L.L. 2020/009
Enactment date: 12/27/2019
Int. No. 1422-A
By Council Members Powers, the Speaker (Council Member Johnson), Brannan, Holden, the Public Advocate (Mr. Williams), Chin, Constantinides, Rivera, Levin, Van Bramer, Kallos, Ayala, Lander and Deutsch
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to city-issued parking permits
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 3. Nothing in this local law is intended to affect, alter, or amend any rules of the department of transportation promulgated prior to the date of enactment of this local law relating to violations for misuse or fraudulent use of agency-authorized permits as defined in such rules.
§ 4. This local law takes effect in 90 days, except that the commissioner of transportation and the police commissioner may take any necessary actions to implement this law, including the promulgation of rules, prior to such effective date.