General Provisions
51.01 Application for water
51.02 Service connection
51.03 Permit required for laying pipe and excavation
51.04 Depth of service pipe
51.05 Installation of stop and waste cock
51.06 Service connections must be separate
51.07 Placements prohibited near water pipes or mains
51.08 Inspection of premises
51.09 Discontinuance of service by joint users
51.10 Waste prohibited
51.11 Unauthorized use of water
51.12 Bill payment and charge for turning on water
51.13 Notice of discontinuance of use
51.14 Authorization to turn water on and off
51.15 City water may be shut off without liability
51.16 Limiting use of water during emergency
51.17 Water service outside city
Water Meters
51.30 Installation
51.31 Water meter required
51.32 Property of the city
51.33 Maintained by city; loss or damage by user
51.34 Testing
51.35 Each meter to be computed separately
Rates and Fees
51.50 Fees and other costs
51.51 Statements for water use
51.52 Nonpayment; owner liability; liens
51.99 Penalty
(A) Any person desiring to be supplied with water from the city waterworks system shall make an application in writing upon a form to be provided by the City Clerk.
(B) The application shall include:
(1) The name and address of the applicant;
(2) The purpose for which water service is requested;
(3) Whether the property to be serviced is located within or outside the city;
(4) A description of the premises or building to be supplied;
(5) Whether the applicant is the owner of said premises or building, or a tenant or occupant under contract, and the name and address of the owner if the applicant does not own the premises; and
(6) An acceptance by such applicant of the ordinances, rules and regulations which may be prescribed by the city relating to water service and distribution.
(Ord. 577, passed 12-9-2003)
(A) Upon receipt of an application, the City Clerk shall refer the same to the Superintendent of Waterworks.
(B) The connection to the city water system shall be made by the city crews and/or other person authorized by the Superintendent of Public Works.
(C) If no connection has heretofore been made for serving said property, and the mains of the water system in the abutting street or streets have been extended to a point opposite or adjacent to the property, the Superintendent of Waterworks shall proceed to make connection to the main and extend such connections to the line of the property, and he or she shall install a stopcock and meter at or near the curb line.
(D) No work shall be done for the purpose of supplying any house or building then constructed or in the course of construction until the owner of the property shall have installed the service line from the property line to the place of intended use.
(E) The connection by the city crews shall include accomplishing the connection, providing the line requested by the property owner, or his or her authorized agent, to the point of the owner’s property so designated, including a water shutoff valve and a water meter.
(F) The property owner, or his or her authorized agent, shall be responsible to extend the water service from the public right-of-way, and the same shall be installed in compliance with all applicable state and local regulations.
(G) All installations shall be performed specifically to the requirements of the Superintendent of Waterworks and his or her approval and inspection.
(Ord. 577, passed 12-9-2003) Penalty, see § 51.99
(A) No person or persons, without first having obtained a permit from the Superintendent of Waterworks, shall be allowed to dig into the streets or under the sidewalk for the purpose of laying, removing or repairing any service pipe.
(B) No wells or other excavation of more than 20 feet shall be made without permission of the city.
(Ord. 577, passed 12-9-2003) Penalty, see § 51.99
All service pipes inside property lines shall be laid to a depth of at least four and one-half feet below the surface of the ground, and when any such pipes are installed, the same shall be left exposed in the trench for the inspection of the Superintendent of Waterworks, or his or her authorized representative, and if not in compliance with the provisions of this section, no service connection shall be made or water supplied until the requirements of this section shall have been observed.
(Ord. 577, passed 12-9-2003)