A license issued contingent upon the construction of a facility in which the license is to be used will expire twenty-four (24) months after the date of approval, unless the license is issued, or an extension is approved by the Board.
(b) A licensee must not make any installation or structural alteration or addition, other than cosmetic changes such as paint, wallpaper, furnishings, carpet, etc., to the licensed premises, or change the manner in which alcoholic beverages are dispensed, without first obtaining permission from the Board.
(c) A licensee must not make any such installations, alterations, or additions to the licensed premises until the appropriate public authorities of the State of Maryland, Montgomery County, or local government have issued the required permits or approval necessary to make the installations or alterations. This section requires that licensees first obtain a building permit from the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, and secure approval from the Montgomery County Department of Health and Department of Fire and Rescue Services, where such approval is required.
(d) All installations, alterations, and additions approved by the Board must be completed by the licensee within the time period directed by the Board, not to exceed twenty-four (24) months from the date of approval, unless an extension of time is approved by the Board. Failure to do so may cause the Board to rescind the approval previously granted. (This subsection revised December 16, 2010.)
(e) Every licensed premises is required to have at least one plain/clear window or door so as to allow a person standing outside of the licensed premise a clear view inside to observe the interior of the premise at all hours. Further, no curtain, blind, screen advertising material, tinting (no more than 15%) or other obstruction shall be permitted before or on such window or door. (This subsection added December 16, 2010.)
Licensees faced with extenuating conditions may petition the Board in writing for a waiver. The Board will respond in writing to the licensee either granting or denying the waiver.
The Board will not issue, transfer, or approve any application for an off-sale alcoholic beverage license of any class for use in a business that is intended to be operated as a drive-through purchase facility where alcoholic beverages are to be sold at retail and dispensed through a window or door to a purchaser in or on a motor vehicle for off premises consumption.