(a) Class C, Beer License - Seven days: a special beer license issued by the Board of License Commissioners for Montgomery County, that entitles the licensee to exercise any of the privileges conferred by a Class C license for the sale of beer subject to the provisions and restrictions of Article 2B, Section 7-101. The fee for this license is $30.00 per day.
(b) Class C, Beer and Wine License - Seven days: a special beer and wine license issued by the Board of License Commissioners for Montgomery County, that entitles the licensee to exercise any of the privileges conferred by a Class C license for the sale of beer and wine subject to the provisions and restrictions of Article 2B, Section 7-101. The fee for this license is $30.00 per day.
(c) Class C, Beer, Wine and Liquor License - Seven days: a special beer, wine, and liquor license issued by the Board of License Commissioners for Montgomery County, that entitles the licensee to exercise any of the privileges conferred by a Class C license for the sale of beer, wine, and liquor subject to the provisions and restrictions of Article 2B, Section 7-101. The fee for this license is $60.00 per day.
(d) Any temporary license issued under this section includes the entire grounds for an outdoor function for which the license is granted.
(e) Temporary licenses may only be issued to a club, society, or association, as defined in Article 2B, Section 1-102-(a)(4)(I).
(f) Community Swimming Pool Clubs may obtain temporary licenses in accordance with Article 2B, Sections 7-101(b)(10)(ii) and (d)(10)(ii).