It shall be unlawful to use or occupy any building or space, including an outdoor space, as a place of assembly without a certificate of operation issued by the commissioner. An application for a certificate of operation shall be made to the department in such form and containing such information as the commissioner shall provide. The department shall inspect every place of assembly space prior to the issuance of a certificate of operation. The commissioner shall not issue a certificate of operation unless the department determines that the space conforms substantially to the approved construction documents and to this code or the 1968 building code as applicable and that the certificate of occupancy authorizes such use. A certificate of operation shall not be issued to a place of assembly providing seating or other moveable furnishings unless the commissioner approves a plan conforming to this code or the 1968 building code as applicable and the rules of the department. Seating and other moveable furnishings shall be maintained at all times during occupancy in accordance with the approved plan. Any amendment of such plan shall be subject to the prior approval of the commissioner.
The certificate of operation shall contain the place of assembly certificate number, the number of persons who may legally occupy the space and any other information that the commissioner may determine. Such certificate of operation shall be framed and mounted in a location that is conspicuously visible to a person entering the space. For the purposes of this article a department issued place of assembly permit or place of assembly certificate of operation shall be valid until its expiration, at which time a new place of assembly certificate of operation shall be required in accordance with the provisions of this article and with the filing requirements of the department.
The following changes to a place of assembly shall require a new place of assembly certificate of operation instead of an amendment filed in accordance with section 28-117.1.3:
1. For a department issued place of assembly permit or place of assembly certificate of operation that does not have a nine-digit job number, any change of zoning use group, assembly occupancy group A-1 through A-5, or any of the changes set forth in section 28-117.1.3.
2. For all other department issued place of assembly permits or place of assembly certificates of operation, any change of zoning use group or assembly occupancy group A-1 through A-5.
No change shall be made to a place of assembly that is inconsistent with the most recently issued place of assembly certificate of operation or renewal unless an amendment to such certificate is filed with and approved or accepted by the department. Changes that require an amendment include any of the following:
1. Any physical change requiring an alteration permit to be issued by the department.
2. Any amendment to the plan for seating and other moveable furnishings, in accordance with section 28-117.1.
3. Any change to the name of the establishment.
At the commissioner's discretion, a temporary certificate of operation may be issued for a place of assembly space upon request by the applicant in accordance with this code provided that public safety is not jeopardized thereby. The applicant shall notify the fire department when a temporary place of assembly certificate of operation is issued.
Exception. Applications for temporary certificates of operation for place of assembly space in prior code buildings shall be permitted to comply with the 1968 Building Code provided that public safety is not jeopardized thereby.