(a) The state comptroller shall review as provided in this section: (1) the establishment or extension of a district; and (2) the amendment of a district plan pursuant to subdivision (c) of section 25-410 of this chapter.
(1) an itemized statement of the then outstanding indebtedness of the city for all purposes, as evidenced by bonds, bond anticipation notes, capital notes, deferred payment notes and budget notes; the amount of budgetary appropriations for the payment of any outstanding indebtedness, whether or not appropriations have been realized as cash; the amount of indebtedness proposed to be contracted for the improvement, and the amounts, purposes and probable date of issuance of any bonds, bond anticipation notes, capital notes, deferred payments notes and budget notes which the city has authorized to be issued but which in fact have not been issued to date;
(2) a statement of the total assessed valuation of the taxable real property situated in the proposed district or extension of a district, as shown on the latest completed and four preceding assessment rolls of the city and of the amount of city real property taxes levied against such property in the preceding fiscal year;
(3) a statement of the average full valuation of the taxable real property of the city determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph seven-a of section 2.00 of the local finance law; and
(4) a statement, the form of which shall be determined by the state comptroller, attesting that the provisions of this chapter have been met, signed and verified by the mayor.
(c) The state comptroller shall review the information submitted pursuant to paragraphs one, two and three of subdivision (b) above to determine that the tax and debt limitations provided in section 25-412 of this chapter will not be exceeded by the establishment or extension of the district.
(d) The state comptroller shall notify the city of his or her determination within sixty days of the receipt of the items specified in subdivision (b) of this section. Unless the state comptroller determines within such time that the tax and debt limitations provided in section 25-412 of this chapter will be exceeded by the establishment or extension of the district or that the statement required by paragraph four of subdivision (b) of this section does not comply with the provisions of such paragraph, the city may proceed with the establishment or extension of the district upon receipt of the notice from the state comptroller of his or her determination.
(e) Upon the city's compliance with any other requirements established by law, the local law adopted pursuant to section 25-407 of this chapter shall become effective.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1990/082.
(a) The city clerk shall cause a certified copy of the local law adopted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter establishing or extending any district, or increasing the maximum total amount proposed to be expended for the improvement in any district or extension, or changing the method of assessment, or authorizing the district to incur debt to provide for additional improvements or services within the district, to be duly recorded in the city clerk's office within ten days after such local law becomes effective. When so recorded this local law shall be presumptive evidence of the regularity of the proceedings for the establishment or extension of the district, of the proceedings instituted for the construction of any improvement and of all other actions taken in relation to it.
(b) Within ten days after the local law becomes effective, the city clerk shall, in addition to any other filing required by law, cause a certified copy thereof to be filed in the office of the state comptroller at Albany, New York, and within two weeks thereafter shall cause a copy of the local law or a summary thereof to be published at least once in the City Record or a newspaper of general circulation in the city.
(c) This local law shall be final and conclusive unless a proceeding to review is commenced in accordance with this subdivision. Any person aggrieved by any local law adopted pursuant to this chapter may seek judicial review of the local law in the manner provided by article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules, provided the proceeding is commenced within thirty days from the date of the publication of the copy or summary of the local law pursuant to subdivision (b) of this section. No review shall be had unless the petitioner shall give an undertaking approved by the supreme court, or a justice thereof, as to form, amount and sufficiency of sureties, that, in the event of failure to modify the local law, he or she will pay to the city all costs and expenses as are incurred by it on account of the proceedings, as shall be determined by the court. In the event that upon this review there shall be any modification by the court of the local law, the court shall direct the modification by judgment which shall be final and conclusive, and the city clerk shall cause the judgment to be recorded and filed in the same places and manner as was the local law which was modified.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1990/082.
(a) At any time after the establishment or extension of a district pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, the district plan upon which the establishment or extension was based, may, upon the recommendation of the district management association, be amended by the city council after compliance with the procedures set forth in this section.
(b) Amendments to the district plan which provide for additional improvements or services or any change in the method of assessment upon which the district charge is based, or an increase only in the amount to be expended annually for improvements, services, maintenance and operation may be adopted by local law, provided that the city council shall, after a public hearing, determine that it is in the public interest to authorize the additional improvements, services or increase in the maximum annual amount and that the tax and debt limits prescribed in section 25-412 of this chapter will not be exceeded. The city council shall give notice of the hearing by publication of a notice in at least one newspaper having general circulation in the district specifying the time when and the place where the hearing will be held and stating the increase proposed in the maximum amount to be expended annually. This notice shall be published once at least ten days prior to the date specified for the hearing.
(c) Amendments to the district plan which provide for the district to incur indebtedness in order to provide for additional improvements or which provide for an increase in the total maximum amount to be expended for improvements in the district, may be adopted by local law, provided that the city council shall, after a public hearing, determine that it is in the public interest to authorize the district to incur indebtedness to provide for additional improvements or to increase the maximum total amount to be expended for improvements in the district and that the tax and debt limits prescribed in section 25-412 of this chapter will not be exceeded. Notice of the hearing shall be published and mailed in the manner provided in section 25-406 of this chapter. The local law adopted pursuant to this subdivision shall not be effective until reviewed by the state comptroller in accordance with section 25-408 of this chapter.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1990/082.
(a) The expense incurred in the construction or operation of any improvement or provision of additional services in a district pursuant to this chapter shall be financed in accordance with the district plan upon which the establishment or extension of the district was based. Services for which district property owners are charged pursuant to the plan must be in addition to or an enhancement of those provided by the city prior to the district's establishment. The expense and cost apportioned to benefited real property in accordance with the plan shall be a charge upon each benefited parcel of real property within the district.
(b) The charge upon benefited real property pursuant to this chapter shall be imposed as provided in the district plan. If the formula includes an ad valorem component, this component shall be determined by the assessed value of each parcel as entered on the latest completed assessment roll used by the city for the levy of general city taxes. The charge shall be determined, levied and collected in the same manner, at the same time and by the same officers, as general city taxes are levied and collected.
(c) When a district has been established pursuant to this chapter, the city may, for the purpose of providing funds for making capital improvements within such district, issue and sell bonds or other municipal obligations as provided in the local finance law and other applicable laws and statutes. Principal and interest payments on these bonds or other municipal obligations may be made in whole or in part from the proceeds of charges imposed upon benefited real property within the district.