(a) Definitions. The following terms have the meanings indicated.
Commission means the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Commission established under this Article.
Intellectual and developmental disabilities or IDD means a severe, chronic disability of an individual that:
(1) is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments;
(2) is manifested before the individual attains age 22;
(3) is likely to continue indefinitely;
(4) reflects the individual’s need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic services, individualized supports, or other forms of assistance that are of lifelong or extended duration and are individually planned and coordinated; and
(5) results in the substantial functional limitations in 3 or more of the following areas of major life activity:
(A) self-care;
(B) receptive and expressive language;
(C) learning;
(D) mobility;
(E) self-direction;
(F) capacity for independent living;
(G) self-direction; and
(H) economic self-sufficiency.
(b) Policy statement.
(1) Montgomery County is committed to creating an inclusive community for people with IDD so that they are afforded every opportunity to live a life of their choosing with the supports needed to participate fully in the life of the County.
(2) It is the public policy of the County to:
(A) promote and initiate ongoing community input to support the needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities;
(B) improve communication about programs and services among those with IDD and their families, advocates, support staff, public and private agencies, and the general public;
(C) identify service needs and inform decisions on services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities; and
(D) work towards improving accessibility to services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. (2023 L.M.C., ch. 13, §1.)
There is an Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Commission. (2023 L.M.C., ch. 13, §1.)
(a) The Commission consists of 19 voting members and 6 non-voting members.
(b) The voting members are appointed by the County Executive, subject to Council confirmation, and must include:
(1) 2 individuals with IDD;
(2) 9 family members, guardians, or support staff of individuals with IDD;
(3) 7 individuals representing service providers or advocacy organizations that support individuals with IDD; and
(4) 1 member of the Commission on People with Disabilities.
(c) The non-voting members are designees of the following agencies:
(1) Department of Health and Human Services;
(2) Department of Recreation;
(3) Montgomery County Public Schools;
(4) Montgomery College;
(5) WorkSource Montgomery; and
(6) Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration. (2023 L.M.C., ch. 13, §1.)
The Commission must:
(a) promote direct communication among families, support staff, private and public organizations, and the general public regarding programs and services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities;
(b) institute and conduct educational and other programs, meetings, and conferences to promote the welfare of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities;
(c) cooperate with public and private agencies, departments, and organizations that provide services and programs for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities;
(d) advise the County Council and the County Executive on matters involving the needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities;
(e) review and report on current gaps in services, including issues of childcare, education, discrimination, transition to adult services, resource coordination, housing, transportation, employment, health care, recreation, and recruitment of providers and direct support staff;
(f) prepare recommendations on best practices, innovations in service areas, and information on costs associated with recommended programs and services for individuals with IDD;
(g) work with key organizations at the county and state level to best advance the needs of County residents with IDD; and
(h) advocate at the local, state, and federal levels to advance the needs of individuals with IDD. (2023 L.M.C., ch. 13, §1.)
(a) Meetings. The Commission must meet at the call of the Commission Chair and at least 6 times annually.
(b) Quorum. A majority of the voting members of the Commission constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.
(c) Officers. The Commission must elect from among its voting members a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and other officers it deems appropriate.
(d) Compensation. A member must serve without compensation, but the member may request reimbursement for mileage and dependent care costs at rates established by the County.
(e) Annual report. The Commission must submit annually a report to the County Executive and County Council summarizing its activities, needs, recommendations and the degree to which the goals of the Commission are being met. (2023 L.M.C., ch. 13
, §1.)
The Department of Health and Human Services must provide the staff support, including administrative and programmatic support, necessary for the Commission to perform its duties. (2023 L.M.C., ch. 13, §1.)
In this Article, the following terms have the meanings indicated.
Cannabis has the meaning stated in Section 1-101 of the Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article of the Maryland Code, as amended.
Commission means the Montgomery County Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund Commission established under this Article.
Community-based organization means a public or private company, corporation, limited liability company, neighborhood group, organization, or partnership that provides education, vocational education or rehabilitation, job training, health, social services, or economic uplift to individuals in the County.
County reinvestment funds mean monies disbursed to the County from the State Fund.
Department means the Department of Health and Human Services.
Director means the Director of the Department, or a designee of the Director.
Disproportionately impacted area has the meaning stated in Section 36-101 of the Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis Article of the Maryland Code, as amended.
Office means the Office of Grants Management.
State Fund or Fund means the Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund of the State of Maryland. (2024 L.M.C., ch. 9, § 1.)
(a) The County must use County reinvestment funds solely for:
(1) community-based initiatives intended to benefit low-income communities;
(2) community-based initiatives that serve disproportionately impacted areas;
(3) any other use permitted under Section 1-322 of the Alcohol Beverages and Cannabis Article of the Maryland Code, as amended; and
(4) related administrative expenses.
(b) The County must not use reinvestment funds for law enforcement agencies or activities. (2024 L.M.C., ch. 9, § 1.)