(a) Grade requirements. The grade at each outdoor theater shall be fairly level, either sloping toward the screen, away from the screen, toward the center of the area, or from center to each side. If the grade is toward the center, adequate drains shall be provided to carry away the water. The grade shall be no greater than three (3) feet to five (5) feet per one hundred (100) feet horizontal, unless the building inspector shall waive this requirement due to the terrain.
(b) Screen tower. The soil pressure or impressions at the screen tower at an outdoor theater shall conform to the following pressure test. Permissible pressure for various soils is:
Bedrock, twenty thousand (20,000) pounds per square foot
Stiff gravel, six thousand (6,000) pounds per square foot
Hard dry clay, four thousand (4,000) pounds per square foot
Soft wet clay, three thousand (3,000) pounds per square foot
Soft wet sand, three thousand (3,000) pounds per square foot
Quicksand, one thousand (1,000) pounds per square foot
Wet mulch, five hundred (500) pounds per square foot.
All screen tower plans shall be submitted to the director for approval before construction. The engineer's or architect's description of conditions and the structural specifications for meeting them shall cover soil pressure, foundation and anchorage as well as the structural resistance of the tower itself. The screen tower shall be enclosed so that none of the internal beams or supports are visible.
(c) Lighting facilities. Access drives shall have sufficient light to give proper directions. Lights which reflect onto the highway or into any building shall be shielded as prescribed by the director. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 75-23.)