The county executive may from time to time whenever it may deem it advisable: (1) In administering any such function as provided for in section 37-1 utilize the services of any existing private social welfare agency in the county; and (2) consolidate and place the administration of any and all such functions in any public social welfare agency established by the county or by the state or in any existing private social welfare agency in the county to be designated by the county; provided, that any social welfare agency so utilized, established or designated shall have a qualified professional staff and adequate standards of administration. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 20-2; 1929, Ch. 297, § 2; 1933, ch. 444, § 240; 1939, ch. 170; 1971 L.M.C., ch. 17, § 1.)
Editor’s note—See County Attorney Opinion dated 4/13/99-A discussing what should occur when an Ethics Commission member holds over as a result of the Council not having confirmed a newly appointed member.
If, in carrying out any of such functions as provided for in section 37-1 or 37-2, the county executive utilizes the services of any existing private social welfare agency, such public official as the county executive may designate shall be a member of the managing board or any executive committee of such agency and shall keep the county executive at all times informed as to the manner of expenditure of any public funds by such agency, and such agency shall make an annual report of all its receipts and expenditures to the county. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 20-3; 1933, ch. 444, § 240A; 1971 L.M.C., ch. 17, § 2.)
Any sums derived by the county from the levy of taxes as provided for in section 37-1, or from any other source for charitable or social relief purposes may be expended by the council through any social welfare agency availed of, established or designated under section 37-2. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 20-4; 1933, ch. 444, § 240B.)
The county may make reasonable payments to foster homes in addition to any payments the foster homes receive from any other source to secure adequate provision for the care of children in foster homes. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 20-5; 1959, ch. 682, § 1.)
Whenever any resident of the county who is a pauper shall die, the expense of his burial shall be paid by the county and the council shall levy in the usual manner and pay such sum as in its discretion shall be a reasonable and fair charge for the services rendered. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 20-7; 1904, ch. 428, § 1; 1912, ch. 790, § 161.)