16.100.060 Relocation.
A subdivider proposing to convert structures in compliance with this chapter shall first:
   A.   One Hundred Twenty- (120-) day Notice. Give written notice of intention to convert to tenants one hundred twenty (120) days before they are required to relocate;
   B.   Right of First Refusal. Offer all tenants not in arrears of rental or leasehold payments, a nontransferable right of first refusal to purchase their unit for ninety (90) days duration after receipt of a public report from the real estate commission;
   C.   Notify Tenants. Notify all tenants occupying units subsequent to the notices given in compliance with sub-section A., above of the intent to convert, or the approval to convert, before the tenant consents to a lease or rental agreement; and
   D.   Apartment Availability. Provide tenants not wishing to purchase with information on available apartments of comparable size, price, and location within the city.
(Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)