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16.96 Vesting Tentative Maps
   16.96.010    Purpose.
   16.96.020    Applicability.
   16.96.030    Application Filing and Department Review. 
   16.96.040    Expiration.
   16.96.050    Rights of a Vesting Tentative Map. 
   16.96.060    Vesting Map Amendments.
16.96.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to specify the content, form. and review procedures required for the approval of a vesting tentative map application, in compliance with state law (Government Code Section 66498.1) and the provisions of this article.
(Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
16.96.020 Applicability.
   A.   Residential Subdivisions. This chapter shall apply only to residential subdivisions.
   B.   Vesting Map Optional. Whenever a provision of the subdivision map act, as implemented by this article, requires the filing of a tentative map or tentative parcel map, a vesting tentative map may be filed, at the sole discretion of the subdivider, in compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
   C.   Not a Prerequisite. If a subdivider does not seek the rights conferred by a vesting tentative map. the filing of a vesting tentative map shall not be a prerequisite to an approval for a proposed subdivision, permit for construction, or work preparatory to construction.
(Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)
16.96.030 Application Filing and Department Review.
   A.   Pre-application Conference. Before submitting a vesting tentative map application, the prospective sub-divider, or agent, is strongly encouraged to request a pre-application conference with the department to obtain information and guidance pertaining to city requirements before preparing maps, surveys, and other required data.
Neither the pre-application review nor the provision of available information and/or pertinent policies shall be construed as a recommendation for approval or disapproval by the city representative(s). A fee may be imposed for the pre-application conference, as contained in the council's fee resolution.
   B.   Application Filing. The vesting tentative map application shall be filed with the department. A vesting tentative map shall be filed in the same form and have the same contents. accompanying data. reports, and required fees and shall be processed in the same manner as identified in Chapter 16.94 (Tentative Maps) for a tentative map except as follows:
      1.   At the time a vesting tentative map is filed it shall have printed conspicuously on its face the words "Vesting Tentative Map";
      2.   An application for a vesting tentative map shall not be accepted for filing until the subdivision has been determined by the department to be generally consistent with the general plan, any applicable specific plans, master development plans, and this development code;
      3.   All required discretionary city approvals shall have been previously obtained or applications for same shall be filed concurrently with the vesting tentative map, in compliance with the city's rules and procedures for implementation of CEQA: and
      4.   At the time a vesting tentative map is filed a subdivider shall also supply the following information satisfactory to the director:
         a.    Completed application, in compliance with Section 16.94.030 (Content and Form);
         b.    Fees, in compliance with Chapter 16.48 (Application Filing, Fees);
         c.    Environmental assessment form;
         d.    Architectural/site plans, including the following items of information:
            1)   Project boundary and dimensions;
            2)   Dimensions relating centerline of street. property line, and curb;
            3)   Setback dimensions;
            4)   Structure locations and dimensions;
            5)   Street and driveway widths;
            6)   Bike paths, if required/provided;
            7)   Mechanical equipment, location. and dimensions:
            8)   Solid waste/recyclable materials storage design, location, and dimensions;
            9)   Recreation area(s), location. and design;
            10)   Wall and fence location and design;
            11)   Sidewalks; and
            12)   Outdoor lighting.
         e.    Floor plans, dimensions, and scale;
         f.    Elevations including the following items of information:
            1)   Dimensions and scale;
            2)   Color and materials: and
            3)   Roof pitch and type.
         g.    Vicinity map three and one-half inches by three and one-half inches, illustrating the relationship of the subdivision to the community within a one-half mile radius of the site;
         h.    Phasing map, if applicable:
         i.    Preliminary grading plan;
         j.    Landscape plans, in compliance with Chapter 16.28 (Landscaping Standards);
         k.   One colored print of site plan. elevations and landscape plan, for public presentation; I. Colored rendering(s):
         m.   Sample materials board:
         n.   Uses of proposed structures:
         o.   Methods to be used for the preservation, relocation, and/or replacement of protected trees in compliance with Chapter 16.42 (Tree Preservation)
         p.   Archaeological evaluations. flood control information, geological and hydrology studies, soils report, etc., as required by the city engineer:
         q.   Detailed drainage, flood control. geological, soils, traffic, or other reports required by the city engineer; and
         r.   Additional information, as required by the director.
(Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)