A. Review by City Engineer. The city engineer shall review the final map and any other required information and the subdivider shall make corrections and/or additions until acceptable to the city engineer.
B. Resubmittal. The subdivider shall submit to the city engineer the original tracing of the map and any duplicates in compliance with city requirements, corrected to its final form and signed by all parties required to execute the certificates on the map. Original signatures shall appear on the original drawing.
C. City Engineer's Signature. Upon receipt of all required certificates and submittals, and if found to be technically correct and in conformance with the approved tentative map and this development code, the city engineer shall sign the appropriate certificates and transmit the original map to the city clerk.
D. Dedications Outside Subdivision. The city may accept any dedications lying outside the subdivision boundary which require a separate grant deed. The acceptance shall be recorded with the county recorder. The city engineer is authorized to accept dedications, or offers of dedication, or to reject the offers on behalf of the city.
(Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)