L.L. 2017/051
Enactment date: 3/21/2017
Int. No. 882-A
By Council Members Rosenthal, Torres, Eugene, Koo, Koslowitz, Cabrera, Chin, Van Bramer, Crowley, Levin, Reynoso, Palma, Deutsch, Dromm, Menchaca, Cohen, Vallone, Kallos, Johnson and Borelli
A Local Law amend the New York city charter, in relation to requiring the installation of induction loops systems for certain capital projects paid in whole or in part from the city treasury and requiring the publication of public locations where such systems are available.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 2. This local law takes effect on January 1, 2018, and applies to projects for which an application for construction document approval is filed with the department of buildings on and after such date, except that prior to such effective date the mayor or office or agency designated by the mayor shall take all actions necessary for the timely implementation of this local law, including the promulgation of rules.
L.L. 2017/052
Enactment date: 3/21/2017
Int. No. 1071-A
By Council Members Maisel, Espinal, Gentile, Greenfield, Dromm, Deutsch, Kallos and Ulrich
A Local Law in relation to requiring the department of transportation to study private streets
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1. The department of transportation shall conduct a study of private streets that are not within its jurisdiction. As part of such study, the department shall obtain from each borough president and from the department of city planning the locations of private streets in the city, to the extent such information is available, and shall review the factors that may be considered or necessary for the acquisition of built private streets. Upon completion of such study, and no later than June 30, 2018, the department shall issue a report on the study's findings to the mayor and the speaker of the council. Such report shall include, but not be limited to, any locations of private streets in the city obtained from each borough president and the department of city planning pursuant to such study.
§ 2. This local law takes effect immediately.
L.L. 2017/060
Enactment date: 4/25/2017
Int. No. 359-A
By Council Members Constantinides, Cornegy, Koo, Rose, Wills, Cumbo, Rodriguez, Mendez, Rosenthal, Deutsch, Treyger, Williams, Palma, King, Johnson, Levin, Dromm, Gentile, Menchaca, Van Bramer, Barron, Chin, Espinal, Lancman, Richards, Vallone, Reynoso, Miller, Koslowitz, Torres, Cohen, Crowley, Levine, Salamanca and Lander
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring a study of environmental justice areas and the establishment of an environmental justice portal
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 5. This local law takes effect on the same date that a local law of the city of New York for the year 2017, in relation to identifying and addressing environmental justice issues, as proposed in introduction number 886-A, takes effect. Nothing in this local law shall be deemed to create a private right of action to enforce its provisions. Nothing in this local law shall be construed to create any right or benefit enforceable against the city of New York or any right to judicial review of any action taken by the city of New York.
L.L. 2017/061
Enactment date: 4/25/2017
Int. No. 564-A
By Council Members Vacca, Chin, Eugene, Koo, Rosenthal, Grodenchik, Salamanca, Treyger, Menchaca, Palma, Levin, Kallos and Borelli
A Local Law in relation to online submission of applications for permits, licenses and registrations and a single web portal for such applications
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1.
a. On or before June 1, 2018, an office designated by the mayor shall, in conjunction with the department of information technology and telecommunications and with the cooperation of relevant city agencies, review the feasibility of establishing online applications for all permits, licenses and registrations issued by city agencies. Such review shall include, but need not be limited to, the following:
1. A list of which permits, licenses and registrations may currently be applied for online and which may not;
2. For each permit, license or registration that may not currently be applied for online:
(a) An evaluation of the feasibility of allowing online applications for such permit, license or registration, including but not limited to, an evaluation of (i) technical issues, such as software, information technology infrastructure and web compatibility, (ii) issues related to the privacy or security of information in such applications and (iii) costs of allowing online applications for such permit, license or registration;
(b) If such office determines that allowing online applications for such permit, license or registration would be feasible, a plan and timeline for allowing such online applications;
(c) If such office determines that allowing online applications for such permit, license or registration would not be feasible, a description of the reasons for such determination, including a description of the obstacles to allowing such online applications;
3. A description of any web portals used to apply online for permits, licenses and registrations;
4. An evaluation of the feasibility of creating and maintaining a single web portal that can be used to access the application for each permit, license or registration for which online applications are accepted, including but not limited to technical issues, such as software, information technology infrastructure and web compatibility; and
5. A plan and timeline for creating and maintaining such a portal to the extent feasible.
b. On or before June 1, 2018, such office shall report to the mayor and the council on the findings of such review.
§ 2. This local law takes effect immediately.
L.L. 2017/062
Enactment date: 4/25/2017
Int. No. 708-A
By Council Members Eugene, Chin, Rose, Lander, Kallos, Cohen, Levin and Menchaca
A Local Law in relation to establishing a task force on disconnected youth.
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
Section 1.
a. For the purposes of this section, "disconnected youth" means youth between the ages of 16 and 24 years who are neither attending school nor employed.
b. There shall be a task force on disconnected youth whose purpose is to examine the obstacles to education and employment for disconnected youth and to make recommendations regarding measures to improve outcomes for disconnected youth. Members of the task force shall serve without compensation and shall be appointed no later than 30 days after the enactment of this local law. The task force shall be composed of 25 members and shall include:
1. The commissioner of youth and community development or their designee;
2. The commissioner of small business services or their designee;
3. The chancellor of the city school district of the city of New York or their designee;
4. The commissioner of the administration for children services or their designee;
5. The commissioner of probation or their designee;
6. The commissioner of the human resources administration or their designee;
7. The commissioner of health and mental hygiene or their designee;
8. The commissioner of homeless services or their designee;
9. The executive director of the mayor's office of criminal justice or their designee;
10. The chancellor of the city university of New York or their designee shall be invited to participate;
11. The executive director of the center for economic opportunity or their designee;
12. The executive director of the mayor's center for youth employment or their designee;
13. The executive director of the mayor's office of workforce development or their designee;
14. The deputy mayor for strategic policy initiatives or their designee;
15. Four additional members shall be appointed by the mayor, including two members who shall represent organizations whose mission is to provide assistance to youth aging out of foster care and youth involved in the criminal justice system; one shall represent the business community; and one shall represent the young men's initiative;
16. Four members shall be appointed by the speaker of the council, including two members who shall represent organizations whose mission is advocating for disconnected youth; one member shall represent the business community; and one member shall represent the young women's initiative; and
17. Three additional members who are youth leaders between the ages of 16 and 24 at the time of their appointment shall be appointed, two by the mayor and one by the speaker of the council.
c. Upon appointment of all the members, the task force shall elect a chair from its membership by a majority vote at the first meeting of such task force. The task force shall meet not less than four times prior to submitting the report required pursuant to subdivision d of this section. The task force may establish its own guidance and procedures with respect to the conduct of its meetings and other affairs not inconsistent with law.
d. No later than March 1, 2018, and no later than March 1 biennially thereafter, the task force shall issue a report to the mayor and the speaker of the council. Such report shall include, but not be limited to, providing guidance on the following topics:
1. An assessment of the obstacles that prevent disconnected youth from pursuing educational opportunities or entering the workforce, including but not limited to, issues related to housing, childcare, health care and substance abuse, criminal justice, transportation, wages, and language and cultural barriers.
2. An analysis and discussion on how to address any such obstacles;
3. Recommendations for how to better inform the public on the availability of services for disconnected youth;
4. A review of the quality, and the type of programs that serve disconnected youth, including whether they adequately address the education and skills disconnected youth need to attain and retain work;
5. The costs related to implementing programs for disconnected youth;
6. Recommendations regarding how to improve existing programs serving disconnected youth;
7. Recommendations regarding how to improve data collection for disconnected youth programs and make the data publicly available;
8. Recommendations on effective follow-up services such as mentoring, work related peer support groups, further education or training, career pathway development, support for maintaining a job, and recommendations regarding the length of time such services should be offered to any disconnected or formerly disconnected youth;
9. An analysis of the education levels and skills sought by employers;
10. Identifying the most effective ways that disconnected youth programs can meet employer needs;
11. Recommendations on the creation of partnerships between programs for disconnected youth and employers that can serve as a job pipeline for participants;
12. Identifying high growth industries that generate living wage jobs for youth; and
13. Identifying ways to foster and strengthen partnerships between public and private providers that serve disconnected youth.
§ 2. This local law takes effect immediately and remains in effect until March 1, 2022, when it is deemed repealed, following the submission of the final report required by subdivision d of section one of this local law.
L.L. 2017/064
Enactment date: 4/25/2017
Int. No. 886-A
By Council Members Barron, Mendez, Miller, Richards, Rose, Constantinides, Cumbo, Chin, Cabrera, Ferreras-Copeland, Cornegy, Williams, Menchaca, King, Rodriguez, Palma, Rosenthal, Levine, Johnson, Vallone, Garodnick, Gibson, Dromm, Reynoso, Espinal, Maisel, Koslowitz, Lander, Van Bramer, Crowley, Levin, Torres, Lancman, Cohen, Deutsch, Treyger, Greenfield, Vacca, Kallos, Eugene, Koo, Salamanca and Ulrich
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to identifying and addressing environmental justice issues
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 2. This local law takes effect immediately. Nothing in this local law shall be deemed to create a private right of action to enforce its provisions. Nothing in this local law shall be construed to create any right or benefit enforceable against the city of New York or any right to judicial review of any action taken by the city of New York.
L.L. 2017/090
Enactment date: 5/30/2017
Int. No. 1028-B
By Council Members Cumbo, the Speaker (Council Member Mark-Viverito), Chin, Koo, Lander, Mendez, Torres, Rosenthal, Menchaca, Barron, Kallos, Constantinides, Treyger, Dromm, Levin, Garodnick, Rose and Reynoso
A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to creating a sexual health education task force
Be it enacted by the Council as follows:
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[Consolidated provisions are not included in this Appendix A]
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§ 2. This law takes effect immediately and is expired and deemed repealed five years after the date of the local law that added this section.