(a) Parking enforcement officers, appointed under the regulations of the county personnel board and so designated by the county executive and appropriately uniformed so as to be identified as enforcement officers, are authorized to patrol designated areas of the county for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this chapter. Such officers have concurrent jurisdiction with the police officers of the county as to the enforcement of all parking, use and conduct provisions and regulations applicable to county streets, highways, alleys, public parking facilities and other property of the county and to privately owned public parking facilities when such facilities are regulated by county traffic orders; except that, such officers shall not have concurrent jurisdiction or authority with police officers of the county to enforce any provision of this chapter relative to moving motor vehicle violations.
(b) Parking enforcement officers shall have the power to issue a notice of violation to any motor vehicle or other vehicle owner or operator when such person’s vehicle is found parked in violation of any provision of this chapter, and to issue a summons to appear before a judge of the district court to any person violating any provision or regulation of this chapter.
(c) Such officers are further empowered to temporarily restrict motor vehicles from parking in any public parking space in the event of an emergency, public assembly, street or public parking facility cleaning or maintenance operation or for any other public purpose.
(d) Such officers are empowered to impound or immobilize motor vehicles as provided in this chapter.
(e) Such officers are authorized and empowered to require any person found violating or suspected of having violated any provision of this chapter to present personal identification in the form of a motor vehicle operator’s permit and motor vehicle registration or other suitable identification for the purpose of obtaining such person’s name and address, proof of vehicle ownership or other information as may be required by the district court when charging said person with a violation of this chapter.
(f) Such officers are further empowered to direct the owner or operator of any motor vehicle or trailer involved in or the subject of three (3) or more outstanding past-due violations of this chapter, to present identification as provided in the preceding section and to report immediately to the nearest collection agency and pay all outstanding and past due fines, penalties and costs assessed pursuant to violations of this chapter in lieu of said officer impounding or immobilizing the subject vehicle for such outstanding and past due violations. Any person failing to report to the collection agent for payment of delinquent fines as directed by a parking enforcement officer shall be subject to arrest or being issued a summons to appear in court as provided in section 31-59 of this chapter.
(g) It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to obey or comply with a lawful order of a parking enforcement officer. (1978 L.M.C., ch. 7, § 2.)
Editor’s note—See County Attorney Opinion dated 4/7/03 citing the section in a discussion of the scope of authority for the Department of Public Works to tow vehicles from County roads and to provide roadside assistance.