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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
Title 1: General Provisions
Title 2: City of New York
Title 3: Elected officials
Title 4: Property of the City
Title 5: Budget; Capital Projects
Title 6: Contracts, Purchases and Franchises
Title 7: Legal Affairs
Title 8: Civil Rights
Title 9: Criminal Justice
Title 10: Public Safety
Title 11: Taxation and Finance
Chapter 1: Department of Finance
Chapter 2: Real Property Assessment, Taxation and Charges
Chapter 3: Tax Liens and Tax Sales
Chapter 4: Tax Lien Foreclosure by Action In Rem
Chapter 5: City Unincorporated Business Income Tax
Chapter 6: City Business Taxes
Chapter 7: Commercial Rent or Occupancy Tax
Chapter 8: Tax on Commercial Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicles for Transportation of Passengers
Chapter 9: Tax Upon Foreign and Alien Insurers
Chapter 10: Occupancy Tax for Low Rent Housing and Slum Clearance
Chapter 11: Utility Tax
Chapter 12: Horse Race Admissions Tax
Chapter 13: Cigarette Tax
Chapter 14: Tax on Transfer of Taxicab Licenses
Chapter 15: Tax on Coin Operated Amusement Devices [Repealed]
Chapter 16: Tax on Containers
Chapter 17: City Personal Income Tax on Residents
Chapter 19: Earnings Tax on Nonresidents
Chapter 20: Sales, Excise and Related Taxes
Chapter 21: Real Property Transfer Tax
Chapter 22: Tax on Owners of Motor Vehicles
Chapter 23: Surcharge on Off-Track Winnings [Repealed]
Chapter 23-A: Enhanced 911 Telephone Surcharge
Chapter 23-B: Wireless Communications Service Surcharge
Chapter 23-C: Wireless Communications Surcharge
Chapter 24: Tax on Retail Licensees of the State Liquor Authority
Chapter 25: Tax on Occupancy of Hotel Rooms
Chapter 26: Tax on Mortgages
Chapter 27: Annual Vault Charge
Chapter 28: Claims Against Fire Insurance Proceeds
Chapter 29: Tax Expenditure Evaluation*
Chapter 30: New York City Sustainable Energy Loan Program
Chapter 31: Ground Floor and Second Floor Commercial Premises Registry
Chapter 40: Crimes and Other offenses: Seizures and Forfeitures
Title 12: Personnel and Labor
Title 13: Retirement and Pensions
Title 14: Police
Title 15: Fire Prevention and Control
Title 16: Sanitation
Title 16-A: [Commercial Waste Removal]
Title 16-B: Commercial Waste Zones
Title 17: Health
Title 18: Parks
Title 19: Transportation
Title 20: Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 20-A: [Shipboard Gambling]
Title 21: Social Services
Title 21-A: Education
Title 22: Economic Affairs
Title 23: Communications
Title 24: Environmental Protection and Utilities
Title 25: Land Use
Title 26: Housing and Buildings
Title 27: Construction and Maintenance
Title 28: New York City Construction Codes
Title 29: New York City Fire Code
Title 30: Emergency Management
Title 31: Department of Veterans' Services
Title 32: Labor and Employment
Title 33: Investigations
Title 34: Racial Equity
Appendix A: Unconsolidated Local Laws
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
§ 11-1305 Affixation and cancellation of stamps; presumptions.
   a.   Each agent shall affix to each package of cigarettes stamps evidencing the payment of tax imposed by this chapter and shall cancel such stamps prior to delivery of such cigarettes to any dealer in the city, unless stamps have been affixed to such packages of cigarettes and cancelled before such agent received them.
   b.   Each dealer, other than an agent, in the city shall immediately upon the receipt of any cigarettes at his or her place of business mark in ink on each unopened box, carton or other container of such cigarettes the word "received" and the year, month, day and hour of such receipt and shall affix his or her signature thereto or shall mark them in any other manner prescribed by the commissioner of finance. In addition, each retail dealer shall, within twenty-four hours after receipt of any cigarettes at his or her place of business and prior to exposing for sale or sale by such retail dealer of such cigarettes, open such box, carton or other container and, unless such stamps have been previously affixed, immediately notify the dealer from whom he or she purchased such cigarettes and arrange for the replacement by the dealer of such cigarettes by cigarettes with such stamps affixed within twenty-four hours.
   c.   Stamps shall be cancelled in the manner prescribed by regulation.
   d.   Whenever any cigarettes are found in the place of business of a dealer without the stamps affixed and cancelled, or not marked as having been received within the preceding twenty-four hours, the prima facie presumption shall arise that such cigarettes are kept therein in violation of the provisions of this chapter.
   e.   Stamps shall be affixed to each package of cigarettes of an aggregate denomination not less than the amount of the tax upon the contents therein, and shall be affixed in such manner as to be visible to the purchaser.
§ 11-1306 Possession and transportation of unstamped cigarettes.
Every person who shall possess or transport upon the public highways, roads or streets of this city more than four hundred cigarettes in unstamped packages, shall be required to have in his or her actual possession invoices or delivery tickets for such cigarettes. All such invoices or delivery tickets shall show the true name and address of the consignor or seller, the true name and address of the consignee or purchaser and the quantity and brands of the cigarettes transported. The absence of such invoices or delivery tickets shall be prima facie evidence that such person is a dealer in cigarettes in the city and subject to the provisions of this chapter.
§ 11-1307 Records to be kept; examination.
   a.   1.   At the time of delivering cigarettes to any person in the city, each agent or wholesale dealer shall make a true duplicate invoice showing the date of delivery, the number of packages and the number of cigarettes contained therein in each shipment of cigarettes delivered, and the name of the purchaser to whom delivery is made, and shall retain the same for a period of three years subject to the use and inspection of the commissioner of finance. Each dealer shall procure and retain invoices showing the number of packages and the number of cigarettes contained therein in each shipment of cigarettes received by such dealer, the date thereof, and the name of the shipper, and shall retain the same for a period of three years subject to the use and inspection of the commissioner of finance.
      2.   At the time of delivering tobacco products to any person in the city, each wholesale dealer shall make a true duplicate invoice showing the date of delivery, the number of packages and the number of tobacco products contained therein as well as any tobacco products not in packages in each shipment of tobacco products delivered, and the name of the purchaser to whom delivery is made and shall retain the same for a period of three years subject to the use and inspection of the commissioner of finance. Each dealer shall procure and retain invoices showing the number of packages and the number of tobacco products contained therein as well as any tobacco products not in packages in each shipment of tobacco products received by such dealer, the date thereof, and the name of the shipper, and shall retain the same for a period of three years subject to the use and inspection of the commissioner of finance.
      3.   Each dealer shall retain any other records and in such form as may be required by the commissioner of finance indicating proof of the payment of the tax imposed under section 11-1302.1 of this chapter. Any failure to provide such records upon request by the commissioner of finance or such commissioner's duly authorized representatives shall be presumptive evidence that the dealer has violated the provisions of this chapter.
   b.   The commissioner of finance by regulation may provide that whenever cigarettes or tobacco products are shipped into the city, the railroad company, express company, trucking company, or carrier transporting any shipment thereof shall file with the commissioner of finance a copy of the freight bill within ten days after the delivery in the city of each shipment.
   c.   All dealers shall maintain and keep for a period of three years such other records of cigarettes or tobacco products received or sold within the city as may be required by the commissioner of finance. All wholesale dealers shall maintain and keep for a period of three years such other records of cigarettes or tobacco products delivered within the city.
   d.   Without limiting the powers granted the commissioner of consumer and worker protection pursuant to title 20 and any rules promulgated thereunder, the commissioner of finance or the commissioner's duly authorized representatives are hereby authorized to examine the books, papers, invoices and other records, and stock of cigarettes or tobacco products in and upon any premises where the same are placed, stored and sold, and equipment of any such agent or dealer pertaining to the sale and delivery of cigarettes or tobacco products taxable under this chapter. To verify the accuracy of the tax imposed and assessed by this chapter, each such person is hereby directed and required to give to the commissioner of finance or the commissioner's duly authorized representatives, the means, facilities and opportunity for such examinations as are herein provided for and required.
   e.   The commissioner of finance shall investigate any failure to pay the tax required by this chapter or any other failure to comply with this chapter or the rules or regulations promulgated thereunder, and shall take the necessary steps to enforce compliance therewith.
(Am. L.L. 2017/145, 8/28/2017, eff. 6/1/2018; Am. L.L. 2020/080, 8/28/2020, eff. 8/28/2020)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2000/002, L.L. 2017/145 and L.L. 2020/080.
§ 11-1308 General powers of the commissioner of finance.
In addition to the powers granted to the commissioner of finance in this chapter, he or she is hereby authorized and empowered:
   1.   To make, adopt and amend rules and regulations appropriate to the carrying out of this chapter and the purposes thereof; and to require the filing of reports by agents and/or dealers;
   2.   To prescribe the method and the means to be used in the cancellation of stamps;
   3.   To fix the denominations and the method of sale of stamps;
   4.   To delegate his or her powers to a deputy or other employee or employees of the department of finance;
   5.   To extend, for cause shown, the time for filing any return or reports for a period not exceeding thirty days; and to compromise disputed claims in connection with the taxes hereby imposed;
   6.   To assess, determine, revise and adjust the taxes imposed under this chapter;
   7.   To request information from the state tax commission, the treasury department of the United States or the taxing officials of any other state or city that imposes a similar tax to any tax imposed by this chapter, and to afford information to such commission, department or other taxing official, any other provision of this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding;
   8.   To enter into an arrangement with the state tax commission with respect to cooperative collection, auditing or administration of the taxes imposed by this chapter and the taxes imposed by article twenty of the tax law of the state of New York.
   9.   To prescribe forms to be filled out by the vendor or purchaser, or both, in each instance in which a sale is made by an agent or wholesale dealer to a person outside the state or the city or to a dealer in the city for purposes of resale outside the state or the city.
   10.   To appoint any dealer as a temporary agent to buy and affix stamps for a period not in excess of fifteen days.
   11.   In furtherance of the purposes of paragraph three of subdivision a of section 11-1302 of this chapter, to provide by appropriate regulation for the maintenance of such differentials in wholesale and retail prices of cigarettes sold by any vendor, other than the manufacturer, so as to reflect the amounts of tax attributable to the tar and nicotine content of cigarettes sold. In so doing he or she may use and consider the factory price of various brands of cigarettes. In addition, the commissioner may consider the mode or method by which retail sales are effected and limit his or her regulations so as to affect any one or more or all of such modes or methods.
(Am. L.L. 2017/145, 8/28/2017, eff. 6/1/2018)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2017/145.
§ 11-1309 Administration of oaths and compelling testimony.
   a.   The commissioner of finance, the employees or agents duly designated and authorized by the commissioner, the tax appeals tribunal and any of its duly designated and authorized employees or agents shall have power to administer oaths and take affidavits in relation to any matter or proceeding in the exercise of their powers and duties under this chapter. The commissioner of finance and the tax appeals tribunal shall have power to subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers and documents to secure information pertinent to the performance of the duties of the commissioner or of the tax appeals tribunal hereunder and of the enforcement of this chapter, and to examine them in relation thereto, and to issue commissions for the examination of witnesses who are out of the state or unable to attend before the commissioner or the tax appeals tribunal or excused from attendance.
   b.   A justice of the supreme court either in court or at chambers shall have power summarily to enforce by proper proceedings the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production and examination of books, papers and documents called for by the subpoena of the commissioner of finance or the tax appeals tribunal hereunder.
   c.   Cross-reference; criminal penalties. For failure to obey subpoenas or for testifying falsely, see section 11-4007 of this title; for supplying false or fraudulent information, see section 11-4009 of this title.
   d.   The officers who serve the summons or subpoena of the commissioner of finance or the tax appeals tribunal hereunder and witnesses attending in response thereto shall be entitled to the same fees as are allowed to officers and witnesses in civil cases in courts of record, except as herein otherwise provided. Such officers shall be the city sheriff and the city sheriff's duly appointed deputies or any officers or employees of the department of finance or the tax appeals tribunal, designated to serve such process.