Water Service Installation
919.01   Permit required.
919.02   Tap-in charge.
919.03   Other permits; disposition of fees.
919.04   Meter supply and cost.
919.05   Installation specifications.
919.06   Inspection and approval.
919.07   Fire service lines.
919.08   Fees for fire fighting services.
919.09   Fees for installing water service connections; charges a lien; disconnection for nonpayment.
919.10   Water District One: permit; tap-in charges.
919.11   Tampering; unauthorized work; damage or injury.
919.12   Thawing private waterlines: rates; conditions. (Repealed)
919.13   Backflow prevention.
919.99   Penalty.
Water service defined - see S.U. & P.S. 917.01
Water service authorization requires ordinance action - see S.U. & P.S. 917.02
Rates - see S.U. & P.S. 917.04
Minimum street water line sizes - see S.U. & P.S. 917.07