Building Code
   150.001   2018 International Building Code and other adopted codes
   150.002   Amendments and changes to the 2018 International Building Code
   150.003   Fire limits; construction within
   150.004   Building permit fees
   150.005   Moving buildings
   150.006   Procedure for violations
   150.007   Stoppage of work; cancellation of permit
   150.008   Conflicts between provisions
   150.009   Decisions of Building Director final
   150.010   Enforcement
   150.011   Permits
   150.012   Plans
   150.013   Temporary permits
   150.014   Water and street regulations
   150.015   Demolition of structures
   150.016   Revocation of permits; reissuance
   150.017   Buildings contrary to plans
   150.018   Compliance with zoning regulations
   150.019   Street occupancy
   150.020   Barricades or fences for excavations
   150.021   Materials placement
   150.022   Restoration of streets and sidewalks
   150.023   Dwelling unit separations
   150.024   Barbed/razor wire fences
   150.025   Fences
   150.026   Air conditioning
   150.027   Boarding windows and doors
   150.028   Street dumpsters
   150.029   Unsafe structures
   150.030   Reserved
   150.031   Registration of foreclosing mortgaged property and vacant property
   150.032   Minimum requirements for vacant buildings
   150.033   Mortgagee to inspect real estate
   150.034   Improperly maintained buildings subject to nuisance abatement proceedings
   150.035   Termination
   150.036   Chronic public nuisances
   150.037   Crime-free housing
Residential Code
   150.039   Amendments and changes to the 2018 International Residential Code
Electrical Code
   150.040   National Electrical Code
   150.041   Registration of electrical contractors
   150.042   Electrical Inspection Division
   150.043   Turning on current
   150.044   Defects in apparatus
   150.045   Permit for erection of poles and underground wiring
   150.046   Notice to inspect work before covering
   150.047   Dead wires
   150.048   Defective wires
   150.049   Electric signs
   150.050   Modifications of National Electric Code
Plumbing Code
   150.065   Illinois Plumbing Code adopted
   150.066   Building Director’s duties
   150.067   Entry for inspection
   150.068   Permits
Energy Conservation Code
   150.080   Adoption of Energy Conservation Code
   150.081   Reserved
International Property Maintenance Code
   150.095   Adoption of International Property Maintenance Code
   150.096   Terms of International Property Maintenance Code defined
   150.097   Amendments to International Property Maintenance Code
   150.098   Certificate of compliance
   150.099   Notice of intent to rent or sell
   150.100   Registration and licensing of landlords
   150.101   Posting of information relating to residential rental property
   150.102   Authority of Village Manager to issue rules and regulations
   150.103   Occupancy affidavit and zoning district acknowledgment
   150.104   Certificate of occupancy
Elevation Inspection Program and Standards
   150.120   Elevation inspection program and standards
   150.999   Penalty
   Village policies, see Ch. 38