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16.98.040 Survey Required.
   A.   Complete Survey. An accurate and complete survey of the land to be subdivided shall be made by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor.
   B.   Survey Elements. All alleys, blocks, centerlines of streets, curves, easements, monuments, parcels, and property lines adjoining or within the subdivision shall be tied into the survey.
   C.   Adjoining Properties. All adjoining properties shall be identified by block, parcel, property owners, and tract designation.
   D.   Error of Closure. The allowable error of closure on any portion of the final map shall be in compliance with the requirements of the county surveyor.
   E.   Net Acreage. Parcels containing one acre or more shall show net acreage to the nearest one-one hundredth.
   F.   Setting of Monuments. At the time of making the survey for the final map, the engineer or surveyor shall set sufficient durable monuments to conform with the standards required by state law (Business and Professions Code Section 8771) so that another engineer or surveyor may readily retrace the survey, in compliance with state law (Government Code Sections 66495 and 66496). At least one exterior boundary line shall be monumented before recording the final map. Every final map shall show the following monuments:
      1.   Boundary monuments. The exterior boundary of the subdivision shall be monumented with permanent monuments not smaller than two-inch iron pipes at least twenty-four (24) inches long set at each corner and at intermediate points along the boundary not more than one thousand (1,000) feet apart and at the beginning and end points of all curves. If any existing record and identified monument meeting the foregoing requirements is found at any corner or point, the existing monument(s) may be used in lieu of a new monument;
      2.   Lot corner monuments. All lot corners, except when coincident with exterior boundary corner, shall be monumented with permanent monuments of one of the following types:
         a.   Three-quarter-inch diameter iron pipe at least twelve (12) inches long;
         b.   One-half-inch diameter steel rod at least twelve (12) inches long; or
         c.   Lead plug and copper identification disks set in concrete sidewalks or curbs.
      3.   Additional monuments to mark the limiting lines of streets as the city engineer may require;
      4.   All other monuments set or proposed to be set.
         a.   The subdivider shall cause the foregoing monuments to be set by a licensed surveyor or engineer.
         b.   All monuments and their installation shall conform to city standards.
         c.   All of the foregoing monuments shall be set before the approval of the map by the city engineer unless the setting thereof is deferred in compliance with state law (Subdivision Map Act Section 66496). However, the setting of exterior boundary monuments shall not be deferred unless the city engineer determines that the monuments might be disturbed by the construction of the improvements.
         d.   Where the setting of monuments is deferred following filing of a final map, the monuments shall be set within thirty (30) days after the completion of the required improvements and before the acceptance by the city. The setting of monuments shall not be deferred if a parcel map is filed unless expressly allowed by the city engineer. (Ord. 610-24 § 20, 2024; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
16.98.050 Form.
The form of the final map shall comply with the subdivision map act and as follows:
   A.   Drawing and Reproduction of Final Map. The final map shall be legibly drawn, printed, or reproduced by a process guaranteeing a permanent record in black on polyester base film. Certificates, affidavits, and acknowledgments may be legibly stamped or printed upon the map with opaque indelible ink. If ink is used on polyester base film, the ink surface shall be coated with a suitable substance to ensure permanent legibility;
   B.   Sheet Size. The size of each sheet shall be twenty-two (22) inches by thirty (30) inches. A marginal line shall be drawn completely around each sheet, leaving an entirely blank margin of one inch;
   C.   Map Scale. The scale of the map shall be an engineering scale and not less than one inch equals fifty (50) feet or as may be necessary to show all details clearly, and enough sheets shall be used to accomplish this end;
   D.   Number of Sheets. The particular number of the sheet and the total number of sheets comprising the map shall be stated on each of the sheets, and its relation to each adjoining sheet shall be clearly shown. When four or more sheets including the certificate sheet are used, a key sheet shall be included;
   E.   Map lettering. All printing or lettering on the map shall be of one-eighth (1/8) inch minimum height by hand. or one-tenth (1/10) inch by machine, and of a shape and weight as to be readily legible on prints and other reproductions made from the original drawings; and
   F.   State Law Compliance. The final form of the final map shall be in compliance with state law (Government Code Section 66434) and as approved by the city engineer.
(Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
16.98.060 Contents.
The contents of the final map shall be in compliance with the subdivision map act and as follows:
   A.   Boundary. The boundary' of the subdivision shall be designated by a heavy black line in a manner that shall not cover figures or other data;
   B.   Title. Each sheet shall have a title showing the subdivision number and name and the location of the property being subdivided with reference to maps which have been previously recorded, or by reference to the plat of a United States Survey. The following words shall appear in the title: "City of Murrieta, Riverside County, California.";
   C.   Certificates and Acknowledgments. All certificates and acknowledgments shall be made in compliance with state law (Government Code Sections 66433 et seq.) and as approved by the city engineer, and shall appear only once on the cover sheet:
   D.   Scale, North Point, and Basis of Bearings. There shall appear on each map sheet the scale and north point. The basis of bearings shall appear on the title map sheet and each subsequent sheet or referenced on each subsequent sheet. The basis of bearing shall be based on Zone 6 of the California Coordinate System, unless otherwise approved by the city engineer;
   E.   Linear, Angular, and Radial Data. Sufficient linear, angular and radial data shall be shown to determine the bearings and lengths of monument lines, street centerlines, the boundary lines of the subdivision, the boundary lines on every parcel which is a part of the subdivision, and ties to existing monuments used to establish the boundary. Arc length, radius. and total central angle and radial bearings of all curves shall be shown. Ditto marks shall not be used in the dimensions and data shown on the map;
   F.   Monuments. The location and description of all existing and proposed monuments shall be shown. Standard city monument types shall be set in compliance with city standards.
   G.   Parcel Numbers.
      1.   Parcel numbers shall begin with the number "1" in each subdivision and shall continue consecutively with no omissions or duplications except where contiguous lands, under the same ownership, are being subdivided in successive units. in which case, parcel numbers may begin with the next consecutive number following the last number in the preceding unit.
      2.   Nonbuildable, open space and common parcel areas shall be lettered beginning with the letter"A" and shall continue consecutively with no omissions or duplications.
      3.   Each parcel shall be shown entirely on one sheet of the final map, unless otherwise approved by the city engineer.
   H.   Adjoining Properties. The adjoining corners of all adjoining subdivisions shall be identified by subdivision number, or name when not identified by official number, with reference to the book and page ofthe filed map showing the subdivision. if no subdivision is adjacent, then by the name of the owner and reference to the re-corded deed by book and page number for the last record owner;
   I.   City Boundaries. City boundaries which cross or join the subdivision shall be clearly designated;
   J.   Street Names. The names of all streets or alleys within or adjoining the subdivision shall be shown:
   K.   Traffic Prohibition. lnstrument(s) prohibiting traffic over the side line or end of a street shall be provided, when and if required;
   L.    Parcels for Dedication.
      1 .   The final map shall particularly define, delineate and designate all parcels intended for private purposes.
      2.   All parcels offered for dedication for any purpose, public or private, shall be clearly shown.
      3.   Private streets allowed under the provisions of this article, with all boundaries, courses, and dimensions clearly shown and defined in every case.
      4.   Parcels offered for dedication, but not accepted, shall be so designated.
   M.   Easements and Dedications.
      1.   Easements and dedications for alleys, local transit facilities, paths, roads or streets, sanitary sewers, storm water drainage, utilities, or other public use as may be required, shall be dedicated to the public for acceptance by the city or other public agency, and the use shall be specified on the map.
      2.   All easements of record shall be shown on the map, together with the name of the grantee and sufficient recording data to identify the conveyance (e.g., recorder's serial number and date, or book and page ofofficial records).
      3.   Easements not disclosed by the records on file with the county recorder and found by the surveyor or engineer to be existing, shall be specifically designated on the map, identifying the apparent dominant tenements for which the easement was created.
      4.   The side lines of all easements of record shall be shown by dashed lines on the final map with the widths, lengths and bearings of record. The width and location of all easements shall be approved by the city engineer.
      5.   Between the time of the approval of the tentative map and the recordation of the final map, easements shall not be granted to other agencies or utility companies which interfere with the city's rights in any public rights-of-way.
   N.   One Hundred- (100-) year Flood Inundation. The map shall show the line of one hundred- (100-) year flood inundation when the subject site includes, or is adjacent to, areas subject to periodic inundation. Areas of inundation shall be in compliance with the Federal Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and the county flood control district.
   O.   Condominium Map. The map of a condominium shall show all surface units;
   P.   Open Space Areas.
      1.   Areas May Be Shown. Open space areas may be shown, subject to the approval of the city.
      2.   Public Areas in Fee. Public open space areas shall be dedicated in fee unless otherwise specified in the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map.
      3.   Private Areas as Easements. Private open space areas shall be dedicated as open space easements unless otherwise specified in the approval or conditional approval of the tentative map.
   Q.   Request for Approval. The subdivider shall submit a written request for the city's approval of the final map.
   R.   Environmental Constraint Sheet. Any notes(s) required by the conditions of approval shall be shown on an environmental constraint sheet and referenced on the final map. This shall be required when constraints, including any of the following, are conditioned:
      1.   Archaeological sites;
      2.   Fire protection;
      3.   Flood hazard zone(s);
      4.   Geologic mapping;
      5.   Grading;
      6.   Seismic lines;
      7.   Setbacks;
      8.   Sewage disposal;
      9.   Structure(s);
      10.   Structure setback lines: and
      11.   Water availability.
When an environmental constraint sheet is required. a note shall be placed below the surveyor's notes on the final map stating the following:
ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT NOTE: Environmental Constraint Sheet affecting this map is on file in the E. C. S. Book   , Page         . This note affects Lot Nos.     or Parcel No.   
(Ord. 542 § 2, 2019; Ord. 182 §2 (part), 1997)
16.98.070 Preliminary Submittal.
The subdivider shall submit prints of the final map to the city engineer for checking. The preliminary prints shall be accompanied by the following data, plans, reports, and documents in a form approved by the city engineer and, where applicable, the city Attorney:
   A.   Improvement Plans. improvement plans in compliance with Section 16.108.140 (Improvement Plans);
   B.   Soils Report. A soils report prepared in compliance with Section 16.94.040 (Accompanying Data and Re-ports), if required by the city engineer:
   C.   Title Report. A title report showing the legal owner(s) of the subject site at the time of submittal of the final map, to be current within ninety (90) days:
   D.   Tax Certificate. A certificate from the county tax collector stating that all taxes due have been paid or that a tax bond or other adequate form of security ensuring payments of all taxes which are a lien, but not yet pay-able, has been filed with the county tax collector;
   E.   Deeds for Easements or Rights-of -Way. Deeds/instruments for off-site easements or rights-of-way required for road or drainage purposes which have not been dedicated on the final map. Written evidence, acceptable to the city, in the form of rights of entry or permanent easements across private property outside of the subject subdivision, permitting or granting access to perform necessary construction work and permitting the maintenance of the subject facility(s):
   F.   Traverse Closures. Traverse closures/calculations for the boundary blocks, easements, monument lines, parcels. and street centerlines:
   G.   Hydrology and Hydraulic Calculations. Complete hydrology and hydraulic calculations of all flood flows, retention facilities, and storm drains:
   H.   Governing Documents.
      1.   Common Interest Developments. The submittal of the final map for a common interest development in compliance with state law (Civil Code Section 1350 et seq.) shall include the proposed declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions containing the provisions provided by state law (Civil Code Section 1353), and all other governing documents for the subdivision in compliance with state law (Civil Code Section 1363), and containing all conditions of approval designated to be contained within the "Covenants. Conditions, and Restrictions."
      2.   Other Developments. The submittal of the final map for all subdivisions other than a common interest development shall include the proposed declaration of covenants, conditions. and restrictions.
      3.   Director's Approval. All documents shall be subject to review and approval by the director.
   I.   Guarantee of Title. A guarantee of title, in a form acceptable to the city engineer and city attorney, shall be issued by a competent title company to and for the benefit and protection of the city and shall be continued complete up to the instant of recording of the final map, guaranteeing that the names of all persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to the land being subdivided, all public easements being offered for dedication, and all required acknowledgments, appear on the proper certificates and are correctly shown on the map, both as to consents and to the making, and affidavits of dedication where necessary;
   J.   Improvement Agreement. In the event drainage, grading, paving, sewer, water, or other improvements required in compliance with Chapter 16.108 (Improvements) have not been completed before the presentation of the final map, an agreement in compliance with Section 16.108.150 (Improvement Agreement) shall be filed for the required improvement(s). The subdivider shall secure the performance of the agreement in compliance with Section 16.108.160 (improvement Security). The agreement shall be in a form acceptable to the city attorney and approved by the city engineer;
   K.   Liability Agreement and Insurance.
      1.   Hold-harmless Agreement. A hold-harmless agreement obligating the subdivider to hold the city and its officers, agents, and employees harmless from any liability for damages or claims for damages for personal injury or death which arise from the operations of the subdivider and/or the subdivider's subcontractors, in connection with the subdivision, shall be submitted.
      2.   Certificate of Insurance. A certificate of insurance reporting to the city the amount of insurance the subdivider carries for the subdivider's own liability for damages or claims for damages for personal injury or death which arise from the operations of the subdivider or designated subcontractors in connection with the subdivision shall be submitted.
      3.   City as Additional Insured. The certificate of insurance shall name the city as an additional insured.
      4.   City Attorney Approval. The agreement and certificate required by this subsection shall be subject to prior review and approval by the city attorney.
   L.   Environmental Constraint Sheet. A duplicate of the final map on which are shown the environmental constraint notes. This sheet shall be filed simultaneously with the final map. and labeled "ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRAINT SHEET" in the top margin. Applicable items shall be shown under a heading labeled "Environmental Constraint Notes." The environmental constraint sheet shall contain the following statement:
The environmental constraint information shown on this sheet is for informational purposes describing conditions as of the date of filing. and is not intended to affect record title interest. This information is derived from public records or reports. and does not imply the correctness or sufficiency of those records or reports by the preparer of this map sheet.
   M.   Additional Information. Additional data, reports. or information required by the city, in compliance with state law (Government Code Section 66434.2).
(Ord. 542 § 3, 2019; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
16.98.080 Review and Determination by City Engineer.
   A.   Review by City Engineer. The city engineer shall review the final map and any other required information and the subdivider shall make corrections and/or additions until acceptable to the city engineer.
   B.   Resubmittal. The subdivider shall submit to the city engineer the original tracing of the map and any duplicates in compliance with city requirements, corrected to its final form and signed by all parties required to execute the certificates on the map. Original signatures shall appear on the original drawing.
   C.   City Engineer's Signature. Upon receipt of all required certificates and submittals, and if found to be technically correct and in conformance with the approved tentative map and this development code, the city engineer shall sign the appropriate certificates and transmit the original map to the city clerk.
   D.   Dedications Outside Subdivision. The city may accept any dedications lying outside the subdivision boundary which require a separate grant deed. The acceptance shall be recorded with the county recorder. The city engineer is authorized to accept dedications, or offers of dedication, or to reject the offers on behalf of the city.
(Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
16.98.090 City Engineer’s Action.
No final map shall be filed in the Office of the County Recorder until approved by the city engineer. Upon receipt of a final map, the city engineer shall:
   A.   Notify the council, at its next regular meeting after receiving the map, that the map is being reviewed for approval.
   B.   Cause the city clerk to post the notice of any pending approval by the city engineer, and include it on the council's regular agenda. The city clerk will also notify any interested parties who request notice.
   C.   Approve or disapprove the final map within ten (10) days following the meeting of the council at which notice of the pending approval was given. Approvals or disapprovals of final maps by the city engineer may be appealed to the council within ten (10) days of the city engineer's decision. The council shall periodically review the delegation of authority to approve final maps.
   D.   Execution of the Agreement. If the subdivision improvement agreement and final map are approved by the city engineer, the city engineer shall execute the agreement on behalf of the city. At the time the city engineer approves the final map, he/she shall also accept, accept subject to improvement, or reject any offer(s) of dedication. The city clerk shall certify, on the final map, the action by the city engineer.
   E.   Offer of Dedication. If at the time the final map is approved, any alleys, paths, public utility easements, rights-of-way for local transit facilities, streets or storm drainage easements are not accepted by the city engineer, the offer of dedication shall remain open and the city engineer may, by resolution at any later date, and without further action by the subdivider, rescind its action and accept and open the alleys, paths, rights-of-way for local transit facilities, streets or storm drainage easements, which acceptance shall be recorded with the county recorder.
   F.   Unacceptable Submittal(s). If the subdivision improvement agreement and/or final map is unacceptable, the city engineer shall state the recommended corrections, draft a new agreement and/or re-vise the final map and defer approval until an acceptable agreement and/or final map has been resubmitted by the subdivider.
   G.   Off-site Improvements.
      1.   Whenever a subdivider is required, as a condition of a tentative parcel map, to constructor install off-site improvements on property which neither the subdivider nor the city owns, then no later than sixty (60) days before tiling the parcel map for approval the subdivider shall provide the city with sufficient information, reports and data, including an appraisal and title report, to enable the city to commence proceedings in compliance with state law (Title 7 of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure) to acquire an interest in the land which will allow the improvements to be made, including proceedings for immediate possession of the property in compliance with state law (Title 7, Article 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure).
      2.   The subdivider shall agree in compliance with Section 16.108.150 to complete the improvements at the time the city has a sufficient interest in the property to allow the construction of the improvements. The subdivider shall bear all costs associated with the acquisition of the property interests and the estimated costs shall be secured in compliance with Section 16.108.160.
   H.   Tentative Map Compliance. The city engineer shall not disapprove the final map if the city has previously approved a tentative map for the proposed subdivision and if the city engineer finds that the final map is in compliance with the requirements of the subdivision map act, this article, the municipal code, and the tentative map and all required conditions.
   I.   Condominium Conversions. A final map for a subdivision created from the conversion of residential property to condominiums shall not be approved unless the city engineer finds that each tenant has been given one hundred twenty (120) days notice and has also been notified of the right to acquire the unit in compliance with Section 16.100.060 (Relocation).
   J.   Condominium Projects. Condominium and similar projects shall be approved only upon the findings required by state law (Government Code Section 66427.1).
(Ord. 542 § 4, 2019; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
16.98.100 Recordation.
   A.   City Clerk. Upon approval of the final map by the city engineer, the city clerk shall execute the appropriate certificate on the certificate sheet and shall, in compliance with state law (Government Code Section 66464), transmit the map, or have an authorized agent forward the map, to the county recorder.
   B.   County Recorder. A map shall not have any force or effect until it has been approved by the city engineer, and title to any property described in any offer of dedication shall not pass until the map has been recorded with the county recorder.
(Ord. 542 § 5, 2019; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)