General Provisions
51.001 Definitions
51.002 Removal of or tampering with city appliances and equipment; negligence
51.003 Potable water wells
Terms and Conditions of Service
51.015 Application
51.016 Permit and meter required
51.017 Application for water pipe connection; form
51.018 Access to premises
51.019 Release of city from liability
51.020 Special permission required to supply others with water
51.021 Bill adjustments; leaks in service lines, fixtures or hydrants
51.022 Continuous service; disclaimer
51.023 Multiple service in same premises
51.024 Assignment
51.025 Special agreements
51.026 Modification of agreement
Installation of Water Service
51.040 Permits and inspector fees
51.041 Owner's consent to occupancy
51.042 Right of city to specify sizes of equipment
51.043 Equipment to be furnished and maintained by customer
51.044 Materials furnished by city; charges
51.045 Meter locations
51.046 [Reserved]
51.047 Maintenance of service lines
51.048 [Reserved]
51.049 Cross or interconnections
51.050 Abandoned service connections
51.051 Separate lines to premises
51.052 Fire hydrants
51.053 Private fire protection
51.054 Installations to be done by licensed plumbers
Water Meters
51.065 Meters furnished by city
51.066 Testing of meters
51.067 Quantity of water used recorded by meter
Rates and Charges; Billings
51.080 Reasonable rates for use of water; enforcement of statutory lien
51.081 Definitions
51.082 Application for water service
51.083 Turning on
51.084 Deposit
51.085 Accounting for deposits; application to accounts
51.086 Deposit refunds or credits
51.087 Monthly payment
51.088 Late fee
51.089 Late notice
51.090 Non-payment
51.091 Disconnection for non-payment
51.092 Bad checks or bank drafts
51.093 Reconnection
51.094 Obstruction of meter
51.095 Preferred landlord agreements
51.096 Preferred contractor agreements
51.097 [Reserved]
51.098 Rates for water service
51.099 Rates for non-metered private protection and automatic sprinkler system
51.100 Sufficiency of rates
51.101 Monthly bills
51.102 Payments by mail
51.103 Liability of customer for payment of bills
51.104 Accounts sent to collections
Cross-connection control, see Chapter 53