Organizations in General
33.01 Advisory Board
33.02 Board of Tax Adjustment abolished
33.03 Citizens Advisory Committee
33.04 [Reserved]
33.05 Public Defender Board
33.06 Department of Economic Development; Economic Development Commission
33.07 [Reserved]
33.08 HAVA Advisory Council
33.09 County Convention, Visitors and Tourism Commission
33.10 Public Safety Dispatch Department
33.11 Weed Control Board
Sheriff’s Department
33.25 Sheriff’s reserve
33.26 Use of vehicles
33.27 Personnel policy; tardiness
33.28 Retention of service weapon, badge and ID
33.29 Deferred compensation plan
(A) A County Corrections Advisory Board is hereby established to advise and assist in the establishment of rules for the County Community Corrections Program, to assist and advise in the operations of such program, make report of the progress and activities of such program to the County Board of Commissioners and make recommendations to the Commissioners concerning the operations of such program. This Advisory Board shall consist of the Sheriff of the county, the Prosecuting Attorney of the county, the County Welfare Director, the Mayor of Martinsville, one Judge having criminal jurisdiction, one Judge having juvenile jurisdiction, one Attorney with a substantial criminal defense practice, one Probation Officer, one Educational Administrator, one Mental Health Administrator, one ex-offender (if available), and four lay persons.
(B) Members of the Advisory Board appointed by the Board of County Commissioners shall be appointed for a term of four years. The criminal defense attorney shall be appointed for a term of four years. Other members serve only while holding the office or position held at the time of appointment.
(C) The Advisory Board shall report to the County Board of Commissioners concerning operations of the Community Corrections Program.
(D) The Advisory Board shall, within 30 days after the last appointment is made, meet and elect one member as Chairperson, another member as Vice Chairperson, and appoint a Secretary-Treasurer who need not be a member.
(Ord. 1-3-1, passed 6-3-1985)
(A) Effective July 1, 1985, in accordance with I.C. 6-1.1-2 9-9, the County Board of Tax Adjustment is hereby abolished.
(B) The County Board of Tax Adjustment as provided for by I.C. 6-1.1-29-1 shall, effective July 1, 1985, cease to exist and its provisions of I.C. 6-1.1-29-9, which provides for the procedure in event such County Board of Tax Adjustment is abolished shall be applicable to the functions and authority heretofore exercised by the County Board of Tax Adjustment.
(Ord. 1-2-1, passed 6-3-1985)
There is hereby created a Citizens Advisory Committee on the use of the County Drug-Free Community Fund. The committee shall be composed of the Steering Committee/Board of Directors of the County Partners in Action for Youth (PAY), a community organization created to assess the community’s need in the prevention and control of substance abuse. The duties of the Committee are to collect information on potential uses for the County Drug Free Community Fund established under I.C. 5-2-11-1, to formulate a comprehensive plan for the allocation of those funds, and to report its findings and recommendations of an annual or more frequent basis to the Board of Commissioners of the county.
(Ord. 1-3-2, passed 11-15-1993)