The erection of certain temporary structures and temporary uses may be authorized as set forth in sections 28-111.1.1 and 28-111.1.2.
The commissioner is authorized to issue a permit for the erection of temporary structures including but not limited to tents, grandstands, platforms, reviewing stands, outdoor bandstands, stages and similar miscellaneous structures and equipment, and for the temporary use of such structures. Such permits shall be limited as to time of service or use, but in no event shall be permitted for more than 90 days. The commissioner may grant extensions for demonstrated cause.
Exception: No permit shall be required for:
1. The erection and use of temporary tents of less than 400 gross square feet (37 m
) for not more than 30 days.
2. The erection and use of temporary platforms, reviewing stands, outdoor bandstands and similar miscellaneous structures that cover an area less than 120 square feet (11.16 m
), including connecting areas or spaces with a common means of egress or entrance, for not more than 30 days.
The commissioner is authorized to issue a letter authorizing the temporary use of outdoor or indoor spaces provided the space shall be occupied in a manner that will not endanger public safety, health, or welfare. Such letters authorizing the temporary use shall be limited as to time of service or use, but shall not be permitted for more than 90 days. The commissioner may grant extensions for demonstrated cause.