02.58E.01.11. Effective Date.
This regulation takes effect on March 25, 2003.
(Administrative History: Reg. No. 21-02AM (Method 2); Orig. Dept.: Technology Services; Supersedes Reg. No. 14-96)
Attachment 1
DATE:___________________ NUMBER: ______________________
(To be filled in by County)
Applicant Name: __________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person and Phone No.: _______________________________________________________
Provide a description of the proposed installation, including the type and height of the structure (i.e. monopole, rooftop, water tank, guyed tower, self-support tower, etc.) and whether it is existing, modified, or new. Describe any modifications that will be made to existing structure.
Address/City: ____________________________________________________________________
Site Name: _____________________________________________________Zoning: ________
Site Owner/Landlord: ______________________________________________________________
Structure Owner: __________________________________________________________________
Latitude/Longitude (NAD27 Degrees/Minutes/Seconds) ___________________________________
Ground Elevation AMSL in feet: _____________________________________________________
Antenna Height AGL in feet: _________________________________________________________
Frequency bands to be used: _________________________________________________________
Maximum Effective Radiation Power (EFP): ____________________________________________
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Emission Designator: __________________________
FCC Antenna Structure Registration Number: ____________________________________________
Description of antenna(s), including physical size, patterns, gain and orientation (include copy of spec sheet or drawings):
Describe area to be served by the proposed installation. Attach a map of the general area showing the location of the site. Attach propagation studies showing service area coverage surrounding the proposed site with and without the proposed site.
Will antennas be installed on an existing structure? _______________________________________
If not, describe results of investigation about possible co-location. Include a listing of alternative sites considered and an explanation as to why each possible alternative was not selected. If a site was ruled out because of radio frequency (RF) issues, provide RF propagation maps documenting inadequate coverage: ________________________________________________________________
Justification of why this site was selected: _______________________________________________
Will site be used to support government telecommunications facilities or other equipment for government use? _____________________________________________________________________________
If yes, describe: ____________________________________________________________________
Attach a site plan of the proposed facility showing location of monopole, tower, or structure on the property, location of existing and proposed equipment buildings or cabinets, and distance of any new structures or buildings from property lines and other buildings or residences within 300 feet. Clearly identify existing versus proposed facilities. Also provide an elevation sketch of the structure showing major dimensions, existing attachments, and mounting height of proposed antennas. If a balloon test has been performed, please provide copies of the photographs.
Will the antenna installation be in compliance with the maximum permissible RF exposure limits set forth in § 1.1310 of the FCC Rules and Regulations? Yes_______ No _______
If the answer is no, please attach an explanation.
Type of compliance study required under § 1.1307 of the FCC Rules and Regulations:
Categorically Excluded _______
Routine Environmental Evaluation _______
Environmental Assessment _______
If antennas will be located on a rooftop, please attach a description of any steps that have been or will be taken to prevent the aggregate RF from exceeding exposure limits.
Montgomery County Code, Chapter 2-58E requires applicants to submit a facility location plan indicating the location of every existing telecommunications transmission facility and the general location of facilities that are anticipated to be built in the near future. Has a new or updated plan been filed with the County within the last year? Yes _______ No _______. If the answer is no, please submit a plan with this application.
If an application for an FAA review has been submitted or an FAA determination has been issued, please attach a copy.
Application fees have been paid to Montgomery County Government on _______________________.
Submit this application to:
Columbia Telecommunications Corporation
c/o Montgomery County Tower Coordinator
5550 Sterrett Place, Suite 200
Columbia, MD 21044
Phone: (410) 964-5700
Attachment 2
Montgomery County Code Section 2-58E requires sponsors of wireless communications facilities to submit annually revised antenna site planning information for proposed system construction or enhancement within Montgomery County.
The following information is required by the County to assist in planning activities and analysis of co-location opportunities. Applicants must submit a projected growth plan for antenna sites, and must update that plan at least annually. More frequent updates are recommended if information submitted in the previous plan changes significantly. We recognize that site specific information may not be available until late in the implementation process. However, the County desires that information submitted in the plan be as detailed and complete as possible.
1. In what geographical areas of Montgomery County will new service be provided or existing service (requiring additional site facilities) be upgraded? (Be specific, such as “Rte. 270 corridor from Shady Grove to the Comus exit,” or “Along Rte. 29 from the D.C. line to the Beltway,” or “at the bottom of the Piney Branch stream valley in Takoma Park,” etc.)
2. On a large scale map such as the Street Map of Montgomery County, Maryland, prepared by The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (scale 1" = 3000'), show the location of existing towers or monopoles, indicate whether each is owned or leased, and show where new antenna sites are anticipated. Locate as accurately as possible, preferably within 0.2 mile or less, or indicate specific sites, if known.
3. If specific sites are known, state addresses and how each site is presently utilized, e.g., water tank, apartment building, shopping center, fire station, open (or wooded) lot, etc. If antennas will be placed on an existing tower or monopole on the site, who owns it?
4. If any new structures are planned, describe anticipated configuration (monopole, self-support lattice tower, guyed tower, etc.) and height at each site, if known.
5. How much physical capacity on each proposed structure will be available for co-location by other service providers? Will antenna space be offered to other parties for rent? If one or more potential tenants have expressed an interest in the site, who are they?
6. Any other information relevant to the County tower database.
The non-refundable fees applicants must pay for the review and coordination of the siting of telecommunications facilities are:
Charge Categories
1. Annual fee $500.00 - Fee to be paid when the annual plan is submitted. The annual fee is charged for updating and maintaining the database, oversight, and the review of the annual plan.
2. Minor Modification $500.00 - The application fee for any of the following minor modifications that require a building permit:
i. a modification of existing antennas at a single site; or
ii. the addition of antennas at a single existing site; or
iii. a change or addition of equipment at a single existing site.
3. Multiple Modifications $1,500.00 - The application fee for any of the following multiple modifications that require a building permit:
i. a modification of antennas at two or more sites; or
ii. the addition of antennas at two or more existing sites; or
iii. a change or addition of equipment at two or more existing sites.
4. Co-location on existing structure $1,000.00 - The application fee for the use of an existing structure to support new antennas permitted by right under the zoning ordinance.
5. New support structure, permitted use $2,000.00 - The application fee for the construction of a new antenna support structure that is permitted by right under the zoning ordinance.
6. New support structure, special exception or mandatory referral $2,500.00 - The application fee for the construction of a new antenna support structure that must be authorized as a special exception or reviewed by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission.
All fees must be submitted to the Office of Cable Communications, 100 Maryland Ave., Suite #250, Rockville, MD 20850, prior to submitting the application and annual plans.
(Administrative History: Reg. No. 13-03 (Method 3); Orig. Dept.: Technology Services)