(A)   Before proceeding with the wrecking or tearing down of any building or other structure, a permit for such wrecking or tearing down shall first be obtained by the owner or their agent from the Building Director, and it shall be unlawful to proceed with the wrecking or tearing down of any such building or structure or any structural part of such building or structure unless each permit shall first have been obtained. Application for such permit shall be made by such owner or their agent to the Building Director, who shall issue such permit upon such application and the payment of the fees provided for in § 150.004. Upon the issuance of such permit, such building may be wrecked or torn down, provided that all the work done thereunder shall be subject to the supervision of the Building Director and to such reasonable restrictions as they may impose in regard to elements of safety and health, and provided further that the work shall be kept sprinkled and sufficient scaffolding be provided to ensure safety to human life.
   (B)   Before any permit is issued granting authority to wreck or demolish a building or structure for which such permit is required, the person engaged in the work of wrecking or demolishing same shall file with the Director of Finance a bond which has a principal amount of not less than $50,000 with sureties to be approved by the Village Manager to indemnify, keep and save harmless the Village against any loss, cost, damage, expense, judgment or liability of any kind which the Village may incur, or which may accrue against, be charged to or be recovered from the Village, or any of its officials, from or by reason or on account of injuries or damage to persons or property during any such wrecking or demolition operations from or by reason or on account of failure to comply with divisions (C) or (D) hereof, or by reason or on account of anything done under or by virtue of any permit granted for any such wrecking or demolition operations. Such bond in each case shall extend over the period of and cover all such wrecking or demolition operations.
   (C)   Any deposit of mud on any street, sidewalk or alley as a result of wrecking or demolition operations shall be completely removed on the day that the mud is deposited. The obligations of this division (C) rest jointly and separately on any owner performing wrecking or demolition operations or on whose behalf wrecking or demolition operations are performed, and upon any contractor performing wrecking or demolition operations.
   (D)   Within 30 days following completion of the wrecking or demolition of any building or structure:
      (1)   All debris from the demolished structure or building must be removed from the parcel of land on which the building or structure was located and the parcel must be seeded or sodded; and
      (2)   Existing pavements and surfaces within the public right-of-way which were damaged or otherwise disturbed as a result of wrecking or demolition operations shall be restored to their original condition. The obligations of this division (D) rest jointly and separately upon any owner performing wrecking or demolition operations or on whose behalf wrecking or demolition operations are performed and upon any contractor performing wrecking or demolition operations.
   (E)   Any person violating the terms and conditions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not to exceed $500, with each and every day that the violation is allowed to remain in effect being deemed a complete and separate offense. In addition, the appropriate authorities of the Village may take such other action as they deem proper to enforce the terms and conditions of this section, including, without limitation, an action in equity to compel compliance with its terms. Any person violating the terms of this section shall be subject, in addition to the foregoing penalties, to the payment of court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees.
(1997 Code, § 23.15) (Ord. CO-08-95, passed 10-12-1995; Am. Ord. CO-09-27, passed 10-6- 2009; Am. Ord. CO-2021-21, passed 8-17-2021; Am. Ord. CO-2023-45, passed 11-7-2023)