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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
Title 1: General Provisions
Title 2: City of New York
Title 3: Elected officials
Title 4: Property of the City
Title 5: Budget; Capital Projects
Title 6: Contracts, Purchases and Franchises
Title 7: Legal Affairs
Title 8: Civil Rights
Title 9: Criminal Justice
Title 10: Public Safety
Title 11: Taxation and Finance
Title 12: Personnel and Labor
Title 13: Retirement and Pensions
Title 14: Police
Title 15: Fire Prevention and Control
Title 16: Sanitation
Title 16-A: [Commercial Waste Removal]
Title 16-B: Commercial Waste Zones
Title 17: Health
Title 18: Parks
Title 19: Transportation
Title 20: Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 20-A: [Shipboard Gambling]
Title 21: Social Services
Title 21-A: Education
Title 22: Economic Affairs
Title 23: Communications
Title 24: Environmental Protection and Utilities
Title 25: Land Use
Title 26: Housing and Buildings
Title 27: Construction and Maintenance
Title 28: New York City Construction Codes
Title 29: New York City Fire Code
Title 30: Emergency Management
Title 31: Department of Veterans' Services
Title 32: Labor and Employment
Title 33: Investigations
Title 34: Racial Equity
Appendix A: Unconsolidated Local Laws
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
Subchapter 2: Regulation of Lobbying
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1986/014.
§ 3-211 Definitions.
Whenever used in this subchapter, the following words and phrases shall be construed as defined in this section:
   (a)   The term "lobbyist" shall mean every person or organization retained, employed or designated by any client to engage in lobbying. The term "lobbyist" shall not include any officer or employee of the city of New York, the State of New York, any political subdivision of the State, or any public corporation, agency or commission, or the United States when discharging his or her official duties.
   (b)   The term "client" shall mean every person or organization who retains, employs or designates any person or organization to carry on lobbying activities on behalf of such client.
   (c)   (1)   The term "lobbying" or "lobbying activities" shall mean any attempt to influence:
         (i)   any determination made by the city council or any member thereof with respect to the introduction, passage, defeat, or substance of any local legislation or resolution,
         (ii)   any determination made by the mayor to support, oppose, approve, or disapprove any local legislation or resolution, whether or not such legislation or resolution has been introduced in the city council,
         (iii)   any determination made by an elected city official or an officer or employee of the city with respect to the procurement of goods, services or construction, including the preparation of contract specifications, or the solicitation, award or administration of a contract, or with respect to the solicitation, award or administration of a grant, loan, or agreement involving the disbursement of public monies,
         (iv)   any determination made by the mayor, the city council, the city planning commission, a borough president, a borough board or a community board with respect to zoning or the use, development or improvement of real property subject to city regulation,
         (v)   any determination made by an elected city official or an officer or employee of the city with respect to the terms of the acquisition or disposition by the city of any interest in real property, with respect to a license or permit for the use of real property of or by the city, or with respect to a franchise, concession or revocable consent,
         (vi)   the proposal, adoption, amendment or rejection by an agency of any rule having the force and effect of law,
         (vii)   the decision to hold, timing or outcome of any rate making proceeding before an agency,
         (viii)   the agenda or any determination of a board or commission,
         (ix)   any determination regarding the calendaring or scope of any city council oversight hearing,
         (x)   the issuance, repeal, modification or substance of a mayoral executive order, or
         (xi)   any determination made by an elected city official or an officer or employee of the city to support or oppose any state or federal legislation, rule or regulation, including any determination made to support or oppose that is contingent on any amendment of such legislation, rule or regulation, whether or not such legislation has been formally introduced and whether or not such rule or regulation has been formally proposed.
      (2)   The definition of the term "lobbying" or "lobbying activities" shall not apply to any determination in an adjudicatory proceeding.
      (3)   The following persons and organizations shall be deemed not to be engaged in "lobbying activities":
         (i)   persons engaged in advising clients, rendering opinions and drafting, in relation to proposed legislation, resolutions, rules, rates, or other proposed legislative, executive or administrative action, where such persons do not themselves engage in an attempt to influence such action;
         (ii)   newspapers and other periodicals and radio and television stations, and owners and employees thereof, provided that their activities are limited to the publication or broadcast of news items, editorials or other comment, or paid advertisements;
         (iii)   persons who participate as witnesses, attorneys or other representatives in public rule making or rate making proceedings of an agency, with respect to all participation by such persons which is part of the public record thereof and all preparation by such persons for such participation;
         (iv)   persons who appear before an agency in an adjudicatory proceeding;
         (v)   persons who prepare or submit a response to a request for information or comments by the city council or one of its committees, the mayor, or other elected city official or an agency;
         (vi)   (A)   contractors or prospective contractors who communicate with or appear before city contracting officers or employees in the regular course of procurement planning, contract development, the contractor selection process, the administration of a contract, or the audit of a contract, when such communications or appearances are made by such contractors or prospective contractors personally, or through;
               1.   such officers and employees of the contractors or prospective contractor who are charged with the performance of functions relating to contracts:
               2.   subcontractors or prospective subcontractors who are or will be engaged in the delivery of goods, services or construction pursuant to the contract of such officers and employees of the subcontractor or prospective subcontractor who are charged with the performance of functions relating to contracts; or
               3.   persons who provide technical or professional services, as defined in clause (B) of this subparagraph, on behalf of such contractor, prospective contractor, subcontractor or prospective subcontractor.
            (B)   For the purposes of clause (A) of this subparagraph:
               1.   "technical services" shall be limited to advice and analysis directly applying any engineering, scientific, or other similar technical discipline;
               2.   "professional services" shall be limited to advice and analysis directly applying any legal, accounting or other similar professional discipline in connection with the following elements of the procurement process only: dispute resolution, vendor protests, responsiveness and responsibility determinations, determinations of prequalification, suspensions, debarments, objections to registration pursuant to section 328 of the charter, contract interpretation, negotiation of contract terms after the award of a contract, defaults, the termination of contracts and audit of contracts. Any person who provides professional services pursuant to this subparagraph in connection with elements of the procurement process not specified above in this item, whether prior to, in connection with or after the award of a contract, shall be deemed to be engaged in lobbying activities, unless such person is deemed not to be engaged in lobbying activities under another provision of this paragraph; and
               3.   "city contracting officers or employees" shall not include elected officials or deputies of elected officials or any person not duly authorized to enter into and administer contracts and make determinations with respect thereto;
         (vii)   persons or organizations who advertise the availability of goods or services with fliers, leaflets or other advertising circulars;
         (viii)   architects and engineers who communicate with or appear before a community board with respect to any action of such board, provided that the proceeding before the final decision-making board or commission to which the action relates is an adjudicatory proceeding;
         (ix)   architects and engineers who perform design work and draft plans pursuant to their state-issued professional license, or persons who work under the direct supervision of an architect or engineer who holds such a license, even if such work is preceded or followed by lobbying or lobbying activity as defined in paragraph one of this subdivision;
         (x)   (A)   architects and engineers who communicate with or appear before boards or commissions with respect to:
               1.   an authorization by the city planning commission pursuant to the zoning resolution designated as minor by the city clerk; or
               2.   a decision related to real property by any other board or commission designated as minor by the city clerk.
            (B)   For the purposes of clause (A) of this subparagraph, the city clerk shall promulgate rules designating authorizations and decisions as "minor" based on the following factors:
               1.   the size and cost of the relevant project;
               2.   the size, class, and/or value of the property to which the relevant project relates; and
               3.   the size of the architecture or engineering firm typically involved in the type of project at issue.
            (C)   For the purposes of this subparagraph, "class" shall mean any of the classes of property defined in section 1802 of the real property tax law; and
         (xi)   architects and engineers, or their designees, who perform work, including communications with and appearances before boards or commissions, on capital projects under the direction of a city agency, provided that such work is performed pursuant to a contract, or subcontract of such contract, between such architects or engineers and the city agency directing such capital project.
   (d)   The term "organization" shall include any corporation, company, foundation, association, labor organization, firm, partnership, society, or joint stock company.
   (e)   The term "compensation" shall mean any salary, fee, gift, payment, subscription, loan, advance or any other thing of value paid, owed, given or promised by the client to the lobbyist for the purpose of lobbying.
   (f)   The terms "expenditure" or "expense" shall mean any expenditures or expenses, respectively, incurred by or reimbursed to the lobbyist for lobbying.
   (g)   The term "public servant" shall mean a public servant as defined in subdivision nineteen of section two thousand six hundred one of the charter.
   (h)   The term "fundraising activities" shall mean solicitation or collection of contributions for a candidate for nomination for election, or election, to the office of mayor, public advocate, comptroller, borough president or member of the city council, or for the political committee of any such candidate by a lobbyist, or the solicitation or collection of contributions for any public servant who is a candidate for nomination for election, or election, to any elective office, or for the political committee of any such candidate by a lobbyist. For purposes of this subchapter, the term "contribution" shall have the meaning set forth in subdivision eight of section 3-702 of the administrative code, and the term "political committee" shall have the meaning set forth in subdivision eleven of such section. The term "lobbyist" shall mean a lobbyist as defined in subdivision (a) of this section and the spouse or domestic partner and unemancipated children of the lobbyist, and if the lobbyist is an organization, the term "lobbyist" shall mean only that division of the organization that engages in lobbying activities and any officer or employee of such lobbyist who engages in lobbying activities of the organization or is employed in an organization's division that engages in lobbying activities of the organization and the spouse or domestic partner and unemancipated children of such officers or employees.
   (i)   The term "political consulting activities" shall mean the activities of a lobbyist who for compensation by or on behalf of the candidate or elected official, as applicable, (i) participates in the campaign of any candidate for nomination for election, or election, to the office of mayor, public advocate, comptroller, borough president or member of the city council by providing political advice, or (ii) participates in the campaign of any public servant who is a candidate for nomination for election, or election, to any elective office by providing political advice, or (iii) provides political advice to the mayor, public advocate, comptroller, borough president or member of the city council.
   (j)   The terms "architect" or "architecture firm" shall include landscape architects and landscape architecture firms, respectively.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1986/014 and L.L. 1993/067.
§ 3-212 Powers and duties of the city clerk.
   (a)   In addition to any other powers and duties specified by law, the city clerk shall have the power and duty to administer and enforce all the provisions of this subchapter, subpoena witnesses and records, issue advisory opinions to those under its jurisdiction, conduct any investigation and audits necessary to carry out the provisions of this subchapter, prepare uniform forms for the statements and reports required by this subchapter and promulgate such rules as he or she deems necessary for the proper administration of this subchapter.
   (b)   In addition to any audits required to enforce the provisions of this subchapter, the city clerk shall conduct random audits of the statements and reports required to be filed by lobbyists and clients pursuant to this subchapter. The city clerk shall select statements and reports for random audit in a manner pursuant to which the identity of any particular lobbyist or client whose statements or reports are selected for audit is unknown to the city clerk. In conducting such random audits, the city clerk shall require the production of such witnesses and records as may have been relevant to the preparation of the statements or reports audited.
   (c)   The city clerk shall prepare and post on the internet an annual report relating to the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this subchapter. Such report shall contain information regarding (i) the number of complaints received from the public and the disposition of such complaints; (ii) the number and amount of civil penalties imposed pursuant to subdivisions (a), (b), (c) and (d) of section 3-223 of this subchapter; (iii) the number and duration of orders issued pursuant to subdivision (a) of section 3-223 of this subchapter; (iv) the number of random audits conducted by the city clerk and outcomes thereof; (v) compliance programs developed and implemented for lobbyists and clients; (vi) the types and number of requests for assistance related to the lobbying law received by the city clerk, and, as soon as practicable, the average response and resolution times of such requests; (vii) the number of lobbyists filing statements of registration pursuant to section 3-213 of this subchapter for the first time; (viii) the subject matter of lobbying activity most frequently reported by lobbyists; (ix) the lobbying targets most frequently reported by lobbyists; (x) the lobbyists that received the highest compensation; and (xi) such other information and analysis as the city clerk deems appropriate. Such report shall be posted on the internet no later than March first of each year and shall contain information relating to the preceding calendar year.
   (d)   The city clerk shall, as soon as practicable after the issuance of an order pursuant to subdivision (a) of section 3-223 of this subchapter or imposition of a civil penalty pursuant to subdivision (a), (b), (c) or (d) of section 3-223 of this subchapter, post on the internet information identifying the lobbyist or client who committed the violation that resulted in the issuance of such order or imposition of such penalty, the provision of law violated, the duration of such order or the amount of such penalty.
   (e)   (1)   The city clerk shall develop a protocol to review sources of information that may assist the city clerk in identifying lobbyists required to file statements of registration pursuant to section 3-213 of this subchapter who have not filed. Such review shall include, but need not be limited to, the following sources:
         (i)   statements of registration filed with the state joint commission on public ethics pursuant to section 1-e of the legislative law that contain information indicating that the lobbyist expects to engage in "lobbying" or "lobbying activities" as defined in paragraph one of subdivision c of section 3-211 of this subchapter;
         (ii)   notices of appearances compiled by city agencies, including, but not limited to, the landmarks preservation commission and the city planning commission, identifying the representative of an applicant; and
         (iii)   the "doing business database" as defined in subdivision twenty of section 3-702 of the code.
      (2)   The city clerk shall work with city agencies and the city council to develop notices and advertisements to be placed in print and electronic media intended to reach persons and organizations doing business with the city that will inform them of the requirements set forth in this subchapter.
   (f)   The city clerk shall develop an online training program for lobbyists. Such program shall include information and training regarding conduct that may subject lobbyists and clients to the criminal and civil penalties set forth in this subchapter. As soon as practicable, the city clerk, in conjunction with the department of investigation, shall incorporate an anti-corruption component in such training.
   (g)   Between thirty-six and forty-eight months after the effective date of the section of the local law that amended this subdivision, the mayor and the city council shall jointly appoint a commission to review and evaluate the activities and performance of the city clerk in implementing the provisions of this subchapter. Within six months of such appointment the commission shall report to the mayor and city council on its review and evaluation which report shall include any administrative and legislative recommendations on improving the administration and enforcement of this subchapter. The commission shall be comprised of five members and the mayor and the city council shall jointly designate a chair from among the members.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1986/014 and L.L. 1993/067.
§ 3-213 Statement of registration.
   (a)   (1)   Every lobbyist shall annually file with the city clerk, on forms prescribed by the city clerk, a statement of registration for each calendar year, provided, however, that the filing of such statement of registration shall not be required of any lobbyist who in any year does not earn or incur an amount in excess of five thousand dollars or, if the lobbyist is an architect or engineer, or an architecture or engineering firm, ten thousand dollars, of combined reportable compensation and expenses, as provided in paragraph five of subdivision (b) of section 3-216 of this subchapter, for the purposes of lobbying.
      (2)   Such filing shall be completed on or before January fifteenth by those persons who have been retained, employed or designated as lobbyists on or before December thirty-first of the previous calendar year who reasonably anticipate that in the coming year they will earn or incur combined reportable compensation and expenses in an amount in excess of five thousand dollars or, if the lobbyist is an architect or engineer, or an architecture or engineering firm, ten thousand dollars. For those lobbyists retained, employed or designated after December thirty-first, and for those lobbyists who, subsequent to their retainer, employment or designation, reasonably anticipate combined reportable compensation and expenses in excess of such amount, such filing must be completed within fifteen days thereafter.
      (3)   Before a lobbyist files a statement of registration pursuant to paragraph one of this subdivision, the lobbyist and its client shall enroll in the electronic filing system.
   (b)   Such statements of registration shall be kept in electronic form in the office of the city clerk and shall be available for public inspection.
   (c)   Such statement of registration shall contain:
      (1)   the name, home and business addresses and business telephone number of the lobbyist and the name and home and business addresses of the spouse or domestic partner of the lobbyist, and if the lobbyist is an organization the name, home and business addresses and business telephone number of any officer or employee of such lobbyist who engages in any lobbying activities or who is employed in an organization's division that engages in lobbying activities of the organization and the name and home and business addresses of the spouse or domestic partner of such officers or employees, provided that, notwithstanding any provision of this subchapter to the contrary, the home address of the lobbyist, including, if the lobbyist is an organization, the home address of any officer or employee of such lobbyist who engages in any lobbying activities or who is employed in an organization's division that engages in lobbying activities of the organization, and the names and home and business addresses of spouses and domestic partners of such lobbyists, officers and employees, whether contained in an original or amended statement of registration, shall not be made available to the public, but may be accessed by the campaign finance board for the sole purpose of determining whether a campaign contribution is matchable pursuant to section 3-702 of the New York City campaign finance act; provided, however, that notwithstanding any other provision of law, in making information on campaign contributions publicly available, the campaign finance board shall not disclose that any specific contributor is the spouse, domestic partner or unemancipated child of such a lobbyist, officer or employee;
      (2)   the name, address and telephone number of the client by whom or on whose behalf the lobbyist is retained, employed or designated;
      (3)   if such lobbyist is retained or employed pursuant to a written agreement of retainer or employment, a copy of such shall also be attached and if such retainer or employment is oral, a statement of the substance thereof;
      (4)   a written authorization from the client by whom the lobbyist is authorized to lobby, unless such lobbyist has filed a written agreement of retainer or employment pursuant to paragraph three of this subdivision;
      (5)   a description of the subject or subjects on which the lobbyist is lobbying or expects to lobby, including information sufficient to identify the local law or resolution, procurement, real property, rule, rate making proceeding, determination of a board or commission, or other matter on which the lobbyist is lobbying or expects to lobby;
      (6)   the names of the persons and agencies before which the lobbyist has lobbied or expects to lobby;
      (7)   if the lobbyist has a financial interest in the client, direct or indirect, information as to the extent of such interest and the date on which it was acquired; and
      (8)   if the lobbyist is retained, employed or designated by more than one client, a separate statement of registration shall be required for each such client.
   (d)   (1)   Whenever there is a change in the information filed by the lobbyist in the statement of registration, other than a change to information submitted pursuant to paragraphs five and six of subdivision (c) of this section, an amended statement shall be submitted to the city clerk on forms prescribed by the city clerk within ten days after such change occurs, except as provided in paragraph two of this subdivision.
      (2)   Whenever a contribution, as defined in subdivision eight of section 3-702 of the New York City campaign finance act, is made by the unemancipated child of a lobbyist or by the unemancipated child of the spouse or domestic partner of a lobbyist or, if the lobbyist is an organization, by the unemancipated child of any officer or employee of such lobbyist who engages in lobbying activities or who is employed in an organization's division that engages in lobbying activities of the organization or by the unemancipated child of the spouse or domestic partner of any such officer or employee, in the calendar year for which a statement of registration is filed, the lobbyist shall file an amended statement of registration within forty-eight hours of the making of such contribution. Such amended statement of registration shall contain the name and the home address of such unemancipated child and the home and business addresses of the unemancipated child's parent, if such parent's home and business addresses were reported pursuant to paragraph one of subdivision (c) of this section. Such amendment shall not require the lobbyist to amend the entire registration form. If such contribution was made in the calendar year for which a statement of registration is filed, but before the filing of such statement of registration, then the original statement of registration shall contain the name and the home address of such unemancipated child and the home and business addresses of the unemancipated child's parent, if such parent's home and business addresses were reported pursuant to paragraph one of subdivision (c) of this section. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, the names and addresses of unemancipated children shall not be made available to the public, but may be accessed by the campaign finance board for the sole purpose of determining whether a campaign contribution is matchable pursuant to such section 3-702; provided, however, that notwithstanding any other provision of law, in making information on campaign contributions publicly available, the campaign finance board shall not disclose that any specific contributor is the spouse, domestic partner or unemancipated child of such a lobbyist, officer or employee. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "unemancipated child" shall mean any son, daughter, stepson or stepdaughter who is under age eighteen, unmarried and living in the household of such lobbyist or spouse or domestic partner of such lobbyist or, if such lobbyist is an organization, living in the household of such officer or employee or spouse or domestic partner of such officer or employee.
   (e)   Each statement of registration filed annually by each lobbyist shall be accompanied by a registration fee of one hundred fifty dollars. An additional fee may be imposed not to exceed fifty dollars for each client in excess of one identified on such statement.
   (f)   In the event of the retention, employment or designation of an organization wherein more than one member of the organization will be engaging in lobbying activities on behalf of a client, one statement of registration shall be filed by the organization with a listing of all such persons.
   (g)   If the city clerk grants an extension allowing a lobbyist to file a statement of registration later than the deadline contained in paragraph two of subdivision (a) of this section, the city clerk shall forward notice of such extension no later than the end of the following business day to the mayor's office of contract services for inclusion in the "doing business database" as defined in subdivision twenty of section 3-702 of the code.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1986/014 and L.L. 2007/023.
§ 3-214 Monthly registration docket. [Repealed]
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1986/014.
§ 3-215 Termination of retainer, employment or designation.
Upon the termination of a lobbyist's retainer, employment or designation, such lobbyist and the client on whose behalf such service has been rendered shall both give notice to the city clerk in the electronic filing system within thirty days after the lobbyist ceases the activity that required such lobbyist to file a statement of registration; however, such lobbyist shall nevertheless comply with the reporting requirements of section 3-216.1 of this subchapter and the reporting requirements for the last periodic reporting period up to the date such activity has ceased as required by this subchapter and both such parties shall each file the annual report required by section 3-217 of this subchapter.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1986/014.