(a) The commissioner shall adopt rules prescribing noise mitigation strategies, methods, procedures and technology that shall be used where construction is occurring at any location (sites) whenever any one or more of the construction devices or activities listed below are employed or performed:
(1) air compressors.
(2) pile drivers.
(3) sledgehammers.
(4) bulldozers.
(5) pneumatic hammers.
(6) interior renovation as defined in such rules.
(7) derricks.
(8) cranes.
(9) electric powered hoists.
(10) off-road construction vehicles other than trucks.
(11) pumps.
(12) pneumatic tools.
(13) blasting.
(14) power tools.
(15) tunneling machines.
(16) construction devices with internal combustion engines.
(17) construction devices that emit impulsive sound.
(18) construction devices that create vibration.
(19) metal plates used in street construction to temporarily cover excavations.
(20) any other construction devices or activities specified in such rules.
(b) Such rules shall include but shall not be limited to:
(1) The use of perimeter fences with acoustical insulation, where appropriate.
(2) The use of portable barriers with acoustical insulation, where appropriate.
(3) The use of acoustical blanket insulation, where appropriate.
(4) Testing of exhaust mufflers and certification, in a form and manner to be specified in the rules, that mufflers meet factory specifications for noise emissions at maximum loading at the commencement of construction at the site.
(5) The development of generic noise mitigation plans, where appropriate.
(6) Additional mitigation measures for sensitive receptors such as hospitals and schools, where appropriate.
(c) The commissioner shall appoint an advisory committee, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, representatives of utility companies and the construction industry, including those industries related to heavy construction, persons with acoustical expertise and/or expertise regarding the health effects of noise, a representative of the city council and employees of the department and of other relevant city agencies. The committee shall provide advice and recommendations to the department relating to construction noise mitigation and shall assist the department in the development of the noise mitigation rules required by this section. The commissioner shall consult with the committee regarding any proposed amendments of such rules. In the development of such rules the commissioner shall consider factors such as the availability, cost and safety of proposed noise mitigation measures.
(d) The commissioner shall ensure that all noise mitigation plans submitted in accordance with subdivision (e) of section 24-220 and all approved alternative noise mitigation plans submitted in accordance with section 24-221 to the department after the effective date of the local law that added this subdivision are made publicly available on the city's website.
(Am. L.L. 2018/010, 12/31/2017, eff. 4/30/2018; Am. L.L. 2018/053, 1/17/2018, eff. 7/16/2018)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113 and L.L. 2018/053.
(a) Each person, corporation or other business entity performing construction work in the city shall adopt and implement a noise mitigation plan for each construction site in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter and such rules whenever any one or more of the construction devices or activities listed above or in the department's rules are employed or performed at the site.
(b) Such plan shall be adopted prior to the commencement of construction at the site or, with respect to emergency work, as defined in the department's rules, within three days thereafter, and shall apply to all work at the site throughout the construction process. The plan shall provide in detail the noise mitigation strategies, methods, procedures and technology, as prescribed in the rules of the department or specifically approved by the commissioner in accordance with section 24-221 of this code, for each device or activity employed or performed at the site. Each permit holder or other person in charge of such construction site will be accountable for compliance with such rules and shall ensure that each person performing construction work at the site shall be aware of the plan and shall be responsible for complying with those provisions that affect his or her work.
(c) A copy of the plan shall be kept at the construction site and shall be displayed in a conspicuous manner on the exterior of the construction site and made accessible for inspection by the public and persons authorized to enforce the provisions of this code provided that where there are no exterior structures on the construction site such plan need only be kept at the site and made accessible for inspection by the public and persons authorized to enforce the provisions of this code.
(d) The plan shall be amended whenever additional devices or activities unforeseen at the commencement of construction are employed at the site or at the direction of the commissioner in accordance with section 24-223 of this subchapter.
(e) The plan shall be filed electronically with the department no later than 30 days after the commencement of construction if it conforms in all respects to the rules of the department with respect to construction devices and activities employed or performed at the construction site. A plan that deviates in any respect from such rules or an alternative noise mitigation plan required to be certified in conjunction with an undue hardship application pursuant to paragraph (5) of subdivision (e) of section 24-223 shall be subject to the prior approval of the commissioner in accordance with section 24-221 of this code.
(f) This section shall not apply to construction work in connection with the alteration or repair of an existing one or two family owner-occupied dwelling classified in occupancy group J-3 or a convent or rectory.
(Am. L.L. 2018/010, 12/31/2017, eff. 4/30/2018; Am. L.L. 2018/053, 1/17/2018, eff. 4/30/2018)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113 and L.L. 2018/053.
(a) Upon application, the commissioner may approve an alternative noise mitigation plan for a particular construction site that deviates from strict compliance with the noise mitigation rules. Application for approval of such plan shall be electronically submitted to the department at least ten business days prior to the commencement of construction or as soon as practicable but no later than 24 hours prior to the commencement of construction in a form and manner and accompanied by such information and documentation as shall be set forth in the rules of the department. An application for approval may be submitted after the commencement of construction if an application includes a showing that all reasonable available mitigation measures have been implemented since the commencement of construction but aggregate sound levels from the site exceed or are reasonably anticipated to exceed one or more of the applicable limits in this chapter.
The commissioner may approve such alternative noise mitigation plan if he or she finds that:
(1) strict compliance with the noise mitigation rules would not be possible or would create an undue hardship because of the location or unique characteristics of the site or of the construction devices or activities to be employed or performed at the site; and
(2) the alternative noise mitigation strategies, methods, procedures or equipment proposed are consistent with the purposes and policies of this code.
(b) Where the commissioner rejects an alternative noise mitigation plan, an applicant may appeal such rejection in accordance with the rules of the department. An alternative plan shall not be in effect unless and until it has been approved by the commissioner except that where a timely alternative plan has been filed with the commissioner for approval, a construction site in compliance with such alternative plan shall be deemed to be in compliance with this section unless and until such plan is rejected by the commissioner and for a reasonable time thereafter as determined by the commissioner.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, construction work performed in accordance with an approved alternative noise mitigation plan containing decibel level limits and requirements prescribed for specific sources or devices that is in full compliance with this section and the rules promulgated by the department thereunder shall be deemed to be in full compliance with all decibel level limits set forth in any other section of this chapter.
(Am. L.L. 2018/053, 1/17/2018, eff. 4/30/2018)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113 and L.L. 2018/053.
Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, it shall be unlawful to engage in or to cause or permit any person to engage in construction work other than on weekdays between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. A person may however perform construction work in connection with the alteration or repair of an existing one or two family owner-occupied dwelling classified in occupancy group J-3 or a convent or rectory on Saturdays and Sundays between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. provided that such dwelling is located more than 300 feet from a house of worship.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113.
(a) Notwithstanding section 24-222 of this subchapter, an agency authorized to issue permits for construction work may, along with such permit, issue an after hours work authorization for the work site. Such after hours authorization may permit construction work to be performed at the site before 7 a.m. or after 6 p.m. on weekdays and/or on Saturdays and/or Sundays subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth in this section.
(b) The agency issuing such authorization must obtain a certification from its permittee that the permittee has developed a noise mitigation plan for the site in accordance with this subchapter and that such plan is in compliance with the noise mitigation rules. In the case of emergency work such certification shall be submitted within 3 days after the commencement of the work.
(c) If after hours work at the site is not being performed in compliance with such plan or where no plan is in effect, the department or the agency issuing such authorization, at the request of the commissioner or on its own account, may take appropriate action, including but not limited to the refusal to renew such after hours authorization.
(d) During the time that an after hours authorization is in effect, notwithstanding full compliance with the noise mitigation plan the department shall issue an advisory or a violation where aggregate sound levels from the site exceed the following limits:
(1) 8dB(A), and on or after January 1, 2020, 7 dB(A) above the ambient sound level as measured in any residential receiving property dwelling unit with windows and doors that may affect the measurement closed, or
(2) the noise levels specified in section 24-228(a) of this code on a construction site that is not within 200 feet of a residential receptor, or
(3) except as provided in paragraph (4) of this subdivision, 80dB(A), and on or after January 1, 2020, 75 dB(A) as measured 50 or more feet from the source or sources at a point outside the property line where the source or sources are located or as measured 50 or more feet from the source or sources on a public right-of-way when that source is within 200 feet of a residential receptor, or
(4) 85dB(A) as measured 50 or more feet from the source or sources at a point outside the property line where the source or sources are located, or as measured 50 or more feet from the source or sources on a public-right-of-way when the source is street construction.
(e) Authorization for after hours construction work may only be issued in the following circumstances:
(1) Emergency work. Agencies shall authorize such after hours construction work for emergency conditions, inside or outside the property line, involving a threat to public safety or causing or likely to cause the imminent interruption of service required by law, contract or franchise. An emergency authorization issued pursuant to this paragraph shall expire as determined by the agency but no later than the ninetieth day after its issuance and shall be renewable in accordance with agency procedures while the emergency continues.
(2) Public safety. Agencies may authorize such after hours work, inside or outside of the property line, where the agency determines that the work cannot reasonably or practicably be performed on weekdays between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. because of traffic congestion and/or concern for worker and/or public safety. An authorization issued pursuant to this paragraph shall expire as determined by the agency but no later than the ninetieth day after its issuance and shall be renewable in accordance with agency procedures.
(3) City construction projects. Agencies may authorize after hours work by or on behalf of city agencies for projects that are judicially mandated or the subject of consent orders and/or where a project is necessary in the public interest including but not limited to facilities, equipment, and infrastructure for the provision of water, sewerage, sanitation, transportation and other services necessary for the health or safety of the public. An authorization issued pursuant to this paragraph for a city construction project shall remain in effect for the duration of the project.
(4) Construction activities with minimal noise impact. The commissioner shall promulgate rules setting forth a list of construction activities with minimal noise impact and specific noise mitigation measures applicable to such activities. Agencies may authorize the performance of such construction activities after hours in accordance with such rules.
(5) Undue hardship. Agencies may authorize after hours work if the commissioner certifies that the permit holder has substantiated a claim of undue hardship resulting from unique site characteristics, unforeseen conditions, scheduling commitments and/or financial considerations outside the control of the permit holder and that the applicant has received approval from the department of an alternative noise mitigation plan pursuant to section 24-221 of this subchapter, specifying the activities and devices that will be used for such after hours construction and setting forth the additional mitigation measures, above and beyond those measures otherwise required for such devices and activities pursuant to the department's rules, that the applicant will use to significantly limit noise emissions from the site of such after hours work. Applications for such certification shall be submitted to the department in a form and manner to be set forth in the rules of the department. The applicant for an after hours authorization under this paragraph shall submit such certification to the issuing agency.
(Am. L.L. 2018/053, 1/17/2018, eff. 4/30/2018)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2005/113 and L.L. 2018/053.