(a) No person shall operate or use or cause to be operated or used any lawn care device:
(1) On weekdays before eight a.m. and after seven p.m. or sunset, whichever occurs later; or
(2) On weekends and New York state and federal holidays before nine a.m. and after six p.m.; or
(3) At any time in such a way as to create an unreasonable noise. For the purposes of this section unreasonable noise shall include but shall not be limited to an aggregate sound level of 75 dB(A) or more, attributable to the source or sources, as measured at any point within a receiving property. The provisions of paragraph (1) of this subdivision shall not apply to an employee of the department of parks and recreation or an agent or contractor of the department of parks and recreation who operates or uses or causes to be operated or used any lawn care device between the hours of seven a.m. and eight a.m. in any location more than three hundred feet from any building that is lawfully occupied for residential use. The distance of three hundred feet shall be measured in a straight line from the point on the exterior wall of such building nearest to any point in the location at which such lawn care device is operated or used or caused to be operated or used.
(b) No person shall operate or use or cause to be operated or used any leaf blower not equipped with a functioning muffler.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113.
The provisions of this code shall not apply to the operation of a snow blower for the purpose of complying with subdivision a of section 16-123 of the administrative code.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in section 10-108 of the code, no person shall operate or use or cause to be operated or used any sound reproduction device in such a manner as to create unreasonable noise.
(b) No person shall operate or use or cause to be operated or used any sound reproduction device, for commercial or business advertising purposes or for the purpose of attracting attention to any performance, show, sale or display of merchandise, in connection with any commercial or business enterprise (including those engaged in the sale of radios, television sets, compact discs or tapes), (i) outside or in front of any building, place or premises or in or through any aperture of such building, place or premises, abutting on or adjacent to a public street, park or place; (ii) in or upon any vehicle operated, standing or being in or on any public street, park or place; (iii) from any stand, platform or other structure; (iv) from any airplane or other device used for flying, flying over the city; (v) from any boat on the waters within the jurisdiction of the city; or (vi) anywhere on the public streets, public sidewalks, parks or places where sound from such sound reproduction device may be heard upon any public street, sidewalk, park or place. Nothing in this section is intended to prohibit incidental sounds emanating from a sporting or an entertainment or a public event for which a permit under section 10-108 of the code has been issued.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113.
Subchapter 7: Certificates and Tunneling Permits
(a) The commissioner shall at his or her discretion promulgate regulations pursuant to section eleven hundred five of the city charter directing the placement of air compressors, paving breakers, refuse compacting vehicles and rapid transit railroads, including but not limited to their rolling stock, track and track beds, passenger stations, tunnels, elevated structures, yards, depots and garages, onto an operating certificate list, setting out the reasons for such placement, and setting out the period of time from issuance or renewal during which such operating certificate shall be valid, unless sooner revoked or cancelled.
(b) No person shall cause or permit the use or operation of any device placed on the operating certificate list pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section except for the purpose of testing such device without first obtaining an operating certificate from the commissioner. The placement of such a device not bearing an operating certificate at a location of its customary operation shall be considered a violation of this section in any proceeding pursuant to any applicable section of subchapter eight of this chapter of this code except section 24-269.
(c) No person shall engage in or permit any person to engage in tunneling without first obtaining a tunneling permit from the commissioner. A separate permit shall be obtained for each shaft of a tunnel.
(d) Prior to advertising for bids for contracts involving tunneling, the agency of the city of New York proposing to so advertise shall request the commissioner in writing for a statement of the requirements or standards that will govern the proposed tunneling activities pursuant to section 24-248 of this subchapter. The aforesaid requirements shall be furnished by the commissioner to the contracting agency in writing within thirty days after receipt of the request and shall be included by the contracting agency in the contract specifications for the proposed tunneling. The conditions under which the permit shall be granted to the contractor shall be consistent with the statement furnished by the commissioner to the contracting agency for inclusion in the contract specifications.
(e) Notwithstanding the existence of a valid tunneling permit, no person shall, except in the case of urgent necessity in the interest of public safety, conduct or permit to be conducted blasting operations at any time other than on weekdays and other than between the hours of seven a.m. and seven p.m. unless a special permit is obtained from the fire department pursuant to subdivision d of section 27-4039.
(a) Application for an operating certificate or for the removal of an operating certificate shall be made by the owner of the device on forms furnished by the department.
(b) Application for a tunneling permit shall be made on forms furnished by the department by or in behalf of the owner or lessee of the tunnel; and if made by a person other than the owner, the application shall be accompanied by a signed statement of the applicant declaring that he or she is authorized by the owner to make the application. The permittee shall in all cases be the applicant.
(c) Each application hereunder shall be signed by the applicant. The signature of the applicant shall constitute an agreement that the applicant will assume responsibility for the operation or use of the device concerned or for tunneling in accordance with the requirements of this code. If the applicant is a partnership or group other than a corporation, the application shall be made by one individual who is a member of the group. If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall be made by an officer of the corporation.
(d) Application for the removal of an operating certificate shall be postmarked or date-stamped by the department upon personal delivery no later than thirty days prior to the expiration of the certificate.
(a) Each application for an operating certificate shall contain such information as the commissioner may require in order to determine whether a device covered by the application is or will operate in compliance with the provisions of this code, including but not limited to:
(1) The model number and operating characteristics of the device covered by the application;
(2) A report certified by an approved testing laboratory as to the sound level generated by the device when operated under normal operating conditions or a manufacturer's warranty as to sound level provided that the device is regularly tested in accordance with procedures established by the American national standards institute or other appropriate professional standard-setting organization listed in section 24-242*; and
* Editor's note: this § 24-242 was repealed and the substance transferred to § 24-204(c).
(3) The proposed means, if any, for the prevention or control of unreasonable noise.
(b) Each application for a tunneling permit shall contain such information as the commissioner may require to determine whether tunneling activities and the devices operated therein will be undertaken in compliance with the provisions of this code, including but not limited to:
(1) The types and operating characteristics of the devices employed in such tunneling;
(2) A detailed description of proposed tunneling; and
(3) The proposed means for the prevention of unreasonable noise.
(c) Information concerning secret processes which may be required, ascertained or discovered by the department shall not be disclosed by any department employee, except that the information may be disclosed by the commissioner if the department is subpoenaed for the information or if in the course of a departmental court proceeding or departmental or board hearing, the information is relevant to the proceeding or hearing.