L.L. 1986/002
Enactment date: 4/2/1986
Int. No. 2
By the President (Mr. Stein) (by request of the Mayor and the Comptroller): also Council Members Clark, Dryfoos, Eisland, Friedlander, Gerges, Greitzer, Harrison, Katzman, Maloney, Messinger, Michels, Pinkett, Robles, DiBrienza and Horwitz
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to unlawful discriminatory practices
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Legislative declaration. The council reaffirms its finding and declaration articulated in the law establishing the city commission on human rights that in the city of New York, with its great cosmopolitan population consisting of large numbers of people of diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and ways of life, there is no greater danger to the well-being of the city and its inhabitants than the existence of groups prejudiced against one another and antagonistic to each other. It further reiterates the prejudice, intolerance, bigotry, and discrimination occasioned thereby threatens the rights and proper privileges of the city's inhabitants and menace the institutions and foundations of a free democratic state.
The council notes that, throughout the history of the city, many New Yorkers have encountered prejudice on account of their sexual orientation. In some instances, the prejudice has impaired access to employment, housing, and other basic necessities of life leading to depravation and suffering. In addition, it has fostered a general climate of hostility and distrust, even to the point of physical violence against those perceived to be homosexual.
The council hereby finds and declares that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation exists, that it unjustly threatens the well-being of thousands of New Yorkers, and that it should be prohibited in regard to employment, housing, land, commercial space and public accommodations.
In doing so, the Council wishes to make clear that it is not the function of the civil rights statute to promote a particular group or community; its purpose is rather to ensure that individuals who live in our society will have the opportunity to pursue their own beliefs and conduct their lives as they see fit within the limits of the law.
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 3. This local law shall take effect immediately.
L.L. 1986/003
Enactment date: 4/8/1986
Int. No. 68
By Council Member DeMarco (by request of the Mayor)
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to disallowing a deduction under the city general or financial corporation tax for taxes imposed under article 13-A of the tax law
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 3. This local law shall take effect immediately and shall apply to any taxable year commencing on or after January first, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
L.L. 1986/005
Enactment date: 4/29/1986
Int. No. 515
By Council Member Katzman (by request of the Mayor); also Council Members O'Donovan, Wooten, Berman, Crispino and Leffler
A Local Law to amend the New York city charter and the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to the department of ports, international trade and commerce
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. Legislative intent. It is the intent of the council to establish the department of ports, international trade and commerce which will foster expansion of the international business community of the city of New York and promote high quality and cost-competitive air, marine, rail and truck freight services for the city. It is the expectation of the council that the department will enable the city to attract more effectively foreign investment and trade, to assist firms in the city to win and fulfill foreign contracts, and to allow businesses in the city to transport goods more efficiently. In this manner, the department will promote economic development and employment in the city.
In addition, it is the intent of the council that the department continue to perform the responsibilities formerly delegated by the charter to the department of ports and terminals.
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 24. Any reference to the department of ports and terminals in law or contract shall be deemed to refer to the department of ports, international trade and commerce.
§ 25. This local law shall take effect immediately.
L.L. 1986/006
Enactment date: 4/29/1986
Int. No. 572
By Council Member DeMarco (by request of the Mayor); also Council Member Harrison (Passed under a message of necessity from the Mayor)
A Local Law in relation to dates for submission of the expense budget, expense budget hearings, approval of the expense budget by the board of estimate and council, disapproval by the mayor of certain portions of the expense budget and override thereof, certification of the expense budget, certification of debt and reserves for capital projects, submission of the capital budget and program, recommendations by the comptroller and city planning commission on the capital budget and program, capital budget and program hearings, adoption of the capital budget and program by the board of estimate and council, disapproval by the mayor of certain portions of the capital budget and program and override thereof, certification of the assessment roll, the estimate by the mayor of receipts and submission of a statement setting forth the amount of the capital budget, and fixing of the tax rate, relating to the fiscal year nineteen hundred eighty-seven
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. During the calendar year nineteen hundred eighty-six and in relation to the nineteen hundred eighty-seven fiscal year:
1. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section one hundred sixteen of the New York city charter, the mayor shall pursuant to such section submit a proposed expense budget and budget message as therein described not later than the sixth day of May, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
2. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section one hundred nineteen of such charter, the board of estimate and the council shall pursuant to such section hold public hearings on the expense budget as therein described between the fourteenth day of May and the thirtieth day of May, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
3. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision b of section one hundred twenty of such charter, the single expense budget adopted pursuant to such subdivision shall be returned to the mayor not later than the eleventh day of June, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
4. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision c of section one hundred twenty of such charter, if a single expense budget has not been adopted as therein described by the eleventh day of June, nineteen hundred eighty-six, the expense budget and tax rate adopted as modified for the nineteen hundred eighty-six fiscal year shall be deemed to have been extended for the nineteen hundred eighty-seven fiscal year until such time as a new budget is adopted.
5. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision a of section one hundred twenty-one of such charter, the mayor may pursuant to such subdivision disapprove certain parts of the expense budget as therein described not later than the sixteenth day of June, nineteen hundred eighty-six, and shall return the expense budget to the board of estimate and the council setting forth his objections in writing by that date.
6. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision b of section one hundred twenty-one of such charter, the board of estimate and the council shall pursuant to such subdivision act and the expense budget shall be adopted not later than the twenty-sixth day of June, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
7. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section one hundred twenty-two of such charter, the mayor, the comptroller and the city clerk shall pursuant to such section certify the expense budget as therein described not later than the twenty-seventh day of June, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
8. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section two hundred thirteen of such charter, the mayor shall pursuant to such section issue and publish a certificate as to the maximum amount of debt and reserves which may be incurred for capital projects and projects financed by capital debt as therein described not later than the sixth day of May, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
9. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision a of section two hundred nineteen of such charter, the mayor shall pursuant to such subdivision submit a proposed capital budget, capital program and explanatory message, as therein described, not later than the sixth day of May, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
10. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section two hundred twenty of such charter, the comptroller and city planning commission shall pursuant to such section submit reports containing comments and recommendations as therein described not later than the fourteenth day of May, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
11. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of section two hundred twenty-one of such charter, the board of estimate and council shall hold public hearings as therein described between the fourteenth day of May and the thirtieth day of May, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
12. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision a of section two hundred twenty-two of such charter, the single capital budget and single capital program adopted pursuant to such subdivision shall be returned to the mayor not later than the eleventh day of June, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
13. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision b of section two hundred twenty-two of such charter, if a single capital budget and single capital program have not been adopted as therein described by the eleventh day of June, nineteen hundred eighty-six, they shall be deemed adopted so far as acted on by both bodies with the lower amount of any item in dispute between the two bodies in effect.
14. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision b of section two hundred twenty-three of such charter, the mayor may pursuant to such subdivision disapprove certain parts of the capital budget or capital program as therein described not later than the sixteenth day of June, nineteen hundred eighty-six, and shall return the capital budget and capital program to the board of estimate and the council setting forth his objections in writing by that date.
15. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision c of section two hundred twenty-three of such charter, the board of estimate and the council shall pursuant to such subdivision act and the capital budget and capital program shall be adopted not later than the twenty-sixth day of June, nineteen hundred eighty-six, and in the event the board of estimate and the council fail to act by that date, the capital budget and capital program as modified by the mayor are adopted.
16. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision d of section two hundred twenty-three of such charter, the capital budget as finally adopted shall pursuant to such subdivision be certified by the mayor and the city clerk as therein described not later than the twenty-seventh day of June, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
17. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision two of section fifteen hundred fourteen of such charter, the commissioner of finance shall pursuant to such subdivision deliver to the council certified assessment rolls as therein described on or before the twenty-sixth day of June, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
18. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision a of section fifteen hundred fifteen of such charter, the mayor shall pursuant to such subdivision prepare and submit to the council an estimate of the probable amount of receipts as therein described not later than the eleventh day of June, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
19. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision b of section fifteen hundred fifteen of such charter, if necessary, the mayor shall pursuant to such subdivision submit to the council a statement setting forth the amount of the budget as therein described not later than the twenty-eighth day of June, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
20. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provisions of subdivision c of section fifteen hundred sixteen of such charter, if necessary, the council shall pursuant to such subdivision fix a new annual tax rate as therein described not later than the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred eighty-six.
§ 2. This local law shall take effect immediately.
L.L. 1986/010
Enactment date: 5/23/1986
Int. No. 536-A
By Council Members Robles, Ferrer, Michels, Eisland and Castaneira-Colon; also Council Members Albanese, Friedlander, Maloney, Messinger, O'Donovan, Pinkett, Williams, Wooten, Crispino and Lisa
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York in relation to requiring all hospitals and medical centers in the City of New York to provide for the use of interpretation services in emergency rooms
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section one. Legislative Findings: The City Council hereby finds that New York is a multilingual city, where over two million three hundred and forty thousand residents speak a language other than English at home, and over half a million residents speak little or no English at all; that the public health and safety is threatened by language barriers which exist between health providers and residents who receive health services; that difficulties in communication delay services, cause misunderstandings and thereby endanger the health of non-English speaking residents; that the difficulties in communication could be greatly alleviated by the provision of interpretation services for non-English speaking City residents; and that it would be in the public interest to have interpreter services immediately available in the emergency rooms and medical centers in New York City.
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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Section 3. This local law shall take effect sixty days after its enactment into law.
L.L. 1986/014
Enactment date: 6/6/1986
Int. No. 563-A
By the Vice Chairman (Council Member Vallone) and Council Member Lisa and the President (Mr. Stein); also Council Members Ferrer, Foster, Harrison, Maloney, Povman, Robles, Dryfoos, DiBrienza, Alter, Gerges, Eisland and McCaffrey (Passed Under a message of necessity from the Mayor)
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York in relation to awarding city contracts to small business enterprises
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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Section 2. If any part or provision of this subchapter or the application thereof to any person or organization is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional, such judgment shall not affect or impair any other part or provision or the application thereof to any other person or organization, but shall be confined in its operation to the part, provision, person or organization directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered.
Section 3. This local law shall take effect December first, nineteen hundred eighty-six provided, however, that nothing contained in this local law shall be construed to waive the requirement for the filing of any document which is due on or before January fifteen, nineteen hundred eighty-seven pursuant to the provisions of subchapter two of chapter two of title three of the administrative code of the city of New York repealed by section one of this local law and further provided, however, that the City Clerk shall be authorized to immediately promulgate any rule or regulation, to be effective on or after December first, nineteen hundred eighty-six, pursuant to the provisions of subchapter two of chapter two of title three of the administrative code of the city of New York as added by Section one of this local law.