such requirement would necessitate a reduction in the number of dwelling units which are contained in such eligible building prior to the commencement date.
g. Tenant notification. Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, no rehabilitation program benefits shall be granted for any eligible construction with a commencement date on or after the effective date of this local law unless the applicant provides to tenants, if any, of such eligible building prior to the commencement date, notice of the following information:
1. The proposed work;
2. The identity and contact information of the eligible building’s representative; and
3. The tenants’ rights under applicable law with respect to such work; provided that, in the case of a loan program supervised by the department of housing preservation and development, such department may provide the required notice to the tenants.
h. Notice of intent. An applicant for rehabilitation program benefits for any eligible construction with a commencement date on or after the effective date of this local law shall file with the department of housing preservation and development a form supplied by such department which:
1. States an intention to file for rehabilitation program benefits;
2. Describes the work for which rehabilitation program benefits will be claimed;
3. Estimates the cost of such work which will be eligible for rehabilitation program benefits; and
4. Provides proof of the notice required under subdivision g of this section. Such form shall be filed prior to the commencement date. If the scope of such work or the estimated cost thereof changes materially, such applicant shall file a revised notice of intent. An applicant who fails to comply with the requirements of this subdivision shall be subject to a penalty not to exceed 100 percent of the filing fee otherwise payable pursuant to paragraph 3 of subdivision c of this section.
i. Re-inspection penalty. If any eligible construction claimed on an application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost cannot be verified upon the first inspection by the department of housing preservation and development, such applicant shall be required to pay 10 times the actual cost of any additional inspection needed to verify such eligible construction.
j. Strict liability for inaccurate applications. If the department of housing preservation and development determines that an application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost contains a false statement or omission as to any material matter, such application shall be rejected and no other applications pursuant to this section with respect to such eligible building shall be allowed for a period of 3 years following such determination. An applicant shall not be relieved from liability under this subdivision because such applicant submitted the application under a mistaken belief of fact. Furthermore, any person or entity that files more than 6 applications containing such a false statement or omission within any 12 month period shall be barred from submitting any new application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost on behalf of any eligible building for a period of 5 years.
k. False statements. Any person who shall knowingly and willfully makes any false statement or omission as to any material matter in any application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost shall be guilty of an offense punishable by a fine of not more than $500, or imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both.
l. Implementation of rehabilitation program benefits. Upon issuance of a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost and payment of outstanding fees, the department of housing preservation and development may transmit such certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost to the department of finance. Upon receipt of a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost, the department of finance shall certify the amount of taxes to be abated pursuant to subdivision b of this section and pursuant to such certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost provided by the department of housing preservation and development.
m. Outstanding taxes and charges. Rehabilitation program benefits shall not be allowed for an eligible building in either of the following cases:
1. There are outstanding real estate taxes or water and sewer charges or payments in lieu of taxes that are due and owing as of the last day of the tax period preceding the date of the receipt of the certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost by the department of finance; or
2. Real estate taxes or water and sewer charges due at any time during the authorized term of such benefits remain unpaid for 1 year after the same are due and payable.
n. Investigatory authority. The department of housing preservation and development may require such certifications and consents necessary to access records, including other tax records, as may be deemed appropriate to enforce the eligibility requirements of this section. For purposes of determining and certifying eligibility for rehabilitation program benefits and the reasonable cost of any eligible construction, the department of housing preservation and development shall be authorized to:
1. Administer oaths to and take the testimony of any person, including, but not limited to, the owner of such eligible building;
2. Issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of such persons and the production of any bills, books, papers, or other documents as such department may deem necessary;
3. Make preliminary estimates of the maximum reasonable cost of such eligible construction;
4. Establish maximum allowable costs of specified units, fixtures, or work in such eligible construction;
5. Require the submission of plans and specifications of such eligible construction before the commencement thereof;
6. Require physical access to inspect the eligible building; and
7. On an annual basis, require the submission of leases for any dwelling unit in an eligible rental building that has been granted a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost.
o. No owner of an eligible building to which rehabilitation program benefits shall be applied, nor any agent, employee, manager, or officer of such owner, shall directly or indirectly deny to any person any of the dwelling accommodations in such property or any of the privileges or services incident to occupancy therein because of race, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, age, religion, alienage, or citizenship status, or the use of, participation in, or being eligible for a governmentally funded housing assistance program, including, but not limited to, the section 8 housing voucher program and the section 8 housing certificate program, 42 U.S.C. § 1437 et. seq., or the senior citizen or persons with disabilities rent increase exemption program, pursuant to either chapter 7 of title 26 or section 26-509. The term "disability" as used in this subdivision has the same meaning set forth in section 8-102. Nothing in this subdivision shall restrict such consideration in the development of housing accommodations for the purpose of providing for the special needs of a particular group.
p. Termination or revocation. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section, any rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, or any mutual company regulatory agreement or mutual redevelopment company regulatory agreement entered into thereunder may result in revocation of any rehabilitation program benefits retroactive to the commencement of such benefits. Such termination or revocation shall not exempt such eligible building from continued compliance with the requirements of this section, such rules and regulations, and such mutual company regulatory agreement or such mutual redevelopment company regulatory agreement.
q. Criminal liability for unauthorized uses. In the event that any recipient of rehabilitation program benefits uses any dwelling unit in an eligible building in violation of the requirements of this section and any rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, such recipient shall be guilty of an unclassified misdemeanor punishable by a fine in an amount equivalent to double the value of the gain of such recipient from such unlawful use, or imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both.
r. Private right of action. Any prospective, present, or former tenant of an eligible rental building may sue to enforce the requirements and prohibitions of this section, or any rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, in the supreme court of New York. Any such individual harmed by reason of a violation of such requirements and prohibitions may sue therefor in the supreme court of New York on behalf of such individual, and shall recover threefold the damages sustained and the cost of the suit, including a reasonable attorney’s fee. The department of housing preservation and development may use any court decision under this subdivision that is adverse to the owner of an eligible building as the basis for further enforcement action. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an action by a tenant of an eligible rental building under this subdivision must be commenced within 6 years from the date of the latest violation.
s. Appointment of receiver. In addition to the remedies for noncompliance provided for in paragraph 7 of subdivision d and subdivision p of this section, the department of housing preservation and development may make application for the appointment of a receiver in accordance with the procedures contained in this subdivision. Any receiver appointed pursuant to this subdivision shall be authorized, in addition to any other powers conferred by law, to effect compliance with the provisions of this section and any rules and regulations of the department of housing preservation and development promulgated thereunder. Any expenditures incurred by the receiver to effect such compliance shall constitute a debt of the owner and a lien upon the eligible building, and upon the rents and income thereof, in accordance with the procedures contained in this subdivision. The department of housing preservation and development in its discretion may provide funds to be expended by the receiver, and such funds shall constitute a debt recoverable from the owner in accordance with applicable local laws.
1. Power to order corrections of violations. Whenever the department of housing preservation and development determines that any violation of the provisions of this section, any rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, or any mutual company regulatory agreement or mutual redevelopment company regulatory agreement entered into thereunder, has occurred, such department may order the owner of the eligible building or other responsible party to correct such violation. An order issued pursuant to this paragraph shall state the violations involved and the corrective action to be taken, and shall specify a time for compliance, which shall be not less than 21 days from the date of service of the order, except that where a condition dangerous to human life and safety or detrimental to health exists or is threatened, a shorter period for compliance may be specified.
2. Grounds for appointment of receiver. Upon failure of an eligible building to comply with an order to correct issued pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subdivision within the specified time therein, the department of housing preservation and development may apply for the appointment of a receiver to correct such violations.
3. Notice to owner, mortgagees, and lienors.
(a) If the department of housing preservation and development intends to seek the appointment of a receiver pursuant to this subdivision, it shall serve upon the owner, along with the order authorized pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subdivision, a notice stating that in the event the violations covered by the order are not corrected in the manner and within the time specified therein, such department may apply for the appointment of a receiver of the rents, issues, and profits of the property with rights superior to those of the owner and any mortgagee or lienor.
(b) Within 5 days after service of the order and notice upon the owner, the department of housing preservation and development shall serve a copy of the order and notice upon every mortgagee and lienor of record, personally or by registered or certified mail, at the address set forth in the recorded mortgage or lien. If no address appears therein, a copy shall be sent by registered mail to the person at whose request the instrument was recorded.
(c) The department of housing preservation and development shall file a copy of the notice and order in the office of the county clerk in which mechanics liens affecting the eligible building would be filed.
4. Order to show cause.
(a) The department of housing preservation and development, upon failure of the owner to comply with an order issued pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subdivision within the time provided therein, may thereafter apply to a court of competent jurisdiction in the county where the eligible building is located for an order directing the owner and any mortgagees or lienors of record to show cause why the commissioner of housing preservation and development should not be appointed receiver of the rents, issues, and profits of the eligible building and why the receiver should not correct such violation and obtain a lien in favor of the department of housing preservation and development against the eligible building having the priority provided in article 8 of subchapter 5 of chapter 2 of title 27 to secure repayment of the costs incurred by the receiver in removing such conditions. Such application shall contain:
(1) Proof by affidavit that an order of the department of housing preservation and development has been issued, served on the owner, mortgagees, and lienors, and filed, in accordance with subparagraph (c) of paragraph 3 of this subdivision;
(2) A statement that a violation continued to exist in such eligible building after the time provided in the order for correction of the condition, and a description of the eligible building and violations involved; and
(3) A brief description of the nature of the actions required to correct the violations and an estimate as to the cost thereof.
(b) The order to show cause shall be returnable not less than 5 days after service is completed.
(c) A copy of the order to show cause, and the papers on which it is based, shall be served on the owner, mortgagees of record, and lienors. If any such persons cannot with due diligence be served personally within the city of New York within the time fixed in the order, then service may be made by posting a copy of the order in a conspicuous place on the eligible building, and by sending a copy thereof by registered mail to the owner at the last address, if any, registered by such owner with the department of housing preservation and development, or to such owner’s last address, if any, known to the department of housing preservation and development, or, in the case of a mortgagee or lienor, to the address set forth in the recorded mortgage or lien, and by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where such eligible building is located. Service shall be deemed complete on filing proof thereof in the office of the clerk of the court in which application for such order is made.
5. Proceedings on return of order to show cause.
(a) On the return of the order to show cause, determination thereof shall have precedence over every other business of the court unless the court shall find that some other pending proceeding, having a similar statutory preference, has priority.
(b) If the court finds that the facts stated in the application warrant the granting thereof, then it shall appoint the commissioner of housing preservation and development receiver of the rents, issues, and profits of the eligible building.
(c) Notwithstanding subparagraph (b) of this paragraph, if, after determination of the issue, the owner, or any mortgagee or lienor or other person having an interest in the eligible building, shall apply to the court to be permitted to correct the violations set forth in the department of housing preservation and development's application and shall (i) demonstrate the ability to promptly undertake the actions required; and (ii) post security for the performance thereof within the time, and in the amount and manner, deemed necessary by the court, then the court may, in lieu of appointing a receiver, issue an order permitting such person to perform the actions within a time fixed by the court. If at the time fixed in the order the actions have not been satisfactorily done, the court shall appoint such receiver. If after the granting of an order permitting a person to perform the actions but before the time fixed by the court for the completion thereof it shall appear to the department of housing preservation and development that the person permitted to do the same is not proceeding with due diligence, then such department may apply to the court, on notice to those persons who have appeared in the proceeding, for a hearing to determine whether a receiver shall be appointed immediately. On the failure of any person to complete the corrective actions in accordance with the provisions of an order under this subparagraph, such department, or any receiver thereafter appointed, shall be reimbursed for costs incurred by such department or receiver in correcting the violation and other charges herein provided for out of the security posted by such person.
6. Powers and duties of receiver.
(a) A receiver appointed pursuant to this subdivision shall have all of the powers and duties of a receiver appointed in an action to foreclose a mortgage on real property, together with such additional powers and duties as herein granted and imposed. Such receiver shall not be required to file any bond.
(b) The receiver shall with all reasonable speed remove violations in the eligible building. Such receiver shall have the power to let contracts or incur expenses therefor in accordance with the provisions of law applicable to contracts for public works except that advertisement shall not be required for each such contract. Notwithstanding any provision of law, the receiver may let contracts or incur expenses for individual items without the procurement of competitive bids where the total amount of any such individual item does not exceed $2,500.
(c) The receiver shall collect the accrued and accruing rents, issues, and profits of the eligible building and apply the same to the cost of the corrective actions authorized in subparagraph (b) of this paragraph, to the payment of expenses reasonably necessary to the proper operation and management of the eligible building, including insurance and the fees of the managing agent, and the necessary expenses of his or her office as receiver, the repayment of all moneys advanced to the receiver by the department of housing preservation and development to cover the costs incurred by the receiver and interest thereon; and then, if there be a surplus, to unpaid taxes, assessments, water rents, sewer rents, and penalties and interest thereon, and then to sums due to mortgagees or lienors. If the income of the eligible building shall be insufficient to cover the cost of the repairs and improvements or the expenses reasonably necessary to the proper operation and management of such eligible building and other necessary expenses of the receiver, the department of housing preservation and development shall advance to the receiver any sums required to cover such cost and expense and thereupon shall have a lien against such eligible building having the priority provided in article 8 of subchapter 5 of chapter 2 of title 27 of the administrative code for any such sums so advanced with interest thereon.
(d) The receiver shall be entitled to the same fees, commissions, and necessary expenses as receivers in actions to foreclose mortgages. Such fees and commissions shall be paid into the fund created pursuant to section 27-2111. The receiver shall be liable only in such receiver’s official capacity for injury to person and property by reason of conditions of the eligible building in a case where an owner would have been liable; such receiver shall not have any liability in such receiver’s personal capacity. The personnel and facilities of the department of housing preservation and development and the corporation counsel shall be availed of by the receiver for the purpose of carrying out such receiver’s duties, and the costs of such services shall be deemed a necessary expense of the receiver.
7. Discharge of receiver. The receiver shall be discharged upon rendering a full and complete accounting to the court when the actions herein authorized are completed and the cost thereof and all other costs authorized herein have been paid or reimbursed from the rents and income of the eligible building and the surplus money, if any, has been paid over to the owner or the mortgagee or lienor as the court may direct. However, at any time, the receiver may be discharged upon filing his or her account as receiver without affecting the right of the department of housing preservation and development to its lien. Upon the completion of the repairs and improvements, the owner, the mortgagee, or any lienor may apply for the discharge of the receiver upon payment to the receiver of all moneys expended by such receiver therefor and all other costs authorized by paragraph 6 of this subdivision which have not been paid or reimbursed from the rents and income of such eligible building.
8. Recovery of expenses of receivership; lien of receiver.
(a) The expenditures made by the receiver pursuant to paragraph 6 of this subdivision shall, to the extent that they are not recovered from the rents and income of the eligible building collected by the receiver, constitute a debt of the owner and a lien upon such building and lot, and upon the rents and income thereof. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the provisions of article 8 of subchapter 5 of chapter 2 of title 27 shall govern the effect and enforcement of such debt and lien; references therein to the department of housing preservation and development shall, for purposes of this article, be deemed to refer to the receiver and, after such receiver's discharge, the department of housing preservation and development.
(b) Failure to serve a copy of the order and notice required in the manner specified by paragraph 3 of this subdivision, or failure to serve any mortgagee or lienor with a copy of the order to show cause as required by subparagraph (c) of paragraph 4 of this subdivision, shall not affect the validity of the proceeding or the appointment of a receiver, but the rights of the department of housing preservation and development or of the receiver shall not in such event be superior to the rights of any mortgagee or lienor who has not been served as provided therein.
(c) Any mortgagee or lienor who at such mortgagee or lienor’s expense corrects the violations to the satisfaction of the court pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph (c) of paragraph 5 of this subdivision shall have and be entitled to enforce a lien equivalent to the lien granted to the receiver in favor of the department of housing preservation and development hereunder. Any mortgagee or lienor who, following the appointment of a receiver by the court, shall reimburse the receiver and the department of housing preservation and development for all costs and charges as hereinabove provided shall be entitled to an assignment of the lien granted to the receiver in favor of the department of housing preservation and development.
9. Obligations of owner not affected. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to relieve the owner of any civil or criminal liability incurred or any duty imposed by law by reason of acts or omissions of the owner prior to the appointment of a receiver; nor shall anything contained herein be construed to suspend during the receivership any obligation of the owner for the payment of taxes or other operating and maintenance expenses of the eligible building nor of the owner or any other person for the payment of mortgages or liens.
t. Rulemaking. Each agency or department to which functions are assigned by this section may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the effectuation of the purpose of this section.
u. State enabling law. This section is enacted pursuant to the provisions of subdivision 21 of section 489 of the real property tax law.
v. Reporting. No later than 2 years after the effective date of this local law, and annually thereafter, the department of housing preservation and development, in consultation with the department of finance, shall submit to the mayor and the speaker of the council and post on its website a report on the actions by the department of housing preservation and development in the preceding fiscal year related to rehabilitation program benefits. Such report shall include, but not be limited to:
1. The total amount of the rehabilitation program benefits approved for each eligible building, the number of eligible buildings in each community district, neighborhood tabulation area, council district, New York state assembly district, and New York state senate district, the building classification, in accordance with section 302 of the New York city building code, of each such eligible building, the number of dwelling units in each such eligible building, and the number of qualifying rental units in each such eligible building; and
2. The number of eligible buildings whose rehabilitation program benefits were terminated or revoked and the number of eligible buildings against which actions were taken, pursuant to subparagraphs (a) through (c) of paragraph 7 of subdivision d, to address noncompliance with the provisions of such subdivision, and the street address of each such eligible building.
w. Updates to the certified reasonable cost schedule. When updating the certified reasonable cost schedule, the department of housing preservation and development shall consider the factors such department deems relevant, such as the requirements imposed on eligible buildings by local law, including, but not limited to, articles 302, 320, and 321 of chapter 3 of title 28, and the effects of inflation on such costs since the prior date the certified reasonable cost schedule was updated.
(L.L. 2024/122, 12/18/2024, eff. 12/18/2024)
a. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
1. "Eligible real property" shall mean:
(i) any class B multiple dwelling;
(ii) any class A multiple dwelling used for single room occupancy pursuant to section two hundred forty-eight of the multiple dwelling law which contains no more than twenty-five percent class A dwelling units which contain lawful sanitary and kitchen facilities within the dwelling unit, provided that in the case of a multiple dwelling containing ten dwelling units or less, up to forty percent of the dwelling units may be class A units;
(iii) not-for-profit institutions with sleeping accommodations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, eligible real property shall not include college and school dormitories, club houses, or residences whose occupancy is restricted to an institutional use such as housing intended for use primarily or exclusively by the employees of a single company or institution. A building is an eligible real property only if it qualifies as such after completion of the eligible improvements, but need not have been an eligible real property prior to the eligible improvements.
2. "Eligible improvements" shall be limited to the following categories of work, provided further that such work shall be in conformity with all applicable laws:
(i) replacement of a boiler or burner or installation of an entire new heating system;
(ii) replacement or upgrading of electrical system;
(iii) replacement or upgrading of elevators;
(iv) installation or replacement or upgrading of the plumbing system, including water main and risers;
(v) replacement or installation of walls, ceilings, floors or trim where necessary;
(vi) replacement or upgrading of doors, installation of security devices and systems;
(vii) installation, replacement or upgrading of smoke detectors, fire alarms, fire escapes, or sprinkler systems;
(viii) replacement or repair of roof, leaders and gutters;
(ix) replacement or installation of bathroom facilities;
(x) installation of wall and pipe insulation;
(xi) replacement or upgrading of street connections for water or sewer services;
(xii) replacement or installation of windows, or installation of window gates or guards;
(xiii) installation or replacement of boiler smoke stack;
(xiv) pointing, waterproofing and cleaning of entire building exterior surface; (xv) improvements designed to conserve the use of fuel, electricity or other energy sources;
(xvi) work necessary to effect compliance with all applicable laws including but not limited to the multiple dwelling law, the New York city housing maintenance code and the building code; and
(xvii) improvements unique to congregate living facilities, as defined by rules and regulations promulgated by the department of housing preservation and development.
3. "Existing dwelling" shall mean any eligible real property in existence prior to the commencement of eligible improvements, for which tax exemption and abatement is claimed under the terms of this section and for which a valuation appears on the annual record of assessed valuation of the city for the fiscal year immediately preceding the commencement of construction of such eligible improvements.
4. "Commencement of eligible improvement" shall mean the beginning of any physical operation undertaken for the purpose of making eligible improvements to eligible real property.
5. "Completion of eligible improvement" shall mean the conclusion or termination of any physical operation referred to in the preceding paragraph, to an extent or degree which renders an eligible property capable of use for the purpose for which the improvements were intended.
6. "Permanent resident" shall mean a person who has resided in eligible real property for six months or more; has a lease or other rental agreement for a term of six or more months; or has requested a lease pursuant to the provisions of the rent stabilization code for housing accommodations located in hotels.
b. Any increase in the assessed valuation of eligible real property shall be exempt from taxation for local purposes for a period of thirty-two years to the extent such increase results from eligible improvements, provided that:
(i) the eligible improvements are commenced after July first, nineteen hundred eighty, and prior to December thirty-first, two thousand nineteen, and are completed within thirty-six months from commencement;
(ii) the department of housing preservation and development determines and certifies the cost, qualification and eligibility of any improvement for benefits of this section;
(iii) the exemption may commence no sooner than the July first following the filing with the department of finance of a certification of eligibility issued by the department of housing preservation and development for benefits of this section; provided, however, that if the rehabilitation is carried out with substantial government assistance as part of a program for affordable housing the exemption may commence no sooner than the July first following the commencement of construction of eligible improvements;
(iv) immediately prior to, and during, the construction of eligible improvements, not less than fifty percent of the dwelling units in such eligible real property are occupied by permanent residents; provided that such occupancy requirement shall not apply to a vacant, governmentally owned multiple dwelling which had been vacant for not less than two years prior to the commencement of construction of eligible improvements, nor to a vacant multiple dwelling where the eligible improvements are carried out with the substantial assistance of grants, loans or subsidies from any federal, state or local agency or instrumentality or any not-for-profit philanthropic organization one of whose primary purposes is providing low or moderate income housing;
(v) no outstanding real estate taxes, water and sewer charges, payments in lieu of taxes or other municipal charges are due and owing as of the tax quarter immediately preceding the commencement of tax exemption pursuant to this section; provided that an applicant aided pursuant to the provisions of the private housing finance law shall have such application accepted by the tax commission if there are no outstanding real estate, water and sewer taxes due and owing as of the last day of the tax quarter preceding commencement of construction of eligible improvements;
(vi) Except in the case of eligible real property which is receiving or has received assistance pursuant to a governmental rent subsidy program or which is owned by a not-for-profit corporation or by a wholly owned subsidiary of a not-for-profit corporation and which is receiving or has received assistance pursuant to a governmental loan subsidy program, as defined by the rules and regulations promulgated by the department of housing preservation and development, for the construction of eligible improvements, the initial rent after completion of eligible improvements, for ninety percent of the total number of dwelling units occupied by permanent residents in a class A or class B multiple dwelling other than apartments shall not exceed the greater of either the amount of any governmental rental assistance received by an occupant or seventy-five percent of the rent which is permitted to be charged for zero-bedroom units on the moderate rehabilitation fair market rent schedule as determined by the United States department of housing and urban development for the housing assistance payments program under section eight of the national housing act;
(vii) no person residing in eligible real property prior to or during the construction of eligible improvements shall be required by the owner to vacate the eligible real property solely in order to perform the eligible improvements or any related work.
c. Eligible real property which qualifies for exemption from taxation for local purposes for eligible improvements shall also be eligible for an annual abatement of real property taxes in an amount not to exceed twelve and one half percent of the reasonable cost of eligible improvements certified by the department of housing preservation and development, which abatement may commence on the first day of the first tax quarter following the filing with the department of finance of a certification of eligibility issued by the department of housing preservation and development for benefits of this section; provided, however, that if the rehabilitation is carried out with substantial government assistance as part of a program for affordable housing the abatement may commence no sooner than the first day of the first tax quarter following the commencement of construction of eligible improvements, provided further that:
(i) the annual abatement shall not exceed the amount of taxes otherwise payable in the corresponding year;
(ii) the period during which such abatement is effective shall not exceed twenty consecutive years from the date such abatement first becomes effective; and
(iii) the total abatement shall not exceed the lesser of one hundred fifty percent of the certified reasonable costs of eligible improvements or the actual costs as determined by the department of housing preservation and development pursuant to its rules and regulations.
d. During the period of tax exemption or abatement pursuant to this section, each of the following shall be a condition precedent to the continuation of the exemption and/or abatement:
(i) compliance with all applicable provisions of law, including but not limited to the multiple dwelling law, the building code and the housing maintenance code;
(ii) all dwelling units, except owner occupied units, shall be subject to the emergency housing rent control law or the local housing rent control act or the tenant protection act of nineteen hundred seventy-four,* or any local laws enacted pursuant thereto or the rent stabilization law of nineteen hundred sixty-nine; provided, however, that the department of housing preservation and development may exempt from this requirement dwelling units that are not occupied by permanent residents in those buildings owned by a not-for-profit corporation and which are improved with the aid of a rehabilitation loan from any government agency or instrumentality or operated pursuant to a contract with a governmental entity.
(iii) eligible real property receiving tax exemption or tax abatement benefits under this section shall not receive tax exemption or tax abatement for new construction or rehabilitation under any other provision of law;
(iv) the eligible improvements shall not be used as the basis for any application for rent increases and the owner shall file a statement to such effect with the department of housing preservation and development and with any appropriate rent regulatory agency, provided, however, that rents of units improved with the aid of a rehabilitation loan from any governmental agency or instrumentality may within the limitations established by this section be increased pursuant to the rules and regulations of the department of housing preservation and development.
(v) A minimum of seventy-five percent of the dwelling units shall be rental units occupied by permanent residents; provided, however that the department of housing preservation and development may exempt from this requirement those buildings improved with the aid of a rehabilitation loan from any governmental agency or instrumentality or operated pursuant to a contract with a governmental entity.
e. During the period of tax exemption or abatement pursuant to this section, the owner shall submit an annual certification to the department of housing preservation and development in the form prescribed by such department. Failure to submit such certification in any given year may result in the revocation of benefits. The certification shall include the following:
(i) the total number of dwelling units within the eligible real property and the total number of dwelling units occupied by permanent residents;
(ii) the number of dwelling units subject to the provisions of the emergency housing rent control act, the emergency tenant protection act of nineteen hundred seventy-four or any local laws enacted pursuant thereto; the emergency housing rent control law or the rent stabilization law of nineteen hundred sixty-nine; and
(iii) all such other information required by the department of housing preservation and development.
f. Any tax exemption or tax abatement authorized pursuant to this section may be revoked or reduced by the department of housing preservation and development or by the department of finance of the city of New York at any time during the authorized term of such tax exemption or tax abatement upon a finding by either department that:
(i) the application for benefits pursuant to this section or the annual certification required hereunder contains a false statement or false information as to a material matter, or omits a material matter, in which case the revocation or reduction may be retroactive to the commencement of benefits pursuant to this section;
(ii) real estate taxes, water, sewer or other municipal charges, or payments in lieu of said taxes or charges are, and have remained, due and owing for more than one year, in which case the revocation or reduction may be retroactive to the commencement of benefits pursuant to this section, provided that in no event shall revocation be effective prior to the date such taxes or charges were first due and payable; or
(iii) the eligible real property fails to comply with one or more of the provisions or requirements of this section.
g. Application forms for the benefits of this section shall be filed with the tax commission within the time periods to be established by rules and regulations promulgated by the department of housing preservation and development, pursuant to subdivision i of this section. The tax commission shall certify to the department of finance the amount of taxes to be abated, pursuant to the certification of the department of housing preservation and development as herein provided. No such application shall be accepted unless accompanied by a copy of the certificate of the department of housing preservation and development both as to reasonable cost and as to eligibility as provided in subdivision b of this section.
h. No owner of a dwelling to which the benefits of this section apply, nor any agent, employee, manager or officer of such owner shall directly or indirectly deny to any person because of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, disability, marital status, age, religion or sexual orientation any of the dwelling accommodations in such property or any of the privileges or services incident to occupancy therein. The term "disability" as used in this subdivision shall mean a physical, mental or medical impairment resulting from anatomical, physiological, or neurological conditions which prevents the exercise of a normal bodily function or is demonstrable by medically accepted clinical or laboratory diagnostic techniques. Nothing in this subdivision shall restrict such consideration in the availability of housing accommodations for the purpose of providing for the special needs of a particular group.
i. The department of housing preservation and development shall determine and certify the reasonable cost of any such conversions, alterations or improvements and eligibility for the benefits of this section and for that purpose may adopt rules and regulations, administer oaths to and take the testimony of any person, including, but not limited to the owner of such property, may issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of such persons and the production of such bills, books, papers or other documents as it shall deem necessary, may make preliminary estimates of the maximum reasonable cost of such conversions, alterations or improvements, may establish maximum allowable costs of specified units, fixtures or work in such conversions, alterations or improvements, and may require the submission of plans and specifications of such conversions, alterations or improvements before the start thereof. Applications for certification shall include all bills and other documents showing the cost of construction or such other evidence of such cost as shall be satisfactory to the department of housing preservation and development, including, without limitation, certification of cost by a certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Each additional agency to which functions are assigned by this section may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the effectuation of the purposes of this section.
j. The department of housing preservation and development may require a filing fee in an amount as provided by the rules and regulations promulgated by the department of housing preservation and development pursuant to subdivision i of this section.
k. Any person who shall knowingly and wilfully make any false statements as to any material matter in any application for the benefits of this section shall be guilty of an offense punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or imprisonment for not more than ninety days, or both.
l. If any provision of this section or its application to any person shall be held invalid, the remainder of this section and the applicability of its provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
(Am. L.L. 2016/061, 5/10/2016, eff. 5/10/2016)
(a) No benefits under section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law shall be conferred for any construction commenced on or after November twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred eighty-five and prior to December thirty-first, two thousand seven for any tax lots now existing or hereafter created which are located entirely within the geographic area in the borough of Manhattan bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the bulkhead line in the Hudson River and 96th street extended; thence easterly to 96th street and continuing along 96th street to its easterly terminus; thence easterly to the intersection of 96th street extended and the bulkhead line in the East River; thence southerly along said bulkhead line to the intersection of said bulkhead line and 14th street extended; thence westerly to 14th street and continuing along 14th street to Broadway; thence southerly along Broadway to Houston street; thence westerly along Houston street to Thompson street; thence southerly along Thompson street to Spring street; thence westerly along Spring street to Avenue of the Americas; thence northerly along Avenue of the Americas to Vandam street; thence westerly along Vandam street to Varick street; thence northerly along Varick street to Houston street; thence westerly along Houston street and continuing to its westerly terminus; thence westerly to the intersection of Houston street extended and the bulkhead line in the Hudson River; thence northerly along said bulkhead line to the intersection of said bulkhead line and 30th street extended; thence easterly along 30th street to 11th avenue; thence northerly along 11th avenue to 41st street; thence westerly along 41st street and continuing to its westerly terminus; thence westerly to the intersection of 41st street extended and the bulkhead line in the Hudson River; thence northerly along said bulkhead line to the place of beginning.
(a-1) Notwithstanding the provisions contained in subdivision (a) of this section concerning the date of commencement of construction, the amendments to such subdivision (a) made by local law number 22 for the year 2005 shall only apply to construction commenced on or after March seventh, two thousand six and prior to December thirty-first, two thousand seven.
(a-2) Notwithstanding the provisions contained in subdivision (a) of this section concerning the date of commencement of construction, the amendments to such subdivision (a) made by the local law that added this subdivision shall only apply to construction commenced on or after the effective date of section three of the local law that added this subdivision and prior to December thirty-first, two thousand seven.
(b) The limitations contained in subdivision (a) of this section shall not be applicable to:
(1) construction carried out with substantial assistance of grants, loans or subsidies from any federal, state or local agency or instrumentality, or
(2) projects where the department of housing preservation and development has imposed a requirement or has certified that twenty percent of the units be affordable to households of low and moderate income, or
(3) construction carried out pursuant to an agreement with the department of housing preservation and development to create or substantially rehabilitate housing units offsite affordable to households of low and moderate income provided that:
(i) the number of any such low income units which may be made available to homeless households must be equal to a ratio of at least one low income unit for every six units in the building or buildings located in the area described in subdivision (a) of this section which receive benefits pursuant to section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law; or
(ii) the number of any such low income units which may be made available must be equal to at least twenty per cent of the number of units in the building or buildings located in the area described in subdivision (a) of this section which receive benefits pursuant to section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law; or
(iii) the number of any such moderate income units which may be made available must be equal to at least twenty-five per cent of the number of units in the building or buildings located in the area described in subdivision (a) of this section which receive benefits pursuant to section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law; and
(iv) in any building containing more than one hundred thirty units of low and moderate income housing created or substantially rehabilitated pursuant to this paragraph, two of every three units in excess of one hundred thirty units shall at initial occupancy be affordable to moderate income households; and
(v) upon, initial occupancy, all such housing units affordable to households of low and moderate income must be registered with the New York state division of housing and community renewal. Such units must remain rent stabilized for the entire period during which such units receive real estate tax benefits under any New York state or city tax abatement and/or exemption programs, or for twenty years, whichever is longer; future rent increases may not exceed the increases established by the rent guidelines board; upon vacancy, units must be rerented at no more than the legal stabilized rent. All units must be rented to households earning no more than four times such annual rent at the time of initial occupancy; the lease for the tenants in occupancy of all units created pursuant to this paragraph at the expiration of the rent stabilization period pursuant to this sub-paragraph shall include the right to remain as rent stabilized tenants for the duration of their occupancy. Once units become vacant after termination of such rent stabilization period, the owner of such units shall have the option to de-stabilize such rents; and
(vi) the provisions of sub-paragraph (v) shall not apply to any unit owned as a cooperative or condominium and occupied by the shareholder or owner; and
(vii) nothing contained in this paragraph shall preclude a grant of benefits under section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law for any building or buildings located in the area described in subdivision (a) of this section if carried out pursuant to an agreement entered into prior to January first, nineteen hundred ninety-one, with the department of housing preservation and development to create or substantially rehabilitate housing units affordable to households of low and moderate income in a geographic area or areas outside the area described in subdivision (a) of this section, provided that the number of such low and moderate income units must be equal to at least twenty per cent of the number of units in the building or buildings located in the area described in subdivision (a) of this section which receive benefits pursuant to section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law.
(b-1) With respect to construction commenced on or after the effective date of the local law that added this subdivision, except as otherwise provided in section ten of the local law that added this subdivision, each restricted income unit required pursuant to subdivision b of this section shall be situated onsite. For the purposes of this subdivision, "onsite" shall mean that restricted income units shall be situated within the building or buildings for which benefits pursuant to section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law are being granted.
(b-2) With respect to construction commenced on or after the effective date of the local law that added this subdivision, except as otherwise provided in section ten of the local law that added this subdivision, for the purposes of this section and of section 11-245.1-b of this chapter, any requirement that not less than twenty percent of onsite units be "restricted income" units shall mean that such units shall be affordable to and occupied or available for occupancy by individuals or families whose incomes at the time of initial occupancy do not exceed eighty percent of the area median income adjusted for family size; provided that, of such restricted income units, no more than a number equal to five percent of the number of units which commenced construction in buildings receiving tax benefits pursuant to section four hundred twenty one-a of the real property tax law in the previous calendar year shall be affordable to and occupied or available for occupancy by individuals or families whose incomes at the time of initial occupancy are between sixty percent and eighty percent of the area median income adjusted for family size.
(c) No benefits under section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law shall be conferred for any construction commenced on or after November twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred eighty-five of any multiple dwelling, or portion thereof, which is located within any district in the county of New York where a maximum base floor area ratio, as that term is defined in the zoning resolution, of fifteen or greater was permitted as of right by provisions of such resolution in effect on April fourteenth, nineteen hundred eighty-two; provided, however, that this limitation on benefits shall not apply to any such construction commenced on or after October first, nineteen hundred ninety-three and before December thirty-first, two thousand seven.
(d) For purposes of subdivisions (a) and (c) of this section, construction shall be deemed to have commenced on the date immediately following the issuance by the department of buildings of a new building permit for an entire new building (based upon architectural, plumbing and structural plans approved by such department) on which the excavation and construction of initial footings and foundations commences in good faith, on vacant land and for the entire project site, as certified by an architect or professional engineer licensed in the state, provided that installation of footings and foundations is similarly certified by such architect or engineer to have been completed without undue delay.
(e) The department of housing preservation and development may promulgate rules and regulations for the effectuation of the purposes of this section.
(f) The limitations on eligibility for benefits contained in this section shall be in addition to those contained in any other law or regulation.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2006/058.
(a) Where eligibility for benefits under section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law is sought for any construction commenced on or after November twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred eighty-five and before May twelfth, two thousand on the basis that such construction shall take place on land which, on the date thirty-six months prior to the commencement of such construction, was improved with a nonresidential building or buildings and was under-utilized, the under-utilization of the land must have been such that each building or buildings:
(1) contained no more than the permissible floor area ratio for nonresidential buildings in the zoning district in question and a floor area ratio which was twenty percent or less of the maximum floor area ratio for residential buildings, or
(2) had an assessed valuation equal to or less than twenty percent of the assessed valuation of the land on which the building or buildings were situated, or
(3) by reason of the configuration of the building, or substantial structural defects not brought about by deferred maintenance practices or intentional conduct, could no longer be functionally or economically utilized in the capacity in which it was formerly utilized. For purposes of this subdivision and subdivisions (a-1) through (a-4) of this section, construction shall be deemed to have commenced on the date immediately following the issuance by the department of buildings of a new building permit for an entire new building (based upon architectural, plumbing and structural plans approved by such department) on which the excavation and the construction of initial footings and foundations commences in good faith, on vacant land and for the entire project site, as certified by an architect or professional engineer licensed in the state, provided that installation of footings and foundations is similarly certified by such architect or engineer to have been completed without undue delay.
(a-1) Except as provided in subdivision (a-2) of this section, where eligibility for benefits under section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law is sought for any construction commenced on or after May twelfth, two thousand and before the effective date of the local law that added subdivisions (a-3) and (a-4) of this section on the basis that such construction shall take place on land which, on the date thirty-six months prior to the commencement of such construction, was improved with a nonresidential building or buildings and was under-utilized, the under-utilization of the land must have been such that each building or buildings:
(1) contained no more than the permissible floor area ratio for nonresidential buildings in the zoning district in question and a floor area ratio which was seventy-five percent or less of the maximum floor area ratio for residential buildings, or
(2) had an assessed valuation equal to or less than seventy-five percent of the assessed valuation of the land on which the building or buildings were situated, or
(3) by reason of the configuration of the building, or substantial structural defects not brought about by deferred maintenance practices or intentional conduct, could no longer be functionally or economically utilized in the capacity in which it was formerly utilized. For purposes of this subdivision, construction shall be deemed to have commenced as provided in subdivision (a) of this section.
(a-2) Where eligibility for benefits under section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law is sought for any construction on any tax lot now existing or hereafter created which is located south of or adjacent to either side of one hundred tenth street in the borough of Manhattan which construction commenced on or after May twelfth, two thousand and before the effective date of the local law that added subdivisions (a-3) and (a-4) of this section on the basis that such construction shall take place on land which, on the date thirty-six months prior to the commencement of such construction, was improved with a nonresidential building or buildings and was under-utilized, the under-utilization of the land must have been such that each building or buildings:
(1) contained no more than the permissible floor area ratio for nonresidential buildings in the zoning district in question and a floor area ratio which was fifty percent or less of the maximum floor area ratio for residential buildings, or
(2) had an assessed valuation equal to or less than fifty percent of the assessed valuation of the land on which the building or buildings were situated, or
(3) by reason of the configuration of the building, or substantial structural defects not brought about by deferred maintenance practices or intentional conduct, could no longer be functionally or economically utilized in the capacity in which it was formerly utilized. For purposes of this subdivision, construction shall be deemed to have commenced as provided in subdivision (a) of this section.
(a-3) Except as provided in subdivision (a-4) of this section, where eligibility for benefits under section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law is sought for any construction commenced on or after the effective date of the local law that added this subdivision on the basis that such construction shall take place on land which, on the date thirty-six months prior to the commencement of such construction, was improved with a nonresidential building or buildings and was under-utilized, the under-utilization of the land must have been such that each building or buildings:
(1) contained no more than the permissible floor area ratio for nonresidential buildings in the zoning district in question and either (i) had a floor area ratio which was seventy-five percent or less of the maximum floor area ratio for residential buildings in such zoning district, or (ii) if the land was not zoned to permit residential use on the date thirty-six months prior to the commencement of construction, had a floor area ratio which was seventy-five percent or less of the floor area ratio of the residential building which replaces such non-residential building, or
(2) had an assessed valuation equal to or less than seventy-five percent of the assessed valuation of the land on which the building or buildings were situated, or
(3) by reason of the configuration of the building, or substantial structural defects not brought about by deferred maintenance practices or intentional conduct, could no longer be functionally or economically utilized in the capacity in which it was formerly utilized. For purposes of this subdivision, construction shall be deemed to have commenced as provided in subdivision (a) of this section.
(a-4) Where eligibility for benefits under section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law is sought for any construction on any tax lot now existing or hereafter created which is located south of or adjacent to either side of one hundred tenth street in the borough of Manhattan which construction commenced on or after the effective date of the local law that added this subdivision on the basis that such construction shall take place on land which, on the date thirty-six months prior to the commencement of such construction, was improved with a nonresidential building or buildings and was under-utilized, the under-utilization of the land must have been such that each building or buildings:
(1) contained no more than the permissible floor area ratio for nonresidential buildings in the zoning district in question and either (i) had a floor area ratio which was fifty percent or less of the maximum floor area ratio for residential buildings in such zoning district, or (ii) if the land was not zoned to permit residential use on the date thirty-six months prior to the commencement of construction, had a floor area ratio which was fifty percent or less of the floor area ratio of the residential building which replaces such non-residential building, or
(2) had an assessed valuation equal to or less than fifty percent of the assessed valuation of the land on which the building or buildings were situated, or
(3) by reason of the configuration of the building, or substantial structural defects not brought about by deferred maintenance practices or intentional conduct, could no longer be functionally or economically utilized in the capacity in which it was formerly utilized. For purposes of this subdivision, construction shall be deemed to have commenced as provided in subdivision (a) of this section.
(b) The department of housing preservation and development may promulgate rules and regulations for the effectuation of the purposes of this section.
(c) The limitations on benefits contained in this section shall be in addition to those contained in any other law or regulation.