a. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary, for the privilege of exercising its franchise or franchises, or of holding property, or of doing business in the city, on or after August first, nineteen hundred sixty-five, every utility shall pay to the commissioner of finance an excise tax which shall be equal to two per centum of its gross income until and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-five, and shall be equal to two and thirty-five hundredths per centum thereafter, except that the rate as to persons engaged in the business of operating omnibuses with a carrying capacity of more than seven persons shall be one per centum until and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-five, and one and seventeen hundredths per centum thereafter, and except that as to persons engaged in the business of operating or leasing sleeping and parlor railroad cars or of operating railroads other than street surface, rapid transit, subway and elevated railroads, the rate shall be three per centum until and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-five, and three and fifty-two one hundredths per centum thereafter, and every vendor of utility services in the city shall pay to the commissioner of finance an excise tax which shall be equal to two per centum of its gross operating income until and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-five, and shall be equal to two and thirty-five one hundredths per centum thereafter, except that as to persons engaged in the business of operating omnibuses with a carrying capacity of more than seven persons other than omnibuses used exclusively for the transportation of children to and from schools operated under contracts made pursuant to the provisions of the education law, and not subject to the jurisdiction of the department of public service, the rate shall be one per centum of its gross operating income until and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-five, and one and seventeen hundredths per centum thereafter. Such tax shall be in addition to any and all other taxes, charges and fees imposed by any other provision of law and shall be paid at the time and in the manner hereinafter provided, but any person to the extent that it is subject to tax hereunder shall not be liable to any tax under any other of the local laws of the city enacted pursuant to chapter ninety-three of the laws of nineteen hundred sixty-five as amended, or article two-b of the general city law, with respect to its gross income or gross operating income hereunder taxed, as the case may be.
b. So much of the gross income of a utility shall be excluded from the measure of the tax imposed by this chapter, as is derived from sales for resale to vendors of utility services validly subject to the tax imposed by this chapter, except to the extent that such gross income is derived from sales of gas, electricity, steam, water or refrigeration or sales or rendering of gas, electric, steam, water or refrigeration service to a vendor of utility services for resale to its tenants as an incident to such vendor's activity of renting premises to tenants.
c. For the purpose of proper administration of this chapter and to prevent evasion of the tax hereby imposed, it shall be presumed that the gross income or gross operating income of any person taxable hereunder is taxable and is derived from business conducted wholly within the territorial limits of the city until the contrary is established, and the burden of proving that any part of its gross income or gross operating income is not so derived shall be upon such person. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the preceding sentence or in any provision of section twenty-b of the general city law or any other provision of law, for taxable periods beginning on or after August first, two thousand two, gross income and gross operating income derived from the provision of mobile telecommunications services shall be deemed to be derived from business conducted wholly within the territorial limits of the city where the place of primary use of the mobile telecommunications services is within the territorial limits of the city.
d. The tax imposed by this chapter shall be inapplicable to the gross income received by a limited fare omnibus company until and including August thirty-first, nineteen hundred eighty. Thereafter, such tax shall be applicable to such gross income received as follows:
(1) for gross income received from commuter service from September first, nineteen hundred eighty until and including December thirty-first, nineteen hundred eighty-three, the rate of tax shall be one hundredth of one per centum;
(2) for gross income received from commuter service from January first, nineteen hundred eighty-four and thereafter, the rate of tax shall be one tenth of one per centum; and
(3) for gross income received from all other sources, the rate of tax shall be as provided in subdivision a of this section.
e. The gross operating income of a vendor of utility services derived from sales to its tenants of gas, electricity, steam, water, or refrigeration or sales or rendering to its tenants of gas, electric, steam, water or refrigeration service, as an incident to such vendor's activity of renting premises to tenants, shall be excluded from the measure of the tax imposed by this chapter, but, with regard to sales to its tenants of gas, electricity, or steam or sales or rendering to its tenants of gas, electric or steam service, only to the extent that the tax imposed by this chapter has been validly paid or accrued with respect to a prior sale of such gas, electricity or steam or sale or rendering of gas, electric or steam service.
f. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this chapter to the contrary, for taxable periods beginning on or after August first, two thousand two, if a partnership is subject to the tax imposed by this chapter as a utility or as a vendor of utility services, no person who is a partner in such a partnership shall be subject to the tax imposed by this chapter on such partner's distributive share of the gross income or gross operating income of such partnership.
(2) If a person is a partner in a partnership subject to the tax imposed by this chapter and that person is separately subject to the supervision of the state department of public service or is a utility or a vendor of utility services based on its activities exclusive of any activities of such partnership, for taxable periods beginning on or after August first, two thousand two, such person shall be subject to the tax imposed by this chapter only on its separate gross income or separate gross operating income, which shall not include such person's distributive share of the gross income or gross operating income of such partnership.
(3) For purposes of this subdivision, the term "partner" shall include a person who receives a distributive share of the gross income or gross operating income, directly or indirectly through one or more tiers of partnerships, of a partnership subject to the tax imposed by this chapter.
(g) Notwithstanding anything else contained in this chapter to the contrary, for the taxable periods beginning on or after January 1, 2006, if a cooperative corporation containing at least fifteen hundred apartments furnishes or sells electricity, steam, refrigeration or water, or furnishes or sells electric, steam, refrigeration or water services that are (i) metered, (ii) generated or produced by a cogeneration facility owned or operated by such cooperative corporation, and (iii) such electricity, steam, refrigeration or water and/or electric, steam, refrigeration or water services are distributed to tenants and/or occupants of a cooperative corporation, then such cooperative corporation shall pay to the commissioner of finance an excise tax which shall be equal to zero per centum of its gross income or its gross operating income, as the case may be.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1987/049.
Every person subject to tax hereunder shall keep records of its business and in such form as the commissioner of finance may by regulation require. Such records shall be offered for inspection and examination at any time upon demand by such commissioner or his or her duly authorized agent or employee and shall be preserved for a period of three years, except that the commissioner of finance may consent to their destruction within that period or may require that they be kept longer.
a. Except as otherwise provided in subdivision e of this section with respect to taxable periods beginning after nineteen hundred ninety-eight, on or before the twenty-fifth day of September, nineteen hundred sixty-five, and on or before the twenty-fifth day of every month thereafter, every person subject to tax hereunder shall file a return with the commissioner of finance on a form to be prescribed by such commissioner. Such return shall state the gross income or gross operating income as the case may be for the preceding calendar month, and shall contain any other data, information or other matter which the commissioner of finance may require to be included therein. The commissioner of finance may require at any further time a supplemental return hereunder, which shall contain any data upon such matters as such commissioner may specify. Notwithstanding the foregoing and notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision e of this section, a vendor of utility services, all of whose gross operating income is excluded from the measure of the tax imposed by this chapter pursuant to subdivision e of section 11-1102 of this chapter during any taxable period, shall not be required to file a return for such taxable period, provided, however, that on or before the first day of September of each year, any such vendor of utility services who was not required to file a return for any taxable period during the period covered by the statement required to be filed by such date pursuant to subdivision a of section 11-208.1 of this title shall file an information return covering such period in such form and containing such information as the commissioner of finance may specify.
b. The commissioner of finance may require amended returns to be filed within twenty days after notice and to contain the information specified in the notice.
c. If a return required by this chapter is not filed or if a return when filed is incorrect or insufficient on its face, the commissioner of finance shall take the necessary steps to enforce the filing of such return or of a corrected return.
d. Where the state tax commission changes or corrects a taxpayer's sales and compensating use tax liability with respect to the purchase or use of items for which a sales or compensating use tax credit against the tax imposed by this chapter was claimed, the taxpayer shall report such change or correction to the commissioner of finance within ninety days of the final determination of such change or correction, or as required by the commissioner of finance, and shall concede the accuracy of such determination or state wherein it is erroneous. Any taxpayer filing an amended return or report with the state tax commission relating to the purchase or use of such items shall also file within ninety days thereafter a copy of such amended return or report with the commissioner of finance.
e. With respect to taxable periods beginning after nineteen hundred ninety-eight, notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision a of this section, if the amount of tax imposed hereunder on any person in the base year does not exceed one hundred thousand dollars, the taxable period for which such person is required to file a return is the semiannual period described in paragraph i of subdivision fourteen of section 11-1101 of this chapter, and such person shall file a return for each semiannual period of the first calendar year beginning after the base year on or before the twenty-fifth day of the month following the end of each such taxable period. Such return shall be filed with the commissioner of finance on a form to be prescribed by such commissioner. Such return shall state the gross income or gross operating income as the case may be for the preceding taxable period and shall contain any other data, information or other matter which the commissioner of finance may require to be included therein. The commissioner of finance may require at any further time a supplemental return hereunder, which shall contain any data upon such matters as such commissioner may specify. For the purposes of this subdivision, if the amount of tax imposed hereunder on such person in the base year is for a period of less than one year, the amount of tax imposed on such person shall be annualized by multiplying the amount of tax imposed by a fraction, the denominator of which is the number of months or parts thereof during which the person was subject to the tax imposed hereunder and the numerator of which is twelve. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subdivision, a person that first becomes subject to the tax hereunder shall file a return for each month in the calendar year in which such person first becomes subject to such tax in accordance with subdivision a of this section.
a. At the time of filing each return, as provided under section 11-1104 of this chapter, each person taxable hereunder shall pay to the commissioner of finance the taxes imposed by this chapter upon its gross income or gross operating income, as the case may be, for the taxable period covered by such return, less any credit to which such person may be entitled under subdivision b of this section. Such taxes shall be due and payable on the last day on which the return for such period is required to be filed, regardless of whether a return is filed or whether the return which is filed correctly indicates the amount of tax due.
b. (1) A taxpayer shall be allowed a credit against the taxes imposed by this chapter for the amount of sales and compensating use taxes imposed by section eleven hundred seven of the tax law which became legally due on or after, and which were paid on or after, July first, nineteen hundred seventy-seven but within the taxable period for which a credit is claimed, with respect to the purchase or use by the taxpayer of machinery or equipment for use or consumption directly and predominantly in the production of steam for sale, by manufacturing, processing, generating, assembling, refining, mining or extracting, or telephone central office equipment or station apparatus or comparable telegraph equipment for use directly and predominantly in receiving at destination or initiating and switching telephone or telegraph communication, but not including parts with a useful life of one year or less or tools or supplies used in connection with such machinery, equipment or apparatus.
(2) The amount of the credit provided in paragraph one of this subdivision shall be limited to the amount of such sales and compensating use taxes paid during the taxable period covered by the return under this chapter on which the credit is taken less the amount of any credit or refund of such sales and compensating use taxes during such taxable period. If such credit exceeds the amount of tax under this chapter payable for the taxable period in question, such excess amount shall be refunded or credited except in the case of a vendor of utility services who is entitled to a credit and/or refund for such sales and compensating use taxes under chapter five or six of this title. The credit allowed under this subdivision shall be deemed an erroneous payment of tax by the taxpayer to be credited or refunded in accordance with the provisions of section 11-1108 of this chapter, except as otherwise provided in the previous sentence.
(3) Where the taxpayer receives a refund or credit of any tax imposed under section eleven hundred seven of the tax law for which the taxpayer has claimed a credit under the provisions of this subdivision in a prior taxable period, the amount of such refund or credit shall be added to the tax imposed by section 11-1102 of this chapter of the taxable period in which such refund or credit of tax under section eleven hundred seven of the tax law is received.