A. Intent Statement
The intent of the R-200 zone is to provide designated areas of the County for residential uses with a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. The predominant use is residential in a detached house.
B. R-200 Zone, Standard Method Development Standards
To view the R-200 Zone, Standard Method Development Standards table in PDF format, click Table 4.4.7B
1. Lot and Density | Detached House or a Building for a Cultural Institution, Religious Assembly, Public Use, or a Conditional Use allowed in the zone |
1. Lot and Density | Detached House or a Building for a Cultural Institution, Religious Assembly, Public Use, or a Conditional Use allowed in the zone |
Lot (min) | |
Lot area | 20,000 SF |
Lot width at front building line | 100' |
Lot width at front lot line | 25' |
Frontage on street or open space | Required, except as exempt under Chapter 50 |
Density (max) | |
Density (units/acre) | 2.18 |
Coverage (max) | |
Lot | 25% |
Specification for Lot and Density | |
a. Lot width at the front building line and setback requirements may be reduced under Section 4.4.3. | |
b. Development with a detached house building type may have to satisfy Section 4.4.1.B, Residential Infill Compatibility. | |
2. Placement | |
Principal Building Setbacks (min) | |
Front setback | 40' |
Side street setback, abutting lot fronts on the side street and is in a Residential Detached zone | 40' |
Side street setback, abutting lot does not front on the side street or is not in a Residential Detached zone | 15' |
Side setback | 12' |
Sum of side setbacks | 25' |
Rear setback | 30' |
Specification for Principal Building Setbacks | |
a. Development may have to satisfy Section 4.4.1.A, Established Building Line. | |
Accessory Structure Setbacks (min) | |
Front setback | 65' |
Side street setback, abutting lot fronts on the side street and is in a Residential Detached zone | 40' |
Side street setback, abutting lot does not front on the side street or is not in a Residential Detached zone | 15' |
Side setback | 12' |
Rear setback, on a corner lot where abutting lot fronts on the side street and is in a Residential Detached zone | 12' |
Rear setback, if not otherwise addressed | 7' |
Specification for Accessory Structure Setbacks | |
a. In addition to the front setback minimum, any accessory structure must be located behind the rear building line of the principal building. | |
b. Where the principal building on a lot is a detached house, the cumulative footprint of all accessory buildings on that lot may not exceed 50% of the footprint of the principal building or 600 square feet, whichever is greater. This Subsection does not apply to Section 3.3.3.C, Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit. Buildings for an agricultural use are exempt from this size restriction. | |
c. Where the construction of a pool enclosure would cause the cumulative footprint of all accessory buildings, including the pool enclosure, to exceed 50% of the footprint of the principal building or 600 square feet, whichever is greater, the pool enclosure may be allowed, provided: 1. the pool enclosure, not including the rafters, is translucent or transparent; 2. the pool enclosure has a height of 8 feet or less; 3. the pool enclosure surrounds and covers an inground swimming pool; 4. the cumulative footprint of all other accessory buildings on the property is less than 50% of the footprint of the principal building or 600 square feet, whichever is greater; and 5. the cumulative footprint of the pool enclosure and all other accessory buildings on the property does not exceed 1,200 square feet. | |
d. Any accessory building or structure used for the housing, shelter, or sale of animals or fowl other than a household pet must be a minimum of 25' from a lot line and a minimum of 100' from a dwelling on another lot. | |
3. Height | |
Height (max) | |
Principal building | |
Measured to highest point of any roof | |
If lot is ≥ 40,000 SF | 50' |
If lot is ≥ 25,000 SF and <40,000 SF | 45' |
If lot is ≥ 15,000 SF and <25,000 SF | 40' |
If lot is ≥ 0 SF and <15,000 SF | 35' |
OR | |
Measured to mean height between the eaves and ridge of a gable, hip, mansard, or gambrel roof | |
If lot is ≥ 40,000 SF | 50' |
If lot is ≥ 25,000 SF and <40,000 SF | 40' |
If lot is ≥ 15,000 SF and <25,000 SF | 35' |
If lot is ≥ 0 SF and <15,000 SF | 30' |
Accessory structure | 35' |
4. Form | |
Allowed Building Elements | |
Gallery/Awning | n/a |
Porch/Stoop | yes |
Balcony | yes |
5. Buildings used for Agriculture Associated with Farming | |
Specification for Buildings used for Agriculture Associated with Farming | |
a. A building used for agriculture associated with Farming must satisfy the standards of an accessory structure, except that the maximum building height is 50'. | |
(Legislative History: Ord. No. 18-08, § 9.)
C. R-200 Zone, Optional Method Development Standards
To view the R-200 Zone, Optional Method Development Standards table in PDF format, click Table 4.4.7C
1. Site | MPDU Development | Cluster Development | ||
Detached House | Duplex | Townhouse | Detached House |
1. Site | MPDU Development | Cluster Development | ||
Detached House | Duplex | Townhouse | Detached House | |
Dimensions (min) | ||||
Usable area | 9 acres | 5 acres | ||
Specification for Site under MPDU Development | ||||
a. In an optional method MPDU Development, the maximum percentage of duplex or townhouse building types allowed is 40%. The Planning Board may allow up to 100% duplex or townhouse units if it finds that the proposed development is more desirable from an environmental perspective or that, because of site constraints, the proposed number of MPDUs could not be achieved under the development requirements in Division 4.4 for the required number of detached house dwelling units. | ||||
Specification for Site under Cluster Development | ||||
a. The Planning Board may allow development to proceed under optional method Cluster Development on a smaller site than allowed in Usable Area if: i. the subject property is recommended for cluster development in a master plan; or ii. it finds that cluster development on a smaller site would be more suitable than standard method development for environmental reasons; or iii. the development abuts an existing cluster development in the same zone and the Planning Board finds it would be a compatible extension of the neighboring development. | ||||
Density (max) | ||||
Density (units/acre) | See Specification for Density | 2 | ||
Specification for Density | ||||
The density allowed for any application that includes more than 12.5% MPDUs, qualified under Chapter 25A and rounded up to the nearest whole number of units, equals the density allowed under 4.4.7.B.1 plus an increase of: a. 0.88% for each 0.1% increase in MPDUs above 12.5%, up to and including 15%; b. 22% plus 0.16% for each 0.1% increase in MPDUs above 15%, up to and including 20%; or c. 30% plus 0.1% for each 0.1% increase in MPDUs above 20%.
| ||||
Open Space (min)
| ||||
Common open space (% of usable area) (See Section 6.3.5)
| 20%
| 20%
| ||
Site Coverage (max) | ||||
Site coverage | n/a | n/a | 40% | n/a |
Specification for Site Coverage | ||||
a. In development with a townhouse building type, site coverage is calculated based on the area of the site minus any area for detached house and duplex lots. | ||||
2. Lot | ||||
Dimensions (min) | ||||
Lot area | 6,000 SF | 3,000 SF | 1,000 SF | 9,000 SF |
Lot width at front building line | Determined at site plan | Determined at site plan | ||
Lot width at front lot line | 25' | 25' | 14' | 25' |
Frontage on street or open space | Required | Required | ||
Specification for Lot under MPDU Development and Cluster Development | ||||
a. Lot width at the front building line and setback requirements may be reduced under Section 4.4.3. | ||||
Coverage (max) | ||||
Lot | 35% | 35% | n/a | 25% |
3. Placement | ||||
Principal Building Setbacks (min) | ||||
Front setback from public street | 25' | 25' | 25' | 25' |
Front setback from private street or open space | 10' | 10' | 10' | 10' |
Side street setback, abutting lot fronts on the side street and is in a Residential Detached zone | 25' | 25' | 25' | 25' |
Side street setback, abutting lot does not front on the side street or is not in a Residential Detached zone | 15' | 15' | 15' | 15' |
Side or rear setback | Determined at site plan | Determined at site plan | ||
Side setback, abutting property not included in application | Equal to required setback for a detached house building type in the abutting zone under standard method | Equal to required setback for a detached house building type in the abutting zone under standard method | ||
Rear setback, abutting property not included in application | Equal to required setback for a detached house building type in the abutting zone under standard method | 40' | ||
Rear setback, alley | 4' | 4' | 4' | 4' |
Accessory Structure Setbacks (min) | ||||
Front setback | 5' behind front building line | 65' | ||
Side street setback | Side street setback of principal building | Side street setback of principal building | ||
Side or rear setback | Determined at site plan | Determined at site plan | ||
Side or rear setback, abutting property not included in application | Equal to required setback for a detached house building type in the abutting zone under standard method | Equal to required setback for a detached house building type in the abutting zone under standard method | ||
Rear setback, alley | 4' | 4' | 4' | 4' |
Specification for Accessory Structure Setbacks under Cluster Development | ||||
a. In addition to the front setback minimum, accessory structures must be located behind the rear building line of the principal building. | ||||
4. Height | ||||
Height (max) | ||||
Principal building | 40' | 40' | 40' | 40' |
Accessory structure | 25' | 25' | 25' | 25' |
5. Buildings used for Agriculture Associated with Farming | ||||
Specification for Buildings used for Agriculture Associated with Farming | ||||
a. A building used for agriculture associated with Farming must satisfy the standards of an accessory structure, except that the maximum building height is 50'. | ||||
(Legislative History: Ord. No. 18-08, § 9; Ord. No. 18-52, § 2; Ord. No. 19-29, § 4; Ord. No. 19-37, § 4.)