(A) No cellar shall be used for living purposes unless:
(1) The floor and walls are substantially watertight;
(2) The total window area, total operable window area and ceiling height are equal to those required for a habitable room;
(3) The required minimum window area of every habitable room is entirely above the grade adjoining such window area, except where the windows face a stairwell, window well or access way.
(B) Water closet and bathing facilities shall be enclosed with an operable door and lock for privacy.
(C) There shall be no holes or excessive cracks in walls, ceilings, outside doors or outside windows.
(D) Access shall be provided to all rooms within a dwelling unit without passing through a public space.
(E) Doors shall be provided at all doorways leading to bedrooms, water closet rooms, and bathrooms and all rooms adjoining a public space.
(F) All doors providing access to any living unit shall have operable locks and the owner shall provide a change of locks or keys for new tenants.
(G) All doors opening to the outside shall be reasonably weather tight.
(H) A minimum of one approved and listed smoke detector shall be installed adjacent to each sleeping area and on each habitable floor level and basement. Smoke detectors shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation and listing and maintained in proper working order. When activated, the detector shall provide an audible alarm (see G. S. § 42-42).
(Ord. passed 2-18-92; Am. Ord. O-1999-37, passed 6-15-99; Am. Ord. O-1999-61, passed 10-5-99; Am. Ord. O-2001-25, passed 6-19-01; Am. Ord. O-2009-23, passed 7-21-09; Am. Ord. O-2022-54, passed 7-12-22) Penalty, see § 10.99