All public rights-of-way in the Town which terminate or end at the shoreline of the Indian River or the beach line adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean are hereby reserved by the Town for use by the public for ocean and river access. This shall apply to any street, roadway or avenue within the Town, whether paved or unpaved and whether used or not used by vehicular traffic.
(Ord. 85-7, passed 11-12-85; Am. Ord. 2017-05, adopted 12-20-17)
(a) General parking restrictions. Trailers, boats and recreational vehicles which do not exceed 45 feet in overall length may be parked, stored or stopped on any lot in the Town provided the following provisions are complied with:
(1) Such trailers, boats, and recreational vehicles, or any combinations thereof, shall not be used for residential, office or commercial purposes.
(2) Such trailers, boats and recreational vehicles, or any combinations thereof, shall not be connected in any manner to utilities, except for connection to electric service for the purpose of charging batteries or maintenance only. The use of trailers and recreational vehicles for sleeping, housekeeping or living quarters while so parked shall not be permitted.
(3) Such trailers, boats and recreational vehicles shall be located to the rear of the front building line and in no event, less than 25 feet from the front lot line, except for purposes of loading and unloading as provided for in § 7A-67(c)(1). Additionally, on any corner lot, no trailer, boat or recreational vehicle shall be located in front of the building line of any side of the structure which abuts a street, unless the boat, trailer or recreational vehicle is substantially screened, but not completely shielded from view, by a vegetative barrier or fence.
(4) Such trailers, boats, and recreational vehicles shall not be parked on any part of the road right-of-way.
(5) Such trailers, if collapsible, shall be parked or stored in a collapsed condition only.
(6) The sites upon which such trailers, boats, and recreational vehicles are parked shall be well-kept and free from weeds and other growth.
(7) Any deviations from the provisions of this subsection (a) shall be by special permit issued by the Town Commission setting forth the specific use to be made and the term of such use.
(8) Recreational vehicle side-room extensions may only be extended for the purposes of loading and unloading and shall be collapsed between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
(9) For purposes of this subsection (a), a boat shall be measured from tongue of the trailer to the tip of the extension of the stern or propeller of an attached engine.
(b) Parking cargo trailers restricted. Cargo trailers shall not be parked in the Town, except for
purposes of loading and unloading for no more than 48 hours in any seven consecutive day period, unless stored fully within a garage, carport or fenced yard.
(c) Temporary parking; placement, storage, or parking on vacant lots.
(1) Parking trailers, boats, and recreational vehicles on residential lots prohibited, with exceptions. Trailers, boats, and recreational vehicles which exceed 45 feet in overall length, whether powered or unpowered, shall not be parked, stored, or placed on any residential lot located within the Town except for purposes of active loading and delivery. Loading and unloading of any trailer, boat, recreational vehicle or combination thereof exceeding 45 feet in overall length or not parked in compliance of with subsection (a) of this section shall not exceed 48 hours in any seven consecutive day period.
(2) No trailer, boat, recreational vehicle, or camper, regardless of size, may be parked, placed, or stored on any vacant lot. No trailer, boat, recreational vehicle, or camper, regardless of size, may be used as a place to live, temporarily or permanently, on any vacant lot. For the purposes of this paragraph, a VACANT LOT is a lot without a structure used as a principal permitted use or use for which a special exception has been issued.
(Ord. 87-02, passed 5-12-87; Am. Ord. 2009-07, adopted 8-19-09; Am. Ord. 2017-05, adopted 12-20-17; Am. Ord. 2020-03, adopted 10-21-20)
Satellite antennas are allowed in all zoning districts. Satellite antennas with a diameter of 24 inches or less shall be installed according to manufacturer's instructions and be located to the rear of the front building line. Satellite antennas which are greater than 24 inches in diameter will be considered accessory structures and must be installed according to the following conditions:
(1) Satellite antennas may not be mounted on the roof or wall of any building.
(2) Satellite antennas must be located to the rear of the front building line.
(3) Satellite antennas must be set back from all property lines a distance equal to the higher of the height of the peak of the antenna or supporting structure.
(4) Satellite antennas and their supporting structures must be designed to withstand winds of 110 miles per hour.
(Ord. 87-02, passed 5-12-87; Am. Ord. 95-01, passed 7-19-95; Am. Ord. 2017-05, adopted 12-20-17)
It shall be unlawful for any business establishment to display any merchandise held for sale to the public except within the building where said business is located. However, the Town Commission, in special circumstances to avoid an injustice or the working of a practical difficulty, may grant special permission to store or display merchandise for renewable periods of up to one year upon request from any business. Such permission is freely revokable at the will of the Town Commission.
(Ord. 87-02, passed 5-12-87; Am. Ord. 2017-05, adopted 12-20-17)
(a) Applications for construction of any new structure or substantial improvement to an existing structure located with Flood Zones A1 - A-130, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, V-1 - V-130, and V (with BFE) shall be accompanied by a completed FEMA Elevation Certificate that is signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation certification.
(b) Applications for construction of any new habitable structure or substantial improvement to a habitable structure that are located wholly or partially seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line shall include documentation from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection that establishes the lowest elevation of the lowest allowable horizontal member of the structure.
(Ord. 2006-08, adopted 8-30-06; Am. Ord. 2017-05, adopted 12-20-17)
All artificial exterior lighting and all lighting emanating from inside any primary or accessory structure on any residential lot shall be positioned or shielded to prevent glare or spillover onto adjacent properties and to prevent any illumination of adjacent properties that is objectionable to a person of ordinary and reasonable sensibilities or that otherwise creates a nuisance that interferes with the quiet enjoyment of any adjacent or neighboring property. This section shall apply to all lots in the l-RS, 2-RS, 3-RS, 4-RM, and 5-RMO zoning districts. This section does not apply to street lighting in public or private rights-of-way or adjacent utility easements. Residential properties shall also be in compliance with marine turtle protection lighting standards found in Article II of Chapter 40 of the Town Code, as applicable.
(Ord. 2019-05, adopted 9-18-19)