8.04.050 Response service charges.
   A.   A service charge shall be assessed against any responsible party within the city, to defray costs incurred in providing law enforcement services in response to a false alarm for each fourth and subsequent police response made to those premises during any three hundred sixty-five-day period as follows:
      1.   Fourth false alarm--One hundred dollars ($100.00);
      2.   Fifth false alarm--One hundred fifty dollars ($150.00);
      3.   Sixth and subsequent false alarm--Two hundred dollars ($200.00).
   On the third false alarm, a letter shall be sent to the responsible party for the premises, advising him or her that a service charge shall be imposed for each subsequent false alarm during the three hundred sixty-five-day period.
   B.   Any hold-up or robbery alarm improperly activated for the purpose of obtaining police response when a hold-up or robbery is not in progress shall be classified as a false alarm. In addition any person who activates the alarm shall be subject to such other penalties as the law allows.
   C.   All service charges collected shall be placed in a crime prevention fund to be utilized exclusively for the purpose of funding crime prevention programs such as Neighborhood Watch or Business Watch in the city.
(Ord. 93 § 1 (part), 1993: Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 11.60.009)