(a) The County Executive may adopt a regulation under method (1) to establish standard procedures for the collection from a weekend prisoner of a reasonable fee in an amount that does not exceed the average cost of providing food, lodging, and clothing for an
inmate. The regulation may provide that the amount of the fee may be revised by regulation under method (3).
(b) A weekend prisoner means an inmate sentenced to confinement to the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation for 48 hours or less per week.
(c) As provided in state law, the regulation must set a maximum fee and a sliding scale of lower fees based on the income available to the prisoner.
(d) The regulation must include:
(1) the cost elements to be used in calculating the amount of the maximum fee;
(2) the process and timing for revising the amount of the fee;
(3) the factors to be considered in allowing fee reductions because of inability to pay the maximum fee; and
(4) the procedure to collect the fee from each weekend prisoner. (CY 1991 L.M.C., ch. 6, § 1.)