Whenever any street north of Ninth street, inclusive, in the borough of Manhattan, shall be directed to be numbered or renumbered, the president of such borough shall cause the numbers to commence at Fifth avenue, numbering east and west, beginning with number one, on the west side of Fifth avenue; number one hundred, on the west side of Sixth avenue; number two hundred on the west side of Seventh avenue, and so on, east and west of Fifth avenue, through the whole series of streets north of Ninth street, and including Ninth street. Such streets shall hereafter be called and known as East Ninth and West Ninth street, and so on, the dividing line to be Fifth avenue.
It shall be unlawful for any person to make any excavation or embankment, or to lay or move any pavement or flagging, within three feet of any monument or bolt, which has been set by proper authority, or designated on any official map as a landmark to denote street lines within the city, unless a permit therefor has been obtained from the president of the borough in which such monument or bolt is situated. Applications for such permits shall be in writing, and shall set forth the nature of the work proposed, and the location of all monuments or other landmarks affected thereby. The borough president shall thereupon cause one of the city surveyors or an engineer in the borough president's office to take such measurements and field notes as may be necessary to restore such monuments or bolts to their correct position after the completion of the contemplated work, and, when such measurements and field notes have been taken, the required permit shall be issued.
It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or cover up a monument or bolt for designating any street, without giving three days' notice in writing of his or her intention so to do to the commissioner of transportation and to the president of the borough in which the monument or bolt is situated. Upon receiving such a notice, the borough president shall cause one of the city surveyors, or an engineer in the borough president's office to take the necessary measures to raise or lower such monument or bolt to the proper grade of the street, and, when necessary, to cause such alteration to be noted on records to be kept in the borough president's office for that purpose. Whenever a borough president shall ascertain that any monument or bolt has been removed, without such notice, he or she shall forthwith cause the same to be placed in its proper position, and shall note the same on the records in the manner hereinbefore stated. The expenses attending such replacement shall be paid by the comptroller, on the certificate of the borough president causing the work to be done.