A. If any individual or entity covered by this chapter fails to maintain and secure their property as required by this chapter within a reasonable time of issuance of a notice of violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, then the city manager shall cause the property to be maintained or secured by city personnel or private contract, and entry upon the property is expressly authorized for such purposes. Upon completion of the maintenance or securing by direction of the city manager, the city manager shall cause a statement of the costs thereof to be prepared for submission to the city council. The city manager shall set a time and place for the city council to receive and consider the statement of costs, and shall serve on the owner or owners of the property a copy of the statement of costs and a notice of the time and place at which the city council will receive and consider the statement of costs. The statement of costs and the notice of hearing shall be served in the same manner as provided in Section 8.20.060(B) of Chapter 8.20 and shall be accompanied by a copy of this chapter.
B. In addition to maintenance and securing of properties, any individual or entity covered by this chapter who fails to maintain and secure their property as required by this chapter within a reasonable time of issuance of a notice of violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to have authorized the city to remove trespassers from the property.
(Ord. 404 § 1, 2008)