(1) Persons licensed as a masseuse or masseur or apprentice masseuse pursuant to Chapter 480, Florida Statutes.
(2) Persons authorized by state laws to practice medicine, surgery, osteopathy, chiropody, naturopathy, dentistry, podiatry or persons holding a drugless practitioner's certificate under state law;
(3) Registered nurses under state law;
(4) Barbers duly licensed under state law;
(5) Cosmetologists duly licensed under state law.
(6) Persons performing services in any licensed hospital, nursing home or sanitarium;
(7) Coaches and athletic trainers employed by, or on behalf of, any professional or amateur athletic team, or any bona fide state, county or private school;
(8) Physical therapists duly licensed under state law; or
(9) Instructors in programs sponsored by governmental entities or corporations not for profit under state laws.
(b) Any exemption granted under this chapter is effective only to the extent that the bona fide practice of the profession or business of the person exempted overlaps into the field comprehended by this section and exemptions under this section are only for those activities which are performed in the course of the bona fide practice of the business or profession of the person exempted.
(Ord. 85-4, passed 11-20-85)