Subchapter 2: General Provisions
(a) Subject to the provisions of this code, the commissioner may take such action as may be necessary to abate a sound source which causes or may cause, by itself or in combination with any other sound source or sources, an unreasonable or prohibited noise. The commissioner may exercise or delegate any of the functions, powers and duties vested in him or her or in the department by this code.
(b) The commissioner shall promulgate such rules as are necessary to effectuate the purposes of this code, including, without limitation, rules setting forth specifications for the operation, installation, best available technology, or manufacture of sound generating equipment or devices, or sound mitigation equipment or devices.
(c) The commissioner shall promulgate such rules as are necessary with regard to standards and procedures to be followed in the measurement of sound pressure levels governed by the provisions of this code, provided that such standards and procedures are substantially in compliance with any similar standards and procedures promulgated by the American National Standards Institute, International Standards Organization, Society of Automotive Engineers, Compressed Air and Gas Institute, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers, American Refrigeration Institute or any generally recognized professional standard-setting organization.
(d) The police department, as well as other agencies of the city designated by the commissioner, shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this code and police officers and designated employees of the department and of such other city agencies shall have the power to issue summonses, appearance tickets and notices of violation for violations of this code.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113.
(a) The commissioner may make or cause to be made any investigation or study which in his or her opinion is desirable for the purpose of enforcing this code or controlling or abating an unreasonable or prohibited noise. For such purposes, the commissioner may make tests, conduct hearings, compel the attendance of witnesses, and take their testimony under oath and may compel the production of books, papers and other things reasonably necessary to the matter under consideration.
(b) The commissioner shall study and propose strategies to control and/or reduce sound levels associated with airports, rapid transit and railroad operations and within twenty-four months of the effective date of this section shall report to the mayor his or her findings and recommendations, specifically identifying those recommendations that may only be implemented through state or federal legislation or rules.
(c) The commissioner, in conjunction with the police department, shall study noise abatement strategies for audible motor vehicle burglar alarms and within twenty-four months of the effective date of this section shall report to the mayor his or her findings and recommendations.
(d) The commissioner, in conjunction with the police department, shall study on an ongoing basis emerging technology in acoustical measurement and shall periodically report to the mayor his or her findings and recommendations regarding the testing and potential use of equipment for enforcement of this code. In conjunction with such study, the commissioner may issue a request for expressions of interest to determine new and emerging technological solutions for accurate and efficient measurement of sounds as enumerated in this code.
(e) The commissioner shall study the impact of motor vehicle back-up warning devices installed on motor vehicles on ambient sound levels and within twenty-four months of the effective date of this section shall report to the mayor his or her findings and recommendations, specifically identifying those recommendations that may only be implemented through state or federal legislation.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113.
(a) If the commissioner has reasonable cause to believe that any device is in violation of this code, the commissioner may order the owner of the device to conduct such tests as are necessary in the opinion of the commissioner to determine whether the device or its operation is in violation of this code and to submit the test results to the commissioner within ten days after the tests are completed.
(b) Such tests shall be conducted in a manner approved by the commissioner. If any part of the test is conducted at a place other than the site where the device is located, that part of the test shall be certified by a laboratory acceptable to the commissioner. The commissioner may require that the entire test results shall be reviewed and certified by (i) a professional engineer with acoustical experience as specified in the rules of the department or (ii) a noise consultant with qualifications of education and/or acoustical experience as set forth in the rules of the department.
(c) If in the opinion of the commissioner, tests by the department are necessary, the commissioner may order the owner to provide such access to the device as the commissioner may reasonably request, to provide a power source suitable to the points of testing, and to provide allied facilities, exclusive of sound level meter. These provisions shall be made at the expense of the owner of the device. The owner shall be furnished with copies of the analytical results of the data collected.
(d) If after the analysis of such testing, it is determined by the commissioner that such device or devices generate sound levels that exceed the limits of this code, the commissioner may make recommendations for modifications and/or mitigation measures to bring such device or devices into compliance.
(e) The commissioner may issue a separate notice of violation for every 24-hour period of noncompliance with the orders of the commissioner issued pursuant to this section.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113.