(a) Each licensee must keep each licensed taxicab in continuous operation as defined by applicable regulation.
(b) The Executive must by method (2) regulation define continuous operation using a formula that:
(1) uses calendar-quarterly reports submitted by each fleet and association showing mileage driven by each vehicle associated with a license held by, or affiliated with, each fleet and association; and
(2) requires average per-vehicle mileage to be at least 60% of the County-wide average for each quarter, unless the Director, by written request, waives the requirement.
(c) Each licensee must notify the Department in writing at any time that:
(1) a taxicab will be or has been out of service for more than 30 days; or
(2) an average of more than 15% of the taxicab whose licenses are held by that licensee have been inactive during the previous calendar month.
(d) Each notice must:
(1) explain the reasons for each period of inactivity; and
(2) show why the Director should not revoke the license of each inactive taxicab for lack of use. (2004 L.M.C., ch. 27, § 1; 2015 L.M.C., ch. 39, § 1.)