(a)    General Provisions. 
(1)    Applicability. The provisions of this section shall apply to all matters and work to which the provisions of this Building Code apply.
(2)    Safety. All work, to which the provisions of this Code apply, shall be performed in a safe and careful manner so the work will not endanger adjoining property or be a hazard to public safety.
(3)    Permit posted. Before any work, for which a permit is required by this Code, is commenced and before any portion of a street or public property is occupied for any purpose for which a permit is required by this Code, the permit shall be procured and posted.
(4)    Temporary walk or bridge. Except as otherwise provided in this section or by other law or ordinance, when the public is endangered by reason of any construction, alteration, addition, repair or excavation, or when a hazard exists because of an existing excavation, a suitable barricade shall be provided along any public thoroughfare affected. If a barricade prevents sufficient passageway on the sidewalk, a temporary walk or bridge, shall be constructed and maintained.
(5)    Warning lights. All pits, excavation barricades, builders equipment, building materials or other temporary objects which are in or upon a thoroughfare because of a building operation, and all buildings or structures shall have placed upon or by them at all times during darkness, illuminated lamps with red globes, or flares or other approved lights, in a manner so there shall be one light at each end, and at intermediate points as may be necessary to afford proper warning, consistent with the existing traffic conditions at the location affected. (Ord. 87-65. Passed 9-12-66.)